Events Calendar

Special Town Meeting to Discuss Community Center at 900 Pine

Topic: Gold Hill Special Meeting – Community Center
Time: Nov 8, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 9881 7223
Passcode: 187487
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Meeting ID: 832 9881 7223
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Election Day is Nov. 2 – Don’t forget to vote!

Hey all, for us in the mountains, there aren’t a lot of things to vote on, but there is the School Board and three ballot issues.  If you have not mailed your ballot, you will need to drop it off by 7:00 pm on Tuesday.

The science of health of Boulder’s mountain ecosystems

Sending along from Virginia Schultz

From: Center for Sustainable Landscapes and Communities <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 10:50 AM
To: Virginia Schultz <Virginia.Schultz@nullColorado.EDU>
Subject: Boulder’s mountain ecosystems: What can we learn from long-term data?


Register Now for two evening discussions about the science of health of Boulder’s mountain ecosystems (Nov. 4 & 18) 30th)͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ 

  CSLC Wildfire Panel & Discussion



Join us for two evening discussions about the science and health of Boulder’s mountain ecosystems

Local scientists will share findings from long-term data collected in the meadows, forests, and tundra ecosystems of the Mountain Research Station and Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research site near Nederland.

Dates: Nov 4 & Nov 18, 2021
Time: 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Location: Online (link provided after registration)


More about the event:

The CU Center for Sustainable Landscapes and Communities (CSLC) and our integral partners welcome you to join two webinars focused on long-term ecological data from Boulder’s mountain ecosystems. These virtual sessions on November 4 and November 18, from 5:00-6:30 pm MT are part of the CSLC’s planning process for the 2022 “Ecosystem Trends Report” (see below for a summary of the 2020 report and Summit).

These two 90-minute, interactive sessions will delve into the details of exciting long-term data sets on water quality, watershed health, and pollinator and ant communities gathered by CU Boulder faculty, staff, and students in the meadows, forests, and tundra ecosystems of the Mountain Research Station and Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research site near Nederland. These data sets are invaluable for informing the status and trends of critical ecosystem functions in our local landscapes. Our goal in producing the biennial trends report is to engage individuals, community organizations and municipal partners to develop and promote strategies to enhance community awareness and action toward environmental sustainability.


November 4: Dr. Eve Hinckley, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Program and Dr. Sarah Elmendorf, Information Manager, Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research site

November 18: Dr. Julian Resasco, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department and Anna Paraskevopoulos, PhD candidate, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department

The Boulder Ecosystem Trends Report is supported by the City of Boulder Climate Initiatives Department, City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks, Boulder County Office of Sustainability, Climate and Resilience, Boulder County Parks and Open Space Resource Management Division, Boulder County Parks and Open Space Foundation, and the Community Foundation Boulder County; and our many data contributors and researchers.

For questions and comments, please

We hope to see you there!

Learn more about the 2020 Ecosystem Trends Report and Summit


Last year hundreds of community members, scientists, and public officials met to discuss the health of Boulder’s ecosystems and environmental resources during the Boulder Ecosystem Summit(Nov. 14- 19 2020). The summit discussed findings from the 2020 Ecosystem Trends Report, and identified the need for future research and action. Links to the 2020 report and recorded videos from the Ecosystem Summit are below. Feel free to share these videos with friends, family, colleagues, students, or anyone interested in learning more about these pivotal ecosystem trends.
 2020 Ecosystem Trends Report 
 2020 Ecosystem Summit Videos 

Support Our Work

These events are free to the public, but donations are appreciated and encouraged. This will help support CSLC’s continued Boulder community outreach initiatives, research collaborations, and communication of the health and future of our landscapes and communities.

 Donate Here 

We’d love to hear from you!

Public lands are an integral part of strong, sustainable communities. But we don’t always know how to manage those lands to meet everyone’s needs. The CLSC is a collaboration between faculty, students, organizations, agencies, and committed residents in and around Boulder County, to engage in conversations about the future of our landscapes and communities.

Our goal is community-driven research and discourse, so let us know what you’re interested in or issues in your community related to public lands!




University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309-0397, USA

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CALLING ALL GOLD HILL ARTISTS…..on Saturday, November 13th, Gold Hill will be hosting a Holiday Boutique.  Artists are invited to contact the Gold Hill Pub by Wednesday, November 10th to confirm a spot to sell artwork at the Gold Hill Pub.  Please speak with Mike or Ellen for a space and particulars about your products.

GOLD HILL “FLASH MOB” HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE…..on Saturday, November 13th from 11 am until 2 pm.  There are no supply chain issues in Gold Hill and the folks at the Pub, the Red Store, and the Gold Hill Museum would love to have you visit them to make your purchase for holiday gift giving!  We are ready for a Gold Hill Holiday Boutique and this year we will be able to offer you lots of options AND wrap your gifts for you. If you need us to take your gifts to the post office for you for shipping, we will do that as well.

Each location will have different items for you to consider:  artwork from artists of Gold Hill at the Pub; antiques and beautiful handmade pottery at the Red Store; and t shirts, tote bags, towels, aprons, books, glasses, and calendars at the museum.  Here is your opportunity to get your holiday purchasing completed early AND support the local economy.  All of these retailers and your historic museum would love to help you make this year a special gift-giving year.  We have all been affected by the pandemic and this is a great way to have a win-win boutique and fun day in Gold Hill.

Leave your checkbook and credit cards behind and bring a wad of cash for great products and everything that you purchase.  In years past “Flash Mobs” (groups of people enjoying a day of shopping with their friends for the purpose of supporting local businesses) have saved small businesses by being mindful of what is available in the local area and spending cash to help out the local retailers.

The museum will have fresh cookies for you, the Red Store will have hot tea for you, and the Pub will have a myriad of options for you to eat and drink.    Additionally, if you purchase at all three locations, you’ll receive a special gift for participating.

So……save the date, call the Pub if you have artwork that you’d like to sell at the boutique, convert your monies into cash and come join us for a great day of fun in Gold Hill.  We are anxious to see you and get the holidays started off in a great way!

Deb Yeager

Let’s Talk Wildfire Mitigation

Wildfire Partners · PO Box 471 · Boulder · Colorado · 80306
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Special Town Meeting 11-8-21

Gold Hill Special Town Meeting – Monday, November 8, 2021,  from 7-8p by Zoom

In depth presentation, scenarios, and QA session to discuss Community Center survey results.

A vote will be taken at the December Town Meeting to decide if the Gold Hill Town Meeting will or will not acquire 900 Pine St as a Community Space for Gold Hill.

Here is a link to review the survey results


Open House 900 Pine, Oct. 24

The Friends of Gold Hill will be holding an open house at 900 Pine street on October 24th from 2:00-4:00 PM.  This is a great time for town members who have been following the discussions around a community center to get a feel for the place.  We’ll have the inspection report available and are happy to discuss what we know regarding its condition and potential.  If you can’t visit during the open house, feel free to contact one of the current owner group and we’ll be happy to talk about the place and, if schedules permit, arrange a separate viewing.

Marcus Moench and Elisabeth Caspari

Agenda, Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meeting









Type of call
Initial response
Number of volunteers who arrived.
Who took command and transfer (if any)? Equipment used.
Other Departments who arrived.
Lessons learned.

Training team members

Past training Upcoming training

New volunteers MAINTENANCE:

V ehicles

EQUIPMENT: Committee report: Chief, Kris G.




2022 Budget:

● Jessica Brookhart, Chief Finn: Review and approval. Mill Levy Increase:

• Comparisons of mountain FPD (See attached sheet)


UTV Purchase Community Foundation Grant Money:

• Identify dealers and purchase. Chris D and Kent New Station-Community Center :

● Initial discussion of needs and size. Forest Projects:

● Maya MacHamer : Update on progress. ARC GIS: Dirolfs’

Gold Hill Posting Board and Preparedness flyer:

• Kent

page2image58441472 page2image58433024 page2image58440512

Baby Shower for Kelly, Mike, and Baby McVeit!

Baby Shower for Kelly, Mike, and Baby McVeit!
When: Saturday, October 30th from 1-4 pm 
Where: At the Gold Hill Store 
What: We are holding a town celebration honoring Kelly, Mike, and Baby McVeit who will be joining us in the world soon! Please stop by to say hello and wish them well.  
If you feel moved to bring them something, they are requesting children’s books in lieu of gifts. Any questions, please email Jenna:

Posted in Community Digest, Events Calendar | Comments Off on Baby Shower for Kelly, Mike, and Baby McVeit!


GHTM Agenda 10-11-21

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Monday, 7:00 p.m. October 11th, 2021


Zoom Virtual Meeting


Topic: Gold Hill Town Meeting – Virtual

Time: Oct 11, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 875 8018 7212

Passcode: 897468

One tap mobile

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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

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        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 875 8018 7212

Passcode: 897468

Find your local number:



Review of Previous Minutes (additions or corrections)


Member at Large: Dan

Treasurer’s Report

New Treasurer: Jay 

Special Reports

Boulder Watershed Collective (Erin: Wildfire Survey Results & Community 

Visioning Summary)


Gold Hill Mitigation Project Update (Maya)

Committee Reports

Mountain Stewards 

Forestry and Forest Management

Gold Hill School



Community Planning and Fundraising 


Community Center

Survey Results (presented by CCC – JoJo)


Call for Scenarios (email to Intent is to gather 

community input as to what could happen with a potential community center at 900 Pine: i.e., 900 Pine as a temporary Community Center until an alternative location is established using matching funds from the sale to support the new Community Center and potential Fire Station Combination OR utilizing 900 Pine as the Community Center, but with use limitations, etc 


Special Mtg Date (in depth presentation, scenarios, and QA session): Monday,

November 8 from 7-8p


Open House Date (hosted by FGHCC): October 24th



Emergency Preparedness/Communications



Weed Management

Historical Zoning

Fire Department

Other Town News: 


Speed Study Update




Community Concerns 




Upcoming Meetings/Events

Community Foundation Announcement

Funding from the 2020 Fires Relief Fund supported impacted homeowners by 

contracting with United Policyholders (UP) to help them maximize their homeowner insurance policies.  In addition, UP agreed to provide fire preparedness education sessions for renters in our community. 


As a result, there will be three fires preparedness webinars for renters living in the 

mountain communities on three separate dates – October 12, 18th and 21st. 


Wildfire Mitigation Week: : Date TBD – Dumpsters, equipment, and skilled crew      

available to assist Gold Hill residents with wildfire mitigation on your property!




Next Gold Hill Town Meeting: December 13th, 7:00 pm



Wildfire Partners News

Wildfire Partners · PO Box 471 · Boulder · Colorado · 80306
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Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Living/Running/Writing/Working in the traditional territories of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute Nations.

  Centering Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Stewardship Panel

Join the Boulder Watershed Collective & our partners for an online panel discussion on Indigenous perspectives on environmental stewardship.

Date and time

Mon, October 11, 2021

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM MDT


Maya MacHamer


Boulder Watershed Collective

1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr.

Boulder, Co. 80302

(c) 303-817-2261

(o) 303-449-3333


I recognize that the Boulder Creek watershed sits upon land within the territories of the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho peoples. Further, I acknowledge that 48 contemporary tribal nations are tied to the lands that make up the state of Colorado.

Historic Boulder Ghost Walk

Saturday, October 2nd, Historic Boulder will be hosting their annual Ghost Walk and this year Gold Hill is part of the walk.  The museum will have members posted at the Red Store, the Pub, the Bluebird Lodge,  the cemetery, and the museum from noon until 4 pm.  These attendees will be coming to Gold Hill in private vehicles and may be roaming around town.  Please be aware that there will be more traffic in town and specific to these locations.

Deb Yeager

Joseph Edward Poisson (2002-2021)

Brokenhearted we would like to let the Gold Hill community know that our son and step-son Joseph (Joey) Poisson died last week at the age of 19.
Joseph spent the last seven years half time with us in Gold Hill and he lived full time here for almost a year until past April. He was a cheerful boy/young man you might have met on the Climb or recently given a ride down to Boulder. Two months ago we celebrated Joseph’s high school graduation and he was just accepted to MSU in Denver for the Spring semester 2022. 
The memorial service for Joseph will be held this coming Friday, October 1st, at 11:00 am, at the Willow Farm Contemplation Center, 11898 N 75th St, Longmont, CO 80503. There is going to be an online obituary available to leave comments and share memories of Joseph at: 
Paul and Ania Poisson

Night on the Farm: Jack’s Solar Farm Fundraise Saturday

Night on the Farm: Jack’s Solar Farm Fundraiser

  • Saturday, September 25, 2021
  • 5:00 PM  8:00 PM
  • 8102 North 95th Street  Longmont, CO, 80504United States(map)

Join us for cocktails, small plates, farm tours, music and dance performances at the inaugural Jack’s Solar Farm to Table Sampler, hosted in partnership with Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center! Tasty food will be prepared by local chefs from Bin 46, Summit Tacos, and Javastop Cafe featuring our farm-fresh produce, with Laws Whiskeycocktails, Upslope Brewing Kernza Kolsch, and Clif Family wine.

We will kick off the evening with field tours with our farm team to showcase Sprout City Farms’ work in community food access, education, sustainable agriculture, and the burgeoning field of agrivoltaics (farming under solar panels). Learn about the work of our research partners National Renewable Energy, University of Arizona, and Colorado State University. Michelle Bernier, Executive Director of Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, will lead dancers in performances, and we will also have live music from local band Hurricane Hill

Get your tickets today!  $100 per person – fundraiser!

From Virginia Schultz

Minutes of the Monday, August 9, 2021 Town Meeting


Minutes of the Monday, August 9, 2021 Town Meeting by Zoom

Next Town Meeting will be Monday October 11, 7:00 P.M. by Zoom

The meeting was called to order by Chair Emma Dirolf.  Twenty-one people attended via Zoom: Emma, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Boyd Brown, Kirah and Sebastian Combelic, Lacey Story, Leslie Finn, Marielle Sidell, Michael Wollard, Pam Sherman, Peter Swift, Sarah O’Brien and Sam Bennett, Val Crist, Virginia Schultz, Joanne Cole, Member at Large Dan Maedke and Crissy Maedke, Rick Sheingold, Emily Rose, and Treasurer Martha Knapp. Please let me know if I missed anyone.

Minutes – Gretchen heard from Karen Simmons about unknown acronyms in the June minutes. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and it’s changed in the minutes.  With that addition, the minutes were accepted as published.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha submitted her report:

At the previous regular Town Meeting in June 2021 our bank balance was $16,725.90. Our current total cash assets are $45,455.10.

Revenue Summary: $29,422 Comm. Foundation Fire Mitigation grant, $1360 town cleanup donations, $50 food bank donation totaling $30,832.

Expense Summary: $361.16 Cemetery supplies, $1339 town cleanup, $347.64 web hosting, $55 office supplies totaling $2102.80.

Fund transfers: none.

Current fund totals by earmarked account:
General Fund $2939.80; Cemetery $244.05; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2516.79; Community Planning/Fundraising $300; Fire Mitigation Grant $29422.00; Community Relief Fun $2,375.20; COVID-19 Response Fund $1,057.26; Water Harvesting/Ag Education Grant $4,000.

Anticipated general fund and other expenses for the remainder of 2021
Total $2300 as follows: $350 for liability insurance; $200 website maintenance, $1600 for fundraising expenses; and $150 for additional misc. expenses including bank fees and port- a-potty maintenance.

August 9, 2021        
Activity Spreadsheet and Summary        
  Report Balance Forward       $ 16,725.90
21-Jun ck# 1300: MSimms for cemetery supplies CF   $ 361.16 $ 16,364.74
22-Jun deposit: CommFndtn Grant for Fire Mitigation Activities FM $ 29,422.00   $ 45,786.74
4-Jul deposit: Town Cleanup Donations GF $ 1,360.00   $ 47,146.74
15-Jul ck#1301 Western Disposal – cleanup GF   $ 1,339.00 $ 45,807.74
24-Jul deposit: SWilson donation – food bank SL $ 50.00   $ 45,857.74
8-Aug ck#1302 GDiefenderfer for webhosting bill GF   $ 347.64 $ 45,510.10
9-Aug ck#1303 USPS coil of stamps GF   $ 55.00 $ 45,455.10
          $ 45,455.10
  Ending Balance Total $ 30,832.00 $ 2,102.80 $ 45,455.10
  BALANCES / ACTIVITY by Account Beginning Credits Debits Ending Balance
GF General Fund $ 3,321.44 $ 1,360.00 $ 1,741.64 $ 2,939.80
CF Cemetery Fund $ 3,205.21 $- $ 361.16 $ 2,844.05
SL Safe Link (SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink) $ 2,466.79 $ 50.00 $- $ 2,516.79
CP Community Planning/Fundraising $ 300.00 $- $- $ 300.00
FM Fire Mitigation Grant Fund fka Forest Mgmt $- $ 29,422.00 $- $ 29,422.00
CRF Community Relief Fund $ 2,375.20 $- $- $ 2,375.20
COV COVID-19 Response Fund $ 1,057.26 $- $- $ 1,057.26
H2O Water Harvest/Ag Education Grant $ 4,000.00 $- $- $ 4,000.00
  TOTAL $ 16,725.90 $ 30,832.00 $ 2,102.80 $ 45,455.10



ELECTIONS – Emma asked Gretchen to run the elections as she had not done it before. 

Chair – Nominations for Chair were called for.  Dan nominated Emma, Mari seconded, and Emma agreed to run. Further nominations were called for, but were not forthcoming and Emma was elected by acclamation to cheers all around.

Vice Chair – Mari expressed her thanks for being allowed to serve as vice-chair, but added that she cannot do it anymore as she will be writing her dissertation and nominated Sarah O’Brien, seconded by Gretchen.  No further nominations were heard and Sarah was elected by acclamation.  

Secretary – Gretchen announced that, if anyone else wanted to be secretary, she would be happy to step down. Dan nominated Joanne who responded with a resounding no!  Mari seconded Gretchen’s nomination and as there were no more nominations, Gretchen was elected by acclamation.

Treasurer – Martha said that she enjoyed her years as treasurer, but respectfully declined to run again.  Emma said that Rick Sheingold had expressed an interest some time ago and nominated him.  Val seconded. Martha saw him walking by her house and called him in to join the meeting.  Rick stated that he was starting to get very  busy and can’t accept at this time.  No further nominations could be elicited.  Martha was asked if she would continue until we could find another candidate, but she said no. She pointed out that it’s a lot of responsibility on top of keeping the books.  There are reports to file with the Feds and the State, plus numbers to pull for grants. Mari said that she would volunteer to function as the interim treasurer until we can find someone willing and able.  Everyone agreed to look for another candidate, who could be approved by the Council post-election.

Member at Large – Dan would like to step down.  Mari had sent an email to Marcus Moench asking if he would be interested, but he said only if no one else would agree.   Mari nominated Marcus and Dan seconded.  Duties: Fundraising, including buying t-shirts and glasses, bake and rummage sales in the past.  Dan is willing to assist a new Member at Large.  Sebastian expressed an interest.  Dan nominated Sebastian, Emma seconded, and a vote was held.  The vote was 16 to 2 in favor of Sebastian.



Mountain Stewards – Virginia reports that Maya MacHamer is working with Mountain Stewards on the Wildfire Week, date TBD.  She also announced events:  Gold Hill Observe and Sketch Nature Walk, August 14 from 8:30 to 10:00 am, and Conversation about all things Fire on August 28th – contact The Watershed Collective ( – Emails to be forthcoming. 


Forestry and Forest Management – Virginia reports that the mitigation project should be starting soon.  She attended a forestry nature walk that was good and well attended.  Val asked how the $29,000 grant money is to be spent, but Virginia replied that it’s early stages yet and not decided.


Gold Hill School – Chrissy reported that School starts Wednesday, the 18th.  There are three new kindergartners – Wilder, Ezra and Gabriel!  Sue has retired after 12 years and everyone wishes her well.  They have a one year assigned teacher, Gaye Paxton from Ward, and will be looking for a new full-time teacher for the following year.  They are anxiously awaiting the BVSD recommendations to the School Board and then they will have a better idea of what school will look like.  They are hoping to have Pam Sherman in school who is working on permaculture and working with the kids along with Steve and Dina.  They haven’t done any fundraising since the pandemic.


Museum – Gretchen reports the 2022 calendars are out and for sale at the GH Store, the Inn, the Red Store, and from Marie.  Boyd reports that the board has decided to require masks in the Museum.  Things are going really well.  The evolution of outhouses exhibit has been interesting for people.  Coming back from COVID has meant things are always in flux, but it’s turning out to be a good year.


Community Fund Raising – Dan is happy to work with Sebastian. Wondering if people will be able/want to gather in a large group, possibly with masks.  Sebastian said the Bake Sale has always been wonderful.  They will consider the options.  Gretchen added that she would really like to see the bake/rummage/craft sale come together if possible.


Cemetery – no report


Community Center – Gretchen reported that the 909 Pine investors are really interested to see the survey results.  Mari said that the results have been released to the committee (39 pages),  and there seems to be quite a lot of interest in a Gold Hill town space – they got 97 responses.  Now the committee has to schedule a time  to meet soon and get the info out asap.  The 909 people would like that in order to figure out how to move on.  They originally set a time frame of knowing the desires of the town within a year, and if it amounts to selling it, good weather would be a better time.  They bought it kind of precipitously because it seemed to be a good deal and could possibly serve the community, but, if the decision is no, they would like to sell it to some young people in town.  They’ll have to figure out how choose who that might be without starting a bidding war and driving the price way up.  The intention is to get  an appraisal to give them a better starting place.


SafeLink/NeighborLink/AirLink – Deb reports that NeighborLink is moving along getting its ducks in a row for communications in case of emergency.  AirLinkPam reports that it’s really a robust, active group.  They meet weekly on Ham radios.  They’d like more people to join – it’s a great way to know what’s going on in an emergency.  Let Dina know if you’re interested or have questions.  Deb recommended that Dina put out a notice.  Pam said there is a technician class coming up.


Weed Management – Pam reported that she and Virginia are meeting with Maya about bringing goats to Gold Hill in a well-managed way – that’s a complicated conversation.  Anyone who would like to join the conversation, please contact Pam or Virginia. Mari asked of homeowners can rent goats.  25 years Loni Lanning (?) was here and is now is now in the biggest goat weed management business.


Historical Zoning –  no report


Fire Department – Leslie reported that trainings continue.  Addendum – Three new volunteers all took the 130/190 Basic Wildland course and passed with flying colors: Jay Clark, Mike McNett, and Danielle Maida.  Kudos! They have had a number of calls and really need more volunteers – particularly medical volunteers: EMRs or EMTs.  There is an EMR class scheduled for the end of September to December.  Some of it will be online plus Saturdays hands-on.  They had one campfire call and the Sheriff was there responding.  Some other areas are closed and they know we’re impacted. Emily asked if it’s possible to close Rocky Point to fires.  Leslie said it’s possible for the community to petition, but that has previously gone nowhere.  Roads 453 and 456 are on the Forest Service docket to put in rings and close off the tiny places, decreasing the fire spots from 40 to 20.  Joanne added that the Fire Ban is being lifted as of tomorrow.


Speed Study – Emma reports that the County has finished the study and we’re supposed to hear results within the next couple of weeks – she hasn’t been able to get an update or information yet. She will send out info out to the town as soon as she gets any. She has seen some awesome “Children at Play” signs.  Leslie noticed people parking on both sides of streets and wonders about more permanent signs saying parking on one side only.  The Fire Department puts up temporary ones on the Fourth of July.  Kris reported on a good “Kids on Bikes” signs on Lickskillet.  Chrissy put out a wagon with signs – we have like 10 kids near the crossroads and several people are trying to figure out what to put out.  Martha saw a box near the corner by her house and thought it was probably the speed study equipment. Deb noticed that when there are a lot of people in town, they start parking in front of mailboxes, too.  Also, there is high grass interfering with visibility at the corner of Prospect and Main. 

Peter added that when they did the original study, he requested that the County hold a public meeting, but that never came about.  He did think the surreptitious box Martha spoke about was perfect.  Chrissy wondered about having a 4-way stop at the crossroads.  Peter replied that the County uses the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, so there is an actual formal process, based on volume, speed, etc. to decide. 

            Mari said that events and businesses draw traffic.  Could we request that business people having events send out info on parking? Leslie said that the Inn has a request on their website for people to park responsibly.   Deb asked about suggesting parking down Fourmile on one side and cones in front of mailboxes. Emma suggested that maybe our new vice-chair could meet with business owners about parking issues and Sarah said she will do it!

            Chrissy said that Rick Sheingold has a new electric weed whacker and could maybe weed whack the corners?  Peter replied that weeds in the County right of way are their responsibility and we should contact them.  Val pointed out that we should talk to our neighbors first.  Boyd agreed that we should check with owners of the property and said that he could do some weed whacking, too.  Kris G is also ready to weed whack.

            Gretchen pointed out that when cars park all up Horsfal, two cars cannot pass.  Someone has to back up until they can  pull into someone’s driveway!  It’s a disaster waiting to happen.

Emma asked Leslie if the fire department has cones.  Not really – only a few on the trucks.  She added that when she was Mayor, the County put up signs limiting parking and she thought the law said no parking some number of feet from an intersection.  Also, people often seem to ignore legal signs – she was 20 bicyclists blow right through the stop sign on the west end of town

Emma summarized that obviously parking issues are a big concern for all of us and:                    

1) We need to get the County report

2) We need to talk to the business owners

3) People with cones , please put them out

Chrissy added that we also don’t want to pollute the town with signs – cones work – maybe the town meeting could purchase some.

            Peter suggested that maybe we should have a special town meeting with the county traffic engineers and roads people about all these issues and trouble spots.  Emma suggested that we could vote on buying cones, but Sebastian volunteered that they have 7 they could lend.


Town Clean Up – Gretchen reported that it went well, rain and all.  Lots of people helped and it was very much appreciated.  We ended up getting two dumpsters by mistake, but we filled them up and people donated enough to pay for them!  Some generous people donated to help cover people who couldn’t.  Our community spirit at work is a wonderful thing.


Wildfire Mitigation Week – Timing still to be determined.  We have grants for this year and possibly next near, too. Please reach out if you are interested in planning or have questions.


Fire Ban Over – Emma pointed out that everything is drying out – don’t forget to clean out gutters, weed whack, clear vegetation around dwellings.


Respectfully Submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary



Aspen Moon Farm Fall Veggie CSA

It’s time to sign up for the Aspen Moon Farm Fall Veggie CSA!

The Aspen Moon Farm Fall CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) runs from the week of November 3rd to the week of December 14th. *The pick-up will be behind the Gold Hill Store on Wednesday afternoons/evenings. The Fall CSA provides 7 vegetable shares over a 7 week period and costs $245 ($35/week). Anyone can sign up! You do not need to have participated in the Summer CSA.

There are flexible payment plans, customizable shares every week through their online farm share management software, and the ability to reschedule or place your share on hold. 

Examples of fall vegetables that will vary with availability and weather:

  • Root vegetables: Carrots, Beets, Radish, Celeriac, Rutabagas, Turnips, Potatoes, Parsnip, Onions, Garlic, Shallots, Fennel
  • Fall Greens: Kale, Chard, Spinach, Bok Choi, Tatsoi or other Specialty Greens
  • Winter Squash (all kinds), Horseradish, Dry Beans, Cabbage, Napa, Radicchio, Broccoli, Kohlrabi
  • Specialty Items: Aspen Moon Farm’s own Heirloom Dutch Butter Popcorn and Heirloom stoneground Cornmeal!
For more information about the Fall CSA go here.
To sign up for the Fall CSA go here, choose the Boulder pickup location, and email Liz to let her know you signed up.

Be in touch with Liz Wiig with questions:

Fire Board Meeting



7:00 PM






Type of call

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Initial response
Number of volunteers who arrived.
Who took command and transfer (if any)? Equipment used.
Other Departments who arrived.
Lessons learned.

Training team members

Past training Upcoming training New volunteers


EQUIPMENT: Committee report: Chief, Kris G.




Lefthand FPD’s New Station #1, Process:

● Sue Schauffler, LH FPD board member, Chief Chris O’Brien: Maybe you’ve seen the steel structure at the bottom of Lefthand Canyon. It’s Station #1. Sue and Chris will provide an overview of the process.

Forest Projects:

● Maya MacHamer : Update on progress. Proposed 2022 Budget:

  • ●  Jessica Brookhart, Chief Finn: Overview of proposed budget.
  • ●  ARC GIS:
  • ●  Dirolfs’

    Gold Hill Posting Board and Preparedness flyer:

    • Kent

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Bike Race


Buffalo Bicycle Classic, Sunday, Sept. 12

On Sunday, Sept. 12, the westbound lane of Boulder Canyon (CO 119) will be closed to non-emergency vehicles from 6:30–9:30 a.m. for the Buffalo Bicycle Classic, a scholarship fundraising bike ride. The eastbound lane of Boulder Canyon and all other roads used will remain throughout the event.

Westbound Boulder Canyon traffic may detour to Nederland and Peak to Peak Highway during the closure by using Lefthand Canyon Dr., Coal Creek Canyon, or Sunshine Canyon Dr./ Gold Hill Rd. View the course maps at

Questions or concerns about the Buffalo Bicycle Classic may be emailed to, or John Holste, Boulder County Special Events coordinator at

Safety for riders and travelers

If you are traveling through the area during either event, please pay close attention to the Boulder County Sheriff, Colorado State Patrol, and the volunteer traffic marshals who will be helping to ensure safety for riders and travelers alike.

When passing a bicyclist, motorists must allow at least three feet of space between their vehicle and a bicyclist. To pass a bicyclist safely, drivers may cross a double yellow center line when oncoming traffic is clear.


Should be a fun evening – thanks and hope to see you there

“An Evening of Music:   Performed by Haiden Davis, Violin, and Ava Smith, Vocals”

Sunday, September 19th at 5 PM

Windy Acres (~10600 Gold Hill Rd, south side of road)



Please join us for a late afternoon/early evening of music performed by Haiden Davis and Ava Smith. The concert will occur on Sunday, September 19th, weather permitting.  Music will begin at 5 PM.  The performance will take place at the platform at “Windy Acres”, the Geesaman property located at 10600 Gold Hill Road, south of the road and across from Sacred Mountain Ashram.  Please park on the county road and walk to the platform via the dirt road unless you have a health issue.  If so, a shuttle to the music can be arranged.  We will be passing the hat to show our appreciation for Haiden and Ava and their wonderful music. 

Please bring your own chairs and refreshments.  We look forward to seeing you all, and sharing a special event.

Rick and Breida Geesaman



Gold Hill School’s Musical Play

You’re Invited!

The Gold Hill School’s 3-4-5 Class Presents the Musical Play, Bullies Anonymous!

This Friday, September 10th at 2:00 in the Beer Garden @ the Inn
“Bullies Anonymous is a place where bullies can go to stop being so… so…. So bully-ish.”  Come and see a performance by your favorite local 7, 8, 9 & 10 year olds as they teach each other and the audience about bullying and what to do when faced with a bully.  This is a funny, short musical by Bad Wolf Press that all will be sure to enjoy.  Please remember to socially distance while at the event.
Special thank you to the Gold Hill Inn for allowing us to perform here, as guests are still not allowed inside the school due to current Covid restrictions.  

County Commissioners – American Rescue Plan funding Town Hall

September 2, 2021


County Commissioners next Town Hall will focus on American Rescue Plan funding for the county

Este mensaje sigue en español.


Boulder County, Colo. — Boulder County residents are invited to join the Board of County Commissioners for a Town Hall meeting Thursday, September 9, 5:30 – 7 p.m. on Zoom. This virtual meeting will focus on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds coming to the county and the commissioners and staff will explain how the funds work, what they can be used for, and ask the public for their ideas on how to use the funds.

WHAT: Board of County Commissioners ARPA Town Hall

WHEN: Thursday, September 9, 5:30 – 7 p.m.


Some live questions and comments on ARPA will be taken during the meeting via the Zoom functions. The Town Hall will be live translated into Spanish and American Sign Language (available through Zoom). Visit American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – Boulder Countyfor additional background.

La próxima Asamblea Pública del Tribunal de Comisionados se enfocará en los fondos que recibirá el condado asignados por el Plan de Rescate Americano


Condado de Boulder – Se invita a los residentes del Condado de Boulder a participar en la Asamblea Pública de la Junta de Comisionados del Condado que se llevará a cabo el jueves 9 de septiembre de 5:30 p.m. a 7 p.m. por Zoom. La asamblea virtual se enfocará en los fondos que estarán recibiendo el condado asignados por la Ley de Plan de Rescate Americano (ARP) y los comisionados y el personal explicarán cómo funcionan estos fondos, para qué pueden ser utilizados, y pedirán al publico que aporten sus ideas sobre cómo utilizar estos fondos.

QUÉ: Asamblea Pública de la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Boulder sobre ARPA

Jueves 9 de septiembre de 5:30 p.m. a 7 p.m.


Se recibirán algunas preguntas y comentarios sobre ARA durante la asamblea usando las funciones de Zoom. La Asamblea Pública será traducida en español y lenguaje de señas y estarán disponibles en Zoom. Visite American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – Boulder Countypara más información.


Headshots of three current commissioners in horizontal alignment with their names to the right of each photo

Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) – Universal Masking as of Friday, Sept. 3

Universal Masking

To support the safety of all the community members, including children who are not eligible for vaccination, Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) issued Public Health Order 2021-08. The order, approved by Board of Health on Sept. 2, requires mask wearing in all indoor public spaces for all individuals 2 years and older regardless of vaccination status and will go into effect on Friday, Sept. 3.

​Boulder County Public Health is following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) comprehensive data tracking system to determine transmission levels. The CDC’s system tracks COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, testing and other metrics to define four levels of community transmission (low, moderate, substantial/significant and high), based on the percentage of positive tests and the number of cases per 100,000 people. The County Level View displays this information for Boulder County.

View Boulder County’s current status.

As part of the mask order, Boulder County is offering the opportunity for businesses that have implemented vaccine requirements to have additional exceptions from the mask order upon receiving approval from Boulder county Public Health. View information on Fully Vaccinated Facilities.



Save the Date: September 19

Please save the date –  Sunday/ September 19th from 11:00 to 2:00 at the Gold Hill Inn for a celebration of the life of Gene Culver  
More details to follow as the date nears. 
Kris Gibson

Human Services Fair in Ned

The human services fair will take place this Thursday from 10-noon at the Community Center. The Food Pantry will be open and there will be a vaccine clinic with Moderna, pfizer and J&J for first, second and booster shots for qualified people.

Thank you!

Katrina Harms   she/her

Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance


Nederland Food Pantry



The Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance is a gathering of representatives of human services organizations serving the Peak to Peak area of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, coming together to identify needs, expand and enhance services to the residents of the Peak to Peak community, and promote inter-agency communication.