What is the Gold Hill Town Meeting?

Posted on: February 6th, 2019

The town of Gold Hill has had some form of local government since its founding as a mining camp in 1859. On January 28, 1970, the Gold Hill Town Meeting (GHTM) was incorporated, and we became a 501(c)4, a tax-exempt organization under the IRS. Its primary purpose is to hold town meetings and provide a forum for community discussion and a basis for community action, as well as to hold property, for instance, the Cemetery and the northern part of the Town Meadow.

In 2015, we became a 501(c)3, which means, among other things, that donations to the GHTM are now tax-deductible.

The GHTM holds an annual bake and rummage sale to raise operating funds, sponsors this web site, organizes the Spring Cleanup, and has many committees working on topics of importance to the community, such as long term planning, wildfire protection, and forest management. Meetings are held six times each year: February, April, June, August, October, and December, on the second Monday of the month at the Community Center (Fire Barn) or, in the last few years, by Zoom.

Our yearly elections were held on Monday, August 12, 2024.    The current Town Council now consists  of

 To contact, email

Chair – Dan Maedke          ghtownmeeting@nullgmail.com

Vice Chair – Kelly Viet

Secretary – Gretchen Diefenderfer  gretchend@nullmac.com

Treasurer – Chrissy Maedke     ghtmtreasurer@nullgmail.com

Member at Large – Josh Hatlelid       ghtmmemberatlarge@nullgmail.com


Elections are held once a year at the regular August meeting.

Those residing in the town meeting area, excluding Summerville, may vote at town meetings provided they:

  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Have lived in Gold Hill for 60 days during the 12 months prior to the meeting or for 60 days during the previous 5 years with no less than 5 days in any 1 year
  • Are registered with the Secretary at the meeting
  • Are present at the meeting to be certified to vote at the meeting

Map of the area



Code of Bylaws of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.


The Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc., does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender expression, age, citizenship status, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, political affiliation or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, election of Town Council members, participation by any members of the Town Meeting area, selection of volunteers or vendors, or potential hiring and firing of any staff. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc., its partners, guests and attendees, volunteers, subcontractors and vendors.

These bylaws were approved by unanimous vote at the second reading on 12-14-2020

Article I

Name, Purpose, and Mailing address

Section 1, Name: The name of this organization shall be Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. (GHTM)

Section 2, Purpose: The purpose of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be:

  1. To hold town meetings and provide a forum for community discussion and basis for community action, and to establish qualifications for participation therein.
  2. To acquire, hold, sell, or lease real property for the general purpose of preserving the historical and natural setting of Gold Hill and the surrounding area.
  3. To act as trustee.
  4. To cooperate with the County Planning Department, County Health Department, and other departments of the County, State, or Federal government.
  5. To take any and all other action to improve, preserve, and benefit the community of Gold Hill and the surrounding area.
  6. To apply for and receive government grants or assistance, to solicit funds and donations, and undertake or sponsor community fund-raising projects.
  7. To do all other acts necessary or appropriate to promote the social welfare of the community of Gold Hill.

Section 3, Mailing address: The mailing address of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be: 1011 Main Street – Gold Hill, Boulder, CO  80302-8777.


Article II


Section 1, Eligibility: Those residing in the following area are members and may vote at town meetings, provided they fulfill the voting requirements set forth in Article II, Section 2, Qualification.   This area is identified as that included in the boundaries of the Gold Hill Fire Protection District (GHFPD)

Section 2, Qualifications: In order to vote, a member of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. must:

  1. Be a minimum of 18 years of age.
  2. Have lived in Gold Hill for sixty days during the twelve months prior to the meeting or for sixty days during the previous five years with no less than five days in any one year.
  3. Be registered with the Secretary at the meeting.
  4. Be present at the meeting to be certified to vote at that meeting.

Article III

Members Meetings

Section 1, Regular meetings: Regular meetings of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held six times each year: February, April, June, August, October, and December on the second Monday of the month at such time and place as may be determined by the Town Council.

Section 2, Annual meetings: The annual meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held on the second Monday of August each year.  The election of Town Council members shall be held at the annual meeting.

Section 3, Budget Meeting: The annual budget meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held annually at the October Town Meeting. The GHTM Treasurer shall submit estimated income and expenses for the following year.  Requests for funding from the general fund may be made by the various Committees or any constituency of the GHTM at this meeting, and at any regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 4, Special meetings: Special meetings of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. may be called by the Chair:

  1. At the request of at least three members of the Town Council.
  2. By petition requesting a special meeting signed by at least twenty members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

Section 5, Written notice: Written notice of all members’ meetings shall be posted to the town website (goldhilltown.com), emailed to all members, and sent by U.S. Mail to those who request them at least two weeks prior to all regular, annual, and special meetings.

Section 6, Quorum: A quorum for a member’s meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall exist if three of five members of the Town Council are present to transact any business to be presented in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation or Code of Bylaws.


Article IV

Town Council

Section 1, Members: The Town Council shall consist of five members as follows: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member at Large.

Section 2, Eligibility: The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer must be a year round resident defined as an individual who has lived within the bounds of the Gold Hill Town Meeting area at least nine consecutive months prior to the election.  All five council members shall be a minimum of 18 years of age.

Section 3, Term of Office: Each council member shall hold office until a successor is duly elected and qualified.   Any council member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Town Council.  Any such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein, and, unless otherwise specified, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

Section 4, Removal: Any council member may be removed according to the following procedure:

  1. At a scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, the removal of a council member may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.
  2. The proposed removal of a council member must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next r scheduled meeting.
  3. At the next scheduled meeting, the council member may be removed by a majority vote of the Gold Hill Town Meeting.

Section 5, When a council member moves: Any council member, other than the member-at large, shall automatically resign upon moving from within the area bounded by the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

Section 6, Vacancies: Any vacancy must be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment by a majority of the council members within two weeks of its occurrence.

Section 7, Town Council meetings: A meeting of the Town Council may be called by any member of the Town Council by giving notice to all members of the Town Council at least two days prior to such meeting.  Town Council meetings are for discussion.  No decisions(s) reached at a Town Council Meeting are binding on the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. or the Town Council, or any member of the Town Council.

Section 8, Town Council Duties: Each Town Council member shall have the duties ordinarily attending the office held and other duties as the Town Council may designate.


Article V


Section 1, Purpose: Committees of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. may be established for the purpose of carrying out the business of the meeting.  They are to make reports at members meetings. Their findings will be approved and published, as appropriate, by the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

Section 2, Creation: At a member’s meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc., when a quorum is present, the Chair, with the approval of the members at the meeting, may appoint a committee chair and ask for other members to be part of that committee.

Section 3, Cemetery Committee: 

Before the Gold Hill Town Meeting incorporated, the Cemetery Committee existed independently.  The Cemetery Committee shall remain autonomous in expenditures from its funds.

Section 4, Dissolution: At a member’s meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc., when a quorum is present, the Chair, with the approval of the members at the meeting, may dissolve a committee.


Article VI

Contracts, Checks, Deposits, Etc.

Section 1, Contracts: The Town Council, with the approval of the members at a duly called members meeting, may authorize any council member(s)or agent(s) of the Corporation to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of or on behalf of the Corporation.  Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

Section 2, Checks, Drafts, Notes, Etc.: All checks, drafts, notes, etc., shall be signed and executed on behalf of the Corporation by those Town Council members authorized to sign checks for the Corporation.

Section 3, Deposits: All funds of the Corporation shall be deposited to the credit of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Town Council, with the approval of the members at a duly called members meeting, may select.

Section 4, Gifts: The Town Council, with the approval of the members at a duly called members meeting, may accept on behalf of the Corporation any contribution, gift, or bequest


Article VII


These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted according to the following procedure:

Section 1.  At a regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, Bylaw change(s) may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.  Proposed Bylaw changes are to be made and approved section-by-section.

Section 2.  The proposed Bylaw sections(s), and the Bylaw section(s) that are intended to be replaced, must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 3.  At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the sections of the new Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.  Bylaw changes are to be voted on section by section.

Article VIII



This Corporation may be dissolved according to the following procedure:

Section 1.  At regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, dissolution of the corporation may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.

Section 2.  The proposed dissolution of the corporation must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 3.  At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the dissolution of the corporation may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.


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