Weed Pull Take 2

Posted on: May 22nd, 2020
WEED PULL UPDATE:Thank you Emily Rose, Terry Walter,  Rick Geesaman, Bear & Poppie Copeland for your help pulling weeds in the lower meadow!! We put a dent in it but there are more to be pulled and they are getting ready to start blooming so there is NO time to waste. 
Please join us at the hydrant again on SUNDAY MAY 24th at 10am. There is a good chance for rain that day, which will make pulling a tad easier. If it is raining hard at 10am, let’s have a plan B to meet at 3pm and take advantage of the softer soil. 
PLEASE call me with any questions 303-443-7459.
Thanks again!! Many hands make light work. We can do this!!
Joanne Cole 