Updated agenda for GHTM 12/12/22

Posted on: December 12th, 2022

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Monday, 7:00 p.m. December 12th, 2022



Zoom Virtual Meeting

This is a 40 minute meeting. The link and login information for three back to back meetings are the same.

Topic: GHTM Zoom Meeting 12.12.2020

Time: Dec. 12, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 264 480 5716

Passcode: GHTM


  1. Review and approval of Previous Minutes (any additions or corrections)
  2. Introduction (Chair with inputs from other Board members)
    1. Norms of respectful and concise conversation
    1. Board members taking on new roles
    1. GHTM as a 501(c)3: Who we are and who we aren’t 
      • Note that articles of incorporation and bylaws are available for review and a link will be shared with minutes.
    1. Key accomplishments over the last year
  1. Treasurer 
    1. Report
    1. Budget for approval 
  1. Committee Reports
    1. AirLink  (Mark and Dina)
    1. Cemetery (Maggie Simms)
    1. Community Planning and Fundraising (Dan)
      • Award from Community Foundation
      • Hearty Soup Contest at Gold Hill School
    1. Forestry and Forest Management (Virgina)
    1. Gold Hill School (Chrissy and Dan)
    1. Historical Zoning (Bear)
    1. IMA (Marybeth)
    1. Mountain Stewards (Marcus, Dina, Jess, Cat)
    1. Museum (Marcus for Debra)
    1. SafeLink/NeighborLink (Deb and Dina)
    1. Weed Management 
  1. Fire Department
    1. Mill Levy passed (Rich)
    1. Recent training on car fires (Leslie)
  1. Other Town News (open)
  2. Future Business: upcoming meetings, activities and topics 
    1. December 15 – Cookies and Latkes at the Gold Hill School
    1. Winter sledding tentatively planned late January/February
    1. Visioning and History – beyond land acknowledgments
    1. Potential website update



Next Gold Hill Town Meeting: February 13th, 7:00 pm




updated Agenda for 12/12/22 GHTM