Treasurer’s report for 2-9-15

Posted on: February 8th, 2015

Report: GHTM Treasurer’s Report February 9, 2015


At the previous Town Meeting in December our bank balance was $14,609.09. Since then, $415.50 was disbursed from the General Fund for website work and insurance. The current bank balance is $14,193.59. Funds held for us in trust at the Ward Church are $965 bringing our total cash assets to $15,158.59.


Current individual fund totals are as follows: General Fund is $3450.06; Cemetery Fund is $3610.21; Community Relief Fund is $4456.95; Forest Management is $94.52; and Safe Link is $3,547.25.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Knapp, Treasurer

Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.
