Time to Bearify

Posted on: June 28th, 2015

Here’s info from an old post from 2012 – pertinent now

Gold Hill Residents
 It is time to bearify your property, to stay ahead of habituating our bear neighbors to human related food. Per Kristin Cannon, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Manager“it is best to get out in front of any bear conflict issues so that the problem is not allowed to progress to the point where we have to make tough decisions about a bear.” We all recall hearing of bears that have been killed due to entering homes in mountain communities. These bears have become emboldened and habituated to human related food rewards. The consequence to them is often euthanasia. Kristin expects “bears to be in and around Gold hill all summer long. The bears have been out for a few months and are likely foraging on the green vegetation and any grubs and insects they can find. As the summer progresses and the vegetation dries up we will likely see more conflicts with bears and everyone will have to become as diligent as ever about reducing access to human related food sources, especially after such a dry winter.”
Kristin Cannon reiterated key points for us to follow:
*Go to www.wildlife.state.co.us/bears and review the education sheets for protecting home and garbage.
Based on historical human & bear conflicts in the mountains:
•         Close and lock all ground level windows and doors at night and when not home.
•       DO NOT FEED BEARS, by storing or staging garbage, recycle, compost, outdoor freezers in a manner that they can get to.
Store garbage in a bear resistant garbage container or in a secure building.
•         DO NOT FEED BEARS, by keeping anything edible or scented in vehicles.
•         Actively scare bears away when they are near houses or in the middle of town using air horns, pots and pans, loud music, etc.
Kristin requests that we get in touch with her at the first sign of a problem, as she can respond with tools to ramp up the deterrence for the bear such as: a pepper barrel, “unwelcome” mat, and other techniques to try and keep a bear from becoming habituated to people and houses.
Kristin Cannon-Wildlife Manager