Survey on the big Gold Hill Mitigation Project

Posted on: June 4th, 2021

 The Boulder Watershed Collective, a local non-profit organization, is partnering with the Town of Gold Hill, the Fire Department and residents like you to help reduce wildfire risk and improve forest health. These efforts require a better understanding of Gold Hill residents’ wildfire risk and preparedness, and values for healthy, local forests. 

We need your help! To capture your thoughts and insights, please consider taking the following survey: (~15 minutes). Each member of your household is encouraged to take the survey separately if they are 14 years old or older. For each person who takes the survey, we will donate $5 to the Gold Hill Fire Department. Thank you for helping support local wildfire preparedness.   
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Erin Fried

 Thank you for considering this request! We look forward to receiving your vital input.

Many thanks,
Erin Fried
Communication & Education Project Manager