Sunset Trail Running Festival 8-20-23

Posted on: August 12th, 2023


Dear Gold Hill,


After a 4-year absence due to the pandemic, we are excited to bring back the Sunset Trail Running Festival, which is a fundraising event for local fire mitigation led by the Boulder Watershed Collective and community partners. The Boulder Watershed Collective addresses forested watershed health, resiliency, and stewardship. Their mission is to cultivate partnerships, promote community stewardship, and revitalize social and ecological systems within the Boulder Creek Watershed and beyond.

The Trail Race will be staged on Sunday August 20th, with the following races:

8:00am 28K
9:00am 12K
9:00am 5K
10:00am 12 years & Under 1K 11:00am Presentations

We value the relationship that we have with you, and we have worked hard to minimize any impact that this event will have on Gold Hill.

  • Roads will NOT be closed, so cars and RTD Buses DO NOT need to be re-routed.
  • Event Parking will be encouraged for all participants from the Boulder. Buses have been provided fortravel to and from Gold Hill, to lessen this impact.
  • Marshals will be placed at intersections and along the course to safely guide and communicate withvehicles that will enter, pass through, or exit from within the race vicinity.
  • All Gold Hill Kids have FREE entry in our Kids 1K. Please use coupon code: GOLDHILLKID
  • All Gold Hills Residents get 20% OFF race registration using coupon code: GOLDHILLRESIDENTRace Website:
    If you don’t want to run, I hope you will come out and cheer! If you have any concerns about the race, please contactme.Thank you!Race Director
    Lee Troop 720-532-5549

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28K Course

  • ▪  Start at Gold Hill Inn and head up Main St., take a sharp left onto Gold Run St., and then run down to Boulder St.
  • ▪  At Boulder St., take a right and head down to Salina (Boulder St., becomes Gold Run Rd.)
  • ▪  At Salina, take a right onto Fourmile Canyon Dr. and follow that to Sunset.
  • ▪  At Sunset, take a right and head up the Switzerland Trail to Gold Hill Rd.
  • ▪  At Gold Hill Rd., take a right and follow that back into Gold Hill and the finish.


12K Course

  • ▪  Start at Gold Hill Inn and head up Main St., and continue out onto Gold Hill Rd.
  • ▪  Take a left onto the Switzerland Trail and run out to the Mt Alto Picnic area.
  • ▪  Turn around, and head back to Gold Hill the same way you ran out.


5K Course

  • ▪  Start at Gold Hill Inn and head up Main St., take a sharp left onto Gold Run St., and then run down to Boulder St.
  • ▪  At Boulder St., take a right and head down to Dixon Rd.
  • ▪  At Dixon Rd., take a right and follow Dixon Rd. back up to Gold Run St.
  • ▪  Take a left and then a sharp right back onto Main St. and run down to the finish at the Gold Hill Inn.


Kids 1K Course

  • ▪  Start at Gold Hill Inn and head down Main St., to Boulder St.
  • ▪  Take a right at Boulder St., and then another at Gold Run St.
  • ▪  Take a sharp right at the end of Gold Run St. onto Main St. and finish in front of the Gold Hill Inn.
AID STATION VOLUNTEERS!  Oh! I forgot to mention I’d like to put a word out for aid station volunteers if anyone is interested. Hours would be 7am-ish to 11am-ish for action work. They can reach out to me at if they’d like to participate. 
Thank you!