Safer at Home COVID-19 Advisory

Posted on: November 9th, 2020

Boulder County
Guidance for Colorado Safer-at-Home Order in Boulder County

En Español

Boulder County Current Status: Safer at Home Level Orange: High Risk
Boulder County is currently under the statewide Safer at Home Dial Framework Order. Visit the Safer at Home and COVID-19 Dial websites for more details.

Changes for Safer at Home Level Orange
Safer at Home Level Orange limits business capacity to:

25% or 50 people at restaurants, places of worship, and non-critical manufacturing
25% at offices and retail
25% or 25 people at gyms/fitness centers (groups of up to 10 outdoors), personal services, and limited health care settings
25% or 50 people, whichever is fewer, with space calculator at indoor events
25% or 75 people, whichever is fewer with space calculator at outdoor events
25% or 10 people at outdoor guided services
Virtual or outdoors in groups of less than 10 at group sports and camps
There may be additional guidance for services such as when patrons are seated versus standing, or indoors versus outdoors. Capacity allowances are summarized in the CDPHE dial level chart. Full guidance for each sector is available on the CDPHE Safer at Home website.

At Safer at Home Level Orange, remote, hybrid, or limited in-person learning, as appropriate, is suggested for K-12 and higher education. In-person learning for preschool through grade 12 schools is now defined as “Critical Business” and clarifies that local districts can determine how to structure the format of education based on local factors.

General Requirements for Residents
Stay home as much as possible, leaving only for a limited number of specific activities.
When going out, follow physical distancing requirements (6 feet of space between yourself and others) and wear a face covering.
Vulnerable people at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 should only leave home for medical care and essential activities.
People who have COVID-19 symptoms must isolate unless they have a negative test result. Self-isolating when you are ill is the best course of action until more testing is available.
Only essential travel in- or out-of-state is permitted.
Sick people must not go to work.
General Workplace Guidance
Visit the Safer at Home website for details about the requirements of the current order for each business sector.

All businesses are required to report outbreaks of COVID-19 to Boulder County Public Health. Review the guidance for full details.