Report on meeting with Josh Trickey, County Traffic Engineer, 8-28-23
Report on meeting with Josh Trickey, County Traffic Engineer, 8-28-23, Gretchen Diefenderfer
Kent Coghill (and Billy), Dan Maedke, Max Yeager, Val Crist, Bret Gibson, Chris Dirolf, Rick Sheingold, Marcus Moench, and Gretchen Diefenderfer met with Josh and his intern, Amber. We walked around town, discussing and assessing all the road and parking issues that have been raised, particularly emergency access needs, bottleneck areas, tight corners. Josh presented old maps of GH with previously approved and installed signage (see below), some of which has gone missing over the years since. Asked if the missing signs could be replaced sooner, before a study of present needs is completed, Josh thought so.
He encouraged us to put up our own “Children at Play” type signs as the Road Department doesn’t have these.
Here is his report
Hi Gretchen,
We will begin by addressing those issues that we can start improving upon just from a signing perspective. I will be leading that effort. We will be assessing the parking and signage based on our guidelines/Multimodal Transportation standards and the federal Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The next step will be to draft an updated sign plan. When that is ready (~2-6 weeks) we will send the plans out for comments. Afterward, we will attempt to incorporate the comments into the final plans. Depending on our sign shop’s workload we will then install the signs using our crews or contracting the work if needed. The goal being to have the signs installed by late spring/early summer next year at the latest.
We will work on figuring out how and who should address the other issues (culverts, steps encroaching into the road, pavement condition, planning, codes, etc.) as we go along.
We identified four signs that were missing. Two of them are the ones in front of the school that we are going to wait to reevaluate the location and time restrictions before reinstalling. The other two No Parking signs along the south side of Main Street may have been replaced today or will be next week.
Joshua Trickey, Traffic Operations Engineer
Boulder County Public Works