Notes on the GH Fire Board Meeting 2-21-23

Posted on: March 20th, 2023

Notes on the GH Fire Board Meeting 2-21-23 by Gretchen Diefenderfer

Joint Meeting of Fire Department, and the Community regarding the MOU with Chiefs Gibson and O’Brien Monday, March 20, 7:00 p.m. at the Firebarn and by Zoom

President of the Board, Rich Lopez, called the meeting to order.  Present were board members Jessica Brookhart, Boyd Brown, Kent Coghill and Chris Dirolf as well as community members Max Yeager, Steffi Wilson, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Virginia Schultz, Liz Wiig, and Kris Gibson, and Assistant GH Chief Whitey DeBroux.  Maya MacHamer of the Boulder Watershed Alliance Zoomed in and Chiefs Bret Gibson and Chris O’Brien, our Acting Chiefs presently, were also in attendance.

Minutes of the January meeting were approved.

Assistant Chief’s Report – Calls: Whitey reported that we had 2 calls in February.  The first, on 2-4, was above Jamestown and we were called off, and on 2-20 there was a downed phone line in Gold Hill, which caused no damage.  He thinks we need to get a direct contact person with the phone company.

         Trainings: We had a good turnout for CPR training – 14 GH people turned out.  Truck trainings continue.  Our three latest recruits are Marcus Moench, Austin Miller and Dave Foley.  Austin has volunteered to take over the FD calendar.  Chris Dirolf reports that he wants us to purchase new software (called “I Am Responding”) that will improve our planning and communications – Chief O’Brien likes it, too.  Should be very user friendly.  Kurt made a motion that we approve spending $600 for the year or $1000 for three years.  Motion passed unanimously.

         Trucks and Maintenance: Whitey would like to remove 2 trucks – the F150 pickup and the late 70 brush truck (along an identical spare parts only truck) – possibly donate them.  He and Kris Gibson took it out for a spin and it broke down twice.  Bret suggested that it would be good to bring a mechanic up to look at all the trucks as part of a general inventory and develop a process to get rid of trucks and any other equipment.

Election – Rich introduced Liz Wiig, who has agreed to serve as the DEO (Designated Election Official), and suggested she can consult the FD attorney, John Chiml (sp?)with any questions.  This needs a formal resolution to make this legal. Jess moved to appoint Liz and, at Chief O’Brien’s suggestion, also give her the authority to cancel the election if there are not enough candidates to require an election.  The motion passed unanimously.  Chief Gibson also gave her the name of the Fourmile Board Secretary, who has been DEO for them. Self-nomination forms are due Friday and the form to be a write-in candidate (which needs to be notarized) is due by the 28.  All 5 positions are up for election.  Voters have to be registered voters and either property owners or residents of the district. 

Four District CWPP – Chris Dirolf reported that Paul Dennison is reviewing the draft and meeting with representatives of the districts and is close to completing the document.  It looks great and it seems every other district now wants to borrow the format.

UTV – Chris reports that Jay Jones, the UTV training guy, is working to get the out the official cards for trained operators.

Budget – Jess reports that they were $7,000 in the red last year as far as budgeted expenditures (they do have the money), so it’s very good that we passed the mill levy increase.

Grants – Maya and Marcus reported on the draft for the AIM Grant.  She’s met with Marcus and Virginia.  The goal is to work on the middle area between the forest and the houses including community land.  They’ve talked about possibly grazing goats in the town meadow.  Also, more house hardening like Teens, Inc. worked on last year – gravel around the perimeters, weed whacking, etc. – asking for $75,000 (spent $6,000 for labor last year plus $3,500 for materials – gravel, etc.).  The concept paper is due Friday.  They’ve been looking at priorities – want to do the May 6 Wildfire Day like last year – food and dumpsters, education as well as the home hardening were a big success.  Virginia added that they still need to get rid of all this cut wood (fuel) still in the forest.  After submitting the concept paper, if invited, they will submit the actual grant application.  Email Maya ( or Virginia (Virginia.Schultz@nullColorado.EDU) with suggestions.

         Kris G. supported the same priorities as last year and wanted to add the Cemetery dead wood to be mitigated.

         They worked on 6 homes last year and hope to double that this year.  Max suggested buying materials in bulk to save money.  The suggestion was also

made for the homeowners who can to help purchase the materials so the money could go farther.  Maya thanked Max for all his work moving the materials, gravel, etc.

         Teens, Inc. (part of Conservation Youth Corps) brought 15 kids, and they use some of their own funds, etc. furthering their goal of developing leadership skills.

         Another suggestion is to update the mapping of all cisterns in the district, inside as well as outside.

         Maya added that this grant comes up 2-3 times a year and asked if the GHFPD will be a partner.  The Board all agreed.

State Grant – Kris G reported that they have applied for an additional state grant for 5 more sets of bunker gear – got 5 in November.

Joint Grant with 9 districts – Jess signed the grant applying for new radios and got reimbursement for hose purchases that Chris Finn applied for.

Joint Meeting of Fire Department, and the Community regarding the MOU with Chiefs Gibson and O’Brien – Rich and Marcus agreed on having at least one joint meeting and will work out a time and place – Addendum – the first meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 20, 7:00 p.m. at the Firebarn and by Zoom.  Suggestions were also made to meet in Lefthand/Rowena.  The main objective of the meeting is to see what people think about where we are, where we want to be, and where we can get to. 

UTV Site behind the barn – Max reported that the trees have been cut and removed by Dustin Geesaman (and thank you to Dustin).  They want the biggest shed they can fit in there – hopefully 14 x 16’  The ground is cleared, propane line is dealt with,  and ready to go ahead for spring.

New Chief – Steffi asked the board to talk about how they are looking for a new fire chief.  Kent replied that they are hearing from firefighters, former Chiefs and will put out to the community regarding a part-time paid position for a year to start. Looking at figuring out what we need and don’t need.  Would be open to someone out of district – capabilities, maximun response times, people skills are vital and the new software will help.

         Bret added that when he became chief, Margaret was done and practically any warm body would do, but they were in a good position in Boulder County regarding available training and mutual aid and he knew he could rely on the people beneath him.  This position requires a coordinator/leader and will have all the local agencies to help – there is a lot of mutual respect and understanding out there.  Kent added that we want to mirror procedures and operational SOPs of our neighboring departments.  We’re in a building state right now to improve the department and serve the community.

Gold Hill Mill – Virginia asked what’s known about the new permit application – do they have actual water rights and so on?  The comment period is almost over.  Bret expressed concerns about the water use and then putting it back where?  They can’t just discharge it back into Lefthand – need some good water treatment.  Chris O’Brien reported that the Bruno Mine above Jamestown has failed. 

Our Department – Val, regarding our looking for new talent, stated that she wanted to point out we have more talent here than the community actually knows to stand up and respond.  Boyd reported that there is a lot of misinformation out there and asked people to please double check and not put out totally wrong information.  We need to pull together for the good of the department and the community.

Reported by Gretchen Diefenderfer