NeighborLink Update

Posted on: September 5th, 2020

Updating Gold Hill NeighborLink Emergency Communications Tree 9-4-20

Dear Neighbors,

The Gold Hill emergency response communications tree called NeighborLink is being updated. This program was created and activated following the 2010 Fourmile Fire in order to notify every one of the emergency, back each other up, and to stay in communication with one another during an emergency.

Participation in NeighborLink is entirely voluntary and highly recommended. As older residents have experienced, and newer residents should be aware; an emergency can develop quickly and you or close neighbors may be out of the area.

During the 2010 fire and the subsequent catastrophic flooding of 2013 (flash floods and mud slides), organic neighbor-to-neighbor communication provided critical time for people to act on their household emergency protocols, and aided neighbors in need of help, or shelter upon evacuation. Such neighbor-to-neighbor communication is the initial critical part.

How it works:

This program works on 2 levels: neighbor groups and area contact people for the four areas in our town meeting boundaries, N. E. S. W (see the compass visual aid).

Neighbor groups can be any number of households who group together to assist each other. We recommend that each neighbor group has a designated person, and a back-up person, whose responsibility it is to communicate with a NeighborLink area contact person (N, E, S, W).

During an emergency each NeighborLink area contact person collects any incoming information and shares it with the other three area contacts in a circular fashion —the NeighborLink Hub. This circular organization makes sure that information is communicated entirely among these 4 people, ideally covering the community as quickly and efficiently as possible. (See attached compass graphic).

Communications Tree; What’s Needed:

Particularly in case we need to evacuate, think about who you feel most comfortable sharing your household information with in case you need them to gather your personal items, pets, etc. Neighbor groups can be any size and each requires one person and one backup person to communicate to their respective area contact.

Your NeighborLink Area Contact Persons:

GH-North – old town north to Left Hand Canyon, west to the CO Mtn ranch, and east to Lickskillet
Debra Yeager
303-449-0454 landline 303 881 7665 cell

GH-West – west of the CO Mountain ranch to the P2P Highway
Dina Elder
303-459-3530 landline

GH-South – the Gold Hill subdivision
Paul Roberts
mobile/text: 720-401-1587

GH-East – Lickskillet east to the Gold Hill town limits, south to the GH Subdivision
Gretchen Diefenderfer
Cell 303-947-9477

Then what!?

Exchange contact information among your group so that each can contact one another in case of a neighborhood/area emergency. Assist each other if needed, and if able.

If you are a neighbor group contact person (formerly “Pod Leader”), please contact your area contact person with the family names and addresses of your neighbor group members. And so that you and your area contact have each other’s contact information.

If there is an impending emergency, jump into making your neighbors aware of the threat, and letting each other know where you’re going to be, especially if evacuated. The group contact who does the communicating should contact your area contact to keep them appraised of residents’ notification and location status.

That’s it. Easy, fast, complete. Call your area contact as soon as you’ve created your group.

Respectfully, Dina, Gretchen, Paul, and Debra