NeighborLink in Coronavirus time

Posted on: March 15th, 2020

Remember NeighborLink?  It began during and after the Fourmile Fire in 2010 because we were evacuated and all needed to stay in touch with one another and share information.   It was a glorified phone tree and email list which evolved into Four Pods – The Gold Run Subdivision, Old Town, the East Street/Horsfal and down Gold Run a bit group, and out West, with sub-groups within each Pod.  We shared all kinds of information that could help us help each other in another emergency. 

 Well, there hasn’t been another emergency situation like the Fourmile Fire, but now we have the global emergency – the Coronavirus – and we four Pod Leaders: Debra Yeager (  in Old Town, Tony Vrba ( ) in the Subdivision, Gretchen Diefenderfer ( for East Street/Horsfal, and Dina Elder ( out West are conferring about outreach to our community in order to make sure our neighbors, particularly those at risk or in need in any way know they can reach out and get help.  If you are not presently aware of NeighborLink, please contact the Pod leader in your neighborhood or your favorite neighbor with your questions or needs you might have as a result of this emergency.  Our community has always been about hanging together and now is the time to pull our communications network together again and make sure no one falls through the cracks.  We all need to take this pandemic seriously and do what we can to limit the spread. Many are working on how much to shelter in place and quite a number of people have offered to help with shopping, picking up prescriptions, ferrying someone to an appointment, etc. 

 Here is the latest information on the Coronavirus in Boulder County

Gretchen  303-442-3847


For Gold Hill specifically:

1                     Many of us on the Neighborlilnk team are in the “older” category so the responsibility of procuring items for the town could/should be placed on people who are younger; however, there still are ways that we can all function in a helpful way to assist our community.

2                     Marcus and Elisabeth are housing a member of our town now who is scheduled for surgery next week.  They have mentioned that they are willing to shop for anyone who needs them to and they strongly encourage people to investigate their supply of pharmaceuticals and perhaps plan on a 3 month supply.  Since they are giving shelter to a neighbor they will not be in Gold Hill as much and they are attempting to stay nearby and not transmit anything to their houseguest who cannot leave until his surgery.  If you are coming through Boulder and there is someone needs things Marcus and Elisabeth may be willing to do the shopping and one of us can do the driving up to Gold Hill.

3                     Johanna and Anya have expressed interest and a commitment to shopping for people and bringing to Gold Hill the items that people are needing.  They are thinking to offer these services on Tuesday and Thursday of each week.  Any party needing this service should contact Johanna with their needs and they would do the shopping and the delivering.  THE KEY TO KEEPING US ALL SAFE IS TO MINIMIZE OUR CONNECTION TO AND POSSIBLY INTERACTING WITH THE VIRUS AND KEEP AS MANY OF US HERE AND NOT OUT OF THE AREA SO MINIMIZING TRAVEL AS WELL.  WE ALSO NEED TO THINK GREEN HERE AND MINIMIZE THE USE OF OUR FUELS.  If we can utilize the Climb for healthy people, that would help out Val as well.

4                     Whitey at the Gold Hill Pub has given us permission to use his back patio as a distribution point for food distribution. We are on the list to get food from the Food Bank of the Mountains that is available to be brought to Gold Hill for pick it up for our neighbors.  Please help yourself to this food and alert others within our community who may not have email or phone.

5                     We need to reach out to the people in our immediate areas to see if they are needing assistance.  Everyone who is interested, please start calling people in the area and asking if there is anything that they are needing.  Offer up help; make them aware of food bank goods.  Remember many of us may or are out of work so anything and everything helps during these times, no matter your age or economic status. Encourage people to think long-range about the absolute necessities.  For the elders in your neighborhood, call more frequently so they understand that this is not a one-time activity but a true concern on your part to be there and offer up help and to stay in touch.

6                     Many of us are now working from home.  If anyone on this list has an interest in participating and is under 60, you are really needed.  Please let one of us know and we’ll give you some feedback on who is needing what.  I encourage you to reach out to Johanna at 720 438 1240 if you know someone who needs something from downtown.  Be sure to find out the urgency of the need and see if the next Tuesday or Thursday will work or if they need something immediately.  If that is the case, let Marcus and/or Elisabeth know or any member of this team (Dina Elder– west of the GH townsite; Gretchen Diefenderfer– eastern edge of town and south; Tony Vrba  – subdivision; Debra Yeager – west and central old town) and we’ll find a way to support them.

7                     Some members of the community have requested items from Costco.  Many of us have cards and are available to do the shopping.  I, for one, have a card.  Let me know if there is anything needed and the deadline for that need and I will make sure that it happens.

8                     Be sure you do not compromise yourself in attending to this situation.  If you’re over 60, technically you should stay at home. 

9                     Please be sure to check in on your elderly or ill neighbors.  Do not go into the house if people are ill but contact them via phone or from outside of the house.  This is especially important.
