MMM, Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

Posted on: March 21st, 2013

MMM, Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

Notice to Poets – MMM- Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

Our next MMM get-together is Wednesday, April 10th

MMM, Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits, will meet at 6:30 on Wednesday, April 10th, at the home of Brandt and Surya Parker. It is the house on the right hand side as you go down Sawmill. There is parking along his driveway.

Please call Edie 303-444-0778, Marie at 303-444-4691 or Brandt 303-459-0514 if questions.   Hope to see you on a lovely April evening.  It would also be appreciated, but not necessary, if you respond so we know who and how many are coming.

For those not familiar with MMM (Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits), we have a monthly get-together at the home of one of the group. The idea is two-fold: (1) is that we do some writing (for 15-20 minutes) in response to a loose stimulus provided by Gold Hill Poet Laureate, John Latham., followed by a non-critical read-around of what has been written. This takes about 45 minutes, followed by short break and then: (2) a read-around, led by Edie Eilender, involving all people who care to read [for about 6 minutes per person maximum] some of their already-written prose or poetry, or writing by someone else. If, instead of reading, someone offers a song or two, that is welcomed. There is no pressure on people to actively participate. Most attendees do, but some come simply to listen. The host provides some limited drink & snackies, and if attendees care to bring along a modest contribution to the drink or food, that is welcomed, too.

From Marie Brookhart

Mom Brookhart <>