MMM- Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

Posted on: August 24th, 2012

Our next MMM get-together is Thursday, September 6th at Jack & Linda Laughlin’s home at 6:30 pm.  Look for the bright yellow Airstream in the driveway.  It is the private drive at the SE corner at the intersection of 4-mile, Lick Skillet, Horsfal, and Main St.  Call Laughlins if questions at 303-444-2137.

For those not familiar with MMM (Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits), we have a monthly get-together (usually the first Thursday but can change by request of the host)at the home of one of the group. The idea is two-fold: (1) is that we do some writing (for 15-20 minutes) in response to a loose stimulus provided by Gold Hill Poet Laureate, John Latham or his stand-in, followed by a non-critical read-around of what has been written. This takes about 45 minutes, followed by short break and then: (2) a read-around, led by Edie Eilender, involving all people who care to read [for about 6 minutes per person maximum] some of their already-written prose or poetry, or writing by someone else. If, instead of reading, someone offers a song or two, that is welcomed. There is no pressure on people to actively participate. Most attendees do, but some come simply to listen. The host provides some limited drink & snackies, and if attendees care to bring along a modest contribution to the drink or food, that is welcomed, too.

If questions, please call Edie 303-444-0778 or Marie at 303-444-4691.
Hope to see you there.