Info on CPI Process and next steps
Dear Gold Hill Residents,
The community of Gold Hill initiated a Community Planning Initiative (CPI) in 2008. This process was begun in response to Boulder County’s offer to allow historic communities in unincorporated Boulder County to propose community-specific planning guidelines and changes to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use code to serve their individual needs and goals.
In 2009, the Gold Hill CPI decided to develop a vision statement (see enclosure) as its first step in providing guidance for Boulder County planning as well as for planning and communication within the community. The vision statement represents what the community desires to look like in the year 2030. It was developed through a public process and reflects input from a broad spectrum of the community. It will serve as a guide for Boulder County decision-makers when reviewing issues that affect the Gold Hill area.
The next step is for the Boulder County Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 18, 1:30PM (see attached public notice) to consider revising the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan to include the Gold Hill vision statement. Public testimony will be taken at this hearing, however no action is being requested. An additional public hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 16 for the Planning Commission to vote on the proposal. Please note that the November 18 hearing starts at 1:30PM, however, the Gold Hill item is fourth on the agenda so 3:00PM is the earliest it will likely be heard.
For background information on the CPI visit the Gold Hill Townsite website at:
Or the Boulder County Land Use website at:
In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. My direct phone number is 720-564-2642 and my email is Or you may contact the Gold Hill CPI chair, Gretchen Diefenderfer at 303-442-3847 or
Garry Sanfaçon
Boulder County Land Use Department