Gross Reservoir Fire Contained

Posted on: April 5th, 2021

Fire managers contain fire near Gross Reservoir yesterday

BOULDER, Colo. (April 2, 2021) – Fire managers yesterday contained a 9-acre fire that started from slash pile burning operations near Gross Reservoir Dam March 21 and 23.

Warm and dry air along with strong winds caused fire to creep between slash piles and caused some torching of larger standing vegetation. Forest Service personnel have been monitoring the piles daily as part of the prescribed fire burn plan and were able to respond quickly along with partners from local fire departments.

While the burn area was larger than planned, public safety was never a concern.

The slash piles were part of Forsythe II Unit 51, a 79-acre forest thinning project near the southern shores of Gross Reservoir. The project’s goal is to help restore healthier forest conditions that are more resilient to wildfire in the Middle Boulder Creek watershed. The project area was slated for prescribed fire treatments following the thinning to remove slash piles.

The treatments were designed to reduce fires’ ability to move across the landscape and were beneficial in helping fire managers quickly put line around the area and contain the spread. They will continue monitoring these and other recently burned piles throughout the upcoming warm weather spell.

In all, the Forest has burned more than 3,000 piles this winter. Burned areas are closely monitored until all heat is gone. Prescribed fire conducted under the right conditions is an essential part of restoring healthy forest ecosystems along Colorado’s Front Range.

Forest Service fire managers successfully contained the burn with assistance from cooperators including Coal Creek Fire, Timberland Fire, Mountain View Fire, Lefthand Fire, Boulder County Fire, City of Boulder Fire and the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control. Denver Water supported operations by closing the road to its recreation areas.



K. “Reid” Armstrong
Public Affairs Specialist
Forest Service

Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests

Pawnee National Grassland

c: 970-222-7607
Caring for the land and serving people



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