Gold Hill Historic Zoning (GHHZ) is seeking a new member

Posted on: May 22nd, 2021

Gold Hill Historic Zoning (GHHZ) is seeking a new member

After many years as a member of GHHZ, Steve Barnard is moving, and so we would like one more Gold Hill resident to join me, Michelle Bar-Evan, Marcus Moench and Richard Oxley as members of GHHZ. This group is the first review for any new or remodeling projects in the historic town district. We are only concerned with changes to exterior appearance.

We meet with the homeowner to discuss their plans, offer our input, and make their final plans available for public review for two weeks. We then notify Boulder County Community Planning and Permitting of our reaction to the proposed project. We have a good working relationship with the County, who seeks our opinion before issuing any permits.

Our goal is to maintain the unique architectural character of Gold Hill, which does not mean keeping things exactly as they are.

No special qualifications are required, other than living in town and having an interest in maintaining Gold Hill’s unique character. We meet on an as-needed basis – in other words, not very often.

If you are interested in joining us, please email me at:

Bear Carlson

631 Gold Run St.