Gold Hill Gold Rush 2011

Posted on: August 15th, 2011


It’s that time to start thinking about the “Main Money Maker of the Year for our Town”, and we need your help.  We are having our annual bake/rummage/arts & crafts sale on Sunday, September 18th from 10 to 3 in the Inn’s parking lot. As usual, we need your rummage items, but we’re asking you to give some careful thought to what you donate this year.  In the past we’ve had a lot of things left over and we’d like to avoid as much of that as possible.

This year we need you to bring your items to the Inn’s parking lot between 8 and 9 am on Sunday morning, September 18th.  We will NOT be collecting things in advance this year.  If your item isn’t there by 9:45 am, please don’t bring it.

Additionally, we have a team that will be responsible for taking any leftover rummage items after the event to Boulder on Monday, September 19th to donate them to a thrift shop, BUT we really need you to be diligent about giving us only sellable items.  Please don’t bring us things that aren’t in good shape.   We do request that you to take back any large items that don’t sell, and, please, no electronics.


Your wonderful baked goods have always been the foundation of our sale.  We will be selling baked goods (as well as ice cream and pasties) on the porch of the Hotel.  Please bring them between 9 and 10, so we can get everything set up.


If you are looking for a great lunch or dinner treat, consider preordering your pasties.  We will be taking orders for pasties that you can pick up on Sunday, September 18th.  The cost is $3.00 a piece and we will have both meat and vegetarian pasties.  Contact Debra to place your order.  All orders must be receive by September 1, 2011.


We will be having live music this year generously provided by Crystal and Bill Atkinson, et al.  We are also looking for “local buskers.”  You may keep any money you raise, but we request that you donate a share of any proceeds to the town effort..  We want to locate you on Main Street around the rummage sale area and in front of the Inn.  If you play an instrument and would like to try your hand at buskering, please let me know.  ALL AGES are invited to participate.  Definition:  Busker – a person who entertains in a public place for donations (according to Daniel Webster and his dictionary!)


If you would like to assist the various crews that are currently working on making this a success, please let us know as soon as possible.  We are looking for people to help carry items, set up, tear down, drivers, and many other things.  We would love to have your help to make this the best bake and rummage sale ever.  Remember, more monies for our town means more monies for mitigation, grant opportunities and helping our neighbors.  Your help is always appreciated.

Contacts –  Buskers and our Overall Leader: Debra Yeager,  303 449 0454 or 303 881 7665 or                                                               

Rummage Sale: Lisa McConnell, 444-3732, and/or John Sand, 443-                                                      2543 or         

Pasties: Maggie Simms, 473-0811 or

Ice Cream Social: Joan Few, 442-3373 or

Raffle & Silent Auction: Joanne Cole, 443-7459 or

Arts & Crafts Fair: Gretchen Diefenderfer, 442-3847 or

Beer Sales: Val Crist, 440-9926 or


Thanks for your help! Debra Yeager,  303 449 0454 or 303 881 7665 or