Gold Hill Gold Rush

Posted on: August 18th, 2012


Gold Hill Gold Rush (Our annual Bake Sale/Rummage Sale/Craft Fair)

It’s that time again and this year we are having our fundraising day on Sunday, September 16th in the Beer Garden of the Inn.  Brian has very kindly given his permission for us to use the space for our event.

We will begin the “Rush” at 8 am for setup and the event will begin at 9 am.  This year we will be ending early to accommodate, “back by popular demand”  the Melodrama that we saw earlier this summer at the Inn’s 50th Reunion Celebration, and which will begin at 3 pm at the ranch.  If you haven’t seen it, make sure you do.  It’s terrific and lots of fun and interactive.  In order to make sure that we can all get there, we’ll be ending the “Rush” at 1:30 pm.  That will allow us to completely clean up the Beer Garden and remove any remaining items and get to the ranch on time.

Additionally, we will not be having a raffle this year but we will be having lots of great crafters, brats and beverages, live music, baked goods and hot coffee, and lots of things for you to purchase.  Remember, this is our only fund raiser for the year for the Gold Hill Town Meeting.

IF YOU HAVE THINGS TO DONATE….please set aside Saturday, September 15th as the day to do that.  This year we will be screening the items that are brought to us to make sure that they are sellable and of good enough quality to offer up.  In past years we’ve had a tremendous amount of things that you’ve offered; however, much of it didn’t sell and we’ve had to find people who will happily load up their trucks and take it to Boulder thrift shops.  We’re trying to avoid having to do too much of this and therefore are staging your items on Saturday.  Please bring what you have to the home of Debra and Max Yeager, 1225 Pine Street (last house on west Pine) on Saturday, September 15th between noon and 6 pm.  There will be a group of us culling the donations and loading them on a trailer for delivery on Sunday morning to the Beer Garden.  WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th AT THE EVENT (except for baked goods, of course).  If you can’t make it on that Saturday, call Debra and Max at 303 449 0454, and she’ll set up a time to bring over your things for storage in their garage.

Mark your calendars.  This promises to be another great event.  We need volunteers for driving materials to Boulder on Monday, September 17th, loading vehicles on Sunday, cleaning up, setting up, baking goods, etc.

For information on volunteering, call Debra at 303 449 0454 or on her cell at 303 881 7665.