GHTM Treasurer’s Report

Posted on: October 11th, 2016

GHTM Treasurer’s Report

October 10, 2016                                           


At the previous Town Meeting in AUGUST our bank balance was $13,936.51 and a balance of $85 held for us in trust at the Ward Church. Monies from the Ward Church have since been transferred back to the Community Relief Fund.


Revenue since the August meeting includes funds from cemetery donations, town cleanup and fundraising sales including the annual Gold Rush Event and pint glass sales.


Expenses include porta-potty servicing, donation to the Welcome Basket project, and Gold Rush event expenses.


Our current bank balance (total cash assets) is $16,577.51. Current individual sub-account ­­fund totals are as follows:

General Fund $2,806.10; Cemetery $5,678.09; Community Relief $3,576.95; Forest Management $94.12; Safe Link (funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $3,547.25; Community Planning $875.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Knapp, Treasurer

Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.                             10/10/16