GHTM Minutes 10/9/23
Minutes of the October 9, 2023, Zoom Meeting
Next Town Meeting is Monday, December 11, 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Dan Maedke. Thirteen people attended: Dan, Treasurer Chrissy Maedke, Maggie Simms, Member at Large John Hatelid, Leslie Finn, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Virginia Schultz, Debra Yeager, Shannon Lindow, Heidi Kessler, Richard Roth, Marcus Moench and Elisabeth Caspari.
Minutes – The minutes of the October meeting were approved with no additions or corrections.
Indigenous People’s Day – Dan and Chrissy wanted to acknowledge IPD and went over our draft statement (find it here asking for feedback. Deb suggested we focus more on Gold Hill’s connection – reach out to the Museum of Boulder and collaborate with Rick Williams who taught us that our area was a hunting grounds for many tribes and a gathering spot. Chrissy has been reaching out to the Museum of Boulder. Virginia expressed that our statement had a nice way of saying we’re part of a greater whole and suggested some languaging about people who are still here currently.
The plan is to bring it up for a vote at the December meeting.
Treasurer’s Report – This is the report as of 12/10/23
Starting date: 10/10/23 | ||||
Opening Balances | Accounts | Amount | ||
General | 3449 | $8,249.56 | ||
Grants | 7018 | $500.00 | ||
Savings | 7000 | $2,080.00 | ||
Total Opening Balances: | $10,829.56 | |||
Income | General 3449 | Cemetery Donation | $240.00 | |
Cemetery Donation | $200.00 | |||
Fall Party Cash Donations | $197.00 | |||
Fall Party Venmo | $163.46 | |||
Fall Party Donation | $250.00 | |||
Fall Party Donation | $75.00 | |||
Total | $1,125.46 | |||
Grants 7018 | ||||
Total | $0.00 | |||
Savings 7000 | ||||
Total | $0.00 | |||
Total Income: | $1,125.46 | |||
Expenses | General 3449 | Fall Party Food | $70.62 | |
Potty Maintenance | $50.00 | |||
Safe Deposit Box | $28.20 | |||
Liability Insurance | $330.00 | |||
Total | $478.82 | |||
Grants 7018 | ||||
Total | $0.00 | |||
Savings 7000 | ||||
Total | $0.00 | |||
Total Expenses: | $478.82 | |||
Ending Balances | General | 3449 | $8,896.20 | |
Grants | 7018 | $500.00 | ||
Savings | 7000 | $2,080.00 | ||
12/10/23 | Total Closing Balances: | $11,476.20 | ||
Chrissy requested any committees please present any requests for funding at the December meeting.
The Fall Soup Party is coming up on October 21 and the plan is to raise money for the Community Relief Fund. And they’re hoping the Holiday Party will raise money, too. We do already have money to pay the bills for next year.
Deb asked what happened to the Gold Rush? Chrissy replied that it’s a lot of work to put together and was too much with all the effort expended for the 150th School Anniversary festivities. Gretchen apologized for not recognizing that it wasn’t happening. She feels it’s an important community event and fundraiser. Deb suggested we try to bring it off in October, but there was not support for it. There was considerable discussion about the possibilities for next year, but the consensus was to let it go for this year and revisit it for next year. Deb added that she wants to make sure, as new members of the Town Council come in, that they know where’ve been so we don’t lose our traditions. Those of us who have pulled it off in the past are happy to help newcomers.
AirLink – Deb wanted to make sure people know that we have a generator in the shed located on the north side of the firebarn to support emergency communications. Chrissy has heard from George Weber that there is still a repeater (?) in the firebarn too. AirLink serves more than Gold Hill – including across much of our mountain area. Dan will meet with Dina about an annual refresher on Ham stuff.
Cemetery – Maggie reports that they are working on an annual report for the December meeting.
Community Events, Fundraising, and Merchandise – Dan reports that beyond events, they are looking at grants and pursuing a few big ideas. They do have pint glasses and some t-shirts for sale.
Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that the 150th was fantastic and thank you to all who participated. They are so pleased, proud, and grateful!
They’re working on ecosystem stuff now. In the front they have insects and just had a dragonfly hatch! They will be doing fly tying. Grants – SCFD has gifted them $3000 for field trips plus $$1500 to help include other schools. They went to see Swan Lake at the Ellie Caulkins Opera house. The Colorado Shakespeare actors came up and presented Comedy of Errors. Ecocycle came up and gave a presentation. Sylvia Pettem wrote an article on the School in the Daily Camera.
Health and Human Services – no report except they did write a grant, but haven’t heard yet.
Historic Zoning – no report
IMA – Gretchen reported that there was a meeting about Century Link problems and a report will be out ( see Dan reported Bret Gibson took the lead and representatives from all over the mountains were there, but CenturyLink was not. There are no easy solutions – apparently, it’s not cost effective for them to put a lot into it. We have a good contact in Ned, Miranda Fisher. Nederland is trying for a grant to set up some kind of high speed internet which could possibly loop in Ward and Gold Hill. The logistics are monumental. Always call if it goes out and please get any info on outages, etc. to Bret so he can keep a tally. The algorithm means we need numbers of complaints to get attention. They wonder if the Starlink satellites will be our future direction. Deb added that she’s told that the employees are just told to fix it. Dan reported that the representative from Neguse’s office was appalled by the lack of a representative from CenturyLink and that we end up with no 9-1-1. John said that Starlink is for individual users, not communities. Virginia added that we need battery back-up in every home and John said he can help with information on Starlink and battery back-up.
Mountain Stewards – Marcus reports they’re waiting on the status of the AIM grant with the BWC and Maya. There are 4 major elements: 1) Household mitigation, 2) Community Cleanups, 3) Mowing program and purchasing equipment for that, 4) BWC would hire a mitigation person to coordinate it all along with the existing ongoing programs. We already have money coming from the State for an additional 40 plus acres in Gold Hill to complement the Ashram and Ashley’s, while also coordinating work with individual landowners and other areas, i.e. down Lefthand, etc. Collaboration, especially, will also position us for 1A funds who also have a grant program. Virginia added that Cat Russell and Ota are working on a presentation on solar stuff, rebates, EV charging station, etc. for the December meeting. (see for info on the co-op which is free to join).
Chrissy reports that we’re starting to look at the bylaws. We sometimes need to be able to make decisions in a more timely manner regarding grant money, etc., and to clarify what has to be voted on by the town meeting or the town council.
Deb asked about setting up hubs around the Gold Hill area for EV charging stations and battery back up stuff. Marcus added, yes, and possibly include neighbors with Starlink whose WiFi we could join if CenturyLink is down.
Museum – Deb reports they’re closed for the season – it was a great season! They will re-open in the spring. For any merchandise and calendars, contact Deb ( The Inn also has calendars and she will contact Mike at the Store.
NeighborLink – Deb is requesting assistance with the alerting tree for emergency information for calls, texting, etc. Also, the Tuffshed behind the firebarn has all kinds of stuff in it: medical equipment, tables and heaters from the food pantry, a refrigerator/freezer all of which are available as needed. For the phone tree, we need to know your preferred contact – calls, texts, etc. and we need some people to keep it going. Regarding the town telephone list, somebody needs to forward compiled information to Whitey. Chrissy volunteered to work on that and she’s also been working on getting an MOU in writing from BVSD regarding using the School during emergencies.
Fire Department – Gretchen reports there will be a shipping container arriving as temporary housing for the UTV – see the town website for the minutes
Upcoming Meetings/Events
Fall Soup Party – October 21
Winter Holiday Party – December 16 – cookie exchange
PortaPotty – Chrissy wants to go on record that she hates it and thinks it’s an eyesore. It was brought up that we needed to have something in order to have town meetings/events in the Community Center and that perhaps we could build it an enclosure like the one behind the Store.
Next Town Meeting – December 11. We’re sticking with Zoom for now – do people have any input on that?
Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary