GHTM Elections report

Posted on: August 12th, 2022

Elections report from the August 8, 2022, Gold Hill Town Meeting

           I will get the rest of the minute out soon, but I thought people would want to know that we did  elect a new Town Council.  After much discussion among the 12 members present about who would agree to serve in what position, Sarah O’Brien agreed to move from Vice-Chair to chair, Chrissy Maedke agreed to serve as Vice Chair, no one else seemed at all interested in replacing  me as Secretary, so I’m still here, Sarah nominated her husband Sam Bennett as Treasurer, and Dan Maedke agreed to stay on as Member At Large, although he had hoped to be replaced.  This whole slate was approved by all the voters, with many thanks to Emma Dirolf for doing such a great job the last two challenging years as Chair. 

            Dan has tentatively scheduled the Gold Rush (some combination of Bake Sale, Music, Food, rummage and crafts) and issued a plea for help.  Deb Yeager and several others assured him they would assist. 

            We talked about the collaborative nature of the Council, that we’re all here to help each other, and that we all should feel welcome to ask for help when we need it.


Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary