GHTM 6-12-23 Minutes
Minutes of the June 12, 2023, Zoom Meeting
Next Town Meeting is Monday, August 14, 7:00 p.m. ELECTIONS!
The meeting was called to order by Chair Marcus Moench. Twelve people attended: Marcus, Member at Large Elisabeth Caspari, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Teagan Blakey to speak on the status of Sport Shooting in Boulder County, Doug Parker, Heidi Kessler and Richard Roth, Vice Chair Dan Maedke, Joanne Cole, Virginia Schultz, Steffi Wilson, and Clare Tone. As ever, if I missed anyone, please let me know.
Minutes – were approved as published.
Sport Shooting in Boulder County – Teagan Blakey has lived in the Magnolia area for a couple of decades and has put together a group to address shooting issues in their neighborhood called the Sport Shooting Partnership which coordinates with Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and the Forest Service. Their issues include: Shooting across roads and trails, within 150 yards of occupied areas, not at targets, shooting down trees, shooting at exploding and incendiary targets.
The USFS 2019 Plan Amendment, p.4, closed unsuitable areas if a shooting range was available. This would include some 80,000 acres. Boulder County has estimated the cost to build a shooting range at $4 – 5 million, and they contributed $1 million. CPW grants amounted to $265,000 leaving a deficit of $2.6 Million.
In 2022, Boulder County approved 3 local closures for places with a density of more than 100 people/square mile, but local closures are only a bandaid approach. At this point, the county coordinator has retired and the staff was already stretched. They are working on an area in Clear Creek County which will trigger another comment time. Gilpin and Clear Creek are looking at partnering on a shooting range, which would then close USFS land for shooting. However, if the Forest Service closes areas piece by piece that pushes the shooting issues into remaining unclosed areas. These agencies have been unhappy with the Boulder County Process, but they will be reconvening the whole sport shooting partnership this month.
What can we do? Request a Boulder County staff person to coordinate with the USFS to find a location, acquire funds, and manage construction. Plan B – request the USFS consider other ways to solve the problem if no suitable location is identified.
Marcus asked if public input would help and Teagan suggested we write to the County Commissioners (CCs) who are working on the issues. Doug reports picking up frass from shooting at trees very near his house. Ashley Stolzman, who works for the CCs, thought law enforcement should enforce existing shooting rules, but given staffing issues, that doesn’t prove practical. Teagan definitely thinks it would help to close the proposed 80,000 acres vs. the piecemeal approach. She added that they have not had a good response from the Boulder Rifle Club because there is no advantage for them.
Marcus stated that the Town Council can certainly write a letter saying a good number of our citizens have concerns over shooting issues and support Teagan’s suggestions.
Switzerland Trail: Support for a Safe Switzerland Trail (ST) from the GHTM – There has been increased discussion around heavier ATV use on the ST on and off the road. It’s difficult to walk, ride horses, or bike safely. One question – should we weigh in as the GHTM? This meeting voted yes and we know there is wide community concern. Richard and Heidi report their personal safety is jeopardized – it’s like a race track, and they are degrading the natural environment going off road and tearing it up. Estes has closed their local areas so now the ATV rental companies give the renters maps and send them to the GH area and the ST. The consensus is that the GHTM should support Clare Tone and supporters. Richard added that the Boulder County Transportation Plan is available online ( and gives detailed plans regarding trail development.
Fire Mitigation: AIM Grant and next steps – We did not get the AIM Grant, but they are very supportive of our efforts. There was some problem because we didn’t propose just traditional mitigation work, but included more buffer areas, home hardening, and education around fire awareness. They are meeting this week with more ideas and are looking for ways to fund our innovative ideas.
The Boulder Watershed Collective – Zach Hedstrom is working with the idea of inoculating chips with micro-rhizomes to help build soil in the mitigated areas and will need help spreading the chips, etc.
Town Clean Up – Gretchen reports it’s on for Saturday, June 24 and asked if we want one or two trash dumpsters – the strong response was TWO.
August Elections – Marcus noted that he and Elisabeth stepped in to fill the void last year, but they want to be replaced this year. We need new board members!
Treasurer’s Report – Dan reported for Treasurer Chrissy who is out of town. Not much money has moved around. We had some small income from Bingo Night at the GH Store and paid bills for the Wildfire Preparation Day, which was money from a grant from the Cyclists for Communities.
Pancake Breakfast and Parade – After the news broke that the GHFPD would not be doing the Breakfast and Parade this year, Joanne Cole suggested we consider turning it into a Town Meeting event for next year or perhaps in conjunction with the GHFPD. We could start planning early. There is strong interest with the new board and organization of the GHFPD in stronger links with the town, sharing the building more as originally planned, etc., and Joanne would love to help organize. It’s a grand town tradition. Addendum: The GHFPD along with many townspeople did pull off the Breakfast and Parade –it was a great success and everyone helped.
AirLink – Marcus reported that AirLink (our ham radio group) is a separate 501(c)3 from the GHTM. Dina sent an email saying they are looking for new board members. They’re mostly all over 70 and need some new younger members.
Business District – no report Cemetery – no report
Community Events and Fundraising – Dan reports that he has purchased new pint glasses and does plan to have the fall bake and rummage sale.
Flora, Gardens, and Weed Management – Marcus reports that Pam and Steve Sherman are happy to consult with anyone on this. Oxeye Daisies and Spurge are coming on and need attention.
Historical Zoning – no report IMA – no report
GH School – Dan reports that the School will be 150 years old next school year and they’re planning a large celebration over the Labor Day weekend – band, food trucks, alumnae dinner, meet and greet with older and newer graduates. It will also be a fundraiser with merch, etc.
They will have a new school manager – the third position at the school – Ray DeBroux – Whitey’s son’s wife! And they’re thrilled to have her.
Health and Human Services – Liz Vanek has started a new 501(c)3 called Neighborhood Angels to help out neighbors in need. Virginia suggested that maybe they could coordinate with our H & H, Meals on Wheels, etc., – develop a network of resources to help people.
Mountain Stewards – Virginia reports that the Wildfire Mitigation Day on May 6 was a great success. Thank you to the Store! 49 people showed up, 8 organizations and 15 staff had informational displays.
The Office of Emergency Management is changing their name to the Office of Disaster Management, but for now you can still find them at Virginia’s goal is to have 100% of our townspeople signed up for emergency notifications. Go to, click on Emergency Updates, and then Follow OEM Alerts and sign up!
Teens, Inc. were up here on June 2 for 1 short day, and will be back on June 21 and 22. They’re working under a grant from the Watershed Collective for labor, but not materials.
Erin with the Watershed Collective and 2 interns will set up 8 wildlife cameras to monitor wildlife post the mitigation work being done on the north slope. The plan is is a wholistic look at forest health, animals and plants and Erin will put together a report.
Marcus reports that there is grant money for an EV charging station up here. Xcel is interested. Cat Russell is working on this – looking at people with EVs and a location. This would be a level 3 charger and would charge up 80% in 20 minutes. Dan will revisit the conversation with the Inn about the possibility of locating the EV Station there. Marcus added that for the AIM Grant this year, they are interested on a larger focus, not just the old town
Museum – The Community Outreach this year is June 23 and will include a virtual tour of historic cabins in Gold Hill.
NeighborLink and SafeLink – no report
Signage – There was discussion of parking issues and signs needed for the 4th of July and really for other events (Inn events and others) that severely impact the town and emergency access. Gretchen suggested that perhaps we should work with the County Road Department for more permanent “No Parking This Side” signs up Horsfal and down Fourmile and other roads in town – maybe address the whole issue again. Gretchen will contact Mike Thomas and Dan will help.
Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary