GHTM 10-10-22

Posted on: October 15th, 2022

Incorporated On January 28, 1970


Notes from the October 10, 2022, Zoom Meeting

Next Town Meeting is Monday, December, 7:00 p.m.

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Sarah O’Brien. Fifteen people attended: Michael Wollard, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Chair Sarah O’Brien, Vice Chair Chrissy Maedke and Member at Large Dan Maedke, Marybeth Neal, Treasurer Sam Bennett, Marcus Moench and Elisabeth Caspari, Terry Walters, Austin Miller, Rick Sheingold, Leslie Finn, Heidi Kessler, Deb Yeager.  Please, if I missed anyone, please let me know.

Minutes  of The August 8, 2022 Town Meeting minutes were approved with no additions or corrections.

Treasurer’s Report – Sam reports that the last balance available was from 8-9-21, so there are gaps.  His report since August of this year is the beginning balance was

$33,296.01 and, after transactions mostly to do with reimbursements for Forest Management of around $20,000 plus additions of around $400 from the Gold Rush, the ending balance is $12,307.98.  There is $1485 in cash still to be deposited from the Gold Rush.  There is a meeting on the 13th regarding late filing of fees on our properties so we are going to have to pay some late fees.  It is going to take time to look at each transaction over the last year in order to allocate them to our own accounts, but he has put a dent in it now.

         Sarah asked why the records are lacking.  Sam replied that Martha kept good track of our separate funds, but there has been no reporting since 8-9-21, so there is limited information to go on.  We will have to go to the bank account statements to dig it out.  Online banking is improved now at the bank so this will be easier.  It’s been sort of a slush fund.

         Marcus added that Virginia has the reporting on the Forest Management Grant to the Community Foundation so that should be available.

Sarah reported that she and Sam are stepping down at this meeting because they are moving in a week and a half.


 Mountain Stewards – Marcus reports that they are closing out the Forestry Grant and Virginia has the full report.  They would like to see this happen again.  A number of people have also been helped through Energy Care Colorado.  Six houses got heat pumps, some got heaters and we have access to bulk buying through Dave at Boulder County and Mitchell at Energy Care Colorado.

         Sarah added that she, Marcus, and Virginia have been working on a funding grant for recycling.  She also reported that quite a few town members want to get on any town list to participate in grants that become available. Marcus replied that there is no formal list, but Forestry Grant mailers were sent out and emails were sent out to the town list.  They are interested in any other ways to reach everyone.

Forestry and Forest Management – Marcus reports that lots of wood has been cut at the Ashram and the plan is to set up 4 hour windows for people to come and take wood.  Michael Wollard’s property also has wood available and the Ashley property will have a lot. 

Mike reported that the current plan is to mitigate out around 100’ on his property and the Ashley property and then work on the big cut from Ashley’s to the east.  He has suggested that they complete the work behind the Finn’s so that the end result is visible to everyone – right now it looks sort of like a bomb went off.  He added that Jason, the contractor, is willing to set aside wood if local people want to talk to him and arrange it with him.

Weed Management – no report

School – Chrissy reports that it’s going really well – they’re back in the swing of things post all the Covid 19 restrictions.  The Mountain Ear had a really sweet article on Jojo, see  They have also hired a 3rd full time person, Eva Rainey, who is a dream come true.  They’ve received a SCFD grant for science and theatre and have taken several field trips and had two performances – Shakespeare and the school play – had the leadership camp.  It’s been very lovely and very busy.  Fall Fiesta will be Wednesday, November 16 at the Inn from 5:00 to 8:00 with 3, 4, 5th graders serving.  They’ll have music – more info to follow.

Museum – Deb reports they are closed for the season and had a good season.  The Community Outreach was on the Sand Creek Massacre and was a very serious event.  They will be getting out an email on the t-shirts, calendars, etc. for sale for gift giving.

Community Planning  – Dan reports that the Gold Rush went very well and was very successful.  He will email out thanks to everyone and the report soon.  He did want to shout out to the Finn Family who donated more than ever.  We’re all eternally grateful for all they do for the town.  He does plan to put some of the money back into merch for presents, etc.

Cemetery – no report              SafeLink/NeighborLink/AirLink – no report

IMA – Marybeth emailed Pam’s report

IMA Update

Pam Sherman is not able to be here tonight; is here a summary:

The Intermountain Alliance is an organization of mountain community leaders and representatives from Western Boulder County, Ned through Allenspark and Lyons and also partners just over the county borders. We work closely with outside organizations. Our main partner is the Office of Disaster Management, formerly Emergency Management.

Our purpose is to help ourselves and each other to be more disaster resilient and aware in the mountains.

We have been going for 11 years and have won local and national awards for our work.

Current co-chairs are Ken Lenarcic, former mayor of Jamestown, Colleen Sinclair, Mountain Resource Specialist now transitioning to BoCo Public Health Emergency Planner, and Pam Sherman, Disaster Preparedness Trainer with ODM. 

Update on recent IMA Activity:

Communications–we made noise and got results: the County (Sheriff’s Office/Office of Disaster Management), Excel and Century Link have been working to improve generator capacity in the mts. during events when the power goes out. Many of us have experienced backup power to be 2 hours, max 4 hours instead of the much longer time they had promised and 911 can’t work without battery backup.

To quote AirLink and IMA member from Lefthand, Bill van Matre:

XCEL is going to install new meters. Centurylink is replacing all battery backup that will tell them when the system is on battery. They have moved the backup generators out of the areas that have good power to areas that need them more. Their system will give real time status to the control center. That information will be conveyed to XCEL. The IMA was instrumental in making all this happen.

Recreational Shooting–residents in different parts of the mountains, including some in the Gold Hill area, have experienced consistent gunfire too close to their homes–sometimes hitting their homes–on a regular basis due to dispersed recreational shooting.  Sugarloaf resident  Teagen Blakey, the head of a mountain organization working with the USFS and BoCo, whose purpose is to bring safety to mountain residents wrt this issue, gave the IMA an excellent presentation on the problems and current safety status with rec shooting in the mts. As many of you know, we have been working on this for years.  If GHTM would like to invite her to speak to us, Pam Sherman can connect you with her. 

Weather Modification Pilot Program (Cloud Seeding and whatever else)–IMA will be having a presentation on cloud seeding by an engineer working with our local water conservation district at our upcoming meeting on Thursday 10/20 at 10 am. Let Pam know if you are interested in attending and she will send you the meeting link.

Disaster Preparedness Training— Cat Price from Boulder Watershed Collective and Pam did the Office of Disaster Management pilot Train the Trainer program for Disaster Preparedness. This was a really good update.  Pam Sherman has done 2-3 other such trainings and this one she thinks is excellent. Let her know if GHTM would like us to present it here. Our training was 3 hours but we can do it for you in one. The ODM encourages the training to be neighborhood by neighborhood.

 Attending IMA meetings: Since we meet online and don’t plan to go back to in-person, we can accommodate more people. If you are interested in coming to a specific presentation to help Gold Hill or the mountains or to work on a mountain issue, tell Pam ( or Marybeth Neal (

Colleen’ Sinclair’s position as Mountain Resource Specialist for the BoCo Area Agency on Aging is open. Apply here:  Of course we hope the next Specialist will be someone who lives in the mountains, so we are letting our mountain friends know.  Thank you for listening!

Historic Zoning – no report

Fire Department – Leslie reports that they want to welcome Whitey DeBroux as their new Assistant Chief.  They’re planning an event in November for everyone to meet him and for him to go over his ideas for the department.  As usual, they’re looking for volunteers.

         Increasing the mill levy is now a ballot issue.  Go to and look at board information, mill levy for a good outline of the department’s goals.  They have acquired a UTV, which is not quite in service yet.  There will be a training on it in November.

         Marcus added that there is a flyer on the mill levy at the Gold Hill Store and Pub, and the Mountain Stewards has put together a flyer supporting the mill levy increase, which will be out soon.


 Council Members – Sarah reports that she and Sam are moving at the end of the month and leaving Gold Hill and are therefore resigning their positions as Chair and Treasurer of the Town Council.  She asked if anyone is interested in filling these positions.  Marcus and Elisabeth replied that, after much consideration, they are willing to hop in. Gretchen added that she is so sorry to lose Sarah and Sam, we are really going to miss them both, but very happy and relieved that Marcus and Elisabeth are stepping up.  She reported that, according to the bylaws, when there is a vacancy, the other members of the council are responsible for appointing replacements and that she is in support of appointing Marcus and Elisabeth.  Chrissy and Dan agreed and added that they are honored to have them and work with them.

Therefore, the Council now consists of

         Chair, Marcus Moench

         Vice Chair, Christine Maedke

         Secretary, Gretchen Diefenderfer

         Treasurer, Elisabeth Caspari

         Member at Large, Dan Maedke

Community Fund – Sarah reported that this fund started in response to the Fourmile Fire, and then there was an additional COVID fund with a grant from the Community Foundation.  Marcus pointed out that any remaining COVID funds can just roll into the main Community Fund. There is a maximum benefit of $500 per applicant, based on need, and the town council administers the fund.  Previously people had to request a form, complete it and return it to a council member.  She has created a Google form that pings the Chair when someone completes it, so this should be easier for everyone, as well as outlined the procedure for the board, and updated the qualifications.  The plan is to update the website.  She does have 2 people who have applied.

Boulder County Zoning Notices

Maedke Vacation and Subdivision Exemption Court Date

Public Hearing: December 1 at 2:30pm at the Court House

Docket V-22-0001/SE-22-0004: Maedke Vacation and Subdivision Exemption
Vacation and Subdivision Exemption request to vacate a portion of an existing undeveloped alley and combine it with three existing parcels to create one parcel of approximately 0.885 acres. The application is submitted by Christine Maedke (applicant/property owner). The proposal is in the Historic (H) zoning district at 410 and 412 Boulder Street (Parcels no. 145912010001 and 145912002007) and 0 Main Street (Parcel no. 145912002003), approximately 3.8 miles west of the intersection of Four Mile Canyon Drive and Gold Run Road, in Section 12, T1N, R72W. Detailed information regarding this item is available on-line here or you may contact the Community Planning & Permitting Department ( / 303-441-3930) to request application materials or view them at our office (2045 13th Street, Boulder) during our open public hours.

Wheeler Residence Information

MEMO TO: County Health and Parks Departments, FPD
FROM: Abigail Scheuermann, Planner I
DATE: October 5, 2022
RE: Site Plan Review application SPR-22-0102
Docket SPR-22-0102: Wheeler Residence
Request: Site Plan Review proposing the construction of a 4,680-
square-foot residence on a 4.06 acre parcel with a
presumptive size maximum of 6,339 square feet.
Location: 6801 Sunshine Canyon Drive, Section 7, Township 1N,

Range 71W

Zoning: Forestry (F) Zoning District
Applicants/Owners: Kevin & Holly Wheeler
Agent: Michael Silbert

Site Plan Review by the Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting Director is required for new building/grading/access or floodplain development permits in the plains and mountainous areas of unincorporated Boulder County. The subject review process considers potential significant impact to the ecosystem, surrounding land uses and infrastructure, and safety concerns due to natural hazards. The Community Planning & Permitting staff values comments from individuals and referral agencies. Please check the appropriate response below or send a letter to the Community Planning & Permitting Department at P.O. Box 471, Boulder, Colorado 80306 or via email to All comments will be made part of the public record and given to the applicant. Only a portion of the submitted documents may have been enclosed; you are welcome to call the Community Planning & Permitting Department at 303-441-3930 or email to request more information. Please return responses by October 24, 2022
(Please note that due to circumstances surrounding COVID-19, application timelines and deadlines may need to be modified as explained in the CPP Notice of Emergency Actions issued March 23, 2020 (see

 Chrissy explained that they have made it through the Planning Commission which recommended approval.  They want to vacate the platted alley that divides their property.  Their property consists of several pieces, they have 3 addresses and 3 tax bills for their  property of less than 1 acre plus their water and house are not on the same parcel.  They want to consolidate into one parcel, which also means they have to go through the subdivision exemption process also.  The trail is not really part of the discussion – it is not on the alley, and they have no intention of closing off the trail.

Harvest Festival – The Harvest Festival and the First Annual Hearty Soup Contest came about because several council members were talking about soups for winter.  It will be held at the School, Sunday, September 16th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.  There will be 3 judges.  Bring however much you’d like, some for judging and maybe some to give away.  There will be apple cider and…?   Bring your recipes to share.

Wasp Nest at the Firebarn – Leslie reports that there is a big, busy wasp nest at the Firebarn and they intend to get rid of it this weekend.  Lots of discussion ensued about all the wasps around.

Banking – Chrissy asked where the Museum and the Fire Department bank in case we want to change banks

Respectfully Submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary

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Also, if you know anyone who should be getting our newsletter, but is not, or if you no longer want the newsletter, please let me know this, too.