GHFPD BOARD MEETING 7/17/23 unofficial minutes

Posted on: July 28th, 2023


July 17, 2023, 7:00pm –  unofficial minutes

Next Board Meeting Monday, August 21, 7:00 p.m

CALL TO ORDER ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES – The meeting was called to order by President Kent Coghill.   Present were  board members Jessica Brookhart, Kent, Max Yeager, Boyd Brown and Chris Dirolf plus  community members Gretchen Diefenderfer and Rick Sheingold.  Chief Bret Gibson arrived later

  • Reminder that going forward we will be sending out unofficial minutes to be posted prior to them being approved at the following meeting. Minutes of the June meeting were approved with the correction that Val Crist and Leslie Finn are the present members of the Pension Board and they are willing to continue.


FIRE CHIEF’S MINUTES: Chief Gibson, and Assistant Chief DeBroux


  •  Clarification regarding UTV usage and campfire responses – The UTV is somewhat top heavy with the pump mounted as is – may be lowered. It’s been determined that the UTV is not generally appropriate for patient transport, particularly for anyone with spinal concerns – possibly ok for a patient with minor injuries who could ride in front. There was a call today (7-17 – car alert) – most responders staged while Sunshine went down to investigate – ultimately UTL (unable to locate).  Rick responded in the UTV – reports it has great labels, but needs an ID call number.

– Past Training – there was a good company meeting last week.

  •  Upcoming training – Campfire Response – Bret responded on the campfire protocols – he will be the officer in charge of the classroom training on 7/27 and will address 1. How deep a hold do we need to dig to make sure it’s out and 2. What’s the best way to diffuse the situation with the campers. He contributed Forest Service maps.  Kent will go over response protocols and ask OSMP Ranger Burton Stoner to help fill in on de-escalation tactics.
  •  New volunteers- Jake K.
  •  Taskbooks (Ongoing for a future rollout) – Kent, Jake, and Whitey are working on them. Kent reminded people to bring them to trainings


  •  Station maintenance- Trash Removal– Leslie Finn – One Way Trash has agreed to pick up our trash for free. We will find out their requirements – plan now is to take out our present trash can early to be picked up.
  •  Update on improving accessibility for apparatus and possibly removing cistern- Max Yeager is waiting on William Close, Structural Engineer, for a final report for next meeting. As far as a 3 sided addition to the back of the firebarn, there are no issues with the soil. The height of the present doors, which are 10’x10’,  cannot be raised because of the overhead I-beam support.  Sam at Boulder Overhead Door has been very helpful. We do have height issues – most all trucks now are 10’3” and our present trucks are a very tight fit.  Bret points out that this station has a life span for engines and tenders and we need long term strategic planning before embarking on any capital plans for our firebarn.  Looking for an interim solution for the UTV, Fourmile has a maybe 20’ shipping container that could be insulated and provide housing for the UTV and accessories.

         Max suggested we could possibly approach our Sawmill neighbors about having a substation for a truck with a cistern out there, which would free up a bay for the UTV.

         Budget meeting is next month and we first have to decide how much money for projects we really have.


  • Update on cost of medical supplies and highest priority medical items. Does AMR or Lefthand have any equipment we could use? – Leslie Finn reports that Chief O’Brien brought us a litter, but it’s very old and stiff and hard to break apart as designed. Bret later clarified that the device is a backboard, not a litter and he thinks AMR may help us purchase a new one. Right now, she suggests we get a bean bag.  Bret suggests 1. Community Foundation grants are now open and both these would be good requests, also 2. We should ask Chief O’Brien to ask at BCFFA because a lot of departments have extra stuff they’d possibly be happy to share.

         Rick reports we learned at the last medical training that AMR has a mandate to supply us with lots of little stuff as well.

EQUIPMENT PURCHASE TEAM?- Where are we on who is the lead for making purchases?- Kent reports that he saw Steffi Wilson and she’s happy to take on purchasing.  Bret agrees to empowering Steffi as Leslie has asked to step back.  Chris Dirolf  made a motion to give Steffi acquisition power in addition to her Quartermaster duties – passed unanimously.  She will coordinate procurement along with grant writers, Chief O’Brien, the Community Foundation, AMR, and our budget principally for firefighting stuff.  We do need to confer with her and make sure how much she’s willing to take on and what kind of help she might need.  Leslie, as medical, may continue to handle medical supplies.    Jessica has the information for the Community Foundation and can do that grant.

Chris reports that Boulder Mountain West will be reconvening at the end of the month and will be looking at grants for the group as well.  Fourmile is putting together a list for Boulder Mountain West with Ace Hardware.

Bret suggests board members make contact with Brittany Brush of AMR. They may also be able to help us purchase items – they have a huge purchasing department.  He added that it’s good for the board to do some of the tasks – even helping chain the trucks, etc.

 __________________________________________________________________ OPERATIONAL READINESS:


  •  Prioritizing department needs
  •  Board has made contact with Robert Constable, waiting to organize a meeting. –Kent
  •  SDA conference in September. Chief Gibson recommends we join the SDA (Special District Association). Kent will reach out about the process for joining for next year. Some advantages include good conferences, saving money on insurance, free legal  aid and networking.  Bret also suggests we confer with Ron Beebe (Fourmile board member) re budget stuff


  •  Max reports Engine 5439 is in the shop – drain valves are stuck plus it has a water leak. They’ll do a full DOT service and pump check.

 – UTV- Where are we on sirens, lights, and radio for UTV?- Max  reports that the Sturtz’s are working on that– getting some stuff from Bret.  Kent will f/u

  •  Update on shed/storage area pad for UTV- Max has gotten in touch with Dave Wilson about surveying the back boundary here before making further plans for UTV housing

● Timeline for new overhead? Determining how we are moving forward with leadership. Bret reports that he and O’Brien have chatted about their shared responsibilities and, given the new Board and their reception, as well as the membership, they’re comfortable extending the timeline.  It seems comfortable and stable at this time. Gold Hill cannot afford right now to hire a chief. We do still have a lot of catching up to do first as far as equipment and the station, but we have breathing room.  We do have some rough job descriptions.  In the meantime, they are working to clarify who to go to for what.

Let’s do our budget and see what we have and plan what’s the best use of our funds.

We have to do our strategic planning first before worrying about job descriptions for the Chief – we’re not there yet.  Our strategic direction will dictate.  For Fourmile, the idea of a paid administrative position made a lot of sense to them.

Leslie added that, at the company meeting, the firefighters expressed their desire for more information about our direction, new chief, etc.  Also, do we still have teams?  They want to know what the expectations are of the members.

Bret responded that the evaluation process, where we are now, is pretty complete.  The next steps are where do we want to be and where can we actually get, practically speaking.  We’re a little behind, but we’ll get there.  We start with our dreams and will get to realistic possibilities.  Kent will send out a Survey Monkey to seek department members wants and dreams.  __________________________________________________________________


GRANTS- Funding opportunities for mitigation and energy work- Marcus Moench sent an email with updates on upcoming funding opportunities.  1. We had good discussions with the AIM grant people who gave us insight on how to address key reasons it wasn’t awarded last time and the GHTM is planning to apply for the fall round.  Max. award is 70K.  2. We’ll be finding out more about the DOLA Resilience Challenge Grant coming up this fall.  They’ve been working with Dave Hatchimonjo with the County as the DOLA program is for gov’t entities.  He’s putting in a proposal that combines  fire resilience with energy efficiency improvements for GH and 3. The Community Foundation grant process opens in the fall – small (9K), but flexible.  They’re looking for ways to fill in the gaps between major mitigation projects and private property home hardening, etc.  Bret pointed out that Fourmile basically submitted a plan for fuel breaks from top to bottom of their district and encouraged private homeowners to buy in – some did and some didn’t so there were gaps, but they made good progress.

Chris O’Brien is working on a group application (Sunshine, Sugarloaf, Fourmile, Lefthand, Lyons) to the CO Division of Fire Prevention and Control.



  • Ashram wood removal- Boyd and Kris Gibson looked at the area. The logs need to be cut into 4’ lengths. Maya doesn’t have any more money for a crew.  Chris Dirolf and Kent volunteered to spend time cutting up the logs – Boyd will show them the area – they requested gas and chainsaw oil.  The Ashram needs to know whenever they’ll be there and Bret pointed out they need to give notification so they’d be covered by Workers’ Comp.  The Ashram would like the wood removed by the end of August.  We will figure out a time for people to come get the wood and will need people to help direct traffic and help load.  Community wood utilization is a great project.  Bret said to let Maya know about something like a pizza lunch or apple cider and donuts and he’ll fund it.

COLLABORATION- CWPP- Marcus reports the link for CWPP is not working.  Chris Dirolf – Go to the Colorado State Forest Service website to find the document (
WEBSITE- Needs and updates- Jess Brookhart: all the documents Whitey sent are now on there.
COMMUNITY EVENTS/FUNDRAISING- Fourth of July Parade- Jess Brookhart reports our income was around $6,000 and they spent around $1,100 and it went great!  Definitely worked better to have the parade at 11:00.  Thanks to all the volunteers.  Leslie pointed out that it wasn’t done under the normal IQS system, but maybe because we have changed the Pension Board bylaws, we can still allocate duty hours.  It was decided to give everyone 3 hours.

– Pension Board Election?- Have we put out a call for nominations? Timeline?- Jess Brookhart will get out self-nomination forms for the present board (Val Crist and Leslie Finn) and then put out a call in case any other community members would like to run and serve

ADJOURNMENT: With that a motion was made to adjourn and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted, Acting Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer