GHFPD Board Meeting 5/16/23 notes

Posted on: June 5th, 2023

Notes on the GHFPD Board meeting 5/16/2023 – Gretchen Diefenderfer

Next Meeting Monday, June 19, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Kent Coghill.  Thirteen people were present: Kent, Kris Gibson, Leslie Finn, Val Crist, Jessica Brookhart, Chief Bret Gibson, Chris Dirolf, Boyd Brown, Max Yeager, Anita Sturtz, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Chief Chris O’Brien, Rick Sheingold.

Election Results – All board members have been sworn in and their oaths have been submitted. All oaths were witnessed.

Kent suggested that we try to limit our discussions because the meetings have been so extended.  We have decided not to Zoom the meetings for now unless there is a special need.  This generated a discussion about the importance of being in person, the desire for transparency and need to include people, and the difficulty to do both in person and Zoom.  Bret reported that the County Commissioners air their meetings, but don’t take comments.  The decision was reached that we would try this for the next meeting.

Minutes- Kent reported one clarification to the April minutes emailed to the board: The $1,000 approved for Chief Finn and the party was intended to be the total for the gift and food.  Jess will get with Shivaun Finn to transfer funds.  Boyd moved to accept the March and April (as amended) minutes, Max seconded and it passed unanimously.


Chief’s Minutes – Bret passed around pictures of Fourmile’s UTVs.  They have taken Chris Finn’s inventory, validated it, and put it against the NFPA recommendations.  The shortfalls (middle of the road estimations) amount to approx. $52,000.  For instance, it’s recommended to have a small wildland pump on each truck (~$7,000 each), plus chain saws and more, newer hose to start with.  There is talk among our neighboring districts ( including Indian Peaks, Pinewood, Big Elk) to do a lending library or closet for gear.  A lot of money is involved and the possibility of saving among the departments would be an advantage. We need a small parts capital plan as well as capital plans for the big items – trucks, station, etc.

            We are starting our redevelopment goals for officers and truck engineers.  Whitey, Leslie, Chris Dirolf, and Bret met -Leslie has handed over training to Kent.  There are no officers for right now, except for Whitey as Assistant Chief, until they’ve been checked off.  In sync with neighboring districts, there are two main ways the different levels (Firefighters, Lieutenants, Captains, etc.) can be qualified – either very comprehensive and specific (detailed task books, etc.,) or more general – for instance, for Firefighters, getting checked off by a proctor after demonstrating knowledge and skills and general district knowledge.  For now, it was decided to go with more general.  For instance, Val and Kris could sign each other off – they will be trusting each other on calls and fire lines.  We can move on to more comprehensive, which would encourage people to be motivated and learn all details.  Kent volunteered that they could do some one on one check offs before regular trainings.

Medical Truck – Bret reports that when the medical truck comes back from repair work, this will give people confidence that all is in good repair.  Then the other trucks need to be checked out. 

Equipment Needs – Steffi Wilson is handling quartermaster job.  We do know we’re short on wildland tools.  Bret asked that we send our list to him and Chris O’Brien to see if they have any available to share.  Kent thinks we should allocate $1,000 for some new tools – it would be a morale booster to know we have good tools for our needs.  Kent will get with Steffi and come up with a prioritized list.  Chris O’Brien added that they have access to tools through the DLA.

Readiness – New protocols for camp fire response are coming out.  Bret added that we also need to address this at a meeting with the board. 

Strategic Planning – Bret reports that Fourmile is going through comprehensive strategic planning – they are lucky enough to have a former IBM strategic planner on their board and he has offered his time to Gold Hill after the Fourmile assessment is complete.  It will id. strengths and weaknesses and next steps.  He, Robert Constable, will meet with a couple of the board members and can show them some examples.  Chris O’Brien has a 42 page one he will share with us.

Truck Report – Max reports that Mountain View is anxious to have us get our truck out of there.  They have evaluated the truck and fixed the pump.  We would have to sign a waiver regarding the tires being unsafe unless we replace them.  Tires will be ~$4,200 for new ones and rims.  The other two trucks will be less than that and can be replaced up here.  Max is asking them for an invoice.  He’s uncertain of their brakes assessment and recommends a new GMC Dealer (Trans West) in Henderson who would work on the chassis and brake shoes, etc. on a DOT check.  If the GM engine fails, the truck is done – it’s old and parts are difficult to get.  Costs: $4,200 + $2,800 x 2 for new TOYO radials for the 3 trucks, ~$2,000 to Mountain View for repairs and evaluations.  Boyd moved that we take $13,500 out of the reserve budget for the new tires for all 3 trucks, the Mountain View repairs, and Trans West brake evaluations.  Chris Dirolf seconded and the motion passed.

Bret was asked about his suggestion of a loaner medical rescue truck in the meanwhile.  He recommended we do a familiarity training.

UTV – Bret has spoken with Whitey and they agree we need to get the UTV equipped, up and running.  Actual requirements from Boulder County are just that we have to have the factory lights on while in use.  We also need stickers to identify it as a fire department vehicle.  Bret, and Dave and Matt Sturtz can put in radios, light bars, siren, etc.  Bret recommends an OEM Powerblock, Polaris approved.  Can probably get lights from the City of Boulder shop.  Chris Dirolf will check with them.  Boyd had questions about how the litter is mounted in the pictures Bret brought.  Bret reports that they have transported ~ 10 people in fair weather.  They do carry a tarp and in bad weather wd have to improvise (street engineering).  It goes where an ambulance or truck can’t.  Estimated costs ~$500.

Petty Cash – Jess has set up a petty cash box with $300 in the office for immediate needs.  She and Whitey have keys and she will get Whitey as a signer on the FD credit card.  Receipts will be required for reimbursement.

Administrative sharing – Kent asked if Fourmile’s administrative assistant is available.


Other Business –

            Grants – Kris reports nothing new.  Maya will hear about the AIM grant next week.  Teens, Inc., will be here in June and they have a good list of home hardening needs from the wildfire preparation day.

            Kent reports they also have received $3,000 from…….

            Chris Dirolf reports that Boulder West Wildfire Authority is working with the CWPP group looking to see where the needs are and challenges going forward.  He reports that the Avenza maps are great.  They are evaluating evacuation strategies for egress in emergencies – how to get everyone out.  Boulder Communications has a training piece.

            Bret reports that there is grant money available for EV charging stations at public spots through Colorado Care – free!

            He recommends we come up with “pocket grants” – lists of needs/wants we can plug right in when money becomes available.  We also need a purchase agreement for grants.

Website – Kris had questions about posting protocols, etc.  Jess is working with Whitey on it.  Also Firefighters lists – names, phone numbers, emails, would be password protected.

Bank account signers – needs to be updated – Jess is on and Boyd and Chris Dirolf will be added.

4th of July Parade and Breakfast – Leslie reports that the pancake breakfast is a no-go without access to the Inn and she will not be in town.  We can always do the parade  with the caveat that traffic control is always a challenge – we can’t close the road.  Possibly Donal, and Dave and Matt Sturtz will help as they have before.

New Board – Kent agreed to serve as President, but cannot do Secretary minutes as well.  Jess agreed to serve as Treasurer and Secretary as far as taking care of the website and posting the minutes, etc., but would not take minutes.  The Recording Secretary does not have to be a board member and Gretchen Diefenderfer agreed to do it, but will be out of town for the next meeting – Boyd will take minutes.  They need to be distributed to the board members for corrections or additions before submitting them for approval and website posting. Chris Dirolf was tasked with being Vice President.  Max is happy to oversee the trucks. A motion was made to approve all these positions and passed.

 Meeting Schedule – Boyd suggested we consider a different day other than Tuesday for meetings.  After discussion, it was decided to move to the third Monday of the month.


Gretchen Diefenderfer