GHFPD Minutes 9-16-24 meeting

Posted on: October 11th, 2024

GOLD HILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, Proposed minutes of the Monday, September 16, 2024 Fire Board Meeting by Acting Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer

Next Meeting – Monday, October 21, 2024, 7:00 p.m.


         Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by President Kent Coghill.  Present were board members Kent, Boyd Brown, Max Yeager and Jessica Brookhart, as well as acting secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer. Attending by Zoom were Chief Rich Caudill, Board Member Chris Dirolf, Val Crist, Leslie Finn (who later came to the meeting),  Kris Gibson, and Jillian Conrad of Vector Solutions.

OPERATIONAL NEEDS – Jillian Conrad of Vector Solutions (, presented their software program to manage and track evaluations and professional development and deliver online training.  Kent’s department in Denver uses this and Chief Caudill is very familiar with it.  It seems very flexible for meeting our needs, will offer all the courses and testing we’d need for firefighters, medical responders, store all certifications, record our trainings for people who might miss them and issue monthly reports.  Chief Rich added that all CEs are CAPC and meet state requirements.  There are over a thousand courses – fire courses, OSHA material, HR stuff, Business skills.  Our Administrator can see them all and users can see what’s assigned and it keeps records – users can grab own certificates.  We can upload our own stuff and issue assignments.  It can customize notifications and add reminders.  Rich added that BCFFA is also moving to standardized qualifications they’d like people to achieve.

They’re offering a deal right now and after some discussion, Kent stated that we need to have a clear roster and he moved to approve this Vector Solutions trial for one year for $3800, Max seconded and it passed unanimously.  Rich added that it’s good to provide such awesome support for our volunteers.  He will be the main administrator.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Kent made a motion to approve the minutes as published, Max seconded and it passed unanimously.  Boyd has been posting the printed minutes in the display box on the front of the firebarn and Jess has been posting them on the website


 Operational Updates – BCFFA partner agencies agreements – Chief will send them out.  There is a 5 year horizon for member agencies to meet the qualifications and requirements for automatic mutual aid re: Structure fires, wildland fires, EMS, pumper operators.

         There is an MOU that establishes initial command protocols – the first officer on scene establishes command asap for automatic aid situations and then optionally can turn it over to the local district.


 Red Cards – Chief reports there are 8 people currently red carded – 4 have indicated interest in being dispatched and 4 are not interested.

 Inaugural Incident Training – on Saturday went well.  They got through complete and accurate size up and  translating that into tactical priorities.  Next training will be on new equipment and station work day.  Kent added that he would be happy to put on an auto extrication class with the new extrication equipment.


 Generator Update –  Max is getting estimates.  Bishop estimates $14,600 installation (plus $7,000 for the generator), which includes a service upgrade and miscellaneous repairs and replacements.  For the budget discussion, this needs to go on barn upgrade with other upgrades.

5404 – still no answers.  Max has asked for a fuel sample analysis in case the problems have to do with the fuel.  The department is required to get 3 estimates for any major expense – he will do what he can.

EQUIPMENT NEEDS – Storage Unit is being looked into, they may need to move the smaller (town) shed, and be aware of drainages, etc.

Final Expenditures for 2024 – Chief and Jess will look into a rescue kit (rope with prusiks, etc.) to get patients uphill safely as well as any other needs.

INFRASTRUCTURE – 10 Mile Cistern – They’re working on possibilities to get that back in service as soon as possible.  Hydrant – We have 2 estimates for the hydrant: Dana Kepler, and Jesse Farmer, plus Max could do it for free (board members cannot benefit financially from their board membership), but he’s very busy.  They will get a standard cast iron hydrant.  The proposal is for a 5.5’ burial depth – he’ll get that to everyone.


Strategic Planning – Boyd has written up the update and it’s posted on the website.


Apparatus –  At the executive board meeting they talked about a new apparatus for 2025 – Chief is looking into our options.

New Station – Part of our 5+ year plan. Max pointed out we’re looking for sites available – possibly the subdivision – as well as what  planning/code accommodations might the County make for us.  We need to assess all our options and needs and what hurdles we need to get through.

BUDGET – Petty Cash.  Jess discussed petty cash vs checks vs credit cards.  She needs a clean paper trail for our budget. Suggested we set up an account with Marv’s for the future or say “Call Jess” for credit card info to anyone we need to pay on the spot. Plus, we need to get Chief a credit card.  Boyd moved that Chief be an authorized signer on our account and be given a credit card.  Max seconded and it passed.  Also, it was ok’d previously to get Chief’s car outfitted with radios and sirens through Astral Communications.

GENERAL – Firewood – Last dates for free firewood distribution at the Ashram – September 22 and October 6 from 9:00 to 1:00.

Large No Open Fires Sign – Steffi requested to get ideas and costs.

Donal Maloney’s car back window – got taken out weed whacking for our district.  Jess will cut a check for the $250 and leave here for him.

GRANTS – We have outstanding money coming to us to cover new equipment and Kris believes we have purchased pretty much everything.

MITIGATION – CWPP – Chris reports they’re still working on maps of water sources and will be meeting again soon.

PARKING – no news.

NEW BUSINESS – Chief has preliminary job descriptions for officers that he will send out and move forward to interviews and scenario type evaluations.  He would like officers appointed by late September or mid-October.

New Clock – Leslie asked for money to purchase a new clock for the meeting room and it was ok’d to take money from petty cash.

Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Acting Secretary