GH Newsletter

Posted on: January 11th, 2025


Minutes of the December 9, 2024  Zoom and in person Town Meeting


Next Regular Town Meeting is Monday, February 10, 7:00 p.m.


A Special Town Meeting has also been called for

Tuesday, January 14, at 5:30 p.m. at the Gold Hill School

To discuss proposed bylaw changes


The meeting was called to order by Chair Dan Maedke.  Six people attended in person: Vice Chair Kelly Veit, Marcus Moench, Elisabeth Caspari, Boyd Brown, Kaitlyn Barthnell, and Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer.  Twelve people attended by Zoom: Pam Sherman, Bear Carlson and Poppy Copeland, Karen (Simmons?) Kris Hill, Treasurer Chrissy Maedke, Virginia Schultz, Maggie Simms, Deb Yeager, Marybeth Neal, Maya McHamer, and Leslie Finn (please let me know if I missed anyone).

Minutes – were approved as published.

Treasurer’s report – Chrissy reported – yearly report

  Allocated Spent Remaining
Annual Expenses $1,584.52    
CO Treasury DOLA Tax Exempt Property Filing Fee due 4/24 (available 2/24) $301.00 $301.00 $0.00
Office Supplies (as needed) $30.00 $0.00 $30.00
Porta Potty (as needed) $150.00 $50.00 $100.00
SOS FED 990-N (available 12/24) $50.00 $0.00 $50.00
CO SoS Periodic (Annual) Reporting Fee (available 2/24 due 3/24) $10.00 $10.00 $0.00
Safe Deposit Box (auto 11/4/24) $28.20 $28.20 $0.00
Lakeside Insurance CO- Liability Insurance 12/24 $354.00 $354.00 $0.00
Zoom Subscription (auto 12/28/24) $168.19 $168.19 $0.00
Blue Host Website Hosting (Auto 9/12/25, bi-annual renewal- approx $383.76 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Blue Host Backup & Restore (auto annual 9/12/24, approx 47.88) $47.88 $47.88 $0.00
Web Domain (Go Daddy auto 4/30/24) $22.17 $22.17 $0.00
Web Maintenance Fees $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
Discretionary $323.08 $0.00 $323.08
subtotal $1,584.52 $981.44 $603.08
Community Relief Fund $2,000.00    
Relief Checks $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Reports, Committees & Community Orgs.      
Air Link $1,000.00    
Repeater Annual Maintenance $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
Antennae, batteries, generator maintentance, etc. $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00
Business District $0.00    
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Cemetery $4,138.06    
Shed $502.76 $0.00 $502.76
Grounds $2,165.00 $2,165.00 $0.00
Headstones and markers & other needs $1,470.30 $75.00 $1,395.30
subtotal $4,138.06 $2,240.00 $1,898.06
Community Events $5,076.82    
2024 Events- General $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Winter Sledding Party $107.90 $107.90 $0.00
Town Clean-up $1,187.10 $682.95 $504.15
Cemetery Clean-up $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Gold Rush $3,703.12 $1,581.99 $2,121.13
Fall Harvest Party $53.70 $0.00 $53.70
Winter Holiday Party $25.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal $5,076.82 $2,372.84 $2,703.98
Fire Department $0.00    
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Fundraising & Merch $125.00    
Spreadshirt Management $125.00 $26.72 $98.28
On-Hand Merchandise $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal $125.00 $26.72 $98.28
Gold Hill School  $0.00    
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal     $0.00
Health and Human Services $0.00    
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal     $0.00
Historical Zoning $0.00    
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal     $0.00
Mountain Stewards $750.00    
TBD $750.00 $0.00 $750.00
subtotal $750.00   $750.00
Museum $0.00    
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal     $0.00
Native Flora, Gardens & Weed Management $0.00    
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal     $0.00
Neighborlink $1,600.00    
Pint Glasses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Welcome Basket Supplies & Printed Materials (annual) $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
Grant/Gift Money from 4Mile Fire (sitting cash) $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal $1,600.00 $0.00 $1,600.00
SafeLink $0.00    
  $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
subtotal     $0.00
TOTAL Annual “Planned” Budget $16,274.40 $6,621.00 $9,653.40
Actual Current US Bank Account Balance     $9,653.40


Update – Fire Mitigation Projects – Maya reports that a lot of projects were completed.  The Ashram project is essentially finished.  There are a lot of logs there to be distributed to the community in the next 2 years.  East Street is finished, the Maloney/Hengemuhle property is finished, and, potentially the town property will be finished next year.  The Tone’s and Julie Carpenter’s are still happening.  Probably 200+ acres of forestry work has been completed.  The goats in the meadow pilot project to test grassland mitigation is being reviewed. 

         Marcus added that they have almost completed a mitigated circle around the town.  The town property is still risky and they hope to work on it next year. A lot has been accomplished to create a more resilient forest and to prevent wildfire spread.  There is still a lot to be done to protect structures and they are looking at ways to support and help community members with home hardening and mitigation work.  They recently had a meeting with Maya and Dan, plus GHFPD members Fire Chief Rich Caudill,  Greg Buis, and Boyd Brown to further strong collaboration with the FD.  Looking at more work on grasslands – maybe llamas, donkeys vs goats.  They will focus on maintaining the mitigation work, thin ladder fuels, and look at how that connects to FD firefighting issues and reducing fire hazards, helping individuals, and building fire resilience.  They want to do a festival – maybe tie in with town clean-up – to distribute info and foster mitigation projects.

         Boyd reported a lot of work has been done on the cistern west of town (10 mile cistern) – it will have a hydrant like the other cisterns, but there have been delays – work will finish in the Spring.

         Marcus added there is a lot of grant money out there available and some of what we have now is still unspent.  Grazing is also needed in the subdivision.

         Virginia expressed our thanks to Maya, who is now looking to transition out of the BWS as soon as they can find someone to take over. Gold Hill is a good example for other communities for mitigation organizing.

         Bear expressed appreciation for the notion of helping homeowners and people  like them, with old houses essentially built of kindling.  Maya added that that’s the hardest part to find support for, but that’s the next wave to work on.

         Leslie has talked with a person from the St Vrain Watershed and there is possible money available from that group, too.  Virginia will contact them.

Gold Hill Area Senior Alliance – Pam reports they’ve had 2 meetings and another scheduled for January 7.  They’re planning to meet the second Tuesday monthly.  They will be putting out emails and info on the website.  Their goals are 1. Develop internal resources and 2. See what services can be provide by the County, etc.  She and Leslie Finn are co-chairs.  Marcus expressed thanks to Mike at the Store for supporting town meetings like this.  Boyd added that there were a huge number of people attending.  So many people want to live at home until they pass away if we can provide resources to support that.  Anybody wanting to be added to the contact list, contact Pam at

        Update on Informal Gatherings of Senior Alliance

January 7, 2025       OUR REGULAR MEETING, with INVITED GUEST       4 pm.

We will meet at 3:55 at the Gold Hill School and start the meeting at 4 pm sharp. Pam Leland will lead us in generating an Aging-in-Place Needs List. Then Reba Mitchell, Executive Director of NAS (Nederland Area Seniors) will present on how NAS can work with us. Lots of built-in discussion time. Meeting will end no later than 5:15.

January 15                NAS LUNCH TOGETHER       11:25 am.

Meet outside the GH Inn before 11:25 am. We will carpool as a group to lunch at the NAS (Nederland Area Seniors) regular Senior Lunch at the Ned Community Center. We will leave Gold Hill at 11:25 on the dot. To RSVP for this, email before January 13 at 5 pm. (You can only get in with an RSVP.) We will sit together

Questions? Bring them to our meeting on Jan. 7.

February 13 2025      LUNCH TOGETHER AT THE GOLD HILL STORE/PUB        11:45 am. 

The Gold Hill Store/Pub is supportive of our group! The Store re-opens Feb. 13 and we are booked on that day for a Senior Lunch! (Hint: there may be a “perk” for those meeting with our group.) Regular Store menu. Plan to buy something, don’t bring your own food or drink. 

That’s all for now!  submitted by Pam Sherman, co-chair of Gold Hill Area Senior Alliance aka Gold Hill Geezers


Bylaws – Chrissy reported that the present bylaws have been fine for years, but it’s now time to take the next step.  Looking ahead at big projects with big money means needing to be able to make decisions quickly.  This round of updates is focused on tweaks, with bigger changes proposed for later.  We voted on a Values Statement, Mission Statement, and Vision Statement at the October meeting to be added to the bylaws (per out present bylaws, which require a 2 step process, we need to discuss and vote again).  She stated that the next round will be a bit more substantial, affecting the nuts and bolts of how the town meeting and town council function.  Marcus added that we want to be able to seize opportunities to raise funds, possibly hire people.  As currently structured, the council has no authority on its own, from a legal perspective, to sign off on legal agreements, and need to have clearer authority between town meetings to move on issues.  Currently, only those who show up can vote and he thinks we need more engagement and to give elected officials enough authority to make decisions and represent the town to other agencies.  It has been principally a forum for conversation and small projects.  Paul Landskroener, previously a non-profit lawyer, suggested possible changes

         This generated a great deal of discussion about both how to amend the bylaws  and how the community wants the GHTM and Council to function.  Chrissy presented 26 proposed changes and suggested ways to streamline the two meeting process to amend bylaws and suggested that having presenting them at the October meeting (with no discussion or votes) sufficed.  Virginia, however, pointed out that, according to Roberts’ Rules, “approve” means voted on, not just presented.

Present bylaws: Article VII


These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted according to the following procedure:

Section 1.  At a regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, Bylaw change(s) may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.  Proposed Bylaw changes are to be made and approved section-by-section.

Section 2.  The proposed Bylaw sections(s), and the Bylaw section(s) that are intended to be replaced, must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 3.  At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the sections of the new Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.  Bylaw changes are to be voted on section by section.  (My underlining here for clarity, hopefully)

Boyd added that we need to abide by the bylaws in place now. Eventually, it was decided that we need to vote on the suggested changes, section by section, just yay or nay with no discussion or changes.  Gretchen objected to not being able to discuss them, but was outvoted.  It was decided to have a Special Town Meeting in January to work on any changes that got nay votes. (Addendum – special town meeting will be at the Gold Hill School on Tuesday, Jan 14th at 5:30pm). Then the second vote on those accepted at this (December meeting) would take place at the February regular meeting.  Any not accepted at this meeting would be worked on, presented at the February regular meeting, and finalized at the April regular meeting.

         Gretchen added that she’s been a part of the Town Meeting since 1966 and has worked on bylaw changes several times.  The amendment process was not meant to be quick and easy, but undertaken carefully with time for people to consider.  And the distinction between a regular meeting and a special meeting was always considered clear and reasonable.  We have always supported the idea of our town government being essentially a pure democracy with the town council being empowered to carry out the wishes of the community as expressed in the town meetings vs. the town council having decision making power of its own.  This does already mean that the town meeting can empower the town council or a committee to carry out  given actions on a case by case basis.  For instance, in the present bylaws, Under Purpose Section 2, Purpose: The purpose of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be:

  1. To hold town meetings and provide a forum for community discussion and basis for community action, and to establish qualifications for participation therein.
  2. To acquire, hold, sell, or lease real property for the general purpose of preserving the historical and natural setting of Gold Hill and the surrounding area.
  3. To act as trustee.
  4. To cooperate with the County Planning Department, County Health Department, and other departments of the County, State, or Federal government.
  5. To take any and all other action to improve, preserve, and benefit the community of Gold Hill and the surrounding area.
  6. To apply for and receive government grants or assistance, to solicit funds and donations, and undertake or sponsor community fund-raising projects.
  7. To do all other acts necessary or appropriate to promote the social welfare of the community of Gold Hill.

So, given #6, it seems the Town Meeting can already empower the Council to apply for and administer grants for specific purposes.

For the bylaws as they stand now, see the town website ( and click on “What is the Gold Hill Town Meeting” under Community Information on the left.

Present bylaws, changes proposed and votes taken section by section:

Article I: Name, Purpose & Mailing Address

Section 1, Name: The name of this organization shall be Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. (GHTM)

Section A: Name- Proposed Changes  (This is Section 1., not A)

The name of this organization is: Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. (GHTM)


Section 3, Mailing address: The mailing address of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be: 1011 Main Street – Gold Hill, Boulder, CO  80302-8777.

Section C: Mailing Address- Proposed Changes (Section 3)

The mailing address of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. is: 

1011 Main Street (Gold Hill) 

Boulder, Colorado 80302-8777


Article II: Membership 

Section A: Eligibility-  (Section 1)

Those residing in the following area are members and may vote at town meetings, provided they fulfill the voting requirements set forth in Article II, Section B, Qualification.   This area is identified as that included in the boundaries of the Gold Hill Fire Protection District (GHFPD): 

Section B: Qualifications- (Section 2)

In order to vote, a member of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. must:

  1. Be a minimum of 18 years of age.
  2. Have lived in Gold Hill for sixty days during the twelve months prior to the meeting 

or for sixty days during the previous five years with no less than five days in any one year.

  1. Be registered with the Secretary at the meeting. 
  2. Be present at the meeting to be certified to vote at that meeting.

Section A: Eligibility- Proposed Changes  (Section 1)

All residents and property owners within the Gold Hill Fire Protection District who are over the age of 18 are members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting and have voting rights. Each member is entitled to cast one vote on any issue that requires a vote by the GHTM membership, regardless of the number of properties owned. 

NOT APPROVED – Needs work – U.S. Citizen?  Resident for some period of time?  Voting rights are nowhere defined

 Article III: Members Meetings

Section A: Regular Meetings-  (Section 1)

Regular meetings of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held six times each year: February, April, June, August, October, and December on the second Monday of the month at such time and place as may be determined by the Town Council.

Section A: General Membership Meetings- Proposed Changes (Section 1)

The GHTM will hold general membership meetings six times each year—on the second Monday of February, April, June, August, October, and December—or on an alternative date, time, and location as determined by the Town Council, with at least one week’s notice given for rescheduled meetings. These meetings may be held electronically and/or in person, as decided by the Town Council. Meeting minutes will be recorded and distributed to the membership within two weeks of the meeting.

NOT APPROVED-   If we are going to reschedule a meeting, we should give two weeks notice, unless it’s an emergency of some kind.   Also, as secretary, I would prefer not to be held to distributing the minutes within two weeks of the meeting.  I generally get them out about half way in between meetings, but will do so if approved by 2/3 vote.

Article III: Members Meetings

Section B: Annual Meetings- (Section 2)

The annual meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held on the second Monday of August each year.  The election of Town Council members shall be held at the annual meeting.

Section B: Town Council Election MeetingProposed Changes (Section 2)

The annual election of Town Council members shall take place during the general membership meeting in August.


Article III: Members Meetings

Section C: Budget Meetings   (Section 3)

The annual budget meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held annually at the October Town Meeting. 

The GHTM Treasurer shall submit estimated income and expenses for the following year.  

Requests for funding from the general fund may be made by the various Committees or any constituency of the GHTM at this meeting, and at any regularly scheduled meeting. 

Section C: Budget Meetings- Proposed Changes (Section 3)

The annual budget meeting of the GHTM shall be held during the December general membership meeting.

Committees or individuals seeking funding from the general fund must submit their requests to the Treasurer at least 30 days prior to the annual budget meeting.

At the budget meeting, the Treasurer shall present the proposed income and expenses for the following year. The general membership will review and consider the proposed budget. The Town Council, by majority vote, may adopt the proposed budget as submitted or make amendments. If the budget for the following year is not approved at the meeting, the current budget will remain in effect until a new budget is approved.

NOT APPROVED – See no reason to change it, plus it should be the Town Meeting (not the Council) that approves it.  And it is not cast in stone – the last sentence of the present bylaws, “Requests for funding from the general fund may be made by the various Committees or any constituency of the GHTM at this meeting, and at any regularly scheduled meeting” should definitely remain in place.

Article III: Members Meetings

Section D: Special Meetings- (Section 4)

Special meetings of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. may be called by the Chair:

  1. At the request of at least three members of the Town Council.
  2. By petition requesting a special meeting signed by at least twenty members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

Section D: Special Meetings- Proposed Changes  (Section 4)

Special meetings are additional general membership meetings called to address urgent concerns or expedite town business. Special meetings of the GHTM may be called by the Chair:

  1. Upon the written request of at least three members of the Town Council, or
  2. By a petition requesting a special meeting, signed by at least twenty members of the GHTM.


Article III: Members Meetings

Section E: Written Notice-  (Section 5)

Written notice of all members’ meetings shall be posted to the town website (, emailed to all members, and sent by U.S. Mail to those who request them at least two weeks prior to all regular, annual, and special meetings. 

Section E: Written Notice- Proposed Changes  (Section 5)

The Town Council must provide notice of the date, time, location, and agenda for any general membership or special meeting at least seven days in advance. Notice may be given through various methods, including, but not limited to, electronic notification to individuals on the town’s mailing list, as well as through news outlets, the town website, or social media within the GHTM member area.

NOT APPROVED – See  no reason for the change, plus 2 weeks notice is important, particularly in case there is any change.  The agenda generally comes out closer to the meeting to allow for additions or changes. We have never had a requirement for an agenda to be sent out at a given time.  There is a general agenda, which can be added to an any time.

Article III: Members Meetings

Section F: Quorum-   (Section 6)

A quorum for a member’s meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall exist if three of five members of the Town Council are present to transact any business to be presented in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation or Code of Bylaws.

Section F: Quorum- Proposed Changes  (Section 6)

A quorum for a GHTM general membership meeting is required to call for a membership vote. A quorum is considered present if:

  • At least three of the five members of the Town Council, and
  • At least five other members of the GHTM

are in attendance to conduct any business in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation or the Code of Bylaws.


Article III: Members Meetings

Section F: Quorum-  (Section 7)

A quorum for a member’s meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall exist if three of five members of the Town Council are present to transact any business to be presented in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation or Code of Bylaws.

Section F: Quorum- Proposed Changes  (Section 7)

A quorum for a GHTM general membership meeting is required to call for a membership vote. A quorum is considered present if:

  • At least three of the five members of the Town Council, and
  • At least five other members of the GHTM

are in attendance to conduct any business in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation or the Code of Bylaws.


Article III.5: Conflicts (Proposed Addition of New Article)

Section G: Conflict of Interest- Add to Bylaws  (Section 8)

To ensure Town Council members fulfill their duties of loyalty to the organization and maintain transparency with the membership, the Town Council has established a Conflict of Interest policy. This policy requires all Town Council members to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest—financial or otherwise—that may affect their ability to act in the best interests of the organization.

Town Council members must disclose such conflicts in writing at least once a year, and whenever a conflict arises. Any member with a conflict of interest is required to recuse themselves from discussions or decisions related to that matter.


Section H: Membership Code of Conduct- Add to Bylaws  (Section 9)

The Town Council has established a written Code of Conduct to govern participation in general membership meetings, events, and other official communications. The Code of Conduct encourages the expression of opinions and viewpoints in a civil manner while prohibiting the use of abusive language or behavior that is disrespectful to others or disrupts the orderly conduct of business.

If a participant violates the Code of Conduct, the Town Council may impose consequences. These may include, but are not limited to, asking the individual to leave a meeting, prohibiting further contact with Town Council members, or revoking the individual’s GHTM membership for up to one year.

NOT APPROVED – Not necessary.  We can  deal with it, if it comes up.  Also, it would be the entire meeting’s responsibility, not just the council’s.

Article IV: Town Council

Section A: Members- Proposed Combining with Section 8  (This is Section 1.  There is no Section A)

The Town Council shall consist of five members: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large.

APPROVED – to clarify, it seems this statement should stay as Section 1.   Section 8 (not H) Duties, could then follow this as Section 2.

Article IV: Town Council (continued)

Section H: Town Council Duties  (This is Section 8.  (There is no Section H.) and should be re-numbered as Section 2. If moving it up)

Each Town Council member shall have the duties ordinarily attending the office held and other duties as the Town Council may designate.

Section 8: Town Council Duties- Proposed Changes (Suggest combining with Section A)

(Again, this is Section 8 and proposed to become Section 2.

The Town Council is responsible for overseeing the organization’s business and for fulfilling all duties under Colorado state law for nonprofit corporations, as well as those outlined in these bylaws. Each Town Council member will perform the duties typically associated with their office and any additional responsibilities as designated by the Town Council. The Town Council members will primarily be responsible for the following tasks:


  • Serve as the main point of contact for general GHTM communications
  • Lead general membership meetings
  • Lead fundraising initiatives
  • Manage grant reporting and auditing in collaboration with the Treasurer and grant managers
  • Serve as an ex officio member of all committees
  • Coordinate the work of all officers and committees to ensure the organization’s purpose is fulfilled
  • Serve as the primary signatory for official correspondence and documents
  • Fulfill additional Town Council duties as needed

Vice Chair:

  • Assist the Chair and carry out the Chair’s duties in their absence or inability to serve
  • Fulfill additional Town Council duties as needed


  • Distribute the agenda prior to general membership meetings
  • Take and distribute meeting minutes after the general membership meetings
  • Lead general membership meetings in the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair
  • Fulfill additional Town Council duties as needed


  • Manage the town’s finances
  • Prepare the organization’s annual budget
  • Maintain current paperwork related to nonprofit status, tax-exempt properties, and other town business
  • Manage grant reporting and auditing in collaboration with the Chair
  • Report on and sign off on grant expenditures
  • Fulfill additional Town Council duties as needed


  • Assist with fundraising initiatives
  • Fulfill additional Town Council duties as needed


Article IV: Town Council

Section B: Eligibility  (This is Section 2. And, if we’re moving Section 8 up to become Section 2, then this becomes Section 3.)

The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer must be a year round resident defined as an individual who has lived within the bounds of the Gold Hill Town Meeting area at least nine consecutive months prior to the election.  All five council members shall be a minimum of 18 years of age.

Section B: Eligibility- Proposed Changes  (Section 3.?, etc., etc.)

All members of the Town Council must be voting members of the GHTM, as defined in these bylaws. Additionally, the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer must have resided within the GHTM area for at least nine consecutive months prior to their election.


Article IV: Town Council

Section C: Term of Office- (This is Section 3.)

Each council member shall hold office until a successor is duly elected and qualified.   Any council member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Town Council.  Any such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein, and, unless otherwise specified, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

Section C: Term of Office- Proposed Changes  (section 4.?)

Each Town Council member shall serve a one-year term or until a successor is duly elected and qualified. A Town Council member may resign at any time by submitting written notice to the Town Council. The resignation will take effect as specified in the notice, and, unless otherwise indicated, no formal acceptance is required for it to become effective.


Article IV: Town Council

Section D: Removal-  (Section 4.)

Any council member may be removed according to the following procedure:

  1. At a scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, the removal of a council member may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.
  2. The proposed removal of a council member must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
  3. At the next scheduled meeting, the council member may be removed by a majority vote of the Gold Hill Town Meeting.


Section D: Removal- Proposed Changes (This would become Section 5)

A Town Council member may be removed through the following procedure:

  1. Removal may be proposed by:
    • Any Town Council member, or
    • At least ten GHTM members through a written petition.
  2. The proposed removal must be included in the agenda for the general membership meeting and distributed to the members at least one week prior to the meeting.
  3. Removal requires a majority vote of the Town Council members present at a general membership meeting where a quorum of Town Council members is present. The member proposed for removal shall be counted for quorum purposes but may not vote on the removal or be included in determining the majority vote.

NOT APPROVED – This would be a serious issue and should be at least a two-step process like amending the bylaws and notice should be at least 2 weeks.  Removal should require a majority vote of the Town Meeting, not just the Council

Article IV: Town Council

Section E: When a Council Member Moves  (Section 5 and if other changes to 1, etc., are made, this would become “Section 6)

Any council member, other than the member-at-large, shall automatically resign upon moving from within the area bounded by the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

Section E: When a Town Council Member Moves- Proposed Changes (Section 6?)

Any Town Council member who becomes ineligible for election under Article IV, Section 2, and does not voluntarily resign, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Town Council, and their position will be considered vacant.

APPROVED – Original seemed sufficient and clear

Article IV: Town Council

Section F: Vacancies-  (presently Section 6)

Any vacancy must be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment by a majority of the council members within two weeks of its occurrence.

Section F: Vacancies- Proposed Changes   (If changes to 2 are made, this becomes 7)

Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of the term, made by a majority of the Town Council members, within two weeks of its occurrence or as soon as practicable.


Article VII: Amendments

These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted according to the following procedure:

Section A:  (This is Section 1)

At a regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, Bylaw change(s) may be

proposed by a simple majority of those members present.  Proposed Bylaw changes are to be made and approved section-by-section.

Section A: Proposed Changes  (Section 1)

Bylaw changes may be proposed at a general membership meeting where a quorum is present. Proposed changes will be presented and discussed on a section-by-section basis.

NOT APPROVED – To preserve the 2 step process, they need to be presented and discussed and approved.  Or, this step is just an introduction and the two -step process in the present bylaws will begin at the next meeting.

Article VII: Amendments

Section B:  (This is Section 2)

The proposed Bylaw section(s), and the Bylaw section(s) that are intended to be replaced, must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section B: Proposed Changes (Section 2)

Proposed additions, deletions, or amendments to the bylaws must be included in the meeting minutes of the general membership meeting and distributed to members at least two weeks prior to the next general membership meeting.


Article VII: Amendments

Section C: (This is Section 3)

At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the sections of the new Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.  Bylaw changes are to be voted on section by section.

Section C: Proposed Changes (Section 3)

At the next general membership meeting, the proposed amendments to the Bylaws may be adopted by a majority vote of the GHTM, Inc. members present.

NOT APPROVED – should preserve the 2/3 required to adopt changes

Article VIII: Dissolution

This Corporation may be dissolved according to the following procedure:

Section A:  (this is Section 1)

At regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, dissolution of the corporation may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.

Section A: Proposed Changes (Section 1)

At a general membership meeting where a quorum is present, the dissolution of the corporation may be proposed by a simple majority of the members present.


Article VIII: Dissolution

Section B: (This is Section 2)

The proposed dissolution of the corporation must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section B: Proposed Changes  (Section 2)

The proposed dissolution of the corporation must be included in the agenda for the general membership meeting and distributed to members at least one week prior to the meeting.

NOT APPROVED – Needs to preserve the clear meaning of the original – that the proposed dissolution must be included in the minutes and distributed at least two weeks prior to the next meeting

Article VIII: Dissolution

Section C:  (This is Section 3)

At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the dissolution of the corporation may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.

Section C: Proposed Changes  (Section 3)

At the next general membership meeting, the dissolution of the corporation may be adopted by a three-quarters majority of the members of Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.

Upon dissolution of the GHTM, any remaining funds shall first be used to settle any outstanding bills, and, with the approval of the Town Council, may be spent for the benefit of the town of Gold Hill.




 AirLink – no report                 Business District – no report

Cemetery – Maggie submitted the following written report:

                    Cemetery Committee Report for the year 2024 (revised 12/9/24

Town Clean up – 

  • There was no cleanup this year as the work required was limited and was performed by the committee itself.

Requested/Received plot donations during 2024: 

  • 7 @ $100; 1 at $150 for a total of $850.

Plots dug: 

  • 2 total plots dug.


  • 3


  • In September, we set 3 headstones for unmarked graves. This involved procuring stones of equal size from Loukonen Bros. In 2023 we had 3 bronze plaques fabricated. In early spring of 2024, we drilled holes on the stones and placed the plaques on the stones.  The primary work was done by David Brigham, Mark Frey and we hired Iolus Stevens at $75 to assist with labor.
  • We hired Dustin Geesaman to do fire-mitigation tree-limbing last winter. Cost:  $2,165.00 for pruning, chipping, and disposal.

Accounting looks like this:

2023 end of year total:              $3288.06

2024 Expenses:                         $2240.00

2024 Donations:                       $  850.00

Leaves us with a balance of:      $1898.06

(Thanks to Chrissy for her help with the numbers.)

 Future Plans:

  • The Cemetery Committee is considering repairing one headstone that has fallen off its pedestal. We are unsure of the costs to repair at this point in time. In addition, the seat of one of the memorial benches has broken. We will investigate if it is possible to repair or replace it. We have contacted the family for advice as to how they wish to proceed.
  • We are considering getting a drone to take aerial pictures of the cemetery. This could help us to designate and locate gravesites more accurately.  We will assess the costs once we get an estimate.
  • The Committee wishes to request a page dedicated to the Cemetery to be posted on the Town Website. On it, we propose to post pictures of improvements and photos taken of the cemetery from history. We will also post news items and requests for Cemetery clean-up.

The Cemetery Committee has approved this report.

Respectfully submitted,

Maggie Simms

Community Events – The holiday party is scheduled for December 14 and we’re planning an impromptu sledding event again, as weather permits.

Fundraising & Merchandise – Shirts with the silk-screened Gold Hill logo are still available along with water bottles at the GH Store.

Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that Friday will be the School Sing-along at the GH Store from 2:30 to 3:30.             

Health and Human Services – no report

Historic Zoning – no report              IMA – no report

Mountain Stewards – Virginia reported that 437 people registered with the Solar Co-op and 12 people in our area got solar systems.  She sent an email with updates from the  Office of Sustainability, Climate Action and Resilience has listed, see      This includes a wonderful list resources of interest to Mountain Stewards.

         She stressed that EVERYONE should be on the emergency alert system with the Office of Disaster Management  A year ago less than 50% had signed up.

Museum – Deb reports that they had a good season and are now closed until next Spring.  Thank you to everyone for your support.  There will be a Bazaar at the GH Store on Saturday from 10 – 2, with merch from the Museum.

Native Flora, Gardens, and Weed Management – no report

NeighborLink – Deb reports there’s nothing new, but encourages any new people to get in touch, with their contact information, in case of emergency

SafeLink – no report

Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary