Posted on: July 30th, 2024
Hi all,
There’s still time to join this year’s Aspen Moon Farm CSA for weekly or bi-weekly veggie deliveries! You can also add on a share of Moxie bread, fresh flowers, fruit, or fall veggies. Your payment would be adjusted to match the number of remaining weeks as we’re partway through the 22-week summer season (which ends on October 16).  
Every Wednesday, someone from our group of GH residents picks up everyone’s veggies from Boulder and delivers the shares to coolers near the School (at my house). You then get your produce without needing to drive down the hill! 
To sign up:
  1. Go to: https://aspenmoonfarm.csaware.com/store/
  2. Choose the Wednesday, Boulder Pickup 
  3. Add GOLD HILL to your Last Name at checkout, i.e. “Smith GOLD HILL”
  4. Email Liz saying you signed up: lizwiig@nullgmail.com
Be in touch with any questions!
Liz Wiig