Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Posted on: November 6th, 2022
Neighbors in the mountains, As many of you know, Four Mile, Gold Hill and Sugarloaf Fire Districts have partnered to develop a shared Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Input from the community is essential in producing a plan that reflects the needs and concerns of our residents. Four Mile FPD will be hosting a weekly open house, on Thursdays anytime between 4pm and 6pm, at the Poorman Fire Station, 1740 Fourmile Canyon Drive. During these events, any residents from Four Mile, Sunshine, Gold Hill and Sugarloaf are encouraged to drop by, review the progress being made by the districts working on this project, ask questions about the CWPP, and most importantly, provide input on what kind of wildfire risk reduction projects and programs you would like to see included in the plan, and what would make you feel better prepared and protected in the event of a wildfire. Open houses will begin on November 10th, and will happen every Thursday (with the exception of Thanksgiving), until December 15th. 1740 Fourmile Canyon Drive, Boulder, CO
Joanne Cole