Cemetery Committee Report for the year 2024 (revised 12/9/24
Town Clean up –
- There was no cleanup this year as the work required was limited and was performed by the committee itself.
Requested/Received plot donations during 2024:
- 7 @ $100; 1 at $150 for a total of $850.
Plots dug:
- 2 total plots dug.
- 3
- In September, we set 3 headstones for unmarked graves. This involved procuring stones of equal size from Loukonen Bros. In 2023 we had 3 bronze plaques fabricated. In early spring of 2024, we drilled holes on the stones and placed the plaques on the stones. The primary work was done by David Brigham, Mark Frey and we hired Iolus Stevens at $75 to assist with labor.
- We hired Dustin Geesaman to do fire-mitigation tree-limbing last winter. Cost: $2,165.00 for pruning, chipping, and disposal.
Accounting looks like this:
2023 end of year total: $3288.06
2024 Expenses: $2240.00
2024 Donations: $ 850.00
Leaves us with a balance of: $1898.06
(Thanks to Chrissy for her help with the numbers.)
Future Plans:
- The Cemetery Committee is considering repairing one headstone that has fallen off its pedestal. We are unsure of the costs to repair at this point in time. In addition, the seat of one of the memorial benches has broken. We will investigate if it is possible to repair or replace it. We have contacted the family for advice as to how they wish to proceed.
- We are considering getting a drone to take aerial pictures of the cemetery. This could help us to designate and locate gravesites more accurately. We will assess the costs once we get an estimate.
- The Committee wishes to request a page dedicated to the Cemetery to be posted on the Town Website. On it, we propose to post pictures of improvements and photos taken of the cemetery from history. We will also post news items and requests for Cemetery clean-up.
The Cemetery Committee has approved this report.
Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Simms