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Wildfire Partners · PO Box 471 · Boulder · Colorado · 80306
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Vaccination Clinics

Hi all… the Vaccine Equity Clinic Committee (VECC) will be updating the list of clinics, ALL they can find, every Monday. I created a page on P2PHHS.org to house this information and how to get to them.  (I will also attempt to update the resources part of the page this week)
Mobile Clinics are a thing but not getting to rural areas like we think they should but we keep trying. In the meantime, Boulder County Public Health is asking us to get information out about where clinics are and use the the money we are getting for this effort to get people (drive) to clinics.
To that effort, we have bus passes, gas cards, and grocery (B&F) gift cards to help get people to the clinics.
I am looking for advocates/community influencers in the communities of Ward, Gold Hill, and Jamestown, and across the Peak to Peak to help get the message out and get people to clinics. If you know of people who could help in this effort please let me know.
The attached flyer talks about 3 clinics coming up, June 1 in Nederland, and May 27 and June 3 by the Downtown RTD station. Please share! Please post the flyers and posters!  
THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVEN’T GOTTEN AROUND TO IT, AND PEOPLE WHO MAY BE ON THE FENCE. I wish I had numbers and am still working on it but I’m assuming based on anecdotal info that there is still a large population with some hesitancy and barriers to getting the shot.



Katrina Harms.   she/her

Consultant, Peak to Peak
Housing and Human Services Alliance

*** My hours are limited but I check email every morning. I will respond as quickly as I can.***


The Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance is a gathering of representatives of human services organizations serving the Peak to Peak area of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, coming together to identify needs, expand and enhance services to the residents of the Peak to Peak community, and promote inter-agency communication.

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Mountin’ Mountain – don’t forget!

Check out the attachment for info!  Pass it on!


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Museum’s 7th annual Community Outreach Cocktail Party

You’re invited Gold Hill…….. to the Museum’s 7th annual Community Outreach Cocktail Party on Friday evening, June 25th beginning at 5:30 pm.  COMMUNITY OUTREACH – this year, thanks to Covid and shortages of toilet paper, if you remember back about 14 months, is a presentation on personal care through the ages and outhouses.  We have some terrific information on this subject and we’re excited to share it with you and a great NEW outhouse (for studying only) on the south lawn of the museum.  Please plan on saving the date and joining us on that Friday evening. Bring your smiles, your questions, and your great humor for this fun evening.  We will have the museum open or you to enjoy as well as our interactive presentation and some AMAZING new information on a subject that we presented a couple of years ago:  Tellurium!  Come one, come all and enjoy our cocktail party on the south side of the museum.


We’re excited to be opening the museum this summer and we have some great new exhibits.  Our opening day is Saturday, May 29th and our new hours are 11am – 3 pm.  Come see us soon and wear your mask.  It is a requirement throughout this season.

Cemetery Clean Up! Come and help

 Our next planned Cemetery Clean-up: June 19 at 9 am. Please bring chainsaws, work-gloves, painting clothes, tools. We will paint our new shed, install a new door-handle, reposition a few head-stones that have fallen off their pedestals and clean the grounds of fallen and dead trees.

Thank you! Maggie 

Vaccine Clinic in Ned

Hi.. just a reminder that I will be at the Nederland Farmers Market from 10 – 2 on Sunday, May 23. If there is any information I should have with me to hand out please email me a pdf.
I’m used to doing these solo but if anyone wants to join me, it would be nice to have some company. I will be handing out info about vaccines and signing people up, if I find anyone, for Nederland’s June 1 clinic. I will also be letting people know about City of Boulder’s clinics on the 27 and 3 and that bus vouchers and gas cards are still available.

Katrina Harms



The Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance is a gathering of representatives of human services organizations serving the Peak to Peak area of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, coming together to identify needs, expand and enhance services to the residents of the Peak to Peak community, and promote inter-agency communication.

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Baby Shower!

Hopefully we’ll see you this Sunday, May 23rd, between 2-4 pm at the Pub patio to help Kirah and Sebastian Combelic and their two sons, Ezra and Alistair, celebrate the new baby girls due to arrive in early July.  We’ll have cake and ice cream cones for you to enjoy.  We’ll also have a donation bucket for you if you’d like to gift the family.  See you there.  Rumor has it that their little girls will be known as Poppy Elouise and Clementine Iris.   Come have some fun and celebrate with all of us. 

Deb Yeager

GHFPD Board Meeting

You have been invited to the following event.

Gold Hill Fire Protection District Meeting

Tue May 18, 2021 6:55pm – 9pm Mountain Time – Denver
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MAY 18, 2021 7:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting

Type of call
Initial response
Number of volunteers who arrived.
Who took command and transfer (if any)?
Equipment used.
Other Departments who arrived.
Lessons learned.
​​Training team members
​​Past training
​​Upcoming training
EQUIPMENT: Committee report: Chief, Kris G.

Forest Projects:
● Update on project timeline Maya MacHamer
● Surveys drafts.
● Kris Gibson,
● Marcus Moench, Community Foundation
Wi-Fi for Fire Barn:
● Jessica, Chief Finn. Update on security system.
Arc Gis:
● Dirolfs’, Marcus updates

Gold Hill Posting Board and Preparedness flyer:
• Kent

Discussion of “training” activities that count towards Pension:
​Attorney response: Jessica
​Discussion: Val

• Other items.

Going (   YesMaybeNo    more options »

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MARSEG Book Group

MARSEG is a friendly group of neighbors who meet on Google meet 6-7:30 pm every other Thursday to study anti-racist books and consider actions based on what we are learning. We are reading Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson This NEW book is getting lots of rave reviews and even our community’s most seasoned anti-racists will find something to learn here! This week we will be studying Part 3, Wilkerson’s “8 pillars of Caste” and answering the following questions in our discussion:

“Of Caste’s eight pillars, which most surprised or shocked you? How have these pillars changed your understanding of the foundations on which our country was built? ”

Wilkerson’s “8 pillars of Caste” are:

  1. Divine will and the laws of nature
  2. Heritability
  3. Endogamy and control of marriage and mating
  4. Purity vs. pollution
  5. Occupational hierarchy
  6. Dehumanization and stigma
  7. Terror of enforcement, cruelty as means of control
  8. Inherent superiority vs inherent inferiority

Please don’t hesitate to join us at any time — this is an OPEN group! If you have met with us in the past, please rejoin us. We miss you! If you’ve been thinking of joining us, but haven’t yet, now is a great time to jump in! Here’s the link: If you haven’t had a chance to read, come anyway and we will start with a brief synopsis.

In solidarity,


John Latham’s Funeral

Dear All,
1.  I have arranged a small booklet which contains as much of the comments / reminisces that I could, with a few photographs.  Thank-you all  (and for Phil Rasch and Alan Blyth for helping) for your contributions.  They are very much appreciated.  Apologies if I have edited them too much.  The small booklet, in A5 format for printing is attached and will be available for the small number of people allowed to attend the ceremony because of COVID.   
2. The webcast  for John’s funeral has been arranged (Thursday 13th May @ 15:15 BST) .  The details are below. Apologies for those in Australia, as it will be early morning. Instructions for joining are also attached
Thanks again 
Best wishes
Alan Gadian, ICAS, SEE, Leeds’ University, LS2 9JT , UK

Email: or or
Tel: (+44)/(0) 1395 512915  Mobile: (+44)/(0) 775 451 9009

Subject: Prof John Latham Web Cast
Date: 6 May 2021 at 19:28:01 BST


This email is confirmation that a webcast is required for the following service:

Name Prof. John Latham
Location Stockport Crematorium – Rowan Chapel
Date & Time Thursday 13/05/2021 15:15
Event Number 942844 – please quote this on all correspondence and when calling
Requester Rachel Arnison – George Ball & Son
Login / Order ID: 94439
Password: sjjvswad

If you experience issues with your login details please call 01536 314 890.

Please read through the attached step by step document before using the webcasting service to ensure your system is compatible.


Wesley Media Team

Rebecca Brewer nee Latham 

GHTM Newsletter


Minutes of the April 12, 2021 Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting is Monday, June 14, 2021, 7:00 p.m. by Zoom

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Emma Dirolf.  Twenty people attended: Emma, Vice-Chair Marielle Sidell, Boyd Brown, Leslie Finn, Richard Roth, Heidi Kessler, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Marcus Moench, Elisabeth Caspari, Member-at-large Dan Maedke, Emily Rose, Peter Swift, Val Crist, Virginia Schultz, Dina Elder, Kent Coghill, Danielle Maida, Bear Carlson, Poppy Copeland, and Jessica Brookhart.

Minutes of the 2-8-21 meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report – Emma read Martha Knapp’s report submitted by email:

At the previous regular Town Meeting in February 2021 our bank balance was $17,031.32 Our current total cash assets are $16,725.90.

Revenue Summary: none
Expense Summary: $305.42 rom the General Fund for property taxes and report filing fees. Fund transfers: none.

Current fund totals:
General Fund $3321.44; Cemetery $3,205.21; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,466.79; Community Planning/Fundraising $300; Forest Management $0 (zero); Community Relief $2,375.20; COVID-19 Response $1,057.26; Water Harvesting/Ag Education Grant $4,000.

Anticipated general fund and other expenses for 2021
$3795 as follows: $1250 for taxes, insurance, report filings, bank fees, office supplies; $525 for website hosting and maintenance, $795 for Town Cleanup; $1600 for fundraising expenses; and $150 for additional misc. expenses.

April 12, 2021        
Activity Spreadsheet and Summary        
  Report Balance Forward       $ 17,031.32
22-Mar ck# 1239: BOCO Treasurer for 2020 property taxes GF   $ 69.42 $ 16,961.90
22-Mar ACH: State of Colorado for Exempt Property Tax Reports + processing fee GF   $ 226.00 $ 16,735.90
22-Mar ck#1240: Colorado Annual Report Filing GF   $ 10.00 $ 16,725.90
  Ending Balance Total $- $ 305.42 $ 16,725.90
  BALANCES / ACTIVITY by Account Beginning Credits Debits Ending Balance
GF General Fund $ 3,626.86 $- $ 305.42 $ 3,321.44
CF Cemetery Fund $ 3,205.21 $- $- $ 3,205.21
SL Safe Link (SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink) $ 2,466.79 $- $- $ 2,466.79
CP Community Planning/Fundraising $ 300.00 $- $- $ 300.00
FM Forest Management $- $- $- $-
CRF Community Relief Fund $ 2,375.20 $- $- $ 2,375.20
COV COVID-19 Response Fund $ 1,057.26 $- $- $ 1,057.26
H2O Water Harvest/Ag Education Grant $ 4,000.00 $- $- $ 4,000.00
  TOTAL $ 17,031.32 $- $ 305.42 $ 16,725.90



Mountain Stewards – Virginia reported on a webinar with Maya MacHamer of the Boulder Watershed Collective (interesting fact – Colorado is a total headwater state – all our rivers only flow out), along with Avery Ellis, who spoke about water issues, and Julie Morris from DU who talked about pollinators.  There were 25 participants including students.  All support biodiversity as well as wildfire mitigation and restoration.  Cat Russell is working on renewable energy.  She is in touch with a non-profit in Denver working on bulk purchasing for solar collectors and battery storage. There is a lot of movement happening around renewables and lots of rebate programs look to be renewed.  The EV charging station is on hold for now.

Marcus reported on water harvesting.  They plan on a rain barrel water harvesting event in early May to get rain barrels to people who want them.  Avery Ellis will come up for it.  They’re looking into grants and have written two to the Community Foundation (CF) – one for the fire mitigation event and another for the water harvesting one.  They’re also supporting planting Aspen because they’re fire resistant, and are tied into Maya’s big mitigation project.  The CF grant supports fuel clearing, chipping, slash removal, and big town clean up days.  There will be some financial support for crews to help people.

Jessica Brookhart reported that the Fire Department is working on fire preparedness including a heat sensing drone to identify unattended campfires, etc., and an ATV to get to fires more quickly.  They did some drone testing last week and were happy with how quickly they could get to  various locations.  They’re awaiting news of grants.  There is a possible big grant opportunity from the State Forest Service, but it’s reimbursement based, so they’re not sure.

Virginia got in touch with the fire liaison at Boulder Mountain Fire about their mapping system and aps and sent emails around to Jess, etc.,  They are happy to talk to anyone about it.


Gold Hill School – Dan said there is not a lot to report.  They are not doing the usual big events like the school play because of the pandemic and so are just trucking along.  The kids had their first day outside without their masks and they loved it.


Museum – Boyd reported that since they were not open last summer, they have rolled some exhibits over to this year.  They aren’t sure exactly what will be happing, but are planning outdoor and indoor exhibits – rotating small groups through – scheduling as people come in at 15 minutes in each place, which is about typical.  They have a planning meeting soon – maybe will only be open one weekend day – TBD. For the outside exhibit, Paul and Ania have built an outhouse by the ore bucket – it’s informative and funny – and there are other new exhibits inside.  Every year they do maintenance – painting and cleaning – and if anyone would like to volunteer, please contact Deb Yeager – they would love the help. Will probably happen the third week in May.   The plan is to open Memorial Day unless there is somehow a big spike in COVID.


Community Planning and Fundraising – Dan reported he’s exchanged emails with Josh and the Gold Rush Bike Rally is happening on September 19.  130 have registered already.  They don’t know exactly what the COVID restrictions might be, but Dan thinks, on the Gold Hill side, we should take a step back and maybe just have a booth for beer, merchandise, and food?  Depends.  He will be ordering glasses.  Virginia asked if Maya is still trying to do the running event.  Dan isn’t sure of the timing or of where it may start – maybe west of town near the Ranch?  His plan is to try to be open to eventualities and support these events still depending on COVID.


Cemetery – no report


Community Center – Mari reports there has been a lot of back and forth on how to engage the community.  They have come up with an all-inclusive survey covering what people want, what it would look like, where it should be, and how it would be used.  A draft is circulating among the committee and they hope to get it out soon.  Marcus reports that Denver plans to move from 900 Pine to Jamestown mid-May.


SafeLink/NeighborLink/Foodbank/Emergency Preparedness/Communication/Weed Management – no report


Historic Zoning – Bear reports that Emma and Chris are planning to re-side their place.  They plan cement board in the same style – straightforward – approved.  Also, Steve Barnard, who has been a strong contributor to the Board as well as Boulder County Historic Preservation, is leaving Gold Hill.  He will be missed.  They will need another member – the only qualifications are living in Gold Hill and being interested.  Contact Bear.


Fire Department – Leslie reports that Dave Wilson is their newest officer – he’s the truck officer.  They are always looking for new volunteers.  Firefighters need the 131/190 Wildfire course, work safety and leadership courses.  Training is mostly by Zoom right now, but they have been doing some small truck trainings, too.  There are still some people not vaccinated, so they are still observing the strictest protocols – no in person trainings inside, just outside .  There is still concern about the variants so we need more people vaccinated before relaxing any protocols.


Speed Study – Emma reports that the county is getting ready to hire a couple of traffic interns for the summer to do counts, but waiting for warmer weather to begin.  Do we have any signs missing?  It seems like there are very few around town.  If so, they will be replaced according to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  If all signs are intact, they will wait until after the speed study so signage doesn’t compromise the data.


Campers Concerns – Here is an email from Chief Chris Finn in response to Emma’s concern that campers west of town have the potential to increase risk of wildfires, attract animals due to food and waste, and can present the issue of improperly disposed of waste materials:

I had a conversation with Jared Smith Recreation Officer from Boulder Ranger District in regards to dispersed camping areas west of Gold Hill.



This year they are trying to get stage 1 fire restrictions to start Memorial Day and go past Labor Day to cut down on the usage of campsites. They are working with the county to possibly get jail crews to help with cleanup (the rec. crew consists of only 3 personnel).

Camping is limited to 14 days within any continuous 30-day period. at any location within the same 20-mile radius. For complaints for trash or staying past 14 days, get license plate number if possible and contact:

Boulder Ranger District

2140 Yarmouth Avenue
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 541-2500

Illegal campfires are still the responsibility of Boulder County Sheriff, with fines up to $5,000.00 and up to 6 months in jail.

Chief Finn


Mailboxes – Mari wondered who and how mailboxes get fixed that get damaged.  Gretchen is pretty sure that we’re responsible for our mailboxes.



Summer Wildfire Mitigation – Monday, April 19 – GHTM & GHFPD in partnership presented Abby Silver of Wildfire Partners and Maya MacHamer of the Boulder Watershed Collective speaking on the importance of wildfire mitigation from greater landscape scale down to individual property.  Topics included: forest health, ecological benefits of mitigation and fire, environmental sensitivity, creating defensible space, and home hardening on larger mountain parcels and in the more “urban” setting of Gold Hill, as well as touching on issues around homeowner’s insurance.


Town Clean Up Day – Date proposed – the last weekend in June – Addendum – it looks like we’ve settled on Saturday, the 26thMore info to follow


Wildfire Mitigation Week – Date TBD – Dumpsters for slash, equipment, and skilled crews available to assist Gold Hill residents with wildfire mitigation on your property!  Leslie added that in the Wildland Refresher Course, there are a gazillion videos re risks, etc., and in one town in Washington State, they do a whole mitigation week and have a big banner.  She would like it to be big here, too.  Bear suggested that we could get a banner and put up flagpoles at the intersection to use for that and other town events.


Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary













Mountin’ Mountain on Memorial Day

23rd Annual Mountin’ Mountain

Posted in Community Digest, Events Calendar | Comments Off on Mountin’ Mountain on Memorial Day


Baby Shower

CONGRATULATIONS GOLD HILL!  We are looking forward to celebrating our next set of twins in Gold Hill and we’re hoping that you’ll join us to help this sweet family celebrate their new additions.

Kirah and Sebastian Combelic, along with their two sons, Ezra who is nearly 5, and Alistair who is 2, are looking forward to seeing you and eating some cake and ice cream cones to celebrate the soon-to-come arrival of Poppy Eloise and Clementine Iris! 

Where: the patio behind the Gold Hill Pub 

When: Sunday, May 23rd 

What time: between 2 pm and 4 pm  

New babies also bring challenges so we’re asking, if you are able, to join all of us in helping them with some things that they are needing.  We intend to shower them with as many baby essentials as possible to help them out! 

They are currently registered at We will also be putting out a donation jar for anyone who would like to celebrate with them. They need newborn diapers – lots of them; baby wipes, baby clothes, and anything that is on the babylist site.   

The Pub will be baking a cake for the occasion and providing the ice cream cones.  As always, Jay will have some wonderful tempting treats for anyone who would like to eat at the Pub before or after the event.

Please join us and help Kirah and Sebastian get ready for their new additions!  We look forward to seeing you, rain or shine, at the Pub on May 23rd.

Deb Yeager


Food Pantry is ON!

The pantry in ON today and we have lots to hand out.

To continue picking up at the stores and hosting the pantry, we need folks to shop with us. Our goal is to hand out everything donated every week.

Thanks and welcome to all who participate!

Best always,


Calendar Meeting Monday

Our next calendar meeting will be Monday, 10:30, At Marilyn’s  

Birthdays?  Anyone want his or her birthday on the Birthday Page?  Or know someone on there who is no longer around and we could take off the list?  Let me know

Photos?  Drawings?  Especially kids drawings!  I’d love them soon.

xo, Gretchen 

Kort and James

There will be another great on-line concert by Kort and James tonight at 6:00 PM.  If you could share the link on the town email, that would be great.  It’s open to all.

Moors & McCumber’s Zoom Concert

Time: May 1, 2021  06:00 PM Mountain time,  07:00 PM Central Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 858 9493 9994


National Prescription Drug Take Back Day



From: Boulder County Sheriff <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 8:18 AM
Subject: National Prescription Drug Take Back Day


Drop off your unwanted prescription medication on April 24


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For Immediate Release

April 20, 2021

Media Contact

Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Drop off your unwanted prescription medication on April 24

Boulder County, Colo. – Boulder County residents can drop off unwanted prescription medication at the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) drug collection events on Saturday, April 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

Items accepted at this collection include:

  • Pills
  • Patches
  • Small amounts of liquid medication
  • Vaping devices and cartridges. The DEA, however, cannot accept devices containing lithium ion batteries. If batteries cannot be removed prior to drop-off, DEA encourages individuals to consult with stores that recycle lithium ion batteries.

Items not accepted at this collection include:

  • Needles or other sharps
  • Inhalers
  • Mercury thermometers
  • Iodine-containing medications
  • Illicit drugs or substances (including marijuana which is still a schedule 1 drug under federal law)

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting the following drop off locations:

  • Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Headquarters, located at: 5600 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder
  • Lyons Substation, located at: 432 Fifth Avenue, Lyons
  • Superior Substation, located at: 405 Center Drive, Unit F, Superior

For more information about safely disposing unwanted medication in Boulder County, including what to do with liquid medication and syringes, visit: Additional safe disposal locations are available throughout Boulder County and regularly accept unused and unwanted prescription drugs.


Visit us at:  

Follow us on Twitter @BldrCoSheriff  |  Like us on Facebook

@ 2021 All rights Reserved – Boulder County
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GHFPD Board Meeting, Tues. April 20, 7 pm



APRIL 20, 2021 7:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 840 0256 0700 Passcode: 571354







Type of call

Initial response

Number of volunteers who arrived.

Who took command and transfer (if any)?

Equipment used.

Other Departments who arrived.

Lessons learned.


         Training team members

         Past training

         Upcoming training











Forest Restoration Projects:

  • Update on project timeline Maya MacHamer
  • Possible webinar/zoom call on large scale forest projects.



  • Kris Gibson,
  • Marcus Moench,


Wi-Fi for Fire Barn:

  • Jessica,Chief Finn.


Arc Gis: 

  • Dirolf


Drone use

  • Thomas Woodson, Ben, Joey Schusler Marcus Moench, Boyd, Kris G, Max


Campers west of town:

  • Forest Service response.Chief Finn


  • Other items.




Wildfire Mitigation Perspective for Gold Hill

Join the Gold Hill Town Meeting in partnership with the Gold Hill Fire Protection District for an evening with Abby Silver, Wildfire Mitigation Specialist on April 19, 2021, 7:00 by Zoom (see details attached).  



Please join us for our virtual Let’s Talk Mitigation event!

Please join us for our virtual Let’s Talk Mitigation event! Wildfire Partners staff members, Abby Silver and Leslie Brodhead will be available to answer your questions and discuss wildfire mitigation.


Date:  Wednesday, April 14

Time:  7 – 8 p.m.

Wildfire Partners · PO Box 471 · Boulder · Colorado · 80306
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GHTM Monday, April 12, 7:00 pm

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Monday, 7:00 p.m. April 12th, 2020


Zoom Virtual Meeting

Topic: Gold Hill Virtual Town Meeting

Time: Apr 12, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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Passcode: 454815

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Review of Previous Minutes (additions or corrections)

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

Mountain Stewards 

Forestry and Forest Management

Gold Hill School


Community Planning and Fundraising 


Community Center


Food Pantry

Emergency Preparedness/Communications


Weed Management

Historical Zoning

Fire Department

Other Town News: 

Speed Study Update:

County is getting ready to hire on a couple of traffic interns for the summer to do counts, but also waiting for warmer weather. 

Evaluating if there are missing speed signs, as we have few in town – checking the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). If signs are missing that should be in place, they can add more in good weather. If all signs are intact, they will wait until after the speed study so signage doesn’t compromise the data.

Community Concerns: 

Campers west of town have the potential to increase risk of wildfires, attract animals due to food and waste, and can present the issue of improperly disposed of waste materials. Fire Department has discussed this concern at the last board meeting and plans to conduct a drone test to learn if a drone could respond to a call by flying out to the site to capture photos to tell if a campfire is or is not unattended. This test will help to identify possible solutions. Additionally, private property owners should post “no trespassing” signs on property lines.

Upcoming Meetings/Events

         Town Cleanup and Summer Wildfire Prep

A Holistic Perspective on Wildfire Mitigation: Monday, April 19th at 7:00pm – GHTM & GHFPD in partnership present Abby Silver, Wildfire Partners and Maya McHamer, Boulder Watershed Collective to speak on importance of wildfire mitigation from greater landscape scale down to individual property. Topics: forest health, ecological benefits of mitigation and fire, environmental sensitivity, creating defensible space and home hardening on larger mountain parcels and in the more “urban” setting of the Gold Hill townsite, as well as touching on issues around homeowners insurance. 

Town Cleanup Day: Date Proposed – last weekend in June (Sat 26 or Sun 27) – Dumpsters available for Spring Cleaning

Wildfire Mitigation Week: Date TBD – Dumpsters, equipment, and skilled crew      available to assist Gold Hill residents with wildfire mitigation on your property!

Gold Rush Bike Rally: September 19 (Dan)


Next Gold Hill Town Meeting: June 14th, 7:00 pm




Calendar Meeting next Thursday

Calendar Meeting coming up this coming Thursday, April 15th, 10:30.  Still always looking for pictures, drawings, ideas.  

We’re looking for March snow photos, dog photos, certainly any drawings. Any great pictures of last 4th of July?  Other historical Gold Hill happenings?  How bout New Faces in Old Places
Let us know if you’d like to join the committee or just send stuff to us: Marie Brookhart, Marilyn Soby, or Gretchen Diefenderfer

Nederland Vaccine Clinic

Hello all,

We are suddenly finding ourselves with TWO upcoming vaccination clinics in Nederland for folks 60+ and have 35 spaces left to fill. The first one on April 6th, with a follow up clinic on May 4th is full, but the second clinic on 4/13 is still open. That second dose clinic will fall on May 11th. Initially we had a very large list of folks to try and schedule however since we collected our list of names, several folks have already received their vaccines. The clinic is from 1-330 on Tuesday, April, 13th at the Nederland Community Center and we are to prioritize adults aged 60 and up per state guidance. If you know anyone 60 and up that is interested, please have them call me directly at 720-616-9109. Thanks so much for your help and sorry for the late notice. This came up quickly for all of us!




  Colleen Sinclair | Mountain Resource Specialist

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging | Community Services Department

303-258-3068 (office) | 720-616-9109 (cell) | Resource Line: 303-441-1617

Resources: | Sign up: Age Well Newsletter | Facebook


Get wildfire ready by creating defensible space around your home

To: Armstrong, Katherine -FS <>
Subject: [BCFCA] Get wildfire ready by creating defensible space around your home; Application period opens April 1 for Boulder Ranger District

U.S. Forest Service

Roosevelt National Forest

Boulder Ranger District

Boulder, Colo.

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Get wildfire ready by creating defensible space around your home
Application period opens April 1 for Boulder Ranger District

BOULDER, Colo. – Landowners across Boulder and Gilpin counties are preparing their properties to be more resilient to wildfire by creating areas of defensible around their homes. To support this effort, the U.S. Forest Service’s Boulder Ranger District has completed two environmental analyses (Boulder Defensible Space Project and Forsythe II Project) that allow private landowners in Boulder and northern Gilpin counties to reduce hazardous fuels on National Forest lands around their homes.

This opportunity will complement the mitigation work already being completed by private property owners in cooperation with the Colorado State Forest Service and county wildfire preparedness programs to create areas of defensible space around primary structures on private lands.

Each year, applications will be accepted April 1 through April 30. Upon receipt of the application, resource specialists will evaluate design criteria for your specific location. Defensible space permits will be issued by the Boulder Ranger District before July 1, and work may begin after receipt of the permit.

The Boulder Ranger District will provide homeowners permits based on the mitigation area and the volume of trees to be cut (either a free-use permit or personal use paid permit). On National Forest land, hazardous fuels shall only be cut by hand with manual equipment (e.g. chainsaws, handsaws, loppers). Landowners will be responsible for removing the debris created from the defensible space treatments from National Forest land to their private land for disposal utilizing non-mechanized equipment (e.g. carts, wheel barrels, etc.); off-road vehicles and other motorized equipment shall not be used. Cut material shall not be left on National Forest property.

For more information about this project and to learn how to apply, go to Boulder Ranger District Defensible Space Permits.



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K. “Reid” Armstrong
Public Affairs Specialist
Forest Service

Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests

Pawnee National Grassland

c: 970-222-7607
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Caring for the land and serving people


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Moors and McCumber tonight

From: Moors & McCumber <>
Date: March 27, 2021 at 00:59:25 MDT
Subject: Moors & McCumber Celebration Concert Tonight!


Campaign Ends Tonight at 10 PM Central

Join tonight’s Moors & McCumber “Separate But Together … CELEBRATION EDITION” concert

Saturday, March 27 at 6:00 PM Mountain // 7:00 PM Central // 8:00 PM Eastern

Last opportunity to get an advance copy of our new record, SURVIVAL.

Click here to pledge on Kickstarter:

Thank you for tolerating the abundance of emails from us the past few weeks. The response to this campaign has been incredible and we can’t wait to share this new music with you!  ❤️

James & Kort


Americana duos are this nations backbone!
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