Events Calendar

Living With Fire: A community conversation on wildfire adaptation

Dear Friends,

The Boulder Watershed Collective is excited to hostLiving With Fire: A community conversation on wildfire adaptation. For details and to register, please see the attached file. Feel free to forward this email to your neighbors.

We are meeting on Saturday, August 28th at 10am in the Gold Hill Inn Beer Garden.  Pie and Quiche provided by the Gold Hill Store.
Maya MacHamer

Boulder Watershed Collective
1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr.
Boulder, Co. 80302
(c) 303-817-2261
(o) 303-449-3333

I recognize that the Boulder Creek watershed sits upon land within the territories of the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho peoples. Further, I acknowledge that 48 contemporary tribal nations are tied to the lands that make up the state of Colorado.

Music News!

Moors & McCumber Concert at the Gold Hill Store on August 23rd open to the public.
Gold Hill Store & Pub Presents… Moors & McCumber
August 23rd
6:30pm Concert. 5:30pm Concert seating opens. Store open all day.
$50 Ticket includes concert, guaranteed seat, meal and drink.
Ticket link:
Tickets also available by cash or check at the Gold Hill Store
Or Venmo: @moors-mccumber
Thanks so much!

Fire Followers Day Hike in Heil Ranch!


Join Can’d Aid, Trout Unlimited, Boulder County Open Space and the Left Hand Watershed Center in an effort to document vegetation adjacent to the Calwood burn site.

We will begin our 13 mile (roughly) roundtrip trek from Picture Rock at 9am and we will be documenting vegetation using a smartphone app called iNaturalist. Volunteers will take photos and identify plants observed. Data will contribute to a growing database that will allow a better understanding of how our lands change and rebound after a fire. We’ll also be discussing current conditions of our forests, impacts of fire suppression, components of forest health, and what we can do to restore forests in our area. No experience necessary.
This is going to be a strenuous hike along rugged terrain. Sturdy hiking shoes, water, sun protection, and snacks will be a must. Please consider trail conditions prior to registering!
Sign up below to get in on the Fire Followers action!

Registration link:


Deb and Max’s Party

You are invited to our “Sunday Before Labor Day Party” being held this year on Sunday, September 5thbeginning at 2 pm at our cabin on the ridge.  As always, we will be serving “carnivore BBQ country style ribs, burgers, corn on the cob, and a keg of Elly’s brown ale”.  Please bring something to share and whatever beverage you would like.  The evenings get cool so be sure to bring a chair or blanket, something to wrap up in and your instrument if you want to jam.  See you there.


Debra and Max

Aug. 14th Nature Sketching Event

Event Description: Join The Boulder Watershed Collective and CU’s Masters of the Environment graduate students on a short, easy-paced hike (~2 miles) to quiet the mind and sketch the intricacies and landscapes of pine forest ecosystems. Korey McQuaide, a Masters of the Environment graduate student, artist, and naturalist will lead the group along the Switzerland Trail, stopping along the way to to observe and sketch unique characteristics of mixed-conifer forests as he demonstrates how to note key features of the environment in these journal entries. This event is open to everyone, and is great for kids 3rd grade and up, or anyone wanting to learn beginner sketching and/or journaling skills. Sketching and journaling materials will be provided. **This event is in-person. We advise any individual who is unvaccinated to please wear a mask at this event. 

 When: Saturday, August 14th, 2021 from 8:30-10:00am

Where: Park & meet at the trailhead at the intersection of Switzerland Trail & Gold Hill Road

Please register here by AUGUST 12th, so we can ensure we provide enough materials:

Once registered, we will reach out with more details about this event. For questions or comments, please email Erin Fried (

We appreciate any help getting the word out about this event!

Many thanks,

Erin Fried


Mitigation Challenges – Wildfire Partners tomorrow night

Wildfire Partners · PO Box 471 · Boulder · Colorado · 80306
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GHTM Monday Night

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Monday, 7:00 p.m. August 9th, 2020


Zoom Virtual Meeting


Topic: Gold Hill Town Meeting – August 9th, 2021

Time: Aug 9, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 825 2574 1816

Passcode: 169991

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Meeting ID: 825 2574 1816

Passcode: 169991

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Review of Previous Minutes (additions or corrections)


Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

Mountain Stewards 

Forestry and Forest Management

Gold Hill School


Community Planning and Fundraising 


Community Center


Food Pantry

Emergency Preparedness/Communications



Weed Management

Historical Zoning

Fire Department

Other Town News: 


Speed Study Update


Boulder County interns just finished data collection for this study this week. They will start analyzing the data and putting together a report for you all in the next week or so (we come in line after a few more studies). We should hear from them in the next few weeks. None of our signs were changed or added before the study. They will evaluate after reviewing study results.


Community Concerns 


Town Cleanup Info


Upcoming Meetings/Events

Wildfire Mitigation Week: : Date TBD – Dumpsters, equipment, and skilled crew      

available to assist Gold Hill residents with wildfire mitigation on your property!




Next Gold Hill Town Meeting: October 11th, 7:00 pm



Bike Race this Saturday


Heads up, this race is this Saturday July 31.

Chief Finn

Human Services Fair, Vaccine Clinic, and Food Pantry!

Human Services Fair, Vaccine Clinic, and Food Pantry!

July 29, 10am – 1pm
Nederland Food Pantry indoor shopping. NO PROOF OF VACCINE IS REQUIRED. MASKS ARE MANDATORY. Outside pick up still available.
Vaccine Clinic J&J and Pfizer (12+) vaccines are being offered.
Human Services Fair will include information or representatives from EFAA, Personal Finance Help, Center for People with Disabilities, Peak to Peak Counseling and Mental Health Partners, Transportation, Financial Aid for families and individuals and more…

Katrina Harms


The Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance is a gathering of representatives of human services organizations serving the Peak to Peak area of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, coming together to identify needs, expand and enhance services to the residents of the Peak to Peak community, and promote inter-agency communication.

Lunches for Firefighters

Now that in-person firefighter training has started back, we are once again providing lunches for our firefighters. Our next date is August 14. Anyone interested in helping out, please contact Mary Claire Mulligan at


Mary Claire Mulligan

GHTM 6-14-2021


Minutes of the June 14, 2021 Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting is Monday, August 9, 2021, 7:00 p.m.

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Emma Dirolf.   Present were Emma – Chair, Marielle Sidell – Vice Chair, Sarah, O’Brien, Virginia Schultz, Marcus Moench and Elisabeth Caspari, Joanne Cole, Pam Sherman, Martha Knapp – Treasurer, Deb Yeager, Peter Swift, Poppy Copeland and Bear Carlson, Emily Rose, Charles Steinberg and Torkin Hibbard, Rick Sheingold, Christina Akers, Heidi and Richard Roth, Gretchen Diefenderfer – Secretary.  If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Minutes – of the April 12 meeting were approved as published

Treasurer’s Report – Martha submitted the following report:

At the previous regular Town Meeting in April 2021 our bank balance was $16,725.90 Our current total cash assets remain at $16,725.90.

Revenue: none; Expenses: none; Fund transfers: none

Current fund totals by earmarked account:
General Fund $3321.44; Cemetery $3,205.21; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,466.79; Community Planning/Fundraising $300; Forest Management $0 (zero); Community Relief $2,375.20; COVID-19 Response $1,057.26; Water Harvesting/Ag Education Grant $4,000.

Anticipated general fund and other expenses for the remainder of 2021 total $3525 as follows: $350 for liability insurance; $525 for website hosting and maintenance, $800 for Town Cleanup; $1600 for fundraising expenses; and $250 for additional misc. expenses including bank fees, office supplies and port-a-potty maintenance.

June 14, 2021        
Activity Spreadsheet and Summary        
  Report Balance Forward       $ 16,725.90
  No Activity Since April 2021 Town Meeting        
  Ending Balance Total $- $- $ 16,725.90
  BALANCES / ACTIVITY by Account Beginning Credits Debits Ending Balance
GF General Fund $ 3,321.44 $- $- $ 3,321.44
CF Cemetery Fund $ 3,205.21 $- $- $ 3,205.21
SL Safe Link (SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink) $ 2,466.79 $- $- $ 2,466.79
CP Community Planning/Fundraising $ 300.00 $- $- $ 300.00
FM Forest Management $- $- $- $-
CRF Community Relief Fund $ 2,375.20 $- $- $ 2,375.20
COV COVID-19 Response Fund $ 1,057.26 $- $- $ 1,057.26
H2O Water Harvest/Ag Education Grant $ 4,000.00 $- $- $ 4,000.00
  TOTAL $ 16,725.90 $- $- $ 16,725.90

Gretchen added that the dumpster cost is in the $600 range this year and we think we will be able to cover it with donations.

Marcus reported that a grant from the Community Foundation for $29,000 should be coming in soon and we should inquire if it doesn’t turn up soon.

Martha clarified town property expenses.  We file an annual report at $75 per report for required for each of our tax exempt properties consisting of the meadow and two more.  Our small property at the top of Lickskillet only costs $65 in property taxes, so it’s cheaper to just pay the taxes rather than have it declared tax exempt and have to file the report.


Mountain Stewards – Marcus reports that they have been awarded two grants from the Community Foundation:  approx. $29,000 for fire mitigation and environmental enhancement, prioritizing the Pine Street area and surrounding properties to reduce fire hazards and to help people who need assistance with mitigation work,  plus $4000 for a water harvesting project, which needs a bit of thinking for how it’s to be carried out.  They may have to do a revision of purpose, in order to fit in better with the Fire Mitigation work.

They have also worked with the GHFPD on a grant for $12,000 for a UTV, which would be a good piece of equipment to help with mitigation work as well as firefighting.  And, they’ve been supportive of the grants totaling $300,000 that Maya MacHamer has submitted for the Ashram and Ashley properties mitigation work.

Virginia added that she’s really excited to see so much happening.  She added that Cat Russell is working on solar ideas and energy efficiency.  Bulk buying possibilities are still in the works.  The CSA is going well.  The weed pull that Maya organized in the meadow Joanne Cole can speak to.  The County can do some testing for PFOS in fire retardant and possible effects on our water quality.

Forestry and Forest Management – Wildfire Partners is still interested in evaluating properties and free chipping is available if you’ve had the  evaluation.  Bear added that Lazlo had a bunch of stuff chipped and 3 bags are available across from their driveway.   There is a place – Biochar in Loveland, that produces charcoal like stuff that can be used as a way to keep carbon and moisture in the soil.

Gold Hill School – no report

Museum – Deb reports that they’re excited to be open this year.  The board has 3 new members: Anna Poisson, Jane Maslanka, and Jay Clark, in addition to Boyd Brown, Norm Skarstad, Joan Few and Deb.  Hours will be 11-3 Saturday and Sunday through Labor Day.  They have new exhibits and June 25th will be the Community Outreach event based on COVID and conversations arising about personal care (since toilet paper was in short supply).  Anna created a large banner, she’s writing a book on outhouses, Joan has been doing research, and it all dovetailed into the idea for the community event.  It will be a cocktail party starting at 5:30 to look at the exhibit (including a mock outhouse that Anna and Paul built) and browse the museum, plus board members will be available to answer questions.  Anna and Joan will make presentations.  In addition to weekend hours, tours can be arranged during the week – contact Deb.  The museum collections started on 1998 and now 99% is Gold Hill stuff.  Torkin thanked the board and expressed that it’s fantastic that our little community has such a great museum.

Community Planning – no report

Cemetery – Torkin reported that there will be a clean up – slash removal and painting the new shed on Saturday, June 19.

Community Center – Survey updates – Mari reports that they have 65 responses so far.  The committee is led by Jojo and she is hoping for 100.  There is a link on the town website under Gold Hill Town Meeting on the left sidebar and paper copies at the Store.  Deadline is July 10th.

SafeLink/NeighborLink – Deb reports that they continue to give out newcomer Welcome Buckets.  Sarah has added a form and explanation of NeighborLink for new people, how to sign up for the town emails, etc.  They continue to fine tune the NeighborLink lists in order to be ready to engage in an emergency.  Virginia suggested sending this form out to everyone.

Food Pantry – Deb reports that the first food pantry information came to us from the Nederland Food Pantry and she linked up with Gold Hill People to help run it here.  It began with twice a week, and then reverted to once a week, moved from the GH Store to the Bluebird Lodge porch so as to not impact Store business. Our team consisted of a large group of volunteers and all performed many jobs incredibly well.  We were fortunate to engage with Boulder Mountain Food Rescue.  They feel they have now accomplished their goal to provide food in the time it was really needed.  Now the majority of people are more settled and financially not so in need of food rescue.  The last day will be Monday, June 25th.  Thanks so much to everyone – Rick Sheingold, Johanna Gangemi, Anya and Mirelle, Sarah and Sam, Brieda and Rick Geesaman, Sheila Maloney, Brian Tomas, Jamshid and Kathleen who volunteered to store canned goods between weeks, Norm Skarstad from Lefthand and all others who pitched in – thanks everybody so much.  It was a great community effort.  We are invited to the Jamestown Food Pantry to shop and/or to volunteer.

Emergency Preparation – Sarah reported 35 responses to the survey about how to contact people with town news.  The majority requested town news through the email list and the town website (

AirLink – Pam reports that they will having another repeater day soon and there is a lot of good ham radio stuff going on.

Pam also reports that she will be teaching a permaculture  class with the Gold Hill School kids, incorporating forest management, ecosystems, water supplies and protection, how to read the landscape.

Weed Management – Joanne Cole reported that Cat Price with the Boulder Watershed Alliance put us in touch with an Atteryx Community Service Group.  Jo had walked the cemetery loop and assessed our needs  – mostly concerning Oxeye Daisy (behind the Inn really needs attention) and volunteers with Atteryx will come up on July 15th to help pull weeds.  Pam reported that the Feds and the State have mandates for us all to take care of invasive weeds because they will take over areas – usually disturbed land – although they usually aren’t as bad at higher altitudes.  Pam will send a document in email of the Boulder County and State weed sites with good pictures and information.  Here’s a link s-and-as/

Historic Zoning – Bear reports that we are now 60 days more historic than at the last town meeting (!). What’s new is that they now have a bunch of new members.  In addition to Bear, Marcus , and Michelle Bar-Evan, Greg Buis, Rick Sheingold, and Terry Walters have joined the committee.  They will all get together in a week or so.

Martha introduced Christina Akers, who is the owner of the log cabin across from Martha.  Christina is Richard Regnier’s granddaughter.  Christina thanked Martha for being so welcoming and helpful.  She wants to disassemble the cabin, fix the foundation, and re-assemble it all.  She’s looking into grants.  This will need to be sponsored by a non-profit agency – perhaps the Gold Hill Town Meeting.  Bear volunteered that the purview of Historic Zoning s not really restoration, but they would be excited to work with her and do whatever they can to help.  Christina doesn’t really know what this might require of any sponsoring group, but this year’s deadline is July 1, so it will not be happening this year.  Bear said he would help research how to help get it together.  Deb added that Historic Gold Hill, Inc. (the Museum) is also a 501(c)3 and could maybe help, too.

Fire Department – Gretchen reports that the Board meets the third Tuesday of each month and will be meeting July 20th.  Joanne Cole has called Sheriff Pelle to beg for a fire ban and wants the Fire Department to support it.  Emily Rose wants signs posted saying No Fires and spoke with Jared Smith of the Boulder Ranger District requesting a Stage 1 Fire Restriction be put in place because she is very concerned about fires.  See for the status of fire restrictions in Boulder County).  Illegal campfires are the responsibility of the Boulder County Sheriff.  Martha added that she and Edie used to go out to the camping areas out west and check fire rings to see if they were still hot and call them in if so.  Richard Roth added that the website is updated daily with fire danger ratings, etc.


Speed Study – Emma reports that it will be happening later – end of June or early July.  Emily has been asking for reflectors along our roads because it can be so hard to see the road in fog and snow.  Emma also asked for a contact person to come to the GHTM after the Speed Study to report to us.  No details yet.

GHTM Future Meetings – Emma questioned whether we want our future meetings to be in person or continue on Zoom.  The consensus seemed to be to do both – a combination.  The question arose if we need to amend the bylaws – unclear, but probably not.  For the Fire Board meetings, Rich has had a laptop and turned it to whoever was speaking – not entirely satisfactory. Emma thought we might need to purchase equipment to do both well.

Town Clean Up – Gretchen announced that it will be June 26th from 9 to 2 and we need more volunteers.

Wildfire Mitigation Week – TBD

Next GHTM will be our elections on August 9thMartha announced that she will not be seeking to be re-elected as Treasurer for next year.   Bear expressed everyone’s thanks and added that we never had to be worried about a penny with Martha as treasurer.

4th of July – Bear suggested that we should have a parade like last year – didn’t need to be an official fire department affair – and anyone interested should show up at the Firebarn at 11:00.  In the discussion most people wanted a small, informal parade.  Addendum: The Fire Department later made the decision to sponsor their regular parade with fire trucks, etc., in response to several other fire departments.

Porta Potty – was purchased by the town for the use of the town and should be available – right now it has become turned so that the door doesn’t open properly.  Martha said that there are two locks on it  right now – its own combination lock and an additional padlock.  Addendum: at the next Fire Board meeting, Chris Dirolf straightened it out and it should be fine now.

 Bocce Tournament – Bear announced that the Poggio D’Oro will be held at its regularly scheduled time – the Saturday before the 4th of July, which turns out to be July 3rd this year!

Respectfully Submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary













Fire Board Meeting tonight



Type of call


JULY 20, 7:00 PM

page1image39551744 page1image39551936 page1image39552512 page1image39552704

Initial response
Number of volunteers who arrived.
Who took command and transfer (if any)? Equipment used.
Other Departments who arrived.
Lessons learned.

Training team members

Past training

Upcoming training MAINTENANCE:

V ehicles

EQUIPMENT: Committee report: Chief, Kris G.

Inventory Condition


Fire Marshall:

  • Role
  • Types of inspections
  • Record keeping

    Forest Projects:

● Update on project timeline Maya MacHamer

● Surveys. Grants:

● Community Foundation Grant. Award and next steps Arc Gis:

● Dirolfs’

Gold Hill Posting Board and Preparedness flyer:

• Kent


For fire department news, see the website  Jess Brookhart has  updated and improved it!


Summer Fun

We are hosting a performance by Haiden Davis, the son of Kate Iskeep and Derek Davis, Wednesday, July 21 at 6 pm.   He is an excellent violinist, and plays an interesting and diverse variety of music.  The music will take place on our land west of town.  
We are opening the show up to anyone who is interested in  joining the fun.  

4th of July Parade

Our Fourth of July Parade is ON!  No pancake breakfast at this time. 
We’ll line up at the fire station beginning at 11:30. Parade begins at noon. Walkers and floats will precede the fire engines by several minutes in order to avoid the engine fumes and some of the noise,  so don’t be late. 
We’ll line up floats and fire engines on County Rd. 52 (Gold Hill road) going west from the fire station. Walkers can line up at the station as space allows. Line up on the NORTH side of the road to allow outside traffic to flow until the parade begins. Do not line up Gold Run Street. We need to keep this open for traffic flow. 
I will be parade marshal this year if you have questions.
See you there!
Val Crist
303 440 9926

GH Forest Restoration Meeting tonight

A reminder that the Community Meeting regarding the forest restoration project is tonight at the Fire Barn at 530pm.  An agenda is attached and zoom link is below for those who cannot attend in person. Looking forward to seeing you there.  
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 864 4194 9682 
Passcode: 607116
Maya MacHamer

Boulder Watershed Collective
1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr.
Boulder, Co. 80302
(c) 303-817-2261
(o) 303-449-3333

I recognize that the Boulder Creek watershed sits upon land within the territories of the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho peoples. Further, I acknowledge that 48 contemporary tribal nations are tied to the lands that make up the state of Colorado.
Posted in Community Digest, Events Calendar, Forest Management, Gold Hill Fire Department | Comments Off on GH Forest Restoration Meeting tonight


Museum Outreach Event Friday

Join us at the Gold Hill Museum Friday evening beginning at 5:30 pm for an evening of learning more about Gold Hill history.  This year we are focusing on “Personal Care through the ages and “Where’s my toilet paper”.  Cocktails start at 5:30 pm and the presentation will begin on the south lawn of the museum at 7:00 pm.  Seating space is limited.  Please bring a chair if you will need seating.  We will be providing some seating but not enough for everyone.  The outside and inside exhibits will all be open for you to see what we’ve done with our museum this season.  This is open to the Gold Hill community and their family and friends.  It is closed to the public.  See you there.  Historic Gold Hill, Inc

Food Pantry


 Thank you, Gold Hill for joining us in these past 14 months at the Gold Hill Food Pantry.  Our last pantry is Monday, June 28th

We brought in the pantry to help our community during the pandemic but also as a way to support us following the Left Hand Fire evacuation.  Many of your friends and neighbors helped us in this endeavor.  Thanks very much to:

            Whitey and Jay at the Gold Hill Pub for generously offering the back patio space

            Brian Finn for generously offering the Bluebird Lodge front deck space and allowing us some storage

            Johanna Gangemi for co-managing the Monday pantry and being a regular driver

            Rick Sheingold for coordinating the Monday pantry and being a regular driver

Gretchen Diefenderfer for managing the Wednesday Food Pantry

            Denver Haslam for helping distribute food at the Wednesday Food Pantry

            Sheila Maloney for delivering food to the pantry from the tuff shed each week

            Julie Carpenter for delivering food to Ward and distributing food at the Monday and Wednesday food pantries

            Amara East for helping at the Monday Food Pantry

            Donal Maloney for traffic control

            Carol Garnett for assisting at the Wednesday Food Pantry

            Sarah O’Brien and her fiancé Sam for being a driver as well as distributing food

            Anya Brown and her friend Lauren for being a driver and distributing food

            Murielle Brown and her friend Tyrus for being a driver and distributing food

            Rick Geesaman for making sure that the tables were set up each week and recycling boxes

            Breida Geesaman for distributing food at the Monday food pantry

            Brian Tomas for meeting the Nederland crew each Monday at the tuff shed and distributing food

            Kathleen Moreau and Jamshid for can storage

            Dina Huber and Chad Miltenberger for donating our refrigerator

            Steve Arney and Virginia Schultz for donating our freezer

            Norm Skarstad for delivering food to Ward

           If we’ve missed anyone, we do apologize.  Without these wonderful volunteers, there would not have been a pantry.         

After 14 months we believe that most of our needs have been met and we would like the food to benefit those in the Boulder County area who are at greater risk than we are and therefore we have chosen to end the pantry.  Both Jamestown and Ward will be continuing with the same food offerings from Boulder Mountain Food Rescue and the Nederland Food Pantry.  Please feel free to join those pantries.  Jamestown meets on Tuesday and Ward on Saturday. If ever we experience another emergency and need more assistance, we will reach out to these two wonderful organizations and do whatever we can for our community.

 Thanks again for your participation.




2021 Spring Clean Up, 6-26-21

2021 Spring Clean Up

Saturday, June 26

9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Bluebird Lodge parking lot.

For all within the Town Meeting boundaries 

DIVERSION is the focus again this year.  Boulder County is a great support for our diversion/recycling efforts, but they are no longer providing any money for trash disposal.  We will be getting one dumpster for trash and we will have to pay for it ($795), so we will need to charge (rate sheet at the end). 

Three Dumpsters will arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. – 1 for junk/trash (we will need to collect a fee for trash and donations for the diversion stuff), one for metal, one for wood – slash and general wood/lumber as in the past.  Please don’t come with stuff earlier than 9:00. 

***And, yes, please, we need volunteers to help!***

To volunteer, please contact me, Gretchen Diefenderfer, at  (303-442-3847).


Mixed rigid plastics (playground stuff, coolers, etc.) and Styrofoam 

Tires – no rims.

Electronics, small appliances

Appliances – refrigerators!


Household hazardous waste (HHW)

            Oil, Antifreeze

           Car batteries

            Latex paint


        METAL Container – No liquids – No fridges – No tires on rims (just rims are ok!) – No batteries No paint cans with paint still in them.  We will take fridges and tires this year, but they have to go in the diversion trucks [there will be one for tires and appliances, one for HHW, one for mattresses, and more for electronics.   Wire fencing and barbed wire are ok

 WOOD Container – No chemically treated wood including stain or paint – No nails in the wood (although a few seem to be ok, just not an excessive amount) – No particleboard.  Slash is ok – no longer than 18” (be judicious with this – there is only one dumpster and it can’t take a forest of slash) 

        TRASH  Containers  – junk – No recyclables!  We need to pay for this and will need to charge for trash. We also request donations for the diversion items.  Please remember that it would be much more expensive to take a truckload to the dump or to Nederland (a carl load taken to Nederland is charged $25 and a small pick up is $40).

         $5 per large trash bag

            $15 – $18 per car, van, or SUV (less for just a few things)

            $25 per pick-up truck or trailer full

            $30 – 40 per vehicle with trailer

 Repurposing – We encourage people to bring stuff that others might want.  Be prepared to pick these items up if no one wants them, or for them to go into the dumpsters.  We will take some stuff down to donate in Boulder, either to second hand stores or to Resource 2000.  We don’t know if we will have the town bake/rummage/craft sale in September, too.

 Any propane bottles must be vented and this means the entire top mechanism must be removed.  Just opening it does not suffice. We made this mistake once and it cost us

It’s amazing how much stuff piles up!  This is your chance to clear that stuff out!

And, yes, please, we need volunteers to help –  please contact me, Gretchen, at gretchend@nullmac.comor 303-442-3847    THANK YOU!

Gold Hill forest/wildfire mitigation project presentation


From: Maya MacHamer
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 12:42 PM
Subject: Discussion with Foresters designing the Gold Hill project 6/22 @5:30pm

Please join the Boulder Watershed Collective and foresters from the Natural Resource Conservation Service and Boulder Valley Conservation District for a 20 minute presentation about the Gold Hill forest/wildfire mitigation project followed by a Q & A session.  Foresters will discuss project goals and design criteria that have informed the development of the plan for forest treatment on the North and West sides of town.
We will meet upstairs at the Fire Barn at 5:30pm on June 22nd.
This is a great opportunity to hear more about the technical components that inform which trees are cut where and how/why those choices are made. The Four Mile Mitigation Crew will begin the forest work later this month at the Truth Consciousness Ashram property.  The total acreage for the project will be just over 100 acres.  See the attached map.
Please forward this email to your neighbors who may not be on this email.
Maya MacHamer

Boulder Watershed Collective
1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr.
Boulder, Co. 80302
(c) 303-817-2261
(o) 303-449-3333

I recognize that the Boulder Creek watershed sits upon land within the territories of the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho peoples. Further, I acknowledge that 48 contemporary tribal nations are tied to the lands that make up the state of Colorado.

GHTM Agenda for Monday at 7:00 p.m

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Monday, 7:00 p.m. June 14th, 2020


Zoom Virtual Meeting


Topic: Gold Hill Town Meeting

Time: Jun 14, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 843 7501 2707

Passcode: 332032

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        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

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Meeting ID: 843 7501 2707

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Review of Previous Minutes (additions or corrections)

Treasurer’s Report

Property Tax Valuation – Martha

Committee Reports

Mountain Stewards 

Forestry and Forest Management

Gold Hill School


Community Planning and Fundraising 


Community Center

Survey Updates


Food Pantry

Emergency Preparedness/Communications

We had 35 responses from the community. The majority of participants prefer town news to come through email communication, followed by website and in-person communication. Text message was also a method that many desired, however we do not have this capability at this time. 


Regarding emergency communications, please make sure you’re signed up for County Everbridge Notifications through the Office of Emergency Management. To sign up, copy and paste this link into a web browser:



Weed Management

Humans’ Love/Hate Relationship with Weeds–Uses and Mitigation Strategies– Pam

Local Weed Mit Event – Joanne

Historical Zoning

Sponsoring Cabin Restoration – Martha

Fire Department

Other Town News: 

Speed Study Update

County interns starting this week and our contact is working to schedule speed studies. This will likely happen toward the end of June or into July. 

They evaluated our speed signs and said they’ll plan to make changes before speed study collection.


Our interns will be starting next week and I am working on a schedule for them to complete the speed studies. Currently, I see them working on this towards the end of June but, it could be July. I did look at the speed limit signs on the west side of town and plan to make changes hopefully before we start collecting data for the speed study.


Community Concerns 


Town Meeting In Person?

Discuss and vote on staying remote or joining in person.


Upcoming Meetings/Events

Town Cleanup and Summer Wildfire Prep


Town Cleanup Day: June 26 – Dumpsters available for Spring Cleaning


Wildfire Mitigation Week: Date TBD – Dumpsters, equipment, and skilled crew      available to assist Gold Hill residents with wildfire mitigation on your property!




Next Gold Hill Town Meeting: August 14th, 7:00 pm



Fire Board Meeting Tuesday



JUNE 15, 2021, 7:00 PM


Richard Lopez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 1566 7975
Passcode: 750424
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,89315667975#,,,,*750424# US (Houston)






Type of call

Initial response

Number of volunteers who arrived.

Who took command and transfer (if any)?

Equipment used.

Other Departments who arrived.

Lessons learned.


         Training team members

         Past training

         Upcoming training




EQUIPMENT:  Committee report:  Chief, Kris G.





Forest Projects:

  • Update on project timeline Maya MacHamer


  • Marcus Moench, Community Foundation Grant

         Arc Gis: 

  • Dirolfs’, Marcus updates


Gold Hill Posting  Board and Preparedness flyer:

  • Kent






Discussion of “training” activities that count towards Pension:


-Other items.




Community Outreach at the Gold Hill Museum


Gold Hill’s 7th annual Community Outreach at the Gold Hill Museum is Friday night, June 25th, beginning at 5:30 pm with a cocktail party on the south lawn of the museum.  You and your friends/family are welcome.  THIS EVENT IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC.

Thanks to Covid-19, this year we are focusing on “Personal care through the ages and “Where’s the toilet paper”.  Come join us for a presentation by Ania Ozimek and Joan Few on this most enjoyable, laughable, disgusting, and enlightening subject.  The museum will be open for touring our 2021 exhibits and we’re excited to show you our work.  Your well-behaved children are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. No pets allowed please and no food or drinks are allowed in the museum. 

See you there!

Deb Yeager


Hi mountain anti-racist folks! This week’s topic is a hot political one, so please join us even if you haven’t been able to come recently. It should be a lively and thought-provoking discussion! 


MARSEG is a friendly group of neighbors who meet on Google meet 6-7:30 pm every other Thursday to study anti-racist books and consider actions based on what we are learning.

We are reading Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson This NEW book is getting lots of rave reviews and even our community’s most seasoned anti-racists will find something to learn here!
This week we will be studying Chapter 11: Dominant group status threat and the precarity of the highest rung, in which Wilkerson takes on the extremely important political phenomenon of despair and resentment among less-educated white Americans who are seeing their status fall, the reality of social programs and redlining that actually benefited them over black Americans into the 1960s, and the unconscious bias that still leads to discrimination in employment, healthcare, and all other aspects of life. This is a chapter packed with compelling arguments. Even if you haven’t participated in the discussion thus far, I encourage you to join us for a lively political discussion!

Please don’t hesitate to join us at any time — this is an OPEN group! If you have met with us in the past, please rejoin us. We miss you! If you’ve been thinking of joining us, but haven’t yet, now is a great time to jump in! Here’s the link: If you haven’t had a chance to read, come anyway and we will start with a brief synopsis and read aloud sections of the chapter to discuss.

In solidarity,


Gold Hill Pride Parade Sunday

Gold Hill Pride Parade!  Gather at 9:30 at the Bluebird on Sunday, June 13th, and go from there. We can end at the Store for Rainbow Specials  <3


Wildfire Partners Mitigation Info – Zoom

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