Events Calendar

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting is Monday, February 10, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center

MMM- Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

Notice to Poets/ and others interested – all are welcome

MMM– Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits
Our next MMM get-together is – Thursday, January 9th, at Howard and Marjory Lambert’s house at 6:30 pm.

Lambert’s home is the 5th home as you head down Boulder Street (on platted map and on street sign at the 4-Mile – Lick Skillet – Sunshine intersection).
Proceed 5 houses down. We are the last house on the left, and our name is on the mailbox. It is 190 Boulder Street. Cowbell Construction  is just before our driveway. Parking is on the road and walk up


For those not familiar with MMM (Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits), we have a monthly get-together (usually the first Thursday but can change by request of the host) at the home of one of the group. The idea is two-fold: (1) is that we do some  writing (for 15-20 minutes and this is expected to be a quiet time in order to focus on our writing) in response to a loose stimulus provided by Gold Hill Poet Laureate, John Latham or his stand-in, followed by a non-critical read-around of what has been written. This takes about 45 minutes, followed by short break (to get snacks and drink)  and then: (2) a read-around, led by Edie Eilender, involving all people who care to read [for about 6 minutes per person maximum] some of their already-written prose or poetry, or writing by someone else. If, instead of reading, someone offers a song or two, that is welcomed. There is no pressure on people to actively participate. Most attendees do, but some come simply to listen. The host provides some limited drink & snacks, and if attendees care to bring along a modest contribution to the drink or food, that is welcomed, too.Here is an approximate time schedule:
6:30:             John introduces a topic and shares one or two of his poems that stimulate our writing.
7:00:             We share our writing
Approx 7:30:          Short snack break
7:45             Begin a read-around of poetry/writings/music that any have brought to share
approx8:30            Finished sharing and can stay to converse with others

If questions or to let them know you are coming, please call them at 303-546-6638 or Edie at 303-444-0778or Marie at 303-444-4691 

MMM – Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

Notice to Poets/ others interested – all are welcome

Our next MMM get-together is – Thursday, December 5th, at Bill Patterson’s house at 6:30 pm.

Bill’s home is the dome above Morning Sun, out west of Gold Hill.

For those not familiar with MMM (Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits), we have a monthly get-together (usually the first Thursday but can change by request of the host) at the home of one of the group. The idea is two-fold: (1) is that we do some  writing (for 15-20 minutes and this is expected to be a quiet time in order to focus on our writing) in response to a loose stimulus provided by Gold Hill Poet Laureate, John Latham or his stand-in, followed by a non-critical read-around of what has been written. This takes about 45 minutes, followed by short break (to get snacks and drink)  and then: (2) a read-around, led by Edie Eilender, involving all people who care to read [for about 6 minutes per person maximum] some of their already-written prose or poetry, or writing by someone else. If, instead of reading, someone offers a song or two, that is welcomed. There is no pressure on people to actively participate. Most attendees do, but some come simply to listen. The host provides some limited drink & snacks, and if attendees care to bring along a modest contribution to the drink or food, that is welcomed, too.Here is a rough time schedule:
6:30:             John is now in England and we will have an alternative writing stimulus.
By      7:00:             We should be ready to share our writing
Approx 7:30:          Short snack break
7:45             Begin a read-around of poetry/writings/music that any have brought to share
approx8:30            Finished sharing and can stay to converse with others

If questions or to let him know you are coming, please call him at 303-459-0108 or Edie at 303-444-0778 or Marie at 303-444-4691

Ward Food Bank


Ward Food Bank open Saturday at their Fire Station from 12:30 p.m.  to 1:00 p.m.
Open to all (not limited to Ward residents). Stock up for Winter!  They have
plenty of food and want to support all those impacted by the flood.

Questions call Amie: 303/459-0144 or 720/256-0283 or Marrocco’s.

forwarded by Val Crist from Virginia Schultz   <>

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting is Monday, December 9, 2013, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center.

Gold Hill Fire Board Meeting

The Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board meets the third Thursday of each month.  This month, that’s Thursday, Nov. 21, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center.

Lickskillet Studios’ Cabin Fever Concert

I almost forgot!
Hello, townspeeps!
Lickskillet Studios’ Cabin Fever Concert Series starts up again on Wednesday, November 20th, at the Gold Hill General Store and Café. We are kicking off the season with Ryan Spearman…
….and we really want you to come! Doors open at 6:30, concert starts at 7pm, tickets are $10. We recommend reserving your seats by emailing or payig for your seats in advance at the Gold Hill Store. Can’t wait!
Amy & Kort

Thank you!

Amy Fortunato (Boss Lady)
P.O. Box 1927 Boulder, CO 80306


Canceling MMM for Wednesday, Nov. 13

MMM (Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits)

Hello again all you Misfit Poets. We have another change of dates for MMM.

Hopefully we will all be wanting to go to the Gold Hill School Fall Fiesta on Wednesday, November 13th and that means we will cancel our MMM for that same night.  A tentative date has been set for Thursday, December 5th. More info and verification later.

See you at the Fall Fiesta!!

From Marie Brookhart <>

Gold Hill School Fall Fiesta

Fall Fiesta – Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Please come join the fun at the Gold Hill School’s annual Fall Fiesta event at the Gold Hill Inn. As we work through the aftermath of our devastating flood, we would love to have a wonderful community gathering. We will once again have our taco bar dinner served by our 3-4-5 class. Seating times are 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, and 6:30.  Tickets are free to those impacted by the flood. Others may make a donation of $10 for adults and $5 for children. Tickets are available from Gold Hill School families, at the Gold Hill Store, or at the door. Music will once again be provided by some Gold Hill School alumni and the Purple Mountain Jam. No raffle will occur this year, but we will have a small silent auction with many items connected to the local community. Lastly, there will be a Special Presentation to our Friends at Jamestown Elementary from the Gold Hill School students. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Lansky at 303.442.2709 or I look forward to seeing everyone on November 13th and thanks for your continuous support of the Gold HIll School.


Deadline for FEMA assistance and SBA Disaster loans

Hello Everyone,


Just a reminder that FEMA has extended the deadline for individuals to apply for assistance to NOVEMEBER 30TH, 2013. SBA disaster loan applications have also been extended to November 30th.


Register with FEMA by phone, 800-621-3362 from 5am to 8pm MST, seven days/week.


Amy Hardy | Boulder Mountain Resource Coordinator
Foothills United Way
1285 Cimarron Drive
Suite 101, Lafayette, CO 80026
Phone: 303-444-4013 | Direct: 303-895-3418 |

Human Services Fair and Thanksgiving Box Distribution

Screen Shot 2013-11-04 at 8.53.14 PM

Nederland Community Center, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Colorado Flooding Roadmap to Recovery Insurance Workshop

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Oct. 21, 2013  Contact: Richard Hackett, Communications Specialist, 720-564-2605

Colorado Flooding Roadmap to Recovery Insurance Workshop Oct. 24

Free educational workshop to help residents facing flood damage and insurance issues

Boulder County, Colo. – A free educational workshop on flood damage and insurance will be held in Boulder on Thursday, Oct. 24th.

Boulder County is a sponsor of the Colorado Flooding Roadmap to Recovery Workshop from 6–7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24 at First Presbyterian Church, 1820 15th St., Boulder.

The free workshop will focus on rules and rights related to the National Flood Insurance Program and privately issued insurance policies that – unlike home insurance – cover the risk of flood. Residents whose homes were impacted by the recent flooding and who have flood insurance are encouraged to attend this workshop. Residents whose homes were impacted but who have only home insurance (not flood insurance) are welcome to attend. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions during a Q&A portion of the program and get answers from an expert on insurance consumer advocacy and flood claims.

The program will cover:

  • Flood insurance basics and insurance claim tips
  • Information on National Flood Insurance Program policies and proof of loss requirements
  • FEMA grants and other disaster assistance programs

The Roadmap to Recovery program is co-sponsored by Boulder County, Foothills United Way, and United Policyholders, a non-profit consumer organization assisting disaster survivors for more than 20 years.

For more information, view the United Policyholders Colorado Flooding webpage.

Visit for rebuilding resources and more information on flood recovery in Boulder County.



GHFPD Board Meeting

Next Fire Board meeting will be Thursday, October 17, 2013, 7:00 pm at the Community Center

Nationally-renowned building scientist to discuss home wildfire mitigation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Oct. 9, 2013  Contact: Richard Hackett, Communications Specialist, 720-564-2605

 Nationally-renowned building scientist to discuss home wildfire mitigation

“The Science of Home Ignition: Reducing your Home’s Vulnerability to Wildfire” program on Monday, Oct. 21, 6:30 – 8 p.m.

 Boulder County, Colo. – How do homes burn during wildfires? Dr. Stephen Quarles, one of the nation’s leading scientists studying this issue, has answers for homeowners looking to protect their property.

At the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety’s Research Center, Dr. Quarles injects burning embers into the wind stream in a large testing chamber, effectively reproducing ember storms typically observed during wildfires. Full-scale homes and commercial structures are built and transported into the test chamber so Dr. Quarles can study how ember attack and torching vegetation ignite structures. The primary objective of this research is to reduce the likelihood of wildfire-caused building ignitions in communities located in wildfire-prone areas such as the foothills of Boulder County.

To watch a video of the ember generator, visit

Dr. Quarles will be presenting groundbreaking research in his presentation “The Science of Home Ignition: Reducing your Home’s Vulnerability to Wildfire,” on Monday, Oct. 21 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at the Boulder County Regional Fire Training Center, Boulder Reservoir, 5565 N. 51st St., Boulder.

What: The Science of Home Ignition: Reducing your Home’s Vulnerability to Wildfire

When: Monday, Oct. 21 from 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Where: Boulder County Regional Fire Training Center, Boulder Reservoir, 5565 N. 51st St., Boulder

To reach the Boulder County Regional Fire Training Center, drive through the Boulder Reservoir’s main entrance, continue past the recreational facilities, and drive to the end of the road where the center is located.

This presentation is part of Wildfire Awareness Month. Boulder County declared October as Wildfire Awareness Month in 2011 based on a recommendation from residents to help educate the community and promote individual responsibility in preparing for future wildfires. Other events planned for the month, including the Wildfire Mitigation Challenge, have been cancelled due to the impacts of the September flood.

For more information, visit, or contact Wildfire Mitigation Specialist Andrew Notbohm at 720-564-2625 or



Two Film Screenings at the Gold Hill Inn “Heart of Gold Hill” and “Lilith”

From Filmmaker Angie Burnham <>

Please join us for a memorable evening at the Gold Hill Inn on Sunday, October 13 at 8:00 p.m. for the screening of two films, Heart of Gold Hill and Lilith. Several short music videos that were shot at the Inn will also be shown. We’re very excited to screen both Heart of Gold Hill and Lilith at the Gold Hill Inn for the first time.

This will be fun!

Feel free to circulate this notice far and wide. Thanks!


A documentary on the social and architectural history of the Gold Hill Inn and the Bluebird Lodge, two of Boulder County’s most beloved buildings.


The lines of good versus evil are blurred in this tale of a mysterious fortune teller named Charlotte and her companion Rubin.  After fleeing the battlefields of the Civil War, Charlotte and Rubin find refuge in a small town in the Rocky Mountains.  But things begin to unravel when a Confederate officer embarks on a mission to track down the pair who he believes are responsible for a spell of inexplicable disappearances. The film features stunning footage of Gold Hill and surrounding vistas.  David Brigham, local actor from Gold Hill, shows up in a cameo role as the bartender behind the beautiful Gold Hill Inn Bar.


Nederland Miners’ Days

Cancelled for this year


Please Contact Emmit Hoyl 303-506-1928 or Shivaun Hoyl





Max’s Party

JUST A QUICK REMINDER…..Max’s annual “Day before Labor Day” picnic on the ridge is happening on Sunday, September 1 from 2:00 pm on at his cabin.  He will once again provide barbecued ribs, buffalo burgers, corn, and beer.  We hope to see you and your family/friends.  As always, bring a dish to share if you can.  This is a big THANK YOU for all of your business over the years so come and enjoy the day.  Bring your instruments and if you’d like something else to drink besides beer, bring it along.  You know the routine!  See you there


GHFPD Board Meeting

The Gold Hill Fire Protection District Fire Board Meeting is Thursday, August 15, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center.

MMM- Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

Notice to Poets – MMM- Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits.

Our next MMM get-together is Thursday, August 8th, 6:30 p.m. at Howard and Marjory Lambert’s house. Their house is the 5th one on the left down 4-mile (from Sunshine, 4-mile, Lick Skillet intersection).  If you need an address, it is 190 Boulder. Bet most of you didn’t even know there is a Boulder Street. Please park on the uphill side of the road.
If questions or to let them know you are coming, please call Lamberts at 303-546-6638 or Edie at 303-4444-0778 or Marie at 303-444-4691

Benefit Concert

This Sunday, August 4, 7:30pm at the Gold Hill Inn there will be a fundraiser for the Larry Worster Endowed Scholarship for Music at the Metropolitan State University of Denver featuring Larry Worster with No Bird Ever Flew , including Kort McCumber, mandolin, bouzouki, Jamie Polisher, guitars, Mark Stephaniw, string bass, 
Dean Hirshfield, percussion and introducing Brandy Beck, fiddle. Suggested Donation at the Door: $10

Donations can be made online at Be sure to specify the Larry Worster Scholarship in the comments field.  For more information contact Larry at



Packed and The Heart of Gold Hill

If you haven’t seen these films, here’s another chance.  They’re great!  Wed, Aug 7, 6:30, at the Boulder Public Library.

Here’s the flyer:

2013 August 7  BPL Screening Flyer

Next Town Meeting is Monday, August 12, 2013, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center


Minutes of the June 10, 2013, Town Meeting 

Next Town Meeting is Monday, August 12, 2013, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center


The meeting was called to order by Bear Carlson, Vice-chair, in Amy’s absence.  Seven people attended: Member at Large Debra Yeager, Bobby Vrba, Michael Albes, Mishie Natalie Littlefield, Bear Carlson, and Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report – Adriana was not here, but Gretchen said the report is the same as last time.

Current Balances:

Fire Fund                        13331.03                        Cemetery Fund                        3795.21

General Fund                          3924.20                        Planning                                        82.00

Forest Mgmt                              75.22                        Weed Mgmt                                       526.70

Historic Zoning                  11.23                        Trails                                                     31.29

Safe Site                            170.22

Total  $21,947.10


Community Planning/Trails – Gretchen reports that Garry Sanfaçon came up for a Regional Mountain Trails Master Plan kickoff meeting on May 2.  For a complete report on this initiative or to give your input go to .             This potential project is in the initial information gathering stage and there will be many more opportunities for us to have input.  The opinions on county trails up here in this meeting ranged from positive to negative.

Historical Zoning –Bear reports that the Dave & Anita Sturtz want to do a small, 9×16, addition to the west side of their outbuilding.  They’ve met with HZ and gone over their rough plans.  Now they just need to get actual plans together.

Forest Management – Gretchen reports that Carolyn Ashley would like to see the wood from the last mitigation project disposed of.  Per Kris Gibson, the project was carried out according to plan and Caroline would need to organize any further work like a volunteer work party who could have the wood.


Fire Department – Gretchen reported on the May 16 Fire Board Meeting (full report here They are working on a lot of ideas for fixing up the Firebarn, putting in a dry hydrant in Lefthand, getting gear and pagers to the new firefighters, getting new wildland gear with a Wildland Grant, making one good brush truck from 2 old, mostly dead ones, getting red cards for the firefighters who qualify (Shivaun is handling), and getting their website up to date (  They will work on 5, 10 year plans and setting up a class with their lawyer, Dick Lyons, on board protocols and duties, now that they have a stable, full board of 5 members.

Weed Management – Susan set up a weed identification opportunity on June 6 and she thought it went well.

Historic Gold Hill – 2013 calendars are still available and we’re working on the 2014 calendar.  Deb reported that the museum will be open on weekends through Labor Day.  There are all new displays this year and they’re worth seeing.

Mining – Gretchen reports that there is no apparent activity up at the mill.

School –  Mishie Littlefield from Sunshine is the new teacher at the School.  Mishie reports that she and Chrissy have met and they’re both very excited about working together.  Five kids graduated and the Inn hosted a wonderful dinner for them.  Third, fourth, and fifth graders took a great trip to the Royal Gorge.  The first and second graders raised ducks and chicks – the ducks went back to the farm and the kids got to keep the chicks!  Chrissy has been working on getting STEM grands – one to work with the Mountain Research Station.

Safe Site – Amy submitted a written report: The local Gold Hill emergency preparedness group held a spring meeting.  We are working on filling out a template for the town emergency preparedness plan.  We are also updating the equipment in the Safe Site shed to make sure we have what we need as well as order what we want.  Dave Sturtz is the liaison to the Fire Department.  Dave will help with the Mountain Emergency Radio Network (MERN).  We tested the propane-powered generator for MERN and everything works fine.  Call Amy at 303-442-3316 if you are interested in participating in the preparedness group.


            The Gold Hill cemetery signs are finished, installed, and look good!

Bear reports that he will be attending a Fire Board Meeting and is working on getting some dialog going regarding the town’s community center use.

Amy will be contacting the County Road Department about the study to measure speeds and traffic counts in order to hold a meeting to explore solutions to speeding in town.


            Town Clean-up is Saturday, June 15.

Bears – Gretchen reports that Martha encourages people to make sure their garbage and bird feeders aren’t attracting bears.  Several bears have been seen – cinnamon, black, Mom & baby.  Deb reports that pure ammonia is a good deterrent to bears.

4th of July is all happening and Smokey the Bear will be there!

Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary




Boulder County Housing and Human Services

Hello Everyone,

Boulder County Housing and Human Services will have an eligibility specialist on location at the Nederland Community Center Thursday, July 25th from 8:30-12:30pm.  These hours coincide with the Nederland Food Pantry Hours. This staff member will be able to enroll folks in services like SNAP (food stamps), medicaid and cash assistance as well as help those with questions about their current benefits.

This is a good opportunity to talk with an eligibility specialist without having to go down the mountain.

Please find a flyer attached..


Amy Hardy | Boulder Mountain Resource Coordinator
Foothills United Way
1285 Cimarron Drive
Suite 101, Lafayette, CO 80026
Phone: 303-444-4013 | Direct: 303-895-3418 |

Screen Shot 2013-07-20 at 1.11.34 PM

GHFPD Board Meeting

Next meeting will be Thursday, July 18, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center.

Insurance Preparedness Workshop

Garry Sanfacon with Boulder County and I will be holding an insurance preparedness workshop in Nederland on July 25th, 7pm at the Community Center.   If you think there is enough interest in your own communities, we are happy to hold one in your neck of the woods.

These workshops are focused on giving Boulder County mountain residents the tools they need to make sure they are adequately insured.  We will include renters’ insurance information as well.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Insurance FlyerJuly2013-v2

Amy Hardy | Boulder Mountain Resource Coordinator
Foothills United Way
1285 Cimarron Drive
Suite 101, Lafayette, CO 80026
Phone: 303-444-4013 | Direct: 303-895-3418 |