Events Calendar

Cabin Fever Concert at the Gold Hill Store

We are getting ready for the next Cabin Fever Concert at the Gold Hill Store & Pub on Wednesday, March 1st! We hope you’ll help us welcome Tommy & Saundra O’Sullivan all the way from Dingle, Ireland.

About Tommy & Saundra:

Acclaimed as “one of the great contemporary folk voices of Ireland,” and “a stellar guitarist,” Tommy O’Sullivan, has remained one of the hidden treasures of traditional Irish music for many years. He has toured throughout North America and Europe, appearing at many major venues and festivals. Tommy has always kept an active recording schedule having recorded three albums as a member of Sliabh Notes and a duet album with Bothy Band piper, Paddy Keenan as well as two solo albums.

Saundra O’Sullivan is from Houston, Texas with Native American roots. During high school she sang in many choirs and was a featured soloist. During her nursing career, she continued a high interest in music. Saundra and Tommy’s paths crossed when she attended an annual Irish music retreat in Midlothian, Texas in 2007. Saundra rekindled her love for singing once she moved to Dingle, Ireland and was submerged into the well of the traditional Irish music scene that is so much a part of the Dingle landscape. As they explored singing together they discovered her alto harmonies to be a perfect match for his tenor lead vocals, adding a fertile texture to the overall sound. She has now become a very welcomed addition to the vibrant local music scene in Dingle, Ireland, where Saundra and Tommy now live since their wedding in Houston in March 2010. 

​As usual, tix (which are $15) can be purchased in advance by calling or visiting the Gold Hill Store & Pub, 303-443-7724. ​Doors open at 6:30, concert starts at 7:00-ish. In addition to the usual, delicious menu, a dinner special will be offered. We hope to see you there!
Amy & Kort
Thank you!

Amy Fortunato (Boss Lady)





Snowbound Hounds

Snowbound Hounds at Gold Hill Store & Pub, Saturday February 11, doors 6:30 show 7-9pm

Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Second Monday of even months, Community Center  

Agenda February 13, 2017

Pre-Meeting Social (coffee/tea provided) 7:00 – 7:30 pm

Coleen Sinclair, Boulder County Area Agency on Aging will be here for the social and will have a short presentation on resources to start this month’s meeting.


Call to Order

Area Agency on Aging Presentation

Approval of previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

  1. Community Planning – Dan
  2. Historic Zoning:
  3. Forest Mgmt/CWPP – VACANT – Need volunteer
  4. Fire Department 
  5. Weed Mgmt
  6. Historic Gold Hill (museum)
  7. Mining
  8. Gold Hill School –
  9. Safelink
  10. Airlink (Dina)

k.. IMA (Inter Mountain Alliance report and NAS/MML (Nederland Area Seniors/Mountain Midlife group).

  1. l. Community Center – Need more committee members


Old Business

  1. Book exchange mailbox

New Business/Announcements


Strangebyrds at the Gold Hill Store

Wednesday night, February 1, a very intimate show at the Gold Hill Store & Pub for the Lickskillet Studios Presents Cabin Fever Concert Series. There will be some wonderful homemade food, beer and wine, potbelly stove and an awesome vibe. We will be playing some new songs that no one has heard yet along with favorites. Kort McCumber will sit in for some too! Always a treat. Doors 6:30 / $10.00.

Cabin Fever Concert

The next Cabin Fever Concert is Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at The Gold Hill Store & Pub. Doors open at 6:30 PM and concert starts at 7 PM.
Bettman & Halpin play original Folk/Americana. Their concerts combine high-energy upbeat bluegrass/roots inspired compositions, beautiful ballads with soaring vocals and heartfelt lyrics, and groovy feel-good songs that audiences will be singing in their heads for weeks thereafter. Interspersed between these songs and instrumentals, they tell stories. They have become as known for their storytelling and playful banter as well as for their hooky whole-hearted songwriting and instrumental wizardry.
Tickets are $10 per person. Please email kortmccumber(at)gmail(dot)com to reserve seats. The best way to guarantee a seat is to call or pay in person at the Gold Hill Store & Pub. 303-443-7724.
Thank you!

Amy Fortunato (Boss Lady)

Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Second Monday of even months, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center  

Agenda December 12, 2016

Pre-Meeting Holiday Social 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Call to Order

Approval of previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

  1. Community Planning – Dan
  2. Historic Zoning:
  3. Forest Mgmt/CWPP
  4. Fire Department 
  5. Weed Mgmt
  6. Historic Gold Hill (museum)
  7. Mining
  8. Gold Hill School 
  9. Safelink (Pam)
  10. Airlink (Dina)
  11. IMA (Inter Mountain Alliance report and NAS/MML (Nederland Area Seniors/Mountain Midlife group).
  12. Community Center


Old Business

  1. Blue Pint Glasses, tea towels and a few t-shirts for holiday gifts
  2. Museum Calendars and Tea Towels

New Business/Announcements

  1. Community Conversations/AAA/etc. – Dina
  2. Book Exchange mailbox
  3. Snow Grants/Partners
  4. Permaculture
  5. Emergency Relief Fund

Mary Russell and Friends at the Gold Hill Store & Pub

Gold Hill Store & Pub· 

MARY RUSSELL & FRIENDS are back for another wild night at the Pub. Next Saturday the 26th, Thanksgiving Weekend, with Becky Martinek, Bob Cannistraro, and David Chamberlain. 6:30 – 9 pm.
Also food, beer, drinks, and no cover!

Gold Hill Town Meeting Holiday Social

Monday December 12   6:30 pm –Gold Hill Town Meeting Holiday Social

Community Center above Fire Barn

Bring a plate of your favorite cookies or holiday treat to share – we will provide the coffee, tea, and lemonade.  Kids welcome!

Stay for the general meeting that will start at 7:30

Tony Vrba, Chair

Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meeting, September 15, 2016


Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meeting, September 15, 2016

Notes by Gretchen Diefenderfer

Next Meeting is Thursday, October 20, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center

The meeting was called to order by President Rich Lopez. Attending were Bobby Vrba, Paul Garabedian, Rick Geesaman, Chief Chris Finn and community member Gretchen Diefenderfer. Boyd Brown was excused.

Minutes – Rich hasn’t finished preparing last month’s minutes, but will get them out before October’s meeting.

Chief’s Report – Chris reported that the Fire Ban had been rescinded.

     Calls – There have just been essentially non-calls – after being toned out, we weren’t needed. A person of interest ran off into the woods, and the Sheriff’s Department handled the call. There was a medical call during the bicycle race, but we weren’t called. We were called only to handle traffic in Lefthand, and there was a BMW overturned in a ditch, but we were not needed.

     New Truck – He and Bobby have been looking at a 1999 International from Lefthand, with only 10,000 miles on it. It needs a few repairs – the radiator and a leaky drain plug will be replaced, but it is 4WD and fits our other requirements.a Chris strongly suggested by buy this truck. It was custom made for Chief Nyquist, is a diesel, has been tested going up and down Lickskillet.   It barely fits in the bay, but will work. The cost is $90,000 and it’s in the budget. The board voted unanimously to go ahead with the purchase.


Other Business

            Lefthand Dry Hydrants and Plan – Rich gave a long report on long-running negotiations with the County, and it looks like they will go through, with help from the Road Department working in Lefthand. Dave Steinmann helped with the Engineering requirements, ran the computer models and filled out the 404 permit. (ADDENDUM, two hydrants have been installed and the third is staged at the bottom of Lickskillet, to be installed as the bridge work is completed.) Everyone congratulated Rich for his perseverance in seeing this through.

Cisterns Update and plan – Rick reported that, with fracking slowing down, there are used 20,000 gal. water tanks, available for much less than we’d expected. There are several options being considered – possibly working Mike Walker at the Ranch and fixing up the old, cracked pool, which could be a win for everyone, or possibly going back to the old town meadow plan. Rick will continue looking into ideas with the hope of finalizing a plan and getting this project accomplished next summer.

It was decided to work on the Pension Plan and next year’s budget at the next meeting, and the meeting was adjourned.







Gold Hill Store music news

Emergency has required Banshee Tree to postpone its Gold Hill Store performance until next week.
New date is Wednesday, October 19th, 7 – 9 pm.
Tune Farmers will still be here Saturday Oct. 15th.  Kitchen and bar will be open.
Both shows, no cover.

Drug Take Back Day


For Immediate Release
Oct. 7, 2016

Media Contact:  Carrie Haverfield, Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, 303-441-1500

One last open jam?

Open Jam with Larry Worster at the Gold Hill Store & Pub, Saturday, October 8, 7:00 – 9:00:

Got some of your favorite songs to share? Bring your instrument, and we’ll have a good old-fashioned coffee-house-style jam session. If you would like to perform, please contact Larry at

No cover / kitchen and bar will be open, Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 5.31.47 PMbring your instrument or come to listen

No Bird Ever Flew

No Bird Ever Flew: The Big Band at The Gold Hill Inn. October 2, 7:30 p.m.

In their last show of the year, Gold Hill’s favorite local band, No Bird Ever Flew, performs an eclectic mix of Americana and new music, featuring music of some of the best young songwriters from Boulder and beyond. The No Bird Big Band will feature Larry Worster, guitar; Debra Yeager, keyboards; David Chamberlain, harmonica; Jape Abruscato, bass; Gilbran Chong, percussion; and Billy Shaddox, lead guitar. Everybody sings! Be on the lookout for special guests!


Billy Shaddox@Gold Hill Inn

Good news from our old neighbor, Billy:

I just added this last minute show for this Sunday at the Gold Hill Inn. I’ll be playing an acoustic set from 5 to 7. See you there!

Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meeting 6-16-16

Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meeting 6-16-16

Notes by Gretchen Diefenderfer

Next meeting will be Thursday, July 21, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center

The meeting was called to order by Chair Rich Lopez. Attending were Rich, Paul Garabedian, Bobby Vrba, Chief Chris Finn and community member Gretchen Diefenderfer. Rick Geesaman and Boyd Brown had excused absences.

Approval of the minutes was deferred. Rich was not at the last meeting and there was not a quorum to approve them without Rick and Boyd. Gretchen brought up the fact that the minutes aren’t being posted on the website. Chris reported that Dave Sturtz and Rick need to get together and show Rick how to do it.

Chief’s Report

            Calls – Discussed the accident with fatalities out west of town off the old dump road. We had a CISD (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing) two days later, which was a very good thing, as this was a very difficult call for everyone involved. Bobby has installed fence posts around the huge steep sided hole that the victims drove into and it will be filled in in August by the State Forest Service.

            Other News – Allenspark and Lefthand are spearheading an effort to get a share of the funding that Boulder County receives from the USFS for roads and fire protection on forest service lands for the Boulder County Fire Protection Districts. This would help us pay for our firefighting efforts on Federal Lands. All the departments need to be more complete in reporting all the campfires that we attend to capture the data.

Budget – it’s time to start thinking about next years budget.

New Fire Truck – Chris and Bobby have been looking into a new truck from Missouri – looks like it has what we need and would fit. Just a question of how much it would cost.

New Firefighter – Sam has started training and responded on a medical call this summer while he was training with Donal.

Have the Emergency Operations Plan and the Resource Mobilization Plan been completed and turned in to the OEM? Rich will check to make sure.

Responding to Gretchen’s request, Chris said that the 3-part medical reports are no longer being used.   Gretchen still thinks it would be a good thing to have at least a 2-copy form because we are required to keep good records, especially on a big event, and it’s handy to be able to give a copy to AMR.

Next big event is the 4th of July Pancake Breakfast and Parade! Volunteers are still needed.

Review and discussion of GHFPD goals and vision

Dry Hydrants – Rich and Chris will work with Ted Plank. The consultants on the Lefthand Canyon renovations are quite happy to work with us on locating several dry hydrants as they finalize the repairs in the canyon. Rich has obtained permission from several property owners for locating hydrants on their properties.

Cistern – Rick has been handling this and is not here tonight. Gretchen had a report from him for the GHTM that in the next few months we will be putting our plan together in order to get the necessary permits from the Planning Department. He will have a presentation for the next town meeting. Gretchen also reported to the town meeting that a location higher up in the meadow was being considered, which would provide a water supply to the houses on Hill Street in case of a fire. Steffie Wilson was very interested. Plans are not finalized, but Rich added that this 30,000-gallon cistern would be an advantage to everyone in case of fire. They do plan to confer with all the neighbors, rehab everything, and make things good again afterward.

Strategic Planning: Succession plan – not addressed this meeting.

Retirement plan process – we need to apply. Rich has started working on this.

Chris reported that signs are coming that will indicate that there is no parking on one side of our streets where they are narrow. Emergency access can be compromised when we have big events in town.


Spring Clean Up

2016 Spring Clean Up  

Saturday, July 23

9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Bluebird Lodge parking lot.

DIVERSION is the focus again this year. Boulder County will support our diversion/recycling efforts, but they are no longer providing any money for trash disposal. We will only be getting two dumpsters for trash and, since we will have to pay for them ($365 each), we will need to charge (rate sheet at the end).

Four Dumpsters will arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. – 2 for junk/trash (we will need to collect a fee for trash), one for metal, one for wood – general wood/lumber as in the past. Please don’t come with stuff earlier than 9:00.


***And, as always, we need volunteers to help!***

To volunteer, please contact me, Gretchen Diefenderfer, at (303-442-3847).



Mixed rigid plastics (playground stuff, coolers, etc.) and Styrofoam

Tires – no rims. Refrigerators and freezers!

Electronics, small appliances


Household hazardous waste (HHW)

Paint cans (need to sign statement saying it is household paint only)



Car batteries

        METAL Container

No liquidsNo fridgesNo tires on rims (just rims are ok!)No batteriesNo paint cans with paint still in them. We will take fridges and tires this year, but they have to go in the diversion trucks [there will be one for tires and appliances, one for HHW, one for mattresses, and four Gaylords (4’x4’ containers) for electronics].

Wire fencing and barbed wire are ok

WOOD Container

No chemically treated wood including stain or paint – No nails in the wood (although a few seem to be ok, just not an excessive amount) – No particleboard. Slash is ok – no longer than 18” (be judicious with this – there is only one dumpster and it can’t take a forest of slash)

        TRASH Containers – junk

        No recyclables! We need to pay for this and will need to charge for trash.

            $10-12 per car, van, or SUV (less for just a few things)

$15-18 per pick-up truck or trailer full

$25 per vehicle with trailer

Please remember that it would be much more expensive to take a truckload to the dump (a carload taken to Western Disposal is charged $37-$45).

Repurposing – We encourage people to bring stuff that others might want. Be prepared to pick these items up if no one wants them, or for them to go into the dumpsters. We will take some stuff down to donate in Boulder, either to second hand stores or to Resource 2000. But don’t forget we will have the town bake/rummage/craft sale in September, too.

 Any propane bottles must be vented and this means the entire top mechanism must be removed. Just opening it does not suffice. We made this mistake once and it cost us!


Isn’t it amazing how stuff piles up! This is your chance to clear it out once again!



Gold Hill Newsletter


Minutes of the June 13, 2016 Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting is Monday, August 8, 2016, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center


In the absence of Chair Peter Swift, Vice-Chair Bear Carlson called the meeting to order. Fourteen people attended: one anonymous person at his request, John and Cherry Sand, Dina Elder, Pam Sherman, Dan Maedke, Chrissy McCaul, Bobby Vrba, David Wilson, Bear Carlson, Treasurer Martha Knapp, Member at Large Tony Vrba, Jojo Morrison, and Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer.

Minutes of the April 11 meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha reports:

At the previous Town Meeting in APRIL our bank balance was $13,720.23 and a balance of $85 held for us in trust at the Ward Church.

Revenue since then includes funds from t-shirt and pint glass sales. Expenses include fencing materials for the cemetery and the annual report filing fee. Our current bank balance is $13,488.61. Monies held in trust at the Ward Church remains at $85.00 bringing our total cash assets to $13,563.61.

Current individual fund totals are as follows:

General Fund $1,967.20; Cemetery $4,378.09; Community Relief $3,576.95; Forest Management $94.12; Safe Link (funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $3,547.25; and a zero balance in Community Planning.


Community Planning/Trails – Tony reports that the Gold Rush – the Annual Gold Hill Bake/Rummage/Crafts Sale – will be Sunday, September 11. It will include all the regular events including the cookout and music. Any suggestions? Let Tony know.

Historical Zoning – Bear reports that the new owners of the old Weaver residence, Marcus Moench and Elisabeth Gaspari, are in process with the County. They plan to demolish the old tin shed and rebuild it. They are working on a septic system and changing the windows.

Forest Management/CWPP – no report

Fire Department – Rick Geesaman, Fire Board Member, sent an email about the plan for a cistern for firefighting. Open Space people have given their approval. In the next few months they will be putting their plan together in order to get the necessary permits from the Planning Department. He will have a presentation for the next meeting. Gretchen added that they are thinking about locating the cistern higher up in the meadow in an old mine hole (where it might be easier to put in since the ground has been disturbed for so many years), which would mean being able to provide water for firefighting to all the houses in Hill Street.

John asked about the accident out west of town. Bobby and Gretchen reported that it was off the old dump road. There is a huge hole, maybe 20’ deep, which drops straight down, out there and 3 people in an old truck drove into it in the middle of the night – two were killed and the third was badly injured. It was a terrible accident. Bobby has since put fence posts around it and the State Forest Service will be filling it in in August of this year.

Weed Management – Pam reports that there is a new focus on pollinator conservation – a fruitful new tactic – and people are interested. As far as Leafy Spurge, some people pull and bag it, Pam cuts it before it sets seed, and has been able to keep it under control.

Historic Gold Hill – John reports that the Museum is open on weekends from 11-4, plus 4th of July and Memorial Day. Some needed repairs and painting have been accomplished. There are two awesome new exhibits – stop by – one on the Bluebirds and another on Frank Boyd, who ran the Boyd General Store. We now have Frank Boyd’s wonderful old cash register on loan for the summer. Martha added that it is great to see how far our museum has come. Several events are planned for the summer. We will host the ANFRM (Association of Northern Front Range Museums) meeting at the Beer Garden on June 20, on July 14 there will be a cocktail party and presentation by Kirk Ambrose, a CU Professor, on Matilda Vanderpoel. And on August 6 the artists that Laurie Britton Newell has gathered will open the Black Cube Gold Hill art exhibits and workshops. There are new items in the gift shop, bluebird t-shirts and tea towels. The 2017 Gold Hill Calendar will be out by the 4th of July.

Mining – Gretchen reports that everything seems about the same up there. There are a few people there regularly fixing things up and there have been frogs in the pond!

Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that, due to the early arrival of their wonderful Gabriel, she had to bail early on the end of school, but Mishie and Jojo did a phenomenal job of taking over. They held the camping trip, field trips and finished big projects. Chelsea Rubin helped, too, and they hope to have her again next year. Huge thanks! They raised some ducks from eggs and studied plant life cycles. A greenhouse has been purchased and Matt Legg will help put it together this summer. K, 1, 2 is really full and 4 and 5 are also full. Chrissy and Jojo secured a grant for $5,000 for three years to support their study of Primitive Living, Native Americans, fly fishing and archery. They will be bringing in a Teepee. All is well

SafeLink – Pam reports that she put out word for people interested in animal rescue in emergencies and got five volunteers! They will be putting out information. One of the volunteers is a Justin family member who reports that he is working away to fix up the Justin place and the family is hoping to get out to Gold Hill more.

IMA – no report.

Community Planning/Fundraising – Tony suggested that we should have a new category (this would include the Gold Rush, our main fundraising activity, as well as purchasing items like t-shirts and the beer glasses for sale) and would like to see funds in the account to facilitate these functions. A motion was made and seconded to establish a new fund, and passed unanimously. Martha moved that we fund the Fundraising Account to $1000. Chrissy seconded and it also passed unanimously. Tony will order more t-shirts and beer glasses and also be able to purchase the necessary items for the Gold Rush and then submit invoices to be reimbursed from this fund.


Resiliancy Report – Dina reports that the resiliency group came about because Boulder County formed a group called BoCo Strong following the 2013 floods. The purpose of the BoCo Strong group is to build a culture of resilience throughout Boulder County. They selected several communities, primarily in the mountains, to be part of a year long pilot study. There are three volunteers in the Gold Hill area participating in the program and leadership training – Virginia Schultz, Jessica Brookhart, and Dina Elder. The purpose of the pilot study is to help communities identify resiliency projects and find funding for them. These 3 people submitted their Resiliency Report at the last meeting (non-meeting, actually, as we didn’t have a quorum). The highlights of that report are that most people are prepared to be self sufficient for five days, but not many are prepared for 30 days. The main concerns reported were 1. Utilities, 2. Medical Emergencies, and 3. Fire. Contact Dina with information and Gretchen will put a link on the website with the survey information under Emergency Preparedness. One question is how many people want to stay here as long as possible – age in place – and what services would be needed for us to do that? Chrissy interjected to ask if anyone knows of any houses for sale – they are looking for one! The County reports that 14% of our population is over 65 and 14% is under 20 – quite a range. Some grants are available through United Way, for projects like AirLink (our Ham radio group), and she will be applying for some new equipment. The group would love to come up with methods for neighbor to neighbor communication if the power is out.

Dina thinks we need more discussion – the deadline for applying for grants is sometime in August, which would mean the money would be awarded sometime in November. Should we look into local utilities of any kind? Another possibility – how to provide services? Possible co-op? We would need a paid manager to make it work. Jamestown is looking into this also and is interested in going in with us to figure it out. They’ve considered putting together a preparedness kit for everyone. Now that we are a 501(c)3, could the GHTM oversee grants? Probably. The group will have a table at the 4th of July pancake breakfast with information. There is a BoCo Strong workshop on mapping our assets on June 20 and Dina will go.

Reactivation of the Community Planning account – done (above)

Purchase more t-shirts and glasses – Tony was empowered to order them

Spring Clean Up – Gretchen reports that it has been scheduled for Saturday, July 23, from 9-3 at the Bluebird Lodge parking lot. Volunteers are needed!


Town Hall/Community Center survey – Tony reports that she is working on it. She will ask the town for input – we need to know if there is a real interest.

Art Project – Jojo reports that she has a contract from Black Cube, basically stating that they have liability insurance for the project, that needs to be agreed to and signed by the Town Council. Starting August 6, there will be pop-up art exhibits all over – modern art based on the history of Gold Hill – one at Chuck and Torkin’s shed, one in the wedge of property that the Few’s own, and one on the town lot behind the Red Store. Headquarters will be in Kirby’s field and kick-off is Saturday, August 6. They will be open on Saturdays and Sundays for one month. They are looking for tour guides and volunteers. They will have flyers and maps, etc. Laurie, our very own internationally known museum curator, has masterminded this and will be back in town on the 26th of July.

John moved that we sign the contract with Black Cube. Chrissy seconded it, and it was approved. Bear will take it to Peter Swift.

Jojo was asked how many people this might attract and she responded that they really don’t know. They will have a plan to manage the parking, etc.

Announcement – Bear reports that the town PortaPoti has been serviced and is ready for the summer.


Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary.


P.S.  If you know anyone who should be mailed the Newsletter, or if you are getting it mailed and could get it by email, please let me know.  Communication is important for our community.  Thanks 





GHFPD Board Meeting, Feb. 20, 7:00 p.m, Community Center

The Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center.

Emergency Preparedness Meeting, Feb. 18, 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday evening, February 18th, at 7 PM there will be a meeting at the Community Center in the fire barn on the subject of emergency preparedness.  Most all of the POD leaders for NeighborLink/SafeLink will be in attendance as well as many of our new and existing HAM radio operators.  The purpose of this meeting is to check out our community wide emergency system and incorporate the HAM radio operators into the mix.  Additionally, we will be setting a date for a mock emergency event.


If you want to be a part of our community preparedness, please come join us.  This meeting is open to all who are interested.  We are expecting members of the Left Hand community, the Four Mile community and BCARES.  Hopefully we’ll see you there.


Best….Debra Yeager

Gold Hill Calendar meeting

Gold Hill Calendar for 2015

We had our first GH calendar meeting on Feb 3 to start the wheels rolling for the 2015 edition. Have you always wanted one of your pictures/poems/or artwork in the Gold Hill Calendar?  Here’s your opportunity! We are asking for submission for the topics listed below.  Contact Rick Sinner

Richard Oxley, Chellee Courtney, Marilyn Soby, or me.

July will be photos of the 2013 Fourth of July (as usual of what we do for the month of July)

September will be photos, etc., about the 2013 flood.

We have several topics for consideration:

Women of Gold Hill

School page – plus kids’ drawings here & there

Burro page

Laughlin’s cabin

Lost Best Friends page – we are looking for a good picture of Edie’s dog,             Kokanina, lets us know if you have one

Garden page

Scenic/Local photo page(s)

Historic photos pages

Children’s artwork throughout the calendar

Fourth of July photos (2013)


The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 25th at 1pm at Marilyn’s house.



Post-flood income tax workshop Feb. 12

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Feb. 4, 2014  Contact: Katie Arrington, Flood Recovery Specialist, 303-441-1609

Residents invited to post-flood income tax workshop Feb. 12

Boulder County, the Long-Term Flood Recovery Group and United Policyholders host this free workshop

Boulder County, Colo. – Residents whose homes were damaged or destroyed in the 2013 Flood, or local tax and personal finance professionals are encouraged to attend the workshop on Feb.12. Attendees will hear from disaster tax expert John Trapani, CPA.

The workshop will help residents navigate their income tax options following a major disaster:

When: Wednesday, Feb 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl St., Commissioners’ Hearing Room, 3rd Floor


The workshop will cover several topics including:

  • Income tax benefits and reporting responsibilities that can help and hurt people who experienced a disaster loss
  • Major questions to be discussed:
    • Is there a loss or gain? What tax year should you claim a loss? Sell 7 buy or rebuild?
  • Documenting and claiming insured and uninsured losses
  • Tax consequences of insurance settlements SBA loans, FEMA grants, etc.
  • Special rules for federally declared disasters
  • Determining your cost basis for damaged property

Attendees will have the chance to ask questions during a Q&A session.

For more information about the workshop, visit or call Kerri Oliver at



No Bird Ever Flew

No Bird Ever Flew

Brandy Beck, fiddle and vocals; Larry Worster, guitar and vocals; David Chamberlain, harmonica; Jape Abruscato, bass; Special Guest, Kort McCumber, bouzouki


Sunday February 9, 4:00 p.m.

At the Home of Joan and Arthur Few

700 Hill Street, Gold Hill


Seating is limited.



A fundraiser for the Larry Worster Endowed Scholarship for Music at the Metropolitan State University of Denver

Suggested Donation: $10 or more


MMM- Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

MMM- Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits

Notice to Poets/ and others interested – all are welcome

Our next MMM get-together is – Thursday, February 6th at the small cabin behind Brookhart’s Sunset View cabin at 6:30 pm.

Sunset View is the cabin at the main East end intersection of Horsfal, Lick Skillet, 4-Mile, and Gold Hill Road.  The small cabin is behind it and will have parking for 2 cars.
For those not familiar with MMM (Miscellaneous Mountain Misfits), we have a monthly get-together (usually the first Thursday but can change by request of the host) at the home of one of the group. The idea is two-fold: (1) is that we do some  writing (for 15-20 minutes and this is expected to be a quiet time in order to focus on our writing) in response to a loose stimulus provided by Gold Hill Poet Laureate, John Latham or his stand-in, followed by a non-critical read-around of what has been written. This takes about 45 minutes, followed by short break (to get snacks and drink)  and then: (2) a read-around, usually led by Edie Eilender involving all people who care to read [for about 6 minutes per person maximum] some of their already-written prose or poetry, or writing by someone else. If, instead of reading, someone offers a song or two, that is welcomed. There is no pressure on people to actively participate. Most attendees do, but some come simply to listen. The host provides some limited drink & snacks, and if attendees care to bring along a modest contribution to the drink or food, that is welcomed, too.Here is an approximate time schedule:
6:30:             John introduces a topic and shares one or two of his poems that stimulate our writing.
7:00:             We share our writing (not usually time for critiques or many comments)
Approx 7:30:          Short snack break
7:45             Begin a read-around of poetry/writings/music that any have brought to share
approx8:30            Finished sharing and can stay awhile to converse

If questions or to let us know you are coming, please call  Marie at 303-444-4691 or call John Latham at 303-444-2429.




Flood damage and insurance workshop

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Jan. 21, 2014  Contact: Katie Arrington, Flood Recovery Specialist, 303-441-1609

Residents invited to flood damage and insurance workshop

Boulder County, the Long-Term Flood Recovery Group and United Policyholders host this free workshop

Boulder County, Colo. – Residents whose homes were damaged or destroyed in the 2013 Flood are encouraged to attend the Roadmap to Recovery™ Workshop on Feb. 4. Attendees will hear from a United Policyholders staff member and a flood damage expert on insurance matters.

The workshop will help residents navigate insurance claims and learn how to be prepared for any future natural disaster:

  • Tuesday, Feb 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
    Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl St., Commissioners’ Hearing Room, 3rd Floor

The workshops will cover several topics and residents will have the opportunity to ask questions, including:

  1. Has your property been thoroughly and properly inspected?
  2. Have you recovered all amounts owed? Flood insurance? Homeowners insurance?
  3. Do you need to file a supplemental claim, and if so, how?
  4. Is your flood damage paperwork in order?

Often, the cost to rebuild, especially in the mountains, exceeds the amount of coverage policyholders carry for their homes and other property. Adding to this problem is the homeowner’s lack of awareness that the policies they carry are inadequate.

For more information about the workshop, contact Katie Arrington at or 303-441-1609.