Events Calendar

GHTM Newsletter


Minutes of the October 9, 2017 Town Meeting

 Next Town Meeting is Monday, December 11, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center

 The meeting was preceded by a social gathering at 7:00 with Erik Wardle, Research Associate, CSU Water Quality Program. (

The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba. Twelve people attended: Bear Carlson, John Sand, Mark and Dina Elder, Chrissy and Member at Large Dan Maedke, Bobby and Chair Tony Vrba, Treasurer Martha Knapp, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Vice Chair Jojo Morrison, and Erik Wardle of CSU.

Erik was moved to the beginning of the agenda and gave us a great deal of information on water wells and septic systems. He advises people to test their water yearly, and to get a full suite if it’s been awhile, including heavy metals. If you test frequently, you can test for only those contaminants that have shown up unless something has changed. Boulder County Health Department no longer tests well water, but they do have a list of testing labs. He is an agronomist with CSU and works a lot with farmers on how to keep fertilizers out of water supplies. He can also direct people to information and resources – he can be contacted at 970-491-0447, He gave us lots of handouts, which I will put at the Gold Hill Store. You can find most of them at

Minutes of the August Town Meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha reports GHTM Treasurer’s Report October 9, 2017      

                                 At the previous regular Town Meeting in AUGUST our bank balance was $12,062.64.

Our current total cash assets are $13,703.75.Revenue since the August meeting includes donations to the cemetery fund and chipping grant co-pays. Expenses include web hosting and ads for the Gold Rush fundraiser.

Earmarked fund totals are as follows:                                    

General Fund1 $603.84; Cemetery $6,307.78; Community Relief $3,326.95; Forest Management2 ($552.75); Safe Link (funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $3,785.25; Community Planning $232.68.

      1. General Fund balance does not include funds raised during the Gold Rush event as they have not been received or deposited.

      2.Forest Management negative balance reflects the Town Meeting share of the Chipping Project expenses after reimbursements.

 Gretchen asked Dina about the funds in the SafeLink account for AirLink and she thinks they will need some in the future, but that grants have mostly supported their needs.


Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that everything is going great. It’s great to have three employees. Environmental studies are a big focus. They have 3 gallons of honey and it is available at the School – drop by. Some of the hives in Boulder didn’t do well and they will be refurbishing them. Archery and greenhouse projects are going well. They have visited several agricultural sites in the County. Jojo added that they have received an Audubon Pollinator award and there will be an article published in the CU Newspaper soon. Amy Hardy led the team to put up the Teepee in Kirby Field and it survived the wind! Last week they got a 7 ft. buffalo rug with donation.    

            The Fourmile Fire Department is coming for a presentation for October Fire Prevention Month.

            The Fall Fiesta will be Wednesday evening, November 15th at the Gold Hill Inn.

Jojo has been doing online fundraising – preselling tickets, etc. They will have new school t-shirts for sale, too, and on the school website –

            Chrissy then brought up that she thinks there is a PR issue with the Town Meeting – that so few attend – and wonders what can be done. This generated a discussion and many different opinions.   Dina replied that she has heard that some people didn’t come because the meetings can go late, although we have been ending pretty reliably around 9, and sometimes people argue. Tony reported that she has been scheduling different speakers to address issues that will be interesting to people. John said that, in his experience, people show up when there is an issue that affects them, and otherwise just rely on the newsletter. Jojo added that the bigger issue is how is the community is working. Martha said that she disagrees that there is a TM problem, and that the meeting is a vehicle for town communication. People come if they are interested, or they can read the newsletter later. Jojo interjected that she thinks Chrissy is concerned about community engagement. Gretchen added that people have their own issues and show up for them. Tony thinks we should continue to address issues like our goals for the future regarding housing, open space, etc. and what is our vision, what do we want to improve.

            Back to the school, John asked Chrissy what are the financial goals for the Fall Festival.  She said the goal in the past has been $9-15,000, and they’re shooting for 20,000 this year. This is what they run the school on. The School District pays the salaries, utilities and maintenance, about half of the computers, and some discretionary funds. We pay for library books, the other half of the computers and all the extra projects. They have been successful at getting grants – Impact on Education comes through every year, and the grants help with the garden, butterfly pavilion, hunting club, Native American studies, and fly-fishing. They are trying to build some padding for the future years. 2018 will be the 145th anniversary.

Community Planning – Dan reports that for the Gold Rush (fall bake/rummage/crafts sale), they did some things differently this year and he has more ideas for next year. They cut costs in some areas, but paid the band this year (which raised some eyebrows). They cleared $1,698 this year (and he then handed the money to Martha), so it was a very good year. The food sold out, so we probably want to increase that. Again, a big THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED.

Community Spaces – no report

Historic Zoning – Bear reports that Joyce Robinson plans a small house at 360 Boulder Street (between Petrillo’s and Laughlin’s). HZ has approved it and she will proceed with the County. John Sand added that there is another historical group – Historical Preservation Advisory Board – and he has attended some interesting meetings.

Forest Management – Tony reports that the chipping grant is all finished and several people benefited.

Fire Department – Bobby reports that the recent powerful winds resulted in wires sparking some fires. In the last weeks, the campers have used 10 containers of water that the Fire Department leaves out by the camping areas out west. He added that about half the FD has been subpoenaed to appear at the trial for the fatal accident in July 2016 out west. (Addendum – the case was settled out of court so no trial was held). There will be a medical training on the 14th, volunteers are needed. We’re staging an accident out west of town.

Weed Management – no report. Tony asked if anyone is willing to head up this committee, but no one volunteered. Gretchen said that Susan Fernalld still sends along information periodically and she will send out emails.

Historic Gold Hill – John reports that they had their last board meeting of the year. It was a successful year – lots of visitors and income exceeded expenses. There will be new exhibits next year. They have scheduled another town social event – this one on the Switzerland Trail – and Michael O’Neil and others will make presentations. Norm Skarstad was welcomed as a new member of the board.

Mining – Gretchen reports that she emailed the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety to inquire about the status of the permits for the Mill and the Cash and Who Do mines and heard back from Amy Eschberger, Environmental Protection Specialist. “The Gold Hill Mill operates under permit no. M-1994-117, and is currently in temporary cessation (meaning the mill is not active at this time). However, the operator is currently working to get the mill online, and is working with the BLM to revise their plan of operations. The Gold Hill Mill permit area is 8.4 acres, and includes a mill, a tailings impoundment, and an ore stockpile.

We actually just had an enforcement hearing for this permit yesterday based on my inspection of the site on August 1st. The Mined Land Reclamation Board found the operator to be in violation for offsite damage, related to the collapsed mine adit adjacent to Sunshine Canyon Drive, just west of the mill site. This was considered offsite damage as the subsidence occurred while the operator was attempting to rehabilitate this historic mine in order to install a water pipeline to the mill. The operator will be required to work closely with the county over the next few months to properly repair and stabilize the subsidence area. The operator will also be required to submit an application to us within 60 days of the Board Order to incorporate all aspects of the water conveyance plan (including the historic mine near Sunshine Canyon Drive) into the mine permit. The Board Order for yesterday’s hearing may not be available for another few weeks or so.

The Cash and Who Do Mines operate under permit no. M-1983-141. This site is located south and downhill from the Gold Hill Mill, and includes three areas totaling 9.83 acres. These are underground gold/silver mines, and only the surface disturbance is included in the permit area. These mines feed the Gold Hill Mill. This site is also in temporary cessation at this time, meaning no extracting, processing, or hauling off from stockpiles is occurring. The operator may however have personnel on site and conduct maintenance and/or monitoring activities.

All permit files can be accessed from our website at: via our imaged document system called Laserfiche. I’m attaching a pdf document that provides instructions on how to access and use Laserfiche. Helpful hint: whenever you enter the permit number into the search field, type it without dashes like this “M1994117”. I must warn you these are old permits and therefore, their permit files are fairly extensive. You might find it easier to sort the files by Doc Date with most recent files listed at the top. If you do this, you should find my recent inspection report for Gold Hill Mill, and related enforcement action documents.


Amy Eschberger

Environmental Protection Specialist

 P 303.866.3567 x8129 | F 303.832.8106 | C 303.945.9014

1313 Sherman Street, Room 215, Denver, CO 80203  |


SafeLink and AirLink – no report, but Tony encouraged everyone to revisit their NeighborLink Pods and make sure everyone is linked up. It’s important to connect with our neighbors and have emergency plans.

IMA (InterMountain Alliance) and NAS/MML (Nederland Area Seniors/Mountain Midlife group) – no report on the IMA. Gretchen sends out emails on the NAS/MML news and gatherings. Jojo has met with Rebrecca Lawrence about community needs. Rebecca has been appointed by the County Commissioners to conduct outreach and find out how to support our mountain communities around the issues of housing, health, education, and other community issues


Book exchange mailbox – no report

 Rancho Fazoo Update – Jojo asks, “What are we going to do?” Open Space is giving us the go ahead to clean up and create a usable space. They seem to be open to almost anything. Bear asked for how the Adopt a Trail would work. Jojo said that they are open to our ideas and it seems like we can create our own project. She thinks the best approach is a small committee, Friends of Rancho Fazoo, partnering with the GHTM, thinks they can work with the County and make reports to the TM. She thinks it’s best to separate the Cemetery from the RF project.

            Martha reports that she has talked to Bob Walter about the Cemetery and he wants to give the County the $1,000 as the simplest way to get the deed to the piece of the Cemetery on Open Space land, since we have the money in the Cemetery Committee Fund, without having to try to figure out how many hours we’ve put in on it.

            Someone asked about the defined area for Rancho Fazoo and it is the old home site.   Bear made a motion that the Town Meeting form a standing committee, Friends of Rancho Fazoo with Jojo as the designated Chair, to work with the county, move forward to adopt Rancho Fazoo, and report to the GHTM.   John seconded the motion. This generated much discussion about the autonomy of the committee as Jojo was concerned that every decision would need to come to the Town Meeting.   It was pointed out that TM committees have a lot of autonomy, like the Cemetery Committee and Airlink, and since the Rancho Fazoo committee has been formed for the benefit of the community, it should all work out.

We still need to know what our liability will be. Rancho Fazoo is County Open Space land and part of the adoption agreement that Jojo will be moving forward on involves signing a liability waiver for any of the proposed work we do. The TM does have liability insurance and we need to know if we will be liable, and if so whether our present liability coverage is sufficient.

The motion was unanimously approved.

It was also the sense of the meeting to back Bob Walter’s suggestion and support Jojo relaying the information to Open Space that we will write a check to them for $1,000 for the piece of the Cemetery on their land in exchange for the title.

Road Conditions –Regarding the collapse up Horsfal, Mike Thomas from the County as well as the Mined Land Reclamation Board (cited above) have indicated it is all being remedied.

Town Noise – Joanne Cole emailed her opinions that there is really not a problem with noise from music at the Inn and asked that they be included in the newsletter:

            My name is Joanne Cole and I have lived in Gold Hill since 1998. I live on Hill St above the Inn and the music and voices rise directly to my front door and inside my windows. I also travel back from town on Friday nights and traverse the many cars lining Main St.

I welcome the activity of the Gold Hill Inn as it nurtures our community and is the center of what makes living in Gold Hill great. I too echo the sentiments voiced at last months meeting of how important the Inn and the Finn family have been to Gold Hill for over HALF a century. I hold the Finn family very dear to my heart and respect them immensely.

I would like to point out that when I first moved to Gold Hill, the Inn hosted live music on BOTH Friday and Saturday nights. Now, it is only one night a week.

I FIRMLY believe that the music and activity has NOT become greater over the years, but exactly the OPPOSITE- contained and managed properly and with concern for the residents of Gold Hill.

If there is a problem with noise and activity AFTER the Inn has closed, I suggest those agitated by the noise speak to whoever is making the noise and ask them to keep it quiet or to move it away from Main St. I would also ask those “un-named” folks who have issue with noise to take these simple remedies:

Remember you were once young

Close your windows and go to bed early

Have a drink, smoke a joint or take a sleeping pill if you have trouble sleeping

Live and let live!!

Respectfully submitted, Joanne Cole

October 2017


 Paving Sunshine –Tony reports that she had a Sunshine person and a Gold Hill person bring this to her attention – then she went about gathering info from the county.  From what she has heard from several GH folks there are a wide variety of ideas on what should happen.  Jojo said that we need to “consider the best technology” – if dirt works best, leave it dirt, or if not we should look at that. Tony, from her research, is not sure there is any data that clearly supports either side. Labor costs are continuously increasing and will make an impact on any future plans/decisions for the road.   Here is the information she gathered:

            PAVING NOTES regarding the paving of 1.6 miles along Sunshine Canyon

Our most recent counts from 2015 for Sunshine Canyon are: 

            Just east of Poorman: 1100 annual average daily traffic

            End of Pavement: 620 annual average daily traffic

The past 5 years, between $40,000 and $60,000 spent annually on gravel-road maintenance activities (grading, dust control, spot resurfacing) on this section of Sunshine, with an additional $180,000 spent on gravel resurfacing in 2012 (gravel resurfacing occurs as required, generally every 8 to 12 years) – new technique this year – do not have these costs

Cost of maintaining the gravel road is often similar to or less than the cost of paving when calculated over the life of the pavement

Funding for such paving is not currently available

Targeted groups: Local commuters, those who drive trucks, deliveries, school buses, emergency vehicles, road maintenance vehicles.

1.6 miles only through the switchbacks or Shelf Road Only – or everything through GH?

 In support:

Continual maintenance (and costs) required for dust, mud and washboards

Dust affects air, trees, humans and animals

Traffic from mountain communities

In emergency situations, SCD is the main thoroughfare between Boulder and mountain communities. (ie. 2013 Flood)

The unpaved portion of Sunshine Canyon Drive is not a housing development; it is part of a highly-traveled county road.

In opposition:

Concern over slippery, icy conditions on switchbacks

Concern that the paving will extend into Gold Hill

Increased traffic


Shared values – mountain community interests & issues

Support for preservation of Gold Hill as a historic landmark

Is there support for a survey? 

No action was taken.

Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary


Forest Service Recreational Sport Shooting Project

Open House – Forest Service Recreational Sport Shooting Project
Monday, November 13, 2017
6:30 pm
1325 Pearl St
Boulder, CO
Price: Free

This is your chance to voice your opinion about where recreational shooting in Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests will be allowed. Lawful hunting will not be impacted by the final regulations. The Northern Front Range Recreational Shooting Management Partnership – a collaboration between county governments, the U.S. Forest Service, and CO Parks & Wildlife – will take comments on four alternative maps developed since the last public hearings in 2015. The four maps and descriptions can be viewed at

If you are unable to attend, you can submit your comments online at


Gold Hill School’s Fall Fiesta

Gold Hill School Fundraiser – Fall Fiesta
Wednesday, November 15th,  5-9pm
At The Gold Hill Inn
Taco Buffet Dinner- Suggested donation Adult- $15, Kids- $10
Huge Silent Auction
Raffle- Tix $10, Do Not have to be present to win. 
For more details call the school 720.561.5940. 
Please check out our new website! 

Jojo Morrison                                               

Mountain Schools Principal’s Assistant 
Gold Hill Elementary
School Ph: 720.561.5940

Open houses for recreational sport shooting management project announced

Open Houses Scheduled for Forest Service Recreational Sport Shooting Management Project

Attendees can view alternative maps and talk with Partnership representatives

The Northern Front Range Recreational Sport Shooting Management Partnership (Partnership) is hosting open houses in four counties (Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Larimer) to present alternative maps for the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests Recreational Sport Shooting Management Project (RSSMP).

The RSSMP will provide direction on how recreational sport shooting will be managed on National Forest System lands, as the current Forest Plan does not provide direction for recreational sport shooting. A map depicting the initial proposal was released to the public in August 2015. New maps have been created that depict options for future management that were based on input from the public and other entities. The proposed RSSMP only changes where recreational sport shooting may or may not take place and direction with regard to developed shooting opportunities. It does not include any change to the management of lawful hunting activities.

The Partnership has been an integral part of this project and the alternative map development. Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Larimer counties, along with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, are cooperating agencies in this planning process. The Partnership will gather public input on these alternative maps as an extension of the project’s scoping process and provide summaries to the Forest Service.

The open houses will be held at the following locations and times:

Members of the Partnership, including the Forest Service, will be in attendance at each open house to answer questions related to the four alternative maps. There will be no formal presentation – just a brief project introduction. These open houses are an informal opportunity to look closely at the maps and provide input. Information gathered during this process will be incorporated into finalizing the environmental assessment and draft decision, expected in 2018.

Project introductions at each open house will be live streamed on Facebook at and links to high quality PDFs of the maps will be available for viewing later this week at

For any members of the public who cannot attend an open house but would like to comment on the alternative maps online, there is a short comment form available at

For more information about the open houses or the Sport Shooting Partnership in general, contact Garry Sanfacon at 720-564-2642or

Nederland News

9 Health Fair and Health and Human Services Fairs in Nederland, November 11, 2017


Gold Hill Store News


Danielle will host a special Shindigs Events Italian Night dinner with music by Black Dog on Wednesday October 25 from 5:30pm to 8pm.  There will be a selection of three dishes, set price of $14.50, and part of proceeds will benefit United for Puerto Rico.  

On Saturday afternoon October 28 from 1pm to 3pm, join us for Bluegrass & Americana with Mike and Bonnie Coats.  Kitchen and bar will be open, no cover. 





Mountain MidLife Friends

Mountain MidLife Friends:

Last call for dinner this week – sign up today! Featuring a Thai menu by Chef Raoul Ysaguirre and an opportunity to meet Nederland’s new Town Administrator Karen Gerrity, our Mountain MidLife Dinner is on Friday, October 20. We shop on Thursday, so your reservations by Wednesday evening help ensure we have enough food for everyone!  


Our next Mountain MidLife Breakfast is a week earlier than usual on Saturday, November 4, and is the last one this year (we have no brunch in December). Please mark your calendars and don’t wait for us to remind you…


Please help us get the word out to local chefs and experienced caterers that we urgently seek a part-time Head Chefwho would like to prepare lunches once a week as well as our monthly MidLife meals and plan/shop for all of them. The detailed position description is posted at Craigslist Jobs Boulder as of 10/17.


Please also note that we have an opportunity for a fun and easy opportunity to raise funds, thanks to the kind owners at Very Nice Brewery in Nederland. Please see the event listing below for the Chili Cook-Off on Sunday, November 5, for details about volunteering to be a tasting judge or server at the event!


REMINDER:  We receive a small amount of donations quarterly from the charitable arm at Amazon, thanks to those who shop there via the site It costs you nothing to use this link to get to your shopping site and when you name our host nonprofit Nederland Area Seniors  as your charity of choice, we receive a tiny percentage of your total purchase amount, just as a gift from the big giant to our little nonprofit at no cost to you! When you can’t buy local, this is a great way to support the little local nonprofit that supports your community!


See listings of our many great upcoming events below – more are added each week… If you are not receiving our monthly NAS Newsletter and would like to receive it so you can see birthday listings and articles from our Mountain Options Counselor of our local Area Agency on Aging, please reply to this email and let us know whether we should email a PDF or send via US Mail.


Invite a friend to a meal (lunches every Monday and Wednesday or monthly dinners or breakfasts) and offer to pick them up and drop them home afterwards. With a “requested contribution” of $5 (over age 60), we offer a fun and affordable get-together with friends. We need and appreciate your anonymous meal contributions, but please ensure people know that we do not turn away anyone over age 60 who cannot pay.


All ages of adults are welcome at all events, attended mostly by folks over age 50.

Sign up for all Mountain MidLife events at 303-258-0799 or or by replying to this email. (Note: please pardon delayed posting of October events – the site was unavailable at the time we emailed this…)


 BIGfoot Hike


The BIGfoot Memorial Hike with Lucy Stroock meets at the Nederland Community Center Friday, October 20, at 9:00am (note the time change from previous months) for carpool departure to the trailhead of the hike location to be determined closer to the time. The pace is comfortable and leisurely.


Featured Event!  Mountain MidLife Dinner & Speaker


Please note that for the final three months of the year, the Mountain MidLife Dinner occurs on the third Friday instead of the fourth, due to holidays.


Enjoy a Thai menu and a presentation to meet our new Nederland Town Administrator Karen Gerrity speak about “How a small town administrative staff can impact a mountain region” at Mountain MidLife Dinner on

Friday, October 20, 5:00pm social, 5:30pm meal, at the Nederland Community Center. All ages adults welcome. Please reserve as far in advance as possible at Meetup (see back page) or by phone at 303-258-0799.  If you have special dietary needs not already registered with us, please inform us several days in advance. $10 Adults under age 60 or $5 requested contribution over age 60. We shop on Thursday, so your reservations by the Wednesday afternoon prior help ensure we have enough food for everyone!


World Singing Day Sing-along



This relatively new holiday originated locally and is spreading to all continents. People gather in multiple towns and cities (we could host one in Nederland next year!) just for the joy of singing together.

We will sing songs we know from lyric books distributed at the event. Meet at the old Boulder County

Courthouse lawn on Pearl Saturday, October 21, at 11:30am. Carpools? Leave a message at 303-258-0799.

Boulder Opera Gala Concert


We enjoy a friendship with Boulder Opera and have been invited to attend their Gala Saturday, October 21, 7:30pm (details below). We offer a limited number of tickets to this $25 fundraising event featuring highlights from their upcoming shows and catered food/beverage to you at no charge, but ask that if you accept this kind gift from the small nonprofit opera organization, that you please donate what you can directly to them at the event. We need everyone who would like to attend to sign up with us by Wednesday, October 18, (email reply here or sign up at Meetup or 303-258-0799) so we can let them know how many of us will attend.

Opera and wine will be flowing as Boulder Opera kicks off their 6th season at The Riverside, 1724 Broadway, Boulder. Join us for a black tie evening previewing the upcoming season with selections from Cendrillon (Cinderella), Così fan tutte, and “Opera’s Best Hits!” and find deals at the Silent Auction.All proceeds from the event will support nonprofit Boulder Opera’s programs.

Admission is only $25 (free for limited number of NAS Mountain MidLife friends who sign up with us) and includes hors d’oeuvres and 1 drink ticket. More info at

Swing Dance to Live Big Band Music


Swing Dance to a live dance band at the Avalon Ballroom at 63rd and Arapahoe in Boulder on Saturday, October 21. Dance lesson 7pm-8pm included with the price of admission. Dancing 8-11pm. DJ dance music during intermissions. Light snacks provided. All ages welcome. No partner or dance experience required. Please wear non-marking shoes. Dress to express yourself. Casual is fine. Admission: $15 per person general; $10 students; $5 children accompanied by adult; volunteers free. Cash or check.


“Wine” Tasters! Expands


“Wine Tasters!” has expanded to ensure all non-wine drinkers feel welcome at these social gatherings in private homes. Bring any beverage you would enjoy sharing and an appetizer on Saturday, October 28, 6:30pm. Register at (or reply to this email or call 303-258-0799) so we can send you the address.


New Event!  BCPH Follow-Up


Thank you to seniors who participated in the Community Health Conversations at a luncheon last spring. Health equity means that everyone has an opportunity for a healthy life and the group’s input on their “magic wand” question provided them with a deeper understanding of the community’s needs. They heard from 53 groups, giving them 3,021 total ideas and 1,776 starred ideas. These ideas along with quantitative indicators from existing assessments were taken to decision makers to determine which would be the most actionable for Boulder County Public Health (BCPH). The top 2 areas that emerged are mental health and housing.


BCPH’s Lane Drager returns to our lunch on Monday, October 30, (see signup and menu info at bottom of email) to report and invite participants to the final prioritization event on November 15, and encourage them to share their thoughts around mental health and housing. We are invited to share in written form why mental health or housing issues affect us and our loved ones. The responses will be anonymous and we will put responses into a manila folder to maintain confidentiality. These sheets will be displayed at the November 15 meeting, where community members and staff will vote on the final priority, to tell the story of mental health and housing in Boulder County.


 Foot Care


 Local Registered Nurse Debbie Neal serves mountain older adults with toenail and skin care, review of foot concerns – Monday, October 30. By appointment,downtown Nederland, $30, sign up at 303-258-0799.

 Luncheon Program – Intuition & Self Defense

Intuitive Safety & Self Defense:  Rodger Ruge, former law officer, addresses using our intuition to remain safe and shares some simple self-defense techniques for any situation — Wednesday, Nov 1.

CU Volleyball Game

We will get together for the CU Women’s Volleyball Game vs. Washington State at CU’s Coors Events Center in Boulder on Wednesday, November 1, at 7:00pm. The cost is $9.50 (after the $1.50 CU fee). These are reserved seats with chair backs, closer to the action, and are located near mid-court. (General Admission seats are also available for $5 plus fee.) Al Meyer tells us they sell dollar hot dogs at the event, too. Trip Co-Leaders for this outing are Jim Elder and Al Meyer – thank you! 

Carpools depart Nederland Community Center at 6:00pm – and we will meet you there only if we know in advance you will be there looking for us. All will park in the Regent Auto Park, free, north of the event center. Sign up at Meetup, email a reply here, or call 303-258-0799 and pay for tickets by Monday, October 30, Noon, either in person at the NAS office in the Nederland Community Center (slide under door is fine) or by mail a few days earlier. Make checks payable to NAS, P O Box 188, Nederland CO 80466.


Featured Event!  Social Saturday Breakfast & Hike


Come join us for breakfast and optional hike following it at the Nederland Community Center on Saturday, November 4. Doors open at 8:30am, with the meal served at 9:00am. Our buffet includes: Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Mixed Vegetables, Breakfast Potatoes, Fruit. All ages of adults are welcome. Cost is only $8 under age 60 and $5 requested contribution from those over age 60. Please RSVP to 303-258-0799 or at An optional hike follows at 10:15am.


“SEED: The Untold Story” Film & Panel Discussion


This documentary film and discussion on Saturday, November 4, 3:00pm, are offered FREE at the Nederland Community Center. The film will be shown at the Backdoor Theatre and the discussion will follow upstairs in the Multi-Purpose Room (where we dine).


The film has won 13 top film awards. The Village Voice calls it a “Rare documentary…a wonder.” The L.A. Times says it’s a “Gorgeously made film.” NYC Movie Guru advises it’s the “most essential, illuminating and enraging film since Food, Inc.” Few things on earth are as miraculous and vital as seeds. Treasured since the dawn of humans, in the last century 94% of our seed varieties have disappeared. “SEED: The Untold Story” follows farmers, scientists, lawyers, gardeners, and indigenous seed keepers as they defend the future of our food, our most treasured resource, and revive a culture connected to seeds. 


The executive director of Seeds Trust, a local high altitude seed company, other Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance-affiliated folks and seed savers who live locally will be on hand for the conversation afterwards. Please come, share, and be a part of the new mountain seed movement!


Featured Event!  Chili Cook-Off Benefit for NAS


We are the chosen ones!  The Very Nice Brewing Company has selected our nonprofit sponsor Nederland Area Seniors as the beneficiary of the proceeds from the Chili Cook-Off competition on Sunday, November 5. Live music!


We provide the volunteers who judge the chilis (3:00pm-3:30pm) and to serve all competing chilis to the donating public attendees (3:30pm – 5:00pm), who pay $5 per person for three small servings. We need to plan now who will be judging and who will be serving, so if you’d like to help with this fun event, please respond by Wednesday, October 18, by calling 303-258-0799 or emailing us with a reply here or at indicate whether you would like to be one of the few judges (MUST like spicy foods!) and allow that if we have to draw this popular position by lottery from those interested, that we would still appreciate your help to serve the chili if you don’t win the coveted “taster” position…


 Book Group


The Book Group will meet at a private home on Thursday, November 9, 6:30pm, and the format is pot luck. Call us at 303-258-0799 for more info. The book for November is Love Wins by Debbie Cinziper and Jim Obergefell.


9 Health Fair & Human Services Fair


The Nederland Community Center hosts the annual 9 Health Fair and the annual Human Services Fair at the same time on Saturday, November 11, from 9am until Noon. Blood labs are very affordable there and multiple free screenings help us stay healthy. [If you know someone who needs basic blood labs and can’t afford them, please contact event coordinator Mary Coan at 303-258-0799 regarding a handful of vouchers available.]


We would love to have someone volunteer to man our table at the Human Services Fair who know a little about our many programs (lunches, breakfasts, dinners, fitness, writing, etc…) that can answer any questions, sign interested folks up for our newsletter or emails, and refer those in need to our AAA Options Counselor Colleen Sinclair – a very easy, sociable event…Please call us to volunteer – 303-258-0799.

Community Thanksgiving Potluck


The entire Peak to Peak region converges on Sunday, November 12, to enjoy a feast together at the Nederland Community Center. Details later when published – typically late morning until early afternoon. Volunteers cook the turkeys, ‘taters, and stuffing. Participants bring potluck for the rest.


Luncheon Program – Conversation Café


Conversation Café:  This monthly circle meets 12:45pm-2:00pm to share wisdom and experience on a

variety of topics—a great opportunity to get to know each other in new ways – Monday, November 13, see menu listed at bottom of email. Call by Friday, 10/6, (303-258-0799) to join us for lunch at Noon – be there by 12:45 for only the Conversation Café (no reservation required).

Auction Items


Our annual Silent Auction  at the Holiday Mountain Market is our largest fundraiser of the year. We appreciate everyone’s support as shoppers and buyers at the event to help turn all the lovely donations into funds for us. We also appreciate your donations of gift certificates, services, and new/like new items you think people will buy as holiday gifts. Ask everywhere you shop or obtain services—your hairdresser, doctor, nail polisher, shoe repair, etc. Our newest staff member Gunda Starkey is out soliciting as you read this—thank you! If you would like to donate a massage, a vacation at your timeshare condo, a ride, a lesson, your home

cooking/baking, your new Porsche, or whatever seems suitable, we will be most grateful. Call 303-258-0799.



Holiday Mountain Market


Vendor applications are pouring in (deadline September 30) and volunteer performers are lining up for the enormously popular annual community event on the first weekend of December. To ensure longevity of this event, we need volunteers to shadow Serene’s work now. We are not asking our volunteers to take full responsibility for anything, just learn how the planning works. Thank you, Annemarie Fruth, for volunteering to manage our Santa area!



Volunteering can be more than just two hours at the event. Please contact us right away to join our volunteer production team to learn about: Vendor Coordinator, Market Layout, Entertainment Manager, Promotion/Publicity, Santa Photos, Silent Auction Manager or Solicitations or Data Management or Display. Many hands make light work and your contribution to the success of this big event is both essential and much appreciated.


Other Events of Interest


Plan an outing or interest group and we can post it at Meetup. Email details to Serene at serenekarplus@nullgmail.comAdults of all ages are welcome at all events.

 Fr, 10/13—11/3 Land Through the Lens, Open Space Photo Exhibit, Great Frame-up, Longmont

Th, 10/26, Heil Valley Ranch Open Space Hike for Seniors w BCPOS, 10am-12pm

Sat, 10/28, Green Funerals Natural Death Symposium, Boulder,

Tu, 10/31, Pearl Street Halloween—Munchkin Masquerade (kids 3-6pm), Adults after 6pm 

October Menu


Please RSVP two days ahead for lunches, four days ahead for breakfasts and dinners to 303-258-0799.


M    2   Half Chicken Sandwich on WW, Vegetable Bean Soup, Mixed Fruit & Yogurt Cup

W   4   Ground Beef Taco, Black Beans, Spanish Rice, Lettuce/Tomato & Toppings, Apricots

Su  8   Egg, Ham, Kale/Spinach, Whole Grain Breads, Apple/Pear

M   9   Macaroni & Cheese, WW Roll, Mixed Greens Salad, Grapes/Melon

W  11  Herbed Baked Fish, Quinoa Pilaf w Broccoli, WW Roll, Pears

M  16  Sweet & Sour Pork, Broccoli, Brown Rice, Mixed Greens Salad, Apple

W  18  Vegetarian Lasagna, WW Roll, Caesar Salad, Banana

F   20  Thai Broccoli/Beef, Pad Thai, Asian Slaw, Coconut Milk Raisin Pudding

M  23  Beef Stew, Cornbread, Spinach Salad, Pear

W  25  Turkey Sausage, Collard Greens, Red Beans & Rice, Fruit/Nut Salad

M  30  Herb Roasted Chicken, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Garden Salad, Grapes/Orange


We look forward to seeing you at an event soon!

Serene Karplus


This Saturday afternoon and evening in Gold Hill

Gold Hill Store News

Bluegrass & Americana with Mike & Bonnie Coats, 1-3pm at the Pub, followed by a special LuLaRoe Pop-Up Boutique with whimsical skirts, shirts, dresses, & leggings for women & kids, 5-9pm — and the bar will be open!

Thanks, Hugh

Italian dinner at the GH Store

From Danielle Knollenberg

I/Shindigs (my company) am/is hosting an Italian Night Dinner at the Gold Hill Store on Wednesday Oct. the 25th 5:30-8:00pm. The menu will consist of:

1. Spaghetti and Homemade Meatballs in Marinara 
2. Chicken Alfredo with Basil
3. Mushroom/Zucchini Parmesan 

Each will be served with a balsamic dressed green salad and garlic bread. 

Also there will be live music from Jon Ridnell -Black Dog 5:30-7:30 
Set Price of $14.50  
Ten percent of profits will be donated  to United for  Puerto Rico
Wine and Beer Available at extra cost.
Although not necessary I would love to get an idea of how many people I might have attend so if people could RSVP to or at least let me know they are interested at that would be awesome!
Thanks for everything Danielle Knollenberg

GHTM Agenda for 10-9-17

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Second Monday of even months, Community Center  

Agenda Oct 9, 2017 @ 7:30 pm

Social at 7pm: Erik – CSU Water/Well

Call to Order

Approval of previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

  1. Gold Hill School – Chrissy
  2. Community Planning – Dan
  3. Community Spaces
  4. Historic Zoning
  5. Forest Mgmt/CWPP – Virginia
  6. Fire Department 
  7. Weed Mgmt
  8. Historic Gold Hill (museum)
  9. Mining – Gretchen
  10. Safelink
  11. Airlink – Dina
  12. IMA (Inter Mountain Alliance report and NAS/MML (Nederland Area Seniors/Mountain Midlife group).


Old Business

  1. Book exchange mailbox
  2. Ranchoo Fazoo Update
  3. Road Conditions
  4. Noise


New Business/Announcements

  1. Paving Sunshine

Open Jam at the Gold Hill Store

Saturday, September 30, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

The Gold Hill Store and Public House Presents 

Open Jam with Larry Worster and the Gold Hill Store House Band



Got some of your favorite songs to share? Bring your instrument, and we’ll have a good old-fashioned coffee-house-style jam session. As always, the House Band will be composed of great local musicians. 

If you would like to perform, contact Larry at to reserve your slot.

Saturday, September 30, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

The Gold Hill Store

Main Street, Gold Hill, CO

(303) 443-7724



No Bird Ever Flew

Friday, September 29, 7:00 p.m.

Caffè Sole Jazz Supper Club 


No Bird Ever Flew 

Final Colorado Performance of 2017

Debra Yeager, keyboard and vocals; Larry Worster, guitar and vocals; David Chamberlain, harmonica;

Jape Abruscato, bass; James Campbell and Billy Brennan, percussion 

Friday, September 29, 7:00 p.m.

Caffè Sole Table Mesa Shopping Center

637R South Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305

Voluntary Cover Charge

Serving Food Continuously Until 8:30 p.m.

No Reservations Necessary

Larry Worster

CODY SISTERS coming to Gold Hill

Gold Hill General Store and Pub


Join us for an early evening of Bluegrass & Americana with these popular talented teenagers! Saturday, Sept 23d Doors 6:30, Music 7:00.  $5 admission.

Fire Awareness Open House

Four Mile Fire here.  We’re hosting a fire awareness open house in October and would like to extend that invitation to the Gold Hill and Sunshine communities. 
October is Fire Awareness Month!  Join us for an Open House Event
filled with fun for the whole family

Saturday, October 14 – 2 to 5 PM
Poorman Station – 1740 Fourmile Canyon Drive

> Food & Drinks <
> Kids Activities & Events <
> Fire Safety Information <

See you there!

Zach Littlefield

Four Mile Fire Protection District – Fire Crew


Gold Hill Town Meeting Newsletter


Minutes of the August 14, 2017 Town Meeting

 Next Town Meeting is Monday, October 9, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba. Eleven people attended: Johanna Morrison, Rick Sinner, Rebecca Lawrence (consultant to the Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Task Force), Mary Ryan, John Sand, Karen Simmons, Bobby Vrba, Treasurer Martha Knapp, Member at Large Dan Maedke, Chrissy Maedke (as well as Gabe and Mikey), and Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer.

Minutes – of both the July Special Town Meeting and the regular June Meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha reports that at the previous regular Town Meeting in June our bank balance was $13,921.14.

Our current total cash assets are $12,062.64

Revenue since the June meeting includes the pass-through grant from United Way for Airlink, donations collected during the Town Cleanup, fundraising sales (pint glasses, etc.) and advance payments for cemetery plots to the cemetery fund.

Expenses include port-a-potty maintenance, town cleanup dumpster fees, chipping project and the Airlink UW grant.

Earmarked fund totals are as follows:

            General Fund                                     $1,103.36                  

            Cemetery                               $6,107.78

            Community Relief                 $3,326.95

            Forest Management              ($2,493.38)*

            SafeLink (funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects      $3,785.25

            Community Planning            $232.68

*Note re: Forest Management negative balance – this reflects Chipping Project expenses of which three-quarters will be reimbursed from a combination of residents who had chipping done and the County.

ELECTIONS – John jumped right in and moved that we just re-elect the present Council. Tony replied that we need to ask for nominations to find out if anyone is interested in running. Members of the present council are willing to serve, and Bear, who was not at the meeting had let Tony know that he would serve if no one else was interested. Chrissy nominated Johanna Morrison, who said she would be willing to serve as Vice Chair, and she was elected unanimously. There being no one else willing, and no further nominations, Chair Tony Vrba, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Treasurer Martha Knapp and Member at Large Dan Maedke were re-elected unanimously. We will miss Bear’s reliably calm and sensible input, but are also happy to have the younger generation in Jojo join the council.


Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that school starts Wednesday, August 16th and everyone is looking forward to it. She and Breida Geesaman will be sharing days and each working ½ time. Mishie is back full time (Dan has all three babies in his care!). Jojo as the Mountain Schools Principal’s Assistant handles everything else besides teaching, which is wonderful. All grades will be working on Native American Studies and they have a teepee now up in Kirby’s Field thanks to grant writing. There are 19 kids enrolled – lowest in a long time. There is a new interim Superintendent, Cindy, for the year. The School District has now provided a propane operated generator for any power outages which is hard wired in and will click on automatically – also a new ceiling in Chrissy’s classroom.

            The bees are doing well (8-9 hives downtown – some didn’t make it) and they are working to get the observation hive going. They will harvest the honey in mid September and hoping for lots of honey.

Community Planning – Dan reports that the Gold Rush will be Sunday, September 17th. Joanne Cole is handling advertising and the crafts-people/artists. He is always looking for volunteers, bakers, and anyone willing to help.

Community Spaces – Tony reports that they have not met, but Jojo will give a Rancho Fazoo report later

Historic Zoning – no report

Forest Management – Tony is so happy that Virginia took the lead on this. Several people got some chipping done – the county paid for 1/2, the Town Meeting ¼ and the homeowners ¼.

Fire Department – Bobby reports that there have been a few calls – one medical call, one false alarm at the school due to construction, and several campfires during the fire ban – the Sheriff responds to campfires during fire bans and some people smarted off at one of them and got fined – it took 90 gallons of water to put it out. They now have water stationed at the 3 main campsites, since the ban has been rescinded. Trainings continue and all are welcome. The Firefighters retirement fund is up and running.

Reverse 9-1-1 – Gretchen reports that people can sign up their land lines as well as their cell phones through the Office of Emergency Management website

(go to and look under Emergency Messages Sign Up: For bike races, in answer to citizen concerns expressed, any emergency call to 9-1-1 takes precedence. They will make sure responders get through without delay. For what to expect when you call 9-1-1, see the town website ( and look on the left under Gold Hill Fire Department. Also, the Fire Department apologizes for the super soaker squirt guns at the 4th of July parade. They know some people were unhappy with them and the department will see that it doesn’t happen again.

Weed Management – no report. Chrissy reports that the school kids will go on an outing and pick the Scentless Chamomile, if someone will find out what to do with the bagged ones. It is spreading all over town now.

Historic Gold – John reports that elections were held at the last museum meeting. Deb Yeager is now President of the Board, Boyd Brown is Treasurer, Joan Few is Secretary. Other members include Gretchen Diefenderfer, John Sand and Marie Brookhart who replaced Leslie DeGrassi, who has resigned. Marilyn Soby is also leaving the board after 20 years (since the beginning!) so they will look for another member.

Mining – Gretchen reports that the County is monitoring the collapse along the edge of Horsfal. There is continued activity at the Mill – most of the time there are a few cars/trucks there – but no hard information.

SafeLink and AirLink – In Dina’s absence, John reported that the ham radio group is working on the Jamestown link and making good progress.

IMA – Tony reports that she attended the meeting on June 22. They are considering not continuing and may defer to the Peak to Peak task force.

            The Mayor of Ward (since they are an incorporated town) charges bike races that come through Ward. Lyons is working on communications with the ham radio group. Allenspark has a large emergency generator now. Ward residents had a very successful chili cook-off, and have built a new town greenhouse.

            There was lots of talk about the bike races and advance notification. We were not the only people who were not notified much in advance of the July race. The County has promised that this has been remedied.

            The County is working on affordable housing for the mountains. They have 50 homes now and are looking to have 500. They want to know what our needs are in regard to affordable housing as well as other needs.

John Sand reports that there is another organization – the Boulder Heritage Roundtable – and they are looking for representatives from anyone into historical preservation.


Bike races/Road Closures – Tony gave an update from Mike Thomas who sent an email reporting that the mine owner will be getting the work done to fix the road and repair the adit and that he will keep us posted. (ADDENDUM – it has since been repaired and the warnings and cones have been removed).

Also, there is a check off list that all special events like bike races are required to fulfill, but Tony looked at it and it doesn’t address impacts on any businesses, people or the environment. Tony would like more responsibility put on the organizers and closer monitoring by the County.

 Book Exchange/Mailbox – has been delayed

 Rancho Fazoo – Jojo reported that people had great questions and ideas at the last town meeting, which she has addressed in meetings with Open Space. She is wondering about separating the town adopting Rancho Fazoo from the cemetery issue. Open Space wants the town to have the part of Cemetery that is on the Schmidt property – they do want some kind of donation for it (cannot just give it to us), and work on that part of the cemetery would qualify. We need to check with Bob about the hours and money already spent – we may well already have enough to qualify. They seem to think it should be around 40 hours or $1,000.

            As far as adopting Rancho Fazoo (the part of the Schmidt property where the old Sosnowski residence was that burned in the fire and now needs cleaning up, etc.), the mechanism seems to be their Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department Adopt-A-Park/Trail Policies and Procedures. Cleaning up is required, and we want to do this, with the idea that the space could possibly be used for town purposes – nothing definite at this juncture, just general ideas that have been batted around, like possibly picnic tables. Open Space is not presently talking about creating new trails, no heavy machinery, including chain saws, is to be used. However, since it is not actually a park or a trail, they are looking at our ideas on a one-by-one basis and seem open to our input. They have not developed an overall management plan, and that seems to be some years in the future. They are asking for a liability waiver to be signed. Remember, this is not our property; it’s the County’s.   Ultimately we don’t get to decide, but they do seem open.

The question has been raised of whether the committee should be part of the Town Meeting or separate? Call it something like Friends of Rancho Fazoo? People on the committee are Tony, Gretchen, Dina Elder, Jan Eaton, Joan Few, Jojo, and Mary Claire Mulligan. The rationale for separating it is that the town meeting can get unwieldy. Gretchen supported keeping it part of the town meeting and it seems that the town supports the goals of taking care of the property and working with the County. Since we are not an incorporated town, the Town Meeting is our long-term voice with the County and she wants us to speak with one voice and for it to be as strong and inclusive as possible.

Mary Ryan brought up the existing wildlife trail going down the gulch and would like that to be included in any plans.




Town Noise – Several people have expressed that events at the Inn, in particular, have become more frequent over the years, many go on late into the nights with the noise reverberating all over town, and the parking issues impact every one’s ability to get through town or sometimes out of their own driveways. One person said, metaphorically, that he knew he was buying a house near an airport, but didn’t expect jumbo jets to start landing here. Several people expressed that they understand that the Inn has a business to run and don’t want to limit them too much, but the impact is growing and growing. Everyone knows and appreciates how much the Finns and the Inn have contributed to the town for years and wonder if there are ways to mitigate the late night noise and maybe limit the numbers of people to some mutually acceptable amount.

            Tony checked with the county about noise ordinances and found this:

“Sound from a non-vehicular source located in a residential area, shall not exceed the following limits: 7:00 a.m. -7 p.m. of the same day: 55 dB(A)   7:00 p.m. – 7 a.m. of the following day: 50 dB(A)   Shall not apply to: Property used for manufacturing, industrial, or commercial business purposes.” So that does not seem relevant, nor did anyone know what 55 dB(A) is. We wondered if there is something clearer that does apply to business purposes in residential neighborhoods.

            Someone brought a newspaper article about pastures of Plenty Farm being limited to 12 events a year by the County Commissioners “to mitigate or prevent potential noise, traffic and parking problems that several of the farm’s rural Boulder County neighbors had contended occurred during events there in years prior.”

            To be continued.

Taxes/80302 – Just a reminder that people should check their phone bills and sales receipts for large purchases to be delivered up here because city taxes may be erroneously included and could add significant costs.

Rebecca Lawrence is a former resident of Gold Hill who now lives in Ward, is one of the founders of the IMA, and has been a victims’ advocate with the Sheriff’s Office She has now been hired as a consultant with the Peak-to-Peak Housing and Human Services task force (  Their mission statement is: “To bring resources to the Peak-to-Peak region, foster relationships amongst mountain communities as well as between human service agencies/resources and the mountain population”. She is helping assess needs in the smaller mountain communities – Gold Hill, Jamestown, Ward, Lyons. She would like to do a simple one-shot focus group with representatives of elders, families with little kids, teenagers, and town government people. The goals of the Peak-to-Peak group are to support seniors and others with housing, access to transportation, etc., in ways that enable little towns to have more of a voice. There are funding streams to support these needs.

            The Task Force is also working on a website to better communicate activities/needs across the region and putting together an emergency response manual/handbook with the Office of Emergency Management for communities like us (both through Foothills United Way funding).

            Jojo volunteered to serve as Rebecca’s contact person in Gold Hill.

            She also wanted to remind us that the third Thursday of every month, Kristi Venditti and Colleen Sinclair, Mountain Resource Liaisons (720-336-2326) are hanging out at the Gold Hill Store from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. to answer questions about EFAA, and other County agencies who may help with basic needs support such as: rent and deposit insurance, utilities, housing, food, medical, dental and vision needs, bus tickets, connection to other community resources.

Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary


P.S. If you know anyone without computer access who should get this Newsletter, please let me know and we will snail mail them one.

On the other hand, if you are getting a mailed one and could get it on your computer, please let me know that as well. It saves time, money, and effort if I can send them out via email.






Benefit Pancake Breakfast

Boulder Rural Fire Rescue is hosting a benefit Pancake breakfast for Cy-Fair VFD in Texas, the USA’s largest volunteer fire department


Robert W. O’Donnell,  B-Shift Captain/Training,  Boulder Rural Fire Rescue   303-551-2790






Better Together – resilience and emergency management course

Boulder County and the Boulder Office of Emergency Management will be facilitating a session of Better Together at the Four Mile Fire Department, Poorman Fire Station (1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr., Boulder, 80302). 

What is Better Together

Better Together explores the meaning of resilience and the role of emergency management, and helps individuals develop personal skills and connections to navigate emergency situations. 

The course consists of three sessions and features a variety of interactive exercises, group discussions, guest speakers, and activities aimed at developing a mindset of resilience in the context of a variety of hazards. Participants who complete the three-session course will be better equipped to build resilience in their communities and increase capacity to help protect themselves, their family, and their neighbors during any emergency. 

A video about Better Together can be found here: 

How to get involved? 

The schedule for the Unincorporated Boulder County session is as follows: 
Three evenings on October 2nd, 9th, and 16th, 6-8:30 pm  (dinner is provided)
Four Mile Fire Department, Poorman Fire Station, 1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr 

Cost: free

To register, please apply online:… 

Each class is limited to a maximum of 25 participants. The first 25 people with desired availability (i.e. are available to attend all three sessions) and thoughtful responses will be accepted. 

If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me at: 

Hope to see you there! 
Better Together | Resilient Together


Katie Arrington

Flood Recovery Specialist


Boulder County Commissioners’

Desk: 303-441-1609

Cell: 720-470-0964

Historic Zoning News

Joyce Robinson is planning to build a new house at 630 Boulder St. – between Laughlin’s and Michael Petrillo. Plans are available for public review in a yellow folder at the Gold Hill Store. We will convene a meeting of the Gold Hill Historic Zoning committee to consider the plans at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at the store. Anyone is welcome to attend.

If you cannot attend the meeting but have comments, you may either:

–          Write comments on the paper provided in the folder with the plans. Please include your name and phone number

–          Send comments via email to Bear Carlson

No Bird at the GHI

The Gold Hill Inn presents
No Bird Ever Flew: The Big Band
Larry Worster, Debra Yeager, David Chamberlain, Jape Abruscato, Billy Shaddox, James Campbell, and Gilbran Chong
Sunday, September 17, 7:30 p.m.



The Gold Hill Inn
401 Main St., Gold Hill, Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 443-6461
$7 cover charge

Local Gold Hill Favorites, No Bird Ever Flew, will bring their special flavor of Americana to the Gold Hill Inn on September 17. The group features the vocals of Debra Yeager, Larry Worster, and Jape Abruscato as well as the stellar playing of harmonica virtuoso David Chamberlain and percussionists extraordinaire James Campbell and Gilbran Chong. Special Guest Billy Shaddox will be an exciting addition on electric guitar this year! Don’t miss this once-a-year treat!

Larry Worster

Gold Hill Gold Rush

Celebrate Gold Hill Gold Rush

Sunday September 17th 2017

9am – 3pm

Main Street in Gold Hill (located 9 miles West of Boulder via Sunshine Canyon)



All proceeds will benefit the Gold Hill Town Meeting and will support individuals (relief fund) and the community at large.

The Gold Rush features our Annual Bake Sale featuring homemade pies, cookies & more. The Rummage Sale will offer antiques, clothing and much more.  If you like to shop at thrift shops, you’ll love this festival.  The Arts & Crafts Fair will feature hand made items from Front Range Artists. There will be drinks, bratwursts and live music through out the afternoon. Come early for treasures!!

Gold Hill is an historic mining town celebrating its 157th anniversary, located an easy drive 9 miles west of Boulder via Mapleton Ave/Sunshine Canyon. Enjoy a stroll down Main Street and take in the beauty of times gone by.  Businesses to visit include the Gold Hill General Store (, the Red Store featuring pottery & stained glass and the Gold Hill Inn ( open for dinner at 5pm. Gold Hill also boasts Colorado’s oldest running school, a History Museum and a unique spirit that has endured for years.  Please join us for this celebration of survival, culture and a very special sense of Community!!  This event is FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

For more information, visit or contact Dan Maedke (305) 699-7299



Mountain Midlife News


​Mountain MidLife Friends:

LAST CALL to sign up for our Mountain MidLife Dinner and Music with Sam Bass THIS Friday, August 25! Over 50 are planning to attend already. Please sign up by noon Thursday.

 It is not too early to sign up now for our Mountain MidLife Breakfast and (optional) Hike on Saturday, September 9! Please mark your calendars and don’t wait for reminders.

 Please see our listing below for a special fundraiser Italian Night Community Dinner open to all ages on Saturday, September 16. This event is hosted by Mountain MidLife (that’s you, dear reader!) as a fundraiser for continuing our programs and we need everyone’s help to make it work. Please help spread the word and invite everyone you know! And please offer to help us plan it, set it up, and cook it. Email or call 303-258-0799 as soon as you can to sign up to help. Thank you!

See listings of our many great upcoming events below – more are added each week… If you are not receiving our monthly NAS Newsletter and would like to receive it so you can see birthday listings and articles from our Mountain Options Counselor of our local Area Agency on Aging, please reply to this email and let us know whether we should email a PDF or send via US Mail.

 Invite a friend to a meal (lunches every Monday and Wednesday or monthly dinners or breakfasts) and offer to pick them up and drop them home afterwards. With a “requested contribution” of $5 (over age 60), we offer a fun and affordable get-together with friends. We need and appreciate your anonymous meal contributions, but please ensure people know that we do not turn away anyone over age 60 who cannot pay.

All ages of adults are welcome at all events, attended mostly by folks over age 50.

Sign up for all Mountain MidLife events at 303-258-0799 or or by replying to this email.

Featured Event!  Sam Bass at Mountain MidLife Dinner

Mountain MidLife Dinner on Friday, August 25, features the live musical entertainment of local MidLifer

Sam Bass on guitar performing songs we know from the 40s to 70s, with a little snippet of history surrounding each. Gather at 5:00pm for social time, then dinner at 5:30pm is Salmon, Green Beans Almondine, Brown/Wild Rice, and Peach Dessert. Please reserve as far in advance as possible by phone or Meetup site – only $5 requested contribution over age 60 and $10 under age 60 – by calling 303-258-0799 or signing up at Meetup.

Free Nutrition Counseling

 Registered Dietitian Patricia Murphy offers free one-on-one coaching to adults over age 60 and family caregivers who reside in Boulder County. Nutrition counseling can help with specific health conditions, nutrition-related concerns, or if you want to learn more about healthier eating. The sessions last 30-60 minutes. She will accept signups for time slots on Wednesday, August 30, 10am – 2pm, in the Nederland Community Center. Call for an appointment: 303-258-0799

Luncheon Program – Connecting Volunteers

 Connecting Volunteers: Chrysti Britt of Care Connect updates us on the services this fellow nonprofit provides and how we can work together to better serve mountain older adults – Wednesday, September 6. Menu is TBD. Call us (303-258-0799) by Monday, 9/4, to join us for lunch at Noon – or be there by 12:30 for only the presentation.

CU Buffs vs. Arizona – Ticket Deadline 9/7

 Join us as we attend the CU Buffaloes vs. Arizona home game on Saturday, October 7. Kick-off time will be announced by CU closer to the date. We need to lock in our tickets now, so face a deadline of Thursday, September 7. We will buy a block together in the upper section for $30 each ticket. Please make checks payable to Nederland Area Seniors and mail to P O Box 188, Nederland CO, 80466 or deliver to our office in the Nederland Community Center. Questions? Call 303-258-0799.

 Featured Event!  Social Breakfast & Hike

Come join us for breakfast and optional hike following it at the Nederland Community Center on Saturday, September 9. Doors open at 8:30am, with the meal served at 9:00am. Our buffet includes: Vegetable Egg Bake, Turkey Sausage, Breakfast Potatoes, Yogurt, Granola, Fruit. All ages of adults are welcome. Cost is only $8 under age 60 and $5 requested contribution from those over age 60. Please RSVP immediately to 303-258-0799 or at

 Luncheon Program – Conversation Cafe

 Conversation Café:  This monthly circle meets 12:45pm-2:00pm to share wisdom and experience on a

variety of topics—a great opportunity to get to know each other in new ways – Monday, September 11, menu is TBD. Call by Friday, 9/8, (303-258-0799) to join us for lunch at Noon – be there by 12:45 for only the Conversation Café.

Book Group

The Book Group will meet at Lori’s home on Thursday, September 14, 6:30pm, and the format is pot luck. Call us at 303-258-0799 for more info. The book for September is Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.

 BIGfoot Hike

The BIGfoot Memorial Hike with Lucy Stroock meets at the Nederland Community Center Friday, September 15, at 9:00am (note the time change from previous months) for carpool departure to the trailhead of the hike location to be determined closer to the time. The pace is comfortable and leisurely.

Featured Event!  Italian Night Dinner & Film Festival 

Celebrate our community at our first-ever Italian Night serving family fare of Spaghetti, Meatballs, Salad, Garlic Bread, and Fruit. Wines from Augustina’s Winery will be available for purchase by the glass. No reservations required, just stop in on Saturday, September 16, 4:30pm-7:30pm. Dinner is $10 Adult, $5 Requested Contribution over age 60, and $4 Children under age 12. Hosted by our friends at Mountain MidLife, proceeds benefit the nonprofit Nederland Area Seniors (which sponsors Mountain MidLife), so please come support your organization.

This special evening is offered during the Nederland Film Festival and is scheduled between films so everyone can attend it all. The Festival is offering the before-dinner shorts and after dinner feature for a combined price of $10, so let’s all join in all the fun! The 4:30pm shorts will be music-related and include scenes from the film produced by local filmmaker Eric Abramson, who will be present for Q&A following the screening. At 7:00pm, the feature continues the Italian Night theme with the story of a young man trying to produce his grandfather’s never-performed opera.

Swing Dance to Live Big Band Music

Swing Dance to a live dance band at the Avalon Ballroom at 63rd and Arapahoe in Boulder on Saturday, September 16. Dance lesson 7pm-8pm included with the price of admission. Dancing 8-11pm. DJ dance music during intermissions. Light snacks provided. All ages welcome. No partner or dance experience required. Please wear non-marking shoes. Dress to express yourself. Casual is fine. Admission: $15 per person general; $10 students; $5 children accompanied by adult; volunteers free. Cash or check.

Falls Prevention Class – A Matter of Balance

 Afraid of Falling? Limiting your favorite activities due to fear? You are not alone. Half the population over age 65 shares your concerns. Get your life back and strengthen your resolve, awareness of ways you can prevent falls, and shore up your physical abilities. Local Teacher Randy Sachter offers this evidence-based program to prevent falls here in Nederland. This FREE eight-week program runs weekly, Mondays, September 18-November 6, 9:30am-11:30am, at the Nederland Community Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. Reserve your seat in this interactive workshop by calling 303-258-0799 or at Meetup.

Featured Event!  Mountain MidLife Dinner & Games

Our favorite way to get together – a delicious social meal and those who enjoy games extend the conversations a little longer over a game. Feel free to bring board games, cards, dominoes or whatever you wish your friends would play with you after the Mountain MidLife dinner, Friday, September 22, 5:00pm, at Nederland Community Center (menu TBD). All age adults welcome.

Please reserve your dinner (Chicken Molé) several days in advance (a week is helpful!); $10 Adults under age 60 or $5 requested contribution over age 60 – 303-258-0799 (or reply to this email or at If you have special dietary needs not already registered with us, please inform us several days in advance.

Senior Law Day

This annual event is worth the trip to gain valuable information important to us as we cross the age 50 mark! Scheduled for Saturday, September 23, at the Longmont Plaza Convention Center, the event costs only $10 and includes lots of resource materials to bring home. Registration fills early, so sign up now. See the schedule and register for this free event at

Georgetown Loop Historic Rail and (Optional) Mine Tour

We will ride the historic narrow gauge rail line round trip from Georgetown to Silver Plume on Tuesday, September 26, at 1:45pm. Carpools will form in Nederland, some leaving early for lunch in Georgetown and others later for the train and (optional) mine tour. Tickets are $26 for the train ride only, $36 for adding the Lebanon Mine Tour to the ride (one hour and 15 minutes – catches next round trip ride back to Georgetown), or $40 for the ride and extended Mine Tour (more mine, same time).

More info re the tours and how to prepare at Lunch location will be determined by carpool groups and cost is on your own. Sign up with us by replying to this email, calling 303-258-0799, or at Meetup. Please RSVP and pay by Monday, 9/18 and indicate whether you are providing or needing a ride. We can only accept reservations that include payment to NAS, PO Box 188, Nederland CO 80466 received by the 9/18 deadline.

Luncheon Program – Medicare Options

 Medicare Options: Colleen Sinclair, our Mountain Options Counselor from the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging provides the latest updates as we enter the Open Enrollment period for Medicare – Wednesday, September 27.

Foot Care

 Local Registered Nurse Debbie Neal serves mountain older adults with toenail and skin care, review of foot concerns – Wednesday, September 27. By appointment, downtown Nederland, $30, sign up at 303-258-0799.

  Lunch and Leaves in Allenspark

Join our friends in Allenspark at lunch on Thursday, September 28, and enjoy the beautiful aspens along the Peak to Peak along the way. This Lunch Bunch group hosts meals for a very low cost – details re menu, cost, and location will be posted at the Meetup site when available. Carpools will depart Nederland Community Center at 11:00am – please let us know several days in advance if you will drive or need a ride so we can include you in the carpool system. Please sign up by Tuesday, 9/26, so we can call in our numbers to them.

Other Events of Interest

 Plan an outing or interest group and we can post it at Meetup. Email details to Serene (see page 4, top, for contact info). Adults of all ages are welcome at all events.

Th, 8/24, FACE Vocal Band at Niwot Rock and Rails, 6:30-8:45, free

Fr, 8/25 Opening Reception, big FIBER show at The Dairy, Boulder

Fr-Su, 8/25-27, NedFest

Fr-Sa, 8/25-26, Loveland Corn Roast Festival

Th, 8/31, Caribou Ranch Open Space Hike for Seniors w BCPOS, 10am-12pm

Fr, 9/8, Evening at the Museum, Nederland Mining Museum talk re local Nature w photos

Fr, 9/8, FACE Vocal Band at Lafayette Art Night Out, 5pm-9pm, free

Su, 9/10 & 9/24, 7pm Swing Dance Outdoors to Live Music on Dushanbe Plaza, Boulder

Th, 9/28, Betasso Open Space Hike for Seniors w BCPOS, 10am-12pm

August Menu

(September Menu to be announced later this week)

 Please RSVP two days ahead for lunches, four days ahead for breakfasts and dinners to 303-258-0799.

 W   2 Cashew Curry Turkey Salad, WW Roll, Carrot Slaw, Berries

M   7  Meatloaf, Roasted Potatoes, Greens Salad, Strawberries

W   9  Fish Tacos on WW Tortilla, Spanish Rice, Lettuce/Tomato/Guacamole, Pears

Su 13  Hopple Popple w Broccoli/Potato/Mushroom, Bacon, Blueberry Oats, Breads, Granola, Yogurt, Fruit

M  14  Mixed Summer Vegetables w Pasta, Garlic Roll, Italian Salad, Apricots

W  16  Half Chicken Sandwich on WW, Vegetable Bean Soup, Mixed Fruit & Yogurt Cup

M  21  Citrus Roasted Fish, Vegetable Medley, Brown Rice, Berries

W  23  Beef Cabbage Rolls, Potatoes, Cottage Cheese, Apricots/Peaches

Fr  25  Salmon, Green Beans Almondine, Brown/Wild Rice, Peach Dessert

M  28  Chicken Enchilada Pie, Black Beans, Lettuce/Tomato, Orange

M  31  Roasted Vegetable Pizza, Greens Salad, Apple

We look forward to seeing you at an event soon!

 ​Serene Karplus

Party on the Ridge

It’s that time again….the 20-something-ish annual Party on the Ridge on the Sunday BEFORE Labor Day, September 3rd.  As always, the party begins around 2 pm and we’re providing barbecued ribs, hamburgers, corn on the cob, a keg of Ellie’s Brown Ale, and some mixers.  You bring a dish to share if you can.  We’ll have live music with amplification and if you’d like, there’s a lovely spot after dark on the south side of the deck where acoustic musicians gather and continue their tunes.  It’s special.

Just so you know, Max created this party many years ago as a way to say thank you to all of his loyal customers who helped him develop and grow his over 25 year old business, Yeager Excavating.  So, thank you again for all of your support.

We’ll see you in less than 3 weeks!  You’re all welcome.




Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Second Monday of even months, Community Center

Agenda August 14 2017 @ 7:30 pm

Call to Order

Approval of previous Minutes

Board Elections

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

  1. Gold Hill School – Chrissy
  2. Community Planning – Dan
  3. Community Spaces
  4. Historic Zoning
  5. Forest Mgmt/CWPP – Virginia
  6.  Fire Department 
  7. Weed Mgmt 
  8. Historic Gold Hill (museum)
  9. Mining
  10. Safelink
  11. Airlink (Dina)
  12.  IMA (Inter Mountain Alliance report and NAS/MML (Nederland Area Seniors/Mountain Midlife group). 

 Old Business

  1. Bike Races/Road Closures
  2. Book exchange mailbox
  3. Rancho Fazoo Update
  4. Gold Rush update
  5. Road Conditions
  6. 911

 New Business/Announcements

  1. Town Noise
  2.  Taxes/80302



Minutes of the July 17, 2017 Special Town Meeting

 Next Town Meeting is Monday, August 14, 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center. This will be our annual Elections meeting.  Come one, come all – consider joining the Council!

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba. Fourteen people attended: Joan Few, Mary Ryan, Member at Large Dan Maedke and Gabe, Rick Sheingold, Jojo Morrison, Chair Tony Vrba, Cherry and John Sand, Vice Chair Bear Carlson, Debra Yeager, Emily Rose, Virginia Schultz, and Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer.

Tony announced that this special town meeting was called to address both the issue of bike races through town and Rancho Fazoo Adoption.

Bike Race – Tony introduced guest Speaker John Hoste, Special Event Coordinator with the Boulder County Transportation Department ( or 303-441-3906). He reported that he works with his counterpart at the City of Boulder and the State Patrol.  Any event the uses public right-of-way in Boulder County needs a permit. Concerns are health and safety. The application is to be submitted 60 days before the event and needs a medical plan, operations plan, route, $50 application fee and a $500 deposit to cover clean up, etc.   Fire Departments are to be provided at least two weeks notification. In the case of the bike race on June 24th, some obligations from the coordinators were not fulfilled, particularly the timely notifications required and signs, and their deposit was not refunded. He was very apologetic about the lack of notification and they have instigated new protocols to make sure that does not happen in the future.

   Regarding the Gold Rush Rally ( on August 27th, the racers will leave North Boulder Park, come up Sunshine, turn right on County 83 to the Highline road, down to Lefthand, up Sawmill into Gold Hill and on down Sunshine. There are 3 timed sections – NOT timed through Gold Hill, we were happy to hear, so they won’t be racing through. There is also a shorter option, with only 2 times sections, still coming through Gold Hill and down Sunshine.

   He was asked about the collapsed section on Horsfal and reported it is stable at this time and being monitored.

   They try to spread events around so no area is overly impacted. They do want to encourage community events to bring people together.   He added that the fees are often waived for Fire Department or unincorporated town events. Check for a list of county special events scheduled or under review.


Rancho Fazoo Adoption- Tony reported that the Community Space Committee has been looking at spaces for community events. Jojo added that the committee sees Rancho Fazoo as a space to build community. They have met with Boulder County Open Space people, particularly Eric and Janice, who have been incredibly welcoming and open to our input. The 55 acres includes a sliver of the cemetery land. Open Space cannot just give the land, but are happy to consider sweat equity, like fixing the fence, and work on cleaning up the Rancho Fazoo site. So, are we interested? If so, there is a mechanism through County Adopt-A-Park/Trail Policies and Procedures (included below).  The County could provide a dumpster, etc., for the clean up, which it seems like we could do at out own pace. The town would have to sign a Volunteer Application and Waiver of Liability.

Joan pointed out that this is an historical site and needs to be surveyed for historical significance before just picking up stuff. Carol Beam, County Preservationist, would be happy to have the involvement of our museum people – she knows our reputation and would be happy to have us check for historical significance. Joan said that the County has cultural resource managers to do historical surveys – map everything on the ground – and how does Carol want us to work with her? She needs to talk to Carol Beam.

   Mary added that the draw there is an animal highway and is important for that, too.

   Jojo’s vision is that step one is the clean up and then we can look at creating undefined useable space – maybe a deck for musical performances, maybe trails? This would be ongoing, starting with a 2-year commitment to adopt the land. We are still figuring out exactly how this would work – how many hours would we need to commit and so on.

   Tony added that another consideration is that the County has a 20-year plan to build trails all through the county and connect them, acquiring BLM land that intersects with open space.  Deb stated that if Boulder County gets BLM land through the Parks and Recreations Act, they would have to abide by Federal rules. She expressed concern that we might be putting out faith in people who don’t represent us. We’re in the middle of the playground for people from the plains. We have to be aware of the potential impact.  Gretchen said that they have been working on these plans for years now and there will be open meetings, which she thinks will take into account our concerns about impacts on our Gold Hill area.

   Several people felt we should go ahead with the adoption process and sign the paperwork. Several others wanted more clarification before we made this commitment. It was decided that the Committee would do more research and bring the findings to the August Town Meeting for a final decision.


Respectfully Submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary.


Attached: County forms, including the Adopt-a-Park/Trail Policies and Procedures, Open Space Rules and Regulations, and the Volunteer Application and Waiver of Liability.






Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department 
Adopt-A-Park/Trail Policies and Procedures ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

  • An adoption site can be an entire park, trail or lakeshore. Adoptions can also be just a section of a park or trail; the area will be designated from a road intersection to a logical ending point or trailhead. More than one group can adopt an area if Boulder County Parks and Open Space staff determines the area needs more attention.
  • The adopting group or individual will commit to a two-year period of adoption. At the end of the two years, the adopting group/individual may renew or terminate the adoption.
  • The Parks and Open Space Department will provide the adopting group/individual with the following: 
- Staff orientation at initial trash-pick up
- Litter picker-upper tongs
- Necessary quantities of trash bags, if requested
- Disposal of trash bags
- Recognition on groups’/individuals’ participation in program
  • During the two-year commitment, the adopting group/individual will remove trash from the designated site a minimum of four times from April 1st to October 31st.
  • Generally, the open space trails and parks are fairly clean and require carrying a grocery bag size bag for clean up. These can be deposited in the trashcans at the trailheads. However, if you find large items that need removing, please place them by the trashcans and contact the Adopt-a-Trail coordinator at 303-678-6216 to let her/him know that trash needs to be picked up from that site.
  • The Parks and Open Space Department will install a sign at the appropriate trailhead or kiosk recognizing the adopting group/individual after the first trash pick-up. The signs will remain in place throughout the adoption period.
  • The adopting group/individuals will have opportunities to assist with other trail projects, such as trail repair and weed management. It is not required, nor available each year. The Adopt a Park/Trail program coordinator will inform the group leader about possible trail maintenance and resource management projects.
  • The Adopt-a-Park/Trail participants must be aware of the hazardous nature of the work, which is to be performed and take full responsibility for any injury that could occur while participating in this program.
  • The Adopt-a-Park/Trail participants must be aware of the Boulder County Parks and Open Space regulations and abide by them at all times while conducting their service.
  • Boulder County Park and Open Space Rules & Regulations
  • Property is open from sunrise to sunset — no camping. When park is closed, unattended vehicles will be ticketed or towed.
Dogs and other pets must be on a hand-held leash and under physical control of a person at all times. Dogs are prohibited at Hall Ranch, Heil Valley Ranch, and Caribou Ranch Open Spaces.
  • Collecting, removing, destroying or defacing any natural or human-made objects is not permitted. Installing rock bolts and constructing trails or structures is unlawful. Feeding, disturbing, trapping, hunting or killing wildlife is not permitted.
Building ground fires is not permitted.
  • Discharging or carrying firearms, crossbows, fireworks (including model rockets) or projectile weapons of any kind is not permitted.
No unauthorized motorized vehicles permitted beyond parking lot.
Mountain bicycling is permitted on officially designated trails only.
  • It is unlawful to carry or possess (outside an enclosed vehicle) any glass bottle or container.
State law prohibits the possession or consumption of any beverage having alcohol content greater than 3.2% in any public place.
  • Group use permits are required for any groups larger than 25 people.
No commercial uses are allowed.
No posting of advertisements in park or on vehicles is permitted.
It is unlawful to swim, wade, boat, ice skate or ice fish on any body of water except where posted.
  • Violations are punishable by a fine up to $300. You are responsible for knowing and obeying all parks and open space regulations (B.C. RES. NO 98-148).
  • Important Phone Numbers:
  • To report an emergency, dial 911.
For non-emergency response (Ranger or Sheriff’s deputy) call dispatch at 303-441-4444. Adopt-a-Trail/Park Coordinator: 303-678-6216.
  • Boulder County Parks and Open Space 5201 St. Vrain Rd
Longmont, CO 80503




Boulder County Parks and Open Space Volunteer Application & Waiver

Please complete both sides, sign and return to Boulder County Parks and Open Space, 5201 St. Vrain Road, Longmont CO 80503 or fax to 303-678-6177.

Name ________________________________
Address ________________________________
City ________________________________
Zip _________________________________
Current Occupation: ______________________________________________________________________

Relevant Experience, Interests and Hobbies: (You’re welcome to attach additional page or resume)



What blocks of time are you available to work?
(For example: Monday & Wednesday afternoons, weekends only, Tuesdays – Thursdays, etc) ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Hours you can commit to this volunteer position:
_____ per week or _____ per month or _____ per project

What volunteer position are you applying for today ________________________________________________________

Which other volunteer positions interest you?

  • ____  Volunteer Naturalist
  • ____  Park Patroller and/or Angler Host
  • ____  Writer
  • ____  Illustrator/Artist
  • ____  Assay Office Museum Docent
  • ____  Walker Ranch Homestead Interpreter
  • ____  Ag Heritage Center Tour Guide
  • ____  Ag Heritage Gardener and/or Groundskeeper
  • ____  Ag Heritage Animal Caretaker
  • ____  Forestry Crew Leader
  • ____  Trails Crew Leader
  • ____  Seed Collection Crew Leader
  • ____  Adopt a Park/Trail
  • ____  Wildlife Monitor
  • ____  Plant Monitor
  • ____  Forest Monitor
  • ____  Weed Monitor
  • ____  Historical Researcher

Other: ____________________________________________

REFERENCES: (People who you have volunteered for/with in the past, or people who know you and how you work with others, etc) Name ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ (daytime)

Name ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ (daytime)

Date___________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________ Work Phone ____________________________ Email __________________________________


I, the undersigned, volunteer with the Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department after due consideration of my age, health, physical condition, and ability, and the inherent risks and personal risks involved in this activity, I voluntarily agree to assume all risks of loss that arise out of my participation and agree to waive any and all claims against Boulder County and other parties described below.

I hereby release, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Boulder County, the Board of County Commissioners and any of their respective employees, agents and representatives, person or property, whether anticipated or unanticipated, from liability for any injury, loss or damage resulting from my participation in any activities contemplated by this agreement, whether such damage, loss, or injury results from the negligence of Boulder County, the Board of County Commissioners, and any of the agents, representatives, officers, employees, successors, assigns, administrators, and executors.

I realize that working on this program/project may involve risks and hazards, including the risk of injury. I am aware of the risks and hazards inherent in participating and do hereby assume sole responsibility for all such risks and waive all claims against Boulder County and their respective agents, representatives, officers, employees, successors, assigns and insurers.

I grant Boulder County permission to use my likeness or my child’s likeness in photograph(s) or video, in any and all of its publications and in any and all other media, including public website publication, and social media channels, whether now known or hereafter existing, controlled by Boulder County, in perpetuity, and for other use by the County. I will make no monetary claim or other claim against Boulder County for the use of my likeness in the photograph(s)/video. I understand that the nature of digital media on the Internet makes duplication difficult to control and that Boulder County is not responsible for any unauthorized use by third parties of the content and images published on its public website.

I authorize Boulder County to obtain medical attention for me (and my child/ward) in case of emergency if unable to reach the physician stated below, and I release Boulder County for such medical attention.

I certify that my vehicle will have insurance coverage as required by Colorado law in connection with my activities on Boulder County property.

I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Boulder County while participating on this program/project. I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood and voluntarily agreed to the foregoing waiver and release agreement.

_____________________________________________ ____________________ Signature Date

If volunteer is a minor, I agree to permit my child or ward to volunteer for the Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department and agree to be bound by all of the terms of the above waiver of liability.

_____________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian

In case of a medical emergency, we should contact:

Name & relationship ___________________________________ Name & relationship ____________________________________

_____________________ Date

Phone:_____________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________

Please list any allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

(March 2012)


Boulder County Park and Open Space Rules & Regulations

Property is open from sunrise to sunset — no camping. When park is closed, unattended vehicles will be ticketed or towed.
Dogs and other pets must be on a hand-held leash and under physical control of a person at all times. Dogs are prohibited at Hall Ranch, Heil Valley Ranch, and Caribou Ranch Open Spaces.

Collecting, removing, destroying or defacing any natural or human-made objects is not permitted. Installing rock bolts and constructing trails or structures is unlawful. Feeding, disturbing, trapping, hunting or killing wildlife is not permitted.
Building ground fires is not permitted.

Discharging or carrying firearms, crossbows, fireworks (including model rockets) or projectile weapons of any kind is not permitted.
No unauthorized motorized vehicles permitted beyond parking lot.
Mountain bicycling is permitted on officially designated trails only.

It is unlawful to carry or possess (outside an enclosed vehicle) any glass bottle or container.
State law prohibits the possession or consumption of any beverage having alcohol content greater than 3.2% in any public place.

Group use permits are required for any groups larger than 25 people.
No commercial uses are allowed.
No posting of advertisements in park or on vehicles is permitted.
It is unlawful to swim, wade, boat, ice skate or ice fish on any body of water except where posted.

Violations are punishable by a fine up to $300. You are responsible for knowing and obeying all parks and open space regulations (B.C. RES. NO 98-148).

Important Phone Numbers:

To report an emergency, dial 911.
For non-emergency response (Ranger or Sheriff’s deputy) call dispatch at 303-441-4444. Adopt-a-Trail/Park Coordinator: 303-678-6216.

Boulder County Parks and Open Space 5201 St. Vrain Rd
Longmont, CO 80503


Open Jam at the Gold Hill Store

Saturday, August 5, 7:00 to 9:00 – Larry Worster and the Gold Hill S!tore House Band – poster attached