Events Calendar

Nederland’s 9 Health Fair

Nederland’s 9HF, on Nov. 10, 2018 from 9 to 12 noon,  is in conjunction with the Human Service’s Fair sponsored by the Peak2Peak Alliance!

Ready to Vote?

Did you know that ballots are mailed beginning on Monday, Oct. 15? You should sign up for Ballot Track to find out when your ballot has been printed, mailed, and returned back to the Boulder County Elections Office!

Messages from Ballot Track can be customized to come as emails, texts, or phone alerts.

Sign up at:

Visit the Elections Division website at to learn more or to find 2018 Election information.

Most importantly – get out and VOTE this year! And do it early…help our incredible Elections staff stay ahead of the last-minute crush by voting as soon as you are decided on your ballot.

Gold Hill Community mid-semester presentation

The date has been changed – We’ve shifted to the following Thursday – 18 Oct and here are directions:
The address is 1250 14th St, Denver, CO 80202
The “octagon” is on the 6th floor just as the elevator doors open.
From Prof. Loftin;
We will have a Mid-Term Review for the Meeting House Design for Gold Hill on Thursday, October 18, from 2-4 (2 hours only) in the Octagon at the College of Architecture and planning. This will be a “Parlor Review” where the critics and visitors are invited to simply walk around and talk with students and look at the projects they find interesting. Frankly, it is more like a cocktail party (unfortunately without the cocktails) with a lot of energy and a lot of excitement.
There will be light refreshments and snacks served at the review. Please let folks at Gold Hill about this and invite them all to please come down to Denver for this event.

Music at the Store

THIS WEEKEND, SATURDAY OCTOBER 13th, a lunchtime concert at the Pub:   join us for a few hours of bluegrass, gospel, folk, Americana — with the promise of improved weather outside and a cozy atmosphere inside.  Music starts at NOON.

GHTM Agenda, Monday Oct, 8

Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda

Monday, Oct. 8th 2018

START TIME – 7:00 p.m., Community Center


Approval of previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

o   Community Center Update 

o   By Law change decisions to include:

o   Area Map-mirror the GHFPD Map and other edits – see this link for more information on proposed changes and a copy of the current Bylaws.

o   2019 Budget Requests and Plan 

o   Sustainability Grant 

o   Committee Updates:

o   Gold Rush

o   GH Resiliency

o   Free Library

o   Others


Other Business


Upcoming Meetings/Events:

GH Resilient event Nov 12th 7pm “In My Back Yard-Community Conversations”

Gold Hill Elementary School Fall Festival – Nov 15th

December 10th Gold Hill Town Meeting  (holiday party?)


Music at the Store Saturday

Cody Sisters Band will be at the Gold Hill Store this Saturday afternoon, 3pm, free. Online visit “Birdland Breakdown Cody Sisters” to see their amazing talent!




Minutes of the August 13, 2018 Town Meeting

 Next Town Meeting will be Monday, October 8, 2018, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba. Nineteen people were present: Michael Petrillo, Karen Simmons, John Sand, Peter Swift, Treasurer Martha Knapp, Elisabeth Caspari, Marcus Moench, Cherry Sand, Chair Tony Vrba, Vice-Chair Jojo Morrison, Debra Yeager, Marielle Sidell, Bear Carlson, Linda and Jack Laughlin, Deanne Grant, Member at Large Dan Maedke, Chrissy Maedke, and Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer.

Minutes of the June 11 Town Meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report –Martha reported:

At the previous regular Town Meeting in JUNE 2018 our bank balance was $15,477.27.

Our current total cash assets are $13,608.71.

Revenue since June includes pint glass sales, town cleanup donations, cemetery fund donation, and town photo donations.

Expenses include the town cleanup dumpster, pint glass purchase,cemeterymaintenance, and community relief fund disbursement. A check was written tothe Airlink Amateur Ham Radio organization c/o Dina Elder for equipment repair and maintenance, which came out of the Safe Link fund.

Current earmarked fund totals are as follows:

General Fund $949.23; Cemetery $6,921.78; Community Relief $2,326.95; Forest Management $0 (zero;) Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $3,410.75; Community Planning/Fundraising $0 (zero.)

For more, go to

Bylaws Review – Chair Tony Vrba decided to lead off the meeting with a discussion of the proposed changes to the GHTM Bylaws by reading Gretchen’s notes on the proposed changes along with the sections affected, which had been handed out to everyone.  Part way through, the discussion became very confused.  Martha requested that the entire bylaws be presented instead of just the proposed changes.  No votes were taken and the discussion was tabled until the next meeting.  It was decided to put out the entire bylaws and the proposed changes to everyone, and mail them to those who do not have email. Here is the link, which will take you to the town website (

I will bring copies again to the October meeting, but if people will look them over before the meeting, this will make the discussion easier.

We will also bring maps in order to look at possible changes to the boundaries.  There are several options – making minor changes to make sure we include people who have now built outside the original boundaries, but consider Gold Hill their town, or possibly adopting the Fire District boundaries, or something in between. There are links to these maps in the above bylaws link.


 Treasurer – Tony began the elections with the position of Treasurer.  Martha agreed to continue as treasurer and was elected by acclamation.

Chair – Tony was nominated by Jojo and seconded by Chrissy.  Peter Swift was nominated by Martha and seconded by Bear. Tony was elected 8-7.

Vice-Chair – Jojo announced that she would not be running. She will be finishing her Masters, and is not sure where life will lead her after that.  She nominated Marielle, Debra seconded, no one else accepted a nomination, and Mari was elected unanimously.

Secretary – John nominated Gretchen, Bear seconded, and, as no one else wanted to run, she was elected unanimously

Member at Large  – Dan was nominated by Jojo, Michael Petrillo seconded, and Dan was also unopposed and elected unanimously.

Congratulations were expressed to all, and many thanks to Jojo, who will continue to pursue our interests in Rancho Fazoo.

Gold Hill School – Chrissy reported that all is quite good at the school, and she requested that Jojo finish the report, as she needed to take the kids home.  Jojo reported that Mishie, who had taught K – 2ndgrade had stepped down, but, to everyone’s delight, Sue Kidder has been hired back.  Also Elizabeth (Eli) will take Jojo’s job. 

The Fall Fiesta is tentatively scheduled for November 14.  School starts Wednesday, August 22.

Wildfire Safety and Forest Health  – Virginia reports that she was excited that 17 people participated in the Wildfire Partners (WFP) assessment process.  There will not be a chipping event because not enough people wanted to participate (needed 5).  Regarding the huge project west of town, this is a USFS program to preserve and regenerate the Fen, which was being impacted by the encroaching trees. The piles will be left to cure for a year and then dealt with.

If your property borders forest land, talk to WFP – mitigation can be done on forest lands.

The National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Longmont and Boulder Valley Conservation District will make a presentation and perhaps raffle a chainsaw and other mitigation and forest health tools at our Gold Hill Gold Rush.

Community Planning – Gold Hill Gold Rush – Dan reports that the Gold Rush is scheduled for Sunday, September 23 in the Beer Garden at the Inn with the great support of the Finns.  He has secured Larry Worster and friends for the music.  He’ll get an email/poster out soon asking for volunteers.  Joanne Cole is handling local artists for the Craft Fair. Anticipated expenses include new signs, an increase in the expense for food as we ran out last year, more pint glasses, ads in the Camera and Mountain Ear.  He’s also posting in Next Door and Facebook.  Expenses were about $400 last year (and netted around $1700) and he’s requesting $600 this year.  Will also raise prices a little.  John moved that we accept Dan’s estimated expenses and move $600 to the Community Planning Fund for this.  It was seconded and passed.

Weed Committee – Pam Sherman submitted an email report:

(1) On July 31 we did a Walk n Talk in the Town Meadow with three guests from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS–formerly known as the Soil Conservation Service), a subdivision of USDA. They all came from the Longmont Office: Soil Conservationist Sylvia, Forester Dan, Intern Cat, and also CSU Extension Boulder County Small Acreage Management Coordinator Sharon came as well. Gold Hill Joanne led us on a hike up the Meadow Trail. There was lots of discussion up and down the trail and Gold Hillers said they asked all the questions they had about revegetation and weeds and anything else related that came to mind. Btw it was also fun! 
(2) Forester Dan (see #1 above) runs a new federal program under NRCS which pays part of the cost of fire mitigation on private land (land as opposed to structures, which is Wildfire Partners’ focus). He said it was up to 1/2 to 2/3 of total cost per acre. This program works with homeowners who have gotten together to pool their acreage for this work. Total acreage in each neighborhood pool has to be at least 1-300 A. By town meeting we should have more info.
(3) Residents have been mitigating spotted knapweed, mullein, leafy spurge, Canada thistle, and others with a habit of taking over. Canada thistle flowered a month early this year at my place; took me by surprise.  Other plants both native and adapted are early, too. What have you noticed?
For color photos of the invasive weeds on the state of Colorado list go here –

Cemetery Committee – Maggie Simms submitted an email report:

Since last meeting, we were contacted by 2 families for burials.  One burial completed, and a second one is scheduled for September 1st.

Town members are encouraged to go down to the cemetery and pick up kindling and pieces of logs and slash left over from the June 2ndcleanup. These have been placed at the front of the cemetery ready for pick up.  If the logs and slash have not been picked up by the end of August, Maggie will contact at chipper company to chip the excess slash and charge the costs to the cemetery fund.

Historic Gold Hill (Museum) – Debra mentioned that we were wrapping up the year and that it was a good year

Historic  Zoning – Bear suggested that, if you haven’t, go by and see Marcus and Elisabeth’s project (the old Weaver house).  They are doing an amazing job and worked hard – to preserve as much of the structure as possible.  The outside materials have been approved

Community Center – Peter submitted an email report and was there to discuss the project:

CU Denver has dedicated a class to study a community center for Gold Hill. Two meetings will help facilitate the development of plans; the first proposed meeting would be a public input session attended by Prof. Keith Loftin.  Interested community members will be asked about 1) possible locations for the building, 2) proposed uses of the building and 3) appropriate architectural styles. The meeting will be on Monday, August 27th at 7 pm in the Fire Barn (tentative location).

The second proposed meeting will be on Thursday, August 30th at 1:30 pm at a location to be announced. The students will attend along with Prof. Loftin. The group will tour the proposed building sites and analyze community input from the previous meeting. They will then assemble (tentatively) in the Fire Barn at about 2:30 to receive comments from those who couldn’t make the previous meeting. 

The purpose of this exercise is both to provide the class with a “real world” project, but also to use the project to start a fundraising effort to hire consultants to design the building and do site engineering. Subsequently, there will be fundraising to get it approved and built.

Please come with your ideas and suggestions to help with the design and use of the building. 

It was suggested that Peter put up signs at the Store to announce these meetings, which he said he would do. Properties the town owns include the piece at Pine and Lickskillet (behind the Red Store and across the street), part of the Meadow (although the deed prohibits any building, which the vast majority of community members support), the Cemetery Annex, and the People’s Park (a small parcel along Dixon approximately across from the Eaton’s property).  Martha suggested people go on e.mapping at the Boulder County Assessors office to look at these properties. 

            John pointed out that this is the same Professor whose class did a study a number of years ago and there is lots of information on that at the Museum.

These plans will be presented at a town meeting and we will put up plans and drawings on the website for everyone’s consideration.

NEW BUSINESSmore Historic ZoningMichael Petrillo wanted to report on and discuss the new residence proposed by Joyce Robinson at 360 Boulder Street.  The original plans, approved by HZ, called for only the bottom floor to be finished and the second floor to be essentially an attic.  The new plans add approximately 5’ to the now finished second floor – i.e, 2 full stories, now 27’ tall.  To compare, Matt Legg’s garage, which generated some controversy at the time is 25’, and down the hill.  This will be right between Laughlin’s and Michael’s house and he thinks will dominate the hillside.

            There is a public meeting at the County Commissioners on Tuesday, August 14, which he intends to go to and Bear indicated he would attend as well.

Respectfully Submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary



Fire Board Meeting tonight, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center




7:00 PM September 20, 2018












  1. Seed Sprayers Bid approval, plan.
  2. Max remaining steps:
    1. Neighbors property reseeding, gravel?
    2. Hydrant colors”
    3. Remaining dirt?
    4. Dedication of hydrants?
  3. Board Treasurer Report: Submittal of Amendment 2018 Budget
  4. Submittal of the 2019 Proposed Budget
  5. Decisions on Budget regarding cistern project
  6. Decisions on Budget regarding tender purchase
  7. Strategic Planning:  Succession plan
  8. Sustainability Planning Grant Application.

Succession planning is important for any board and organization for many reasons.  The first is developing a plan should the CEO or Chief, suddenly become unable to fulfill their duties due to illness, absence or some other reason.  It also helps with defining the roles of all members of the organization.

Some simple questions include:

  1. If the Chief is unavailable and a fire or medical call comes into the fire barn, who’s in charge?
  2. What is the succession line on down through the organization? Who’s in charge if #2 is unavailable?   #3?
  3. The Chief will retire at some time in the future, so who, if anyone, is being prepared to assume the Chief’s role?

Once a plan is developed and adopted, it will hopefully remain on the shelf for years, but should be reviewed periodically. 








  1. State matching funds
  2. Firefighter training credits posted.
  3. Other business

Music at the Gold Hill Store

Big Music Saturday Coming Up!

MIKE & BONNIE COATS return to the Gold Hill Store & Pub for a lunchtime concert of old-time music this Saturday, September 22nd, at noon.

And BONNIE SIMS presents a very special SOLO PERFORMANCE a few hours later, Saturday Evening.  Doors 5:30, Music 6-8:00.  Join us then for songs, stories, maybe some secrets about Bonnie & The Clydes. . . .  (No cover.)

The Final Flight of No Bird Ever Flew

No Bird Ever Flew at the Gold Hill Store, Sunday, September 23, 5 p.m.


Gold Hill Dog Photo Shoot!

Gold Hill Dog Photo Shoot!

Calling all Gold Hill doggies, big and small, young and old, ethnic heritage not questioned. Mark your canine social calendar for Tuesday, September 18 at 11 o’clock AM to help christen the new yellow fire hydrant at the bottom of the Town Meadow on Dixon Road.

Joining our beloved pooches will be Chris Finn, Gold Hill Fire Chief (aka Buddy’s dad,) Tony Vrba, Gold Hill Town mayor with a small “m” (aka Jake’s mom,) Rick Geesaman, black lab aficionado and cameraman (Blue and Jack’s dad,) and possibly other celebrity guests.

Pups, yes, you may bring your people and allow them to mill about on or off the set. Feline friends may come at their own risk but are encouraged to have their own culturally appropriate cat event. Gerbils, fish and other pet friends may find the experience too frightening.

Local mutts and such are already checking out the Meadow Hydrant and a few have ventured up to the Hill Street Hydrant where it’s rumored a second photo op may take place at a future date.

Lakota Colby, Haiku Knapp, Rufus and George Legg and others all agree this is the best thing that’s happened to Gold Hill since its founding in 1859. “Finally!” confides an anonymous city transplant.  “Historic!” says Theo Brown. “My favorite place to go!” says Buckshot Brookhart. The reviews go on and on.

Let’s document this momentous event on Tuesday, Sept. 18, at 11:00 AM at the Meadow Hydrant. Don’t be late!

Martha Knapp

Preparing forests for wildfire workshop

Posted in Community Digest, Events Calendar, Forest Management | Comments Off on Preparing forests for wildfire workshop


Music at the Gold Hill Store & Pub

Please join us at the Gold Hill Store & Pub for a rousing acoustic concert with MARY RUSSELL, featuring Becky Martinek, Jamie Polisher, and David Chamberlain THIS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th.  Doors 5:30,  Show 6-8pm — no cover.  No one entertains like Mary Russell!!

Community Center presentation of work

Community Center Meeting –  Thursday, September 13, 2 pm at the Firebarn Community Center
In regard to our previous discussion, Prof, Keith Loftin’s students will do a charette and have 7 proposals for each of the 2 sites we saw (14 proposals in all).  The sites are the triangle the Town Meeting owns behind the Red Store on Pine Street, and the Meadow (for variety, even though our deed precludes any building on that property).
He will have them make reductions of their larger drawings to 11×17 size for easy viewing.
Come see and weigh in on these ideas for a potential Community Center.
Peter Swift

Gold Hill Strategic Planning and Sustainability Grant Possibilities Meeting

Please join us Thursday, Sept 13th at 4 pm at the Firebarn Community Room, as we brainstorm Gold Hill strategic plan and Sustainability Grant possibilities.
“Sustainability means “The use, development, and protection of resources in a way that enables Boulder County residents to meet their needs and maintain a high quality of life, without compromising the ability of future residents to do the same.” Boulder County values balancing a strong economy, protection of the environment and social equity.”
See these links for more information:
Tony Vrba

Gold Hill Gold Rush September 23rd

Music by Larry Worster and Friends. Special appearance by Smokey the Bear partnering with Wildfire Partners. There will also be a drawing with prizes to be announced shortly. Thank You!

Alert – Westbound Boulder Canyon closed Sunday morning

Update on the projects currently taking place in Fourmile Canyon


Hello –

Here’s an update on the projects currently taking place in Fourmile Canyon:

Logan Mill Road

The signals at Logan Mill Road and Fourmile Canyon Drive will be removed either next Monday or Tuesday if all goes well. Fourmile Canyon Drive will remain gravel until paving, planned for Wednesday, Sept. 19 (more info below), is completed, so please use caution traveling through this stretch. 

Paving the new bridge on Logan Mill and the lanes on Fourmile is expected to take one day (Sept. 19). Fourmile Canyon Drive will remain open, but will be reduced to one lane with flaggers assisting travelers. Unfortunately, Logan Mill will need to be closed between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (it will likely open sooner) because the concrete bridge deck must be coated with a sealant before being paved and the sealant cannot be driven on or it will need to be reapplied. Emergency responders will be allowed to drive across the bridge at all times if their services are required. 

Upper Fourmile Canyon Drive (Salina to Sunset) – Paving starts on Tuesday

Paving operations are confirmed for Tuesday, Sept. 11 through Friday, Sept. 14 between Salina Junction and the west end of Wall Street near the Assay Office. The road will be closed each day at Salina Junction (Gold Run will remain open) between 8:45 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. because there simply isn’t enough width in this stretch to accommodate a paver, asphalt delivery trucks, and associated heavy equipment and also move cars safely around the operation. Work will start at the west end and move east. Emergency responders will be allowed to drive on the road immediately should their help be needed. A deputy sheriff will be posted at each end of the work zone to assist with public safety. Monday, Sept. 17 has been slated as a contingency day should weather delay operations or if paving is not completed due to any other factor. We know this situation is not ideal, but we have examined this work from all sides and we do not see any other way to safely, efficiently, and effectively complete paving without the closure. 

 Lower Fourmile Canyon Drive (CO 119 to Salina) – Work begins on Monday

Lawrence Construction will begin mobilizing crews this Monday, Sept. 10. Not much work will take place the first week or so to help the other jobs (upper Fourmile and Logan Mill) complete their critical paving operations. The project is anticipated to last until October 2019. 

When crews dig in, they will start in the lower (south) section, which is located about one-mile north of CO 119 and extends to Poorman Road. Their current plan is to complete the structures in this section before moving to the north section, either later this year or early next year. The north section is located between Logan Mill Road and Salina Junction.

Working hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Travelers can expect single-lane closures that will be controlled by either a traffic signal or flagging personnel. Wait times will vary by location, but they should not exceed 15-minutes for a traveler moving through the entire work zone (CO 119 to Salina). There will likely be days when extended delays are needed, but they will only be allowed if absolutely necessary and all other options for keeping people moving have been exhausted.  

Travel information and project updates will be posted to I will also send emails weekly and whenever new information is known that may impact travel. 

The daytime, non-resident cycling restrictions will continue to be enforced until the road is deemed safe by emergency responders and Boulder County. Canyon residents who rely on cycling for transportation will be exempted from restrictions, but they will need to carry a residential cycling pass. Please contact me to obtain a pass. Andrew Barth – or 303-441-1032. Passes are good for individual use only and are non-transferrable. 

Boulder County Sheriff’s Deputies will continue to patrol Fourmile Canyon for the foreseeable future to assist with enforcement of the restriction and to monitor construction and non-construction traffic alike. We thank everyone for abiding by the cycling restrictions. We understand how important and popular this area is for all cyclists, so we’ll lift the restrictions as soon as possible. We have enacted the restrictions because the canyon is seeing huge amounts of large truck and heavy equipment traffic daily and the roadway is simply too narrow to accommodate construction related work, motor vehicles, and cyclists at the same time. The last thing we want during the final phases of flood recovery work is to see anyone get hurt. Safety of all roadway users is our number one priority. 

Gold Run Road/Salina

Work is wrapping up through Gold Run. The road has been paved and striped and most signage is in. There is still one active construction zone above Ingram Gulch and crews will remain in the area focusing on the punch list items, cleaning up leftover material, grading stockpile areas, and working on landscaping operations. 

Thank you all for your time, patience, and understanding. 

Let me know if you have questions.

Have a good day.



Andrew Barth
Boulder County Transportation


Mountain Community Farmer’s Market

We are having the first local mountain community farmer’s market this Sunday from 1-3 at the 4 Mile Fire Station (at 4 Mile Canyon and Poorman), open to residents of 4 Mile, Gold , Salina, Wall Street, Sunshine, etc. 
There’s no fee to participate and people don’t need to sign up in advance. We ask that everything be homegrown or handmade, and people are welcome to come to buy,  sell, barter, or swap. We’d love to see local produce, eggs, honey, and handmade items. There’s no minimum, so even if you just have a handful of extra tomatoes from your garden,  I’m sure a neighbor will want them.
Please feel free to email me with any questions- 
Even if you don’t have anything to contribute to the market this time,  please stop by to say hello if the idea of a local farmer’s market interests you, as the number of people who show up will likely determine whether this can be a regular ongoing event in the future. Hope to see everyone there!

Music at the Store

MIKE & BONNIE COATS return to the Gold Hill Store & Pub for a lunchtime concert of old-time music this Saturday, September 22nd, at noon.

And BONNIE SIMS presents a very special SOLO PERFORMANCE a few hours later, Saturday Evening.  Doors 5:30, Music 6-8:00.  Join us then for songs, stories, maybe some secrets about Bonnie & The Clydes. . . .  (No cover.)

Remembering the fifth anniversary of the Boulder County Flood


ONCE AGAIN – Labor Day weekend is upon us and you are again invited to our annual PARTY ON THE RIDGE.  Keep your fingers crossed for great weather and we look forward to another terrific party.

                DATE – SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2      TIME – 2 PM ON…..







MPL/NAS Newsletter

Mountain Peak Life Newsletter

September, 2018           

New Acupuncture Group Treatments!  Experience acupuncture geared to the needs of older adults in a group setting at Community Treatment prices. Sign up now for the first Wednesdays of each month. Norah Charles will begin treatments in Nederland Wednesday, September 5, 1:00pm, for overlapping sessions at a rate of only $25 per treatment. See article in Events.


Help with Italian Night Community Dinner Fundraiser:  Everyone can help this event by spreading the word. It is only our second annual offering of this and we need to encourage all ages to attend. We also need many hands on deck that afternoon and evening to help prepare and serve the food – and a few in advance regarding publicity. Please see article in Events on Saturday, September 15, for details…


Urgent – Signup now for CU Football Tickets: We must commit now to our tickets for the CU-AZ game on Saturday, October 6. Please sign up and pay by Monday, September 10, so we can lock down our group section for this game (time TBD). Cost is only $35, payable to NAS. See article in Events.


We are hiring!  Please help us find the right candidates for positions to run our Holiday Mountain Market and Silent Auction! Position descriptions are posted on our Website.


Full Text of Newsletter: Prefer to read the newsletter full text instead of links used to shorten email? A copy is posted on our Website.


EVENTS – all events detailed on our Website.


FRI, 8/24   Featured Event!  Social Dinner & Music of Arwen Ek


WED, 8/29   Luncheon Program – Nutrition Buzzwords


WED, 9/5   New Event!  Acupuncture

THU, 9/6   Medicare Basics Class


SAT 9/8   Featured Event!  Social Saturday Breakfast & Hike


WED, 9/12   Luncheon Program – Easy Tech Communications


THU, 9/13   Book Group


SAT, 9/15   FUNDRAISER – ALL Community Featured Event!

Italian Night Community Dinner


SUN, 9/16   Mapleton Hill PorchFest

WED, 9/19   Luncheon Program – Falls Prevention


SAT, 9/22  Featured Event! Wine (and other beverages) Tasters!


FRI, 9/28   BIGfoot Summer Hikes


FRI, 9/28   Featured Event!  Social Dinner & Folk Dancing


SAT, 9/29   Senior Law Day


MON, 10/1   Foot Care


SAT, 10/6   CU vs. AZ State Football


Other Events of Interest

If you plan to attend any of these and would like to post on Meetup to have some Mountain Peak Life friends join you, please email us and let us know!

 9/1-3, Boulder Creek Hometown Festival 

9/11-10/16, Powerful Tools for Caregivers free class

9/14, Ned Mining Museum – Mining Women in CO Hall of Fame

9/14-16, Boulder Fall Festival on Pearl Street

9/22, Sat – Allenspark Hilltop Guild Fall Festival 



WEEKLY CALENDAR of Recurring Events – See Website



Please RSVP two days ahead for lunches, several days ahead for breakfasts/brunches and dinners.


All ages of adults are welcome at all events, attended mostly by folks over age 50.

Sign up for all Mountain Peak Life events at 303-258-0799 or or by email at


We look forward to seeing you at an event soon!


Serene Karplus, Director

Mountain Peak Life (Nederland Area Seniors & Mountain MidLife)


Memorial Celebration of Holly Huth

Memorial Celebration of Holly Huth

 The Gold Hill community is invited to come together for a ceremony to honor Holly at the cemetery on Saturday, Sept. 8, at 1 p.m.  We will assign her ashes to the ground and share memories of her presence among us.  Guests can bring potluck offerings for a light champagne lunch which will follow. In tribute to Holly’s versatile tastes, we will eat with fine silver off of paper plates

Music at the Store

MIKE & BONNIE COATS will present a free concert at the Gold Hill Store & Pub this Saturday, August 25th, starting at noon.  Join us for Mike and Bonnie’s special lunchtime performance of traditional Folk, Bluegrass, Gospel, and Americana!