Events Calendar

GHTM Agenda for Monday, April 8, 7:00 p.m.

Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda

Monday, April 8, 2019

START TIME – 7:00p.m.

Team ADG. Town Audit to start

Review of Previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

GH School Updates

GH Resiliency

Safelink/Neighborlink update – Community Picnic

Museum update – Calendars and Community Outreach

Community Center Updates

Town Clean-up

Periodic closing of Main Street May 20-22

Other business

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Gold Hill Town Meeting – June 10th

Gold Hill Community Picnic –

Gold Hill Museum Community Outreach July 12th

Climate/Sustainability Audit  

  • Connecting the community with services such asEnergySmart and Wildfire Partners.  
  • Community shared assets – communication, food, water, etc.
  • Strategies for future, energy and water storage, etc.

o   Start in April to coordinate outreach and community engagement plan

EnergySmart -Boulder County currently offers assistance towards an energy audit valued at $450 though costing county residents $185.

Music at the Store

Join us this Saturday at the Gold Hill Store & Pub for an evening with Kate Farmer, 5-7 pm. This lovely singer-songwriter, a Jamestown local, will share songs and stories. Don’t miss the talent here in your own back yard. The bar is open and the pizza will be cooking!
Thanks! Lauren

Music at the Store Friday

Music at the Gold Hill General Store & Pub Friday Night

Lydia Sprouts & Shaun Garin – acoustic duo

6-8 Friday Night

GHTM Newsletter


Minutes of the February 11, 2019, Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting will be Monday, April 8th, 2019, 7:00 P.M. at the Community Center

The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba. Thirteen people attended including Tony, Member at Large Dan Maedke, Bob Walter,  Peter Swift, Bobby Vrba, Virginia Schultz,  Debra Yeager,  Marcus Moench, Elizabeth Caspari , Pam Sherman, and Treasurer Martha Knapp.  Niki Pierson ( and Dana Mulvany attended as guest speakers to speak for Peak View Solar.

Peak View Solar – Dana Mulvany spoke about the affordability of converting residents to solar power rather than electric. A few key points made are that there are no start-up costs to converting, solar is very affordable in the long run, and your property would be 100% covered and guaranteed for 25 years. Peak View solar is the only family owned and operated solar company in Colorado and has been for over 10 years. Solar would allow you to save significant money over many years, be more self-reliant, and greatly help the environment. If interested checkout www.peakviewsolar.comor schedule an appointment with Niki Pierson (

Minutes – Were approved as published.  In Gretchen’s absence, Dan volunteered to take minutes of this meeting.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha reports

Community Center Update – We continued discussions around the community center project. Peter reports that our next steps include developing a survey monkey to reach out to the community to get input on a location around Gold Hill. There is also a need for a volunteer that is interested in finding more information about a fundraising website like a GoFundMe or Kick-starter Campaign.

Gold Hill Multi-property Fire Mitigation Plan update – The GH Multi-property fire mitigation plan has begun discussions around properties that have shown interest. As everything stands, properties that are interested are looking at a 10-year plan and would need to be willing to put the work in to mitigate.


Sustainability Plan Update- The Sustainability Committee is looking at participating in the $20,000 Sustainability Audit. This would focus on community services and strategies for the future of GH pertaining to water, food, energy, fire and health services and much more. This could potentially open doors to Grants and Funding for our community.  They plan to start in April to coordinate community outreach and engagement.

            EnergySmart – Boulder County currently offers assistance toward an energy audit valued at $450, costing County residents $185

Gold Hill Resiliency – GH Resiliency was looking at a grant for a water inventory for the community. It seems the Front Range may not qualify for this grant. A proposal may be the next step to lay out how it would help the community and also how beneficial it would be for many mountain communities across the Front Range.

USPS Package Drop – A discussion has begun around the possibility of a USPS Package Drop Box location being created to help with late and lost packages. We have been working with Don Harmen, son of Scott Harmen, the previous mail carrier in GH for years. Don has received a contract to be our carrier for the next 6 years. This process would be as simple as each resident filling out a form to be kept on file with the post office specifying alternate location to drop packages. This would mean that those interested could participate and those not are not required to. There is also a strong possibility that this drop location can be the Gold Hill Store. Whitey, the new owner is very interested in helping the community and bringing in a little more local traffic into the store. We will continue discussions with Don and see what our next steps are.

Movie Making in Gold Hill – The previous discussion through email around the possible closing of Main Street the end of May is still in the works. The Denver Film Company is still in the process of obtaining permits and talking to the appropriate people and organizations. There is the possibility of a representative from the company attending our next town meeting. We also talked about the idea of the company doing something in return for the town, maybe working with the school kids and teaching film techniques or maybe doing a showing of their movie for the community.

Soil Health Project –The Citizen Science Project on Soil Health is a 10-year commitment by participants, using test sites on our individual properties, to improve the soil structure and increase the microbial life, the water retention and infiltration rate, and the amount of carbon in the soil. There are 30 participants in Boulder County from surrounding counties. They are farmers, ranchers, and a couple of tree farms (that’s our category). Our soil will be tested yearly both chemically and biologically, and we will have the opportunities to learn from experts as well as from the participant community. In return, each participant will keep detailed records and write a yearly report. The expected benefits include carbon taken from the atmosphere and sequestered into the soil which helps ameliorate climate change, makes plants grow better and resist diseases, gives us more nutritious food from the garden and healthier people, better water retention which leads to better wildfire mitigation, mitigation from both flood and drought, and an overall better ecosystem for wildlife and humans.

Welcome Buckets – Deb Yeager requested $100 for more Welcome Buckets and supplies. She will receive the money from the NeighborLink account.

Gold Hill School – The Gold Hill School kids are currently in their ski program at Eldora, receiving lessons and ski time every Friday all month. The School play will be on March 21st, shows at 12:00 and 6:30 with the evening performance always being packed. The Finn family will be recognized with an award by Boulder Valley Impact on Education for everything they have contributed and done for the school. The Kitchen Next door fundraiser will be Monday April 29thfrom 5- to 9 pm. In the spring, students will be looking forward to gardens and greenhouse, bees, and raising chickens and ducks from eggs. The school would like to say THANK YOU once again for all the support with Fall Fiesta.  This year marks the 145thyear that the Gold Hill School has been in operation. There will be a celebration in May with more information to come.


Respectfully submitted, Dan Maedke, Member at Large, Acting Secretary



Gold Hill School’s annual musical play this Thursday

Hello, Gold Hill!  

You are all invited to attend the Gold Hill School’s annual musical play this Thursday, March 21st.  Play times are 12:00 & 6:30, doors open at 11:30 & 6:00 at the Gold Hill School.  The students will be performing The Other Side of the Story, written by former GHS teacher, Pat McQuown.  This play examines several well-known fairy tales through the point of view of their villains.  It is filled to the brim with cuteness and laughs.  Live music will be performed by Joy Myers & Clay Rose.  Clay will perform a short set before each performance, and there will be a reception to follow the evening show.  Come and join in the fun!  The evening show FILLS UP, so community members who are available during the day are encouraged to attend the 12:00 show.  We hope to see you there!  -Gold Hill School Staff

Christine Maedke
3-4-5 Teacher
Boulder Valley School District
Gold Hill School
890 Main St.
Boulder, CO 80302
W: 720-561-5940
C: 303-668-6809

St. Patty’s

Jaysus, Mary and Joseph! Don’t ya be frettin’ over whether you’ll gain admission to me annual St Patrick’s Day Party! Sure and it’s the grand truth, there be no admissions process! All are welcome! To that end, ya won’t be needin’ to pay me any bribes to get in. Ya won’t be needin’ to send me inflated SAT or ACT scores. Ya won’t be needin’ testimonials to yer academic prowess. We Irish have a way of figuring that once you start yer gab! Ya won’t be needin’ letters from yer coaches exalting yer athletic abilities. After all, who amongst us has any athletic ability after a few stouts, whiskeys and a stomach full of corned beef and prataies! Though, if ya have an AOH(Ancient Order of Hiberians) score, that would be helpful, but not required. Sure, and tis no blarney, meself has no idea what a Hiberian is anyway! Me thinks tis someone who hibernates! And that’s the other point of this gatherin’ Gettin’ us out of our wintertime, cabin fever hibernation here in the mountains of Colorado!
After all, who can say who is and who isn’t Irish? I’ve heard it said that St Patrick himself was not Irish, that he was from Britain, his parents may have been Roman and that blue was the color associated with him, and not green. And, Christ on the Cross, it’s no grand deal to drive the snakes out of good ol’ Erin if there weren’t any there in the first place! It has also may be true that corned beef is not an old Irish tradition, but may have come by way of Amerique! It’s possible that most Irish can’t spell leprechaun! I’ve also read that the Irish Celts came there by way of Spain. Si, este es la verdad!
So, it may be true that everyone is a wee bit Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day. But, dooonn’t ya be bringin’ yer 23andMe score! Begorrah, we won’t be needin’ it! The festivities begin anytime after 3:00 pm, this Saturday, March 16 at 730 Main Street, Gold Hill. Bring something, if ya want or just bring yerselves!
And, once again, we’ll prove the truth of the old Irish adage: may your house always be too small to hold all your friends!

Donal Maloney


Music at the Store

Songwriter ANDY EPPLER performs solo at the Gold Hill Store this FRIDAY, MARCH 15th. Join us for an early evening concert with this Longmont musician, 5-7 pm.  No cover. 

Hugh Moore


Cabin Fever Concert scheduled this month

Music at the Store

Aaaaannnnnd… we’re back! Cabin Fever Concerts have been able to schedule a concert this month, and we hope you’ll join us at the Gold Hill Store & Pub on Thursday, March 21st to welcome Idaho-born, Nashville resident, Korby Lenker. Korby is the recipient of numerous songwriting awards – most recently a 1st place win at
the 2016 Rocky Mountain Folks Festival Songwriters’ contest. In March, NPR Music premiered the song and video he wrote and performed with Americana queen Nora Jane Struthers called ‘Let’s Just Have Supper.’ Korby tours constantly and has shared the stage with Willie Nelson, Ray Lamontagne, Nickel Creek, and many others.

“One of the most striking things about seeing Lenker perform is his relationship with his guitar. He doesn’t just play it, he becomes it — or, maybe, it becomes a part of him.” ~No Depression

Tickets are $15 per person. Doors @ 6:30pm, Concert @ 7pm.
531 Main Street, Gold Hill, CO
Get your ticket here:
This event is limited to 40 people. Advanced ticket highly recommended.

Amy Fortunato

No GHFPD board meeting in March

The Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meeting for March has been canceled.  The Board meets the third Thursday of the month and will meet again Thursday, April 18th, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center.  

Rich Lopez, President

Music at the Store

The roads are plowed, the woodstove is blazing, and FOXFEATHER is in concert at the Gold Hill Store THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 3rd.  Carly, Laura, & Blake will blend their style of Folk, Americana, and Soul at the Pub for an early show, 5-7pm.  Doors open 4:30, no cover. Join us for this special Sunday event! 

Hugh Moore

Music at the Gold Hill Store


A cozy evening by the woodstove:  COLIN ROBISON in concert!  Blues, Americana, and some good old Soul, this Saturday, Feb 23rd, at the Gold Hill Store.  Doors 4:30, Music 5-7pm.  Kitchen & Bar will be open.  No cover.

Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda

Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda

Monday, Feb 11, 2019, Community Center, START TIME – 7:00p.m.

Peak View Solar and Energy Smart

Review of Previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

GH Multi-property Fire Mitigation Plan update

Sustainability Plan Update – See Notes below

GH Resiliency

USPS Package Drop Boxes

Community Center Updates – site selection and next steps

Mining Updates

Possible closures of Main Street May 20-22

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Gold Hill Town Meeting – April 10th

Climate/Sustainability Audit  

  • Connecting the community with services such as EnergySmart and Wildfire Partners.  
  • Community shared assets – communication, food, water, etc.
  • Strategies for future, energy and water storage, etc.

o   Start in April to coordinate outreach and community engagement plan

Here is a link to  Team ADG.

EnergySmart -Boulder County currently offers assistance towards an energy audit valued at $450 though costing county residents $185.  

 Tony Vrba <

GHTM Newsletter 12-10-18


Minutes of the December 10, 2018 Town Meeting

 Next Town Meeting will be Monday, February 11, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba.  Fifteen people attended including Tony, Poppy Copeland, Bear Carlson, Maggie Simms, Dina Elder, Vice Chair Marielle Sidell, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Lacey Story, Peter Swift, Richard Oxley, Caroline Ashley and several people associated with NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service) attended to talk about Wildfire Mitigation – Dan Allen (, Maya MacHamer (, Daniel Bowker ( and Brian Walton (  720-378-5528).

Daniel Bowker, Conservation Forester with NRCS, spoke about modern fire suppression efforts, which have resulted in overcrowded forests with too much undergrowth versus the situation with natural fires in the past, which took out the smaller trees and fuels leaving more widely spaced larger trees.  Our modern efforts, now coupled with climate change, mean that our forests are more and more susceptible to big fires.  The NRCS assists with major thinning projects as well as getting all the wood and slash out after cutting.  

            Caroline Ashley has ~150 acres which go way down the hill on the north side of town, and, although we worked on mitigation efforts some years ago on the north slope, it only covered 13 acres, much of the debris was never cleared out, and there is a great deal left to be done plus a lot of regrowth.  She visited an effort that NRCS managed at Shambala ~100 acres – and it looks great – a very clean, efficient job.

            The NRCS-EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) for Forest Stand Improvement and Wildfire Mitigation involves: 1) Forester visits property with landowner, identifies resource concerns and landowner concerns, 2) Landowner registers property with Farm Services Agency, fills out NRCS EQIP application, 3) Forester completes forest inventory, creates Forest Management Plan, 4) EQIP contract built and signed, 5) Landowner/contractor performs agreed upon work, forester certifies units and 6) Upon completion of each work unit, landowner is reimbursed by NRCS.

            Forest stand improvement practices: $845-$1554/ac

            Slash treatment practices: $39-$282/ac

Marielle asked how we plan for a sustainable forest as we move into the hotter, drier future.  Dan said that we use the past as a touchstone and look at what can we do to get it back to what would be more fire resistant. A lot of research has been done.

            Dina asked if the NRCS has any projects working on soil health – the answer is nothing yet, but probably in the future.

            Lacey asked about the impact on the flora and fauna. Dan replied that this work really improves habitat systems.

            Maggie added that much of the property around here has slivers of BLM, Forest Service, and County land.  Dan said that there is a lot of proactive cooperation and coalition building happening.

Dan added that this mitigation process takes time and many meetings.  There will be many opportunities for input by all interested parties.

Minutes – Tony said that they had reviewed the December minutes before I arrived.  I reported that I had added the other members of the Sustainability Group.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha emailed her report

GHTM Treasurer’s Report

December 10, 2018.                                                                                                                                                 

At the previous regular Town Meeting in OCTOBER 2018 our bank balance was $15,365.22. Our current total cash assets are $13,313.39

Revenue Summary: Cemetery Fund donations of $100 and Gold Rush revenue of $194 total $294.

Expense Summary:  Cemetery $1831.93 for repairs and improvements, Safelink $463 for Gotenna project and General postage/office supplies $50.90 for total expenses $2345.83.

Fund transfers:  Approval at October meeting to move $1000 from the General Fund to Community Planning/Fundraising.  Note: The General Fund budget projection for Oct 2018-Oct 2019 is $1375.

Current fund totals:                                                                                               

General Fund $1,548.84; Cemetery $5,489.85; Community Relief $2,326.95; Forest Management $0; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,947.75; Community Planning/Fundraising $1000.


Bylaws Final Vote – Per our bylaws:

These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted according to the following procedure:

Section 1.  At a regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, Bylaw change(s) may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.  Proposed Bylaw changes are to be made and approved section-by-section.

Section 2.  The proposed Bylaw sections(s), and the Bylaw section(s) that are intended to be replaced, must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 3.  At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the sections of the new Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.  Bylaw changes are to be voted on section-by-section.

Gretchen presented the changes that were approved at the December GHTM, for the second vote at this meeting, section-by-section, and all passed.  The Boundary Map of the GHFPD area was adopted as the area covered by the GHTM.

Here are the new bylaws!

Code of Bylaws of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

These bylaws were approved by unanimous vote at the second reading on 12-10-2018

Article I

Name, Purpose, and Mailing address

Section 1, Name: The name of this organization shall be Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. (GHTM)

Section 2, Purpose: The purpose of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be:

  1. To hold town meetings and provide a forum for community discussion and basis for community action, and to establish qualifications for participation therein.
  2. To acquire, hold, sell, or lease real property for the general purpose of preserving the historical and natural setting of Gold Hill and the surrounding area.
  3. To act as trustee.
  4. To cooperate with the County Planning Department, County Health Department, and other departments of the County, State, or Federal government.
  5. To take any and all other actions to improve, preserve, and benefit the community of Gold Hill and the surrounding area.
  6. To apply for and receive government grants or assistance, to solicit funds and donations, and undertake or sponsor community fund-raising projects.
  7. To do all other acts necessary or appropriate to promote the social welfare of the community of Gold Hill.

Section 3, Mailing address: The mailing address of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be 1011 Main Street – Gold Hill, Boulder, CO  80302-8777.


Article II


Section 1, Eligibility: Those residing in the following area are members and may vote at town meetings, provided they fulfill the voting requirements set forth in Article II, Section 2, Qualification.   This area is identified as that included in the boundaries of the Gold Hill Fire Protection District (GHFPD)

Section 2, Qualifications: In order to vote, a member of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. must:

  1. Be a minimum of 18 years of age.
  2. Have lived in Gold Hill for sixty days during the twelve months prior to the meeting or for sixty days during the previous five years with no less than five days in any one year.
  3. Be registered with the Secretary at the meeting.
  4. Be present at the meeting to be certified to vote at that meeting.

Article III

Members’ Meetings

Section 1, Regular meetings: Regular meetings of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held six times each year: February, April, June, August, October, and December on the second Monday of the month at such time and place as may be determined by the Town Council.

Section 2, Annual meetings: The annual meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held on the second Monday of August each year.  The election of Town Council members shall be held at the annual meeting.

Section 3, Budget Meeting: The annual budget meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held annually at the October Town Meeting. The GHTM Treasurer shall submit estimated income and expenses for the following year.  Requests for funding from the general fund may be made by the various Committees or any constituency of the GHTM at this meeting, and at any regularly scheduled meeting. 

Section 4, Special meetings: Special meetings of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. may be called by the Chair:

  1. At the request of at least three members of the Town Council.
  2. By petition requesting a special meeting signed by at least twenty members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

Section 5, Written notice: Written notice of all members’ meetings shall be posted to the town website (, emailed to all members, and sent by U.S. Mail to those who request them at least two weeks prior to all regular, annual, and special meetings.

Section 6, Quorum: A quorum for a members’ meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall exist if three of five members of the Town Council are present to transact any business to be presented in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation or Code of Bylaws.

 Article IV

Town Council

Section 1, Members: The Town Council shall consist of five members as follows: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member at Large.

Section 2, Eligibility: The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer must be a year round resident defined as an individual who has lived within the bounds of the Gold Hill Town Meeting area at least nine consecutive months prior to the election.  All five council members shall be a minimum of 18 years of age.

Section 3, Term of Office: Each council member shall hold office until a successor is duly elected and qualified.   Any council member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Town Council.  Any such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein, and, unless otherwise specified, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

Section 4, Removal: Any council member may be removed according to the following procedure:

  1. At a scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, the removal of a council member may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.
  2. The proposed removal of a council member must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next r scheduled meeting.
  3. At the next scheduled meeting, the council member may be removed by a majority vote of the Gold Hill Town Meeting.

Section 5, When a council member moves: Any council member, other than the member-at large, shall automatically resign upon moving from within the area bounded by the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

Section 6, Vacancies: Any vacancy must be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment by a majority of the council members within two weeks of its occurrence.

Section 7, Town Council meetings: A meeting of the Town Council may be called by any member of the Town Council by giving notice to all members of the Town Council at least two days prior to such meeting.  Town Council meetings are for discussion.  No decisions(s) reached at a Town Council Meeting are binding on the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. or the Town Council, or any member of the Town Council.

Section 8, Town Council Duties: Each Town Council member shall have the duties ordinarily attending the office held and other duties as the Town Council may designate.

Article V


Section 1, Purpose: Committees of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. may be established for the purpose of carrying out the business of the meeting.  They are to make reports at members’ meetings. Their findings will be approved and published, as appropriate, by the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. 

Section 2, Creation: At a members’ meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc., when a quorum is present, the Chair, with the approval of the members at the meeting, may appoint a committee chair and ask for other members to be part of that committee.

Section 3, Cemetery Committee:  Before the Gold Hill Town Meeting incorporated, the Cemetery Committee existed independently.  The Cemetery Committee shall remain autonomous in expenditures from its funds.

Section 4, Dissolution: At a members’ meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc., when a quorum is present, the Chair, with the approval of the members at the meeting, may dissolve a committee.


Article VI

Contracts, Checks, Deposits, Etc.

Section 1, Contracts: The Town Council, with the approval of the members at a duly called members’ meeting, may authorize any council member(s) or agent(s) of the Corporation to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of or on behalf of the Corporation.  Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

Section 2, Checks, Drafts, Notes, Etc.: All checks, drafts, notes, etc., shall be signed and executed on behalf of the Corporation by those Town Council members authorized to sign checks for the Corporation.

Section 3, Deposits: All funds of the Corporation shall be deposited to the credit of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Town Council, with the approval of the members at a duly called members’ meeting, may select.

Section 4, Gifts: The Town Council, with the approval of the members at a duly called members’ meeting, may accept on behalf of the Corporation any contribution, gift, or bequest

Article VII


These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted according to the following procedure:

Section 1.  At a regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, Bylaw change(s) may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.  Proposed Bylaw changes are to be made and approved section-by-section.

Section 2.  The proposed Bylaw sections(s), and the Bylaw section(s) that are intended to be replaced, must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 3.  At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the sections of the new Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.  Bylaw changes are to be voted on section-by-section.

Article VIII


This Corporation may be dissolved according to the following procedure:

Section 1.  At regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, dissolution of the corporation may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.

Section 2.  The proposed dissolution of the corporation must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 3.  At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the dissolution of the corporation may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. who are present.


Sustainability Plan Update – Tony reported that our group met with Susie Strife and Lea from Boulder County and submitted our $15,000 grant application.  They told us that this was probably unrealistic, partly because we are not an incorporated town.  They want out priorities more focused – fire mitigation is always a huge need, as well as aging issues and our need to have a place to be in an emergency situation and to be able to disseminate emergency information.  The County seems to be going with Seth Portner, CEO of Adaptation Services Group, to assist with implementation of community-based adaption programs in the areas of wildfire, earthquakes, energy, and drought.

            Dina added that Susie and Lea listened to us, and think they can sponsor something in the $2,000 range.  People who want to get an Energy Smart evaluation can get help from the County to help pay for a $450.00 energy audit.  Water is probably our biggest concern: sources (springs, etc.), testing, and obtaining water rights. They have talked about mapping the springs.  Possible future considerations would be having a community well/spring, water for additional firefighting or personal use.  They think the County would help us with this issue. The Climate Sustainability Study Evaluation is free.  Our audit would be different than the previous audits that have been done with Lyons, Ward, etc., as it is focused on climate impacts and how to mitigate issues involving droughts, extreme weather, hazard mitigation, vulnerable populations, etc. The audit guy is very in favor of the Community Center idea as a place for information collection, plans, etc.  What do we need in order to shelter in place when necessary in an emergency? 


Gold Hill Museum – Deb Yeager’s email report: The Gold Hill Museum has Switzerland Trail glasses for $6.00 each, calendars for $10, Gold Hill Block Print towels and Bluebird towels for $10, and shirts of the Switzerland Trail in a variety of styles and sizes and prices.  Contact Deb (449-0454, if you want anything.  Contact Marie Brookhart ((303) 444-4691, or the Gold Hill Store for calendars.

Cemetery Update – Maggie reported that they have spent $1831.  Bob and Andy got a lot of work done – new stairs and a guard rail, the foundation for a future shed, and a kiosk for a map and the general rules (i.e. instructions not to move stones, because many are future grave markers, etc.). Bob is pleased with the progress they’ve made.

Community Center Update – Peter reported that several of us went to a presentation of the students’ drawings and models.  Gretchen added that they were wonderfully creative and informative, incorporating aspects of the spirit of Gold Hill buildings.  Professor Loftin will generate PDFs of the work and photos of the 3D models and Peter will put copies at the Store for us to look at before the February 11thTown Meeting.  We will be requesting input on the site as well as preferences for the architectural designs.  We own the little triangle behind the Red Store, down Lickskillet, which is what they were working with.  Our other town properties, including the Meadow, are Quit Claim Deeded from Boulder County and are restricted to Open Space and Park purposes.  We would have to investigate the possibility of an exception to use the piece of land just this side of the Colorado Mountain Ranch along Gold Hill Road.  The deed is in the town Safety Deposit Box and Gretchen will get a copy for the next meeting.

            Peter pointed out that we will need to proceed along in a step by step process now – title search, funding, etc.  He will put together a sheet listing pros and cons.

Resiliency – Dina reported that they have meshed with the Sustainability Group.  One plan for next year is to incorporate as their own 501(c)3, in order to support and encourage individual projects.

Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary









Wildfire Summit


Music at the Gold Hill Store and Pub

MARY RUSSELL & FRIENDS — Becky, Jamie, David — return for another rousing evening of Acoustic Blues at the Gold Hill Store.  Join us for this early Saturday show at the Pub:  Doors at 4:30, Concert 5-7:00 — no cover.

GHTM 11-10-18 Agenda

Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda

Monday, Dec 10th, 2018

START TIME – 7:00p.m.


Review of Previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report


o   GH multi-property Fire Mitigation Plan 

o   Bylaws final vote

o   Community Center Update

o   Sustainability Plan Update – See Notes below

o   Committee Updates:

o   GH Resiliency – Dina

o   Forestry – Virginia

o   Others


Other Business

Thanks to Wildfire partners addressed to county commissioners

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Gold Hill Town Meeting – February 11th


Sustainability Notes:

The GH Sustainability Board is considering the following initiatives-

Water – where is it- map the springs and find out who owns the water rights. Possible future considerations would be having a community well/spring, water for additional firefighting or personal use. 

 EnergySmart -Boulder County currently offers assistance towards an energy audit valued at $450 though costing county residents $185.   Considering grant money to help with these costs.

Climate/Sustainability Audit – This is different than the previous audits that have been done with Lyons, Ward, etc., as it is focused on climate impacts and how to mitigate issues involving droughts, extreme weather, hazard mitigation, vulnerable populations, etc.  Here is a link to  Team ADG.






Ashram Retreat Day

Join us at Sacred Mountain Ashram
for a day of Spiritual Renewal


“When you meditate upon Light you are becoming Light.
You are becoming Enlightened.” Swami Amar Jyoti

We invite you to join us for a day of spiritual renewal and to experience the universal wisdom of Swami Amar Jyoti (1928-2001). The Ashram is located in Gold Hill on 108 acres of pine and aspen forest, a 30-minute drive from Boulder, with spectacular views of the Continental Divide.
The day will begin with a morning puja (worship) drawing us into the atmosphere of reflection and opening to the Light. This will be followed by hatha yoga taught by trained and inspired teachers. Classes for men and women are given separately at the Ashram. Please bring your mat.
We will gather at Jyoti Mandir, our “Temple of Light,” for a recorded Satsang or teaching by Swami Amar Jyoti, as well as kirtan and meditation.
8:15 am………….Registration begins
9:00 am………….Morning puja
9:30 am………….Hatha yoga 
10:30 am………..Kirtan, Satsang by Swami Amar Jyoti, meditation
12:30 pm………..Vegetarian lunch followed by discussion
1:30 pm………….Time for meditation, silence, karma yoga, nature or browsing our library
3:30 pm………….Video 
4:00 pm………….Puja and meditation 
We welcome seekers from all traditions, or without a tradition, knowing that all true paths lead to the One. We offer this day of spiritual renewal to provide inspiration, support, and sanctuary on your spiritual journey.
Pre-registration is required. Please let us know if you have any dietary or other restrictions. If you wish to join us but are facing financial difficulty, please contact the Ashram.


Photos from top left: Kirtan devotional chanting; vegetarian meal in Annapurna dining hall;
Library in Annapurna; Buddha Purnima puja in Garden of the Prophets

10668 Gold Hill Road, Boulder, CO 80302-9716 
Phone: 303-447-1637 
Take Canyon west to 9th, turn right and go to Mapleton, turn left and continue on to Sunshine Canyon. The road will become unpaved after 6 miles; after 11 miles you will reach Gold Hill. Drive west through town and 1 mile further to the Ashram on your right.



Minutes of the October 8, 2018 Town Meeting

 Next Town Meeting is Monday, December 10, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba. Twelve people attended: Poppy Copeland, Bear Carlson, Vice Chair Marielle Sidell, Treasurer Martha Knapp, Val Crist, Debra Yeager, Member at Large Dan Maedke, Karen Simmons, Dina Elder, Tony Vrba, Maggie Simms, and Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer.

Minutes of the August 13 Town Meeting – were approved as amended with DebYeager’s Historic Gold Hill report: Debra mentioned that we were wrapping up the year on Labor Day and that it was a good year.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha reports

At the previous regular Town Meeting in AUGUST 2018 our bank balance was $13,608.71 Our current total cash assets are $15,365.22. Revenue since June includes cemetery fund donations and Gold Rush revenue. Expenses include advance for Gold Rush expenses and a new porta-john lock.

Current earmarked fund totals are as follows:

General Fund $2,405.74; Cemetery $7,221.78; Community Relief $2,326.95; Forest Management $0 (zero;) Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $3,410.75; Community Planning/Fundraising $0 (zero.)


Community Center Update – Peter Swift was not here, but there is a meeting on Thursday, October 18 at the Architectural School in Denver for the students to present their design ideas and Gretchen will put out a notice.

Proposed Bylaw changes – Tony presented the proposed changes and we voted on them each individually.  They will then be presented for final approval at the next meeting.  To see the entire bylaws as they stand right now, go to

Bylaws  – changes as approved at this October 8thmeeting are printed in red

Article I

Name, Purpose, and Mailing address

Section 1, Name: The name of this organization shall be the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. (GHTM).

Bear moved for approval, Val seconded and the motion passed.


Article III

Members Meetings


Present language 

Section 4, Written notice: Written notice of all members’ meetings shall be delivered to members residing locally and sent by U.S. Mail to members who do not reside locally at least two weeks prior to all regular, annual, and special meetings.



Proposed change (in red)

 Section 4, Written notice:  Written notice of all member’s meetings shall be posted to the website, emailed to all members, and sent by U.S. Mail to those who request them at least two weeks prior to all regular, annual, and special meetings.

            Val moved that we approve, Bear seconded, and the motion passed.

 Proposed addition to Article III Members Meeting, after Section 2, Annual meetings

 Insert as – Section 3, Budget Meeting: The annual budget meeting of the Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. shall be held annually at the October Town Meeting. The GHTM Treasurer shall submit estimated income and expenses for the following year.  Requests for funding from the general fund may be made by the various Committees or any constituency of the GHTM at this meeting, and at any regularly scheduled meeting. 

           Martha moved for approval, Maggie seconded, and the motion passed.

Change the present Section 3 to 4 and change section 4 to 5 to accommodate for the inclusion of the new Section 3.

 Article IV

Town Council

 Present Language

 Section 2, Eligibility: The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer must be a year-round resident defined as an individual who has lived within the bounds of the Gold Hill Town Meeting area at least nine consecutive months prior to the election.  All five council members shall be a minimum of 21 years of age.

Proposed change(in red – only the age from 21 to 18)

 Section 2, Eligibility: The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer must be a year-round resident defined as an individual who has lived within the bounds of the Gold Hill Town Meeting area at least nine consecutive months prior to the election.  All five council members shall be a minimum of 18 years of age.

Bear moved for approval, Maggie seconded, and the motion passed.

Article V


 Proposed addition to Article V

Section 3, Cemetery Committee: 

Before the Gold Hill Town Meeting incorporated, the Cemetery Committee existed independently.  The Cemetery Committee shall remain autonomous in expenditures from its funds.

Maggie moved for approval, Val seconded and the motion passed with one opposed.

Change the present Section 3 to Section 4 to accommodate for the inclusion of the new Section 3

Article IV Town Council

Present language

Section 4, Removal: Any council member may be removed according to the following procedure:

  1. At a regularly scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, the removal of a council member may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.
  2. The proposed removal of a council member must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
  3. At the next regularly scheduled meeting, the council member may be removed by a majority vote of the Gold Hill Town Meeting.

 Proposed change is to eliminate the term “regularly” in order for the removal to be possible at special meetings, in case this seemed necessary

 Section 4, Removal: Any council member may be removed according to the following procedure:

  1. At a scheduled meeting, where a quorum is present, the removal of a council member may be proposed by a simple majority of those members present.
  2. The proposed removal of a council member must be included with the minutes of the meeting and distributed to the members at least two weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting.
  3. At the next scheduled meeting, the council member may be removed by a majority vote of the Gold Hill Town Meeting.

Bear moved for approval, Maggie seconded, and the motion passed.

 Present language for the boundaries

 Article II


Section 1, Eligibility: Those residing in the following area are members and may vote at town meetings, provided they fulfill the voting requirements set forth in Article II, Section 2, Qualification.   This area to be described as the territory within these lines: On the north from the junction of Left Hand Creek and Lickskillit eastward to Snowbound, south to Bighorn Mountain, southwest to Monument Hill, west to Oxbow curve on the Mt. Alto Road, north to Left Hand Creek, and east to the starting point, this area to exclude Summerville.

See the present map on the town website ( under


Gretchen reported that the committee considered options to the present boundaries because they don’t include many people who regard Gold Hill as their town.  Many are adjacent to our present boundaries, but no homes were built there at the time the original boundaries were drawn up.

Tony suggested that we adopt the Gold Hill Fire Protection District map. Bear pointed out that we have no power to impose anything on anyone – it’s an inclusivity issue.   Gretchen added that many people who belong to the Fire Protection District would like to be included.  Also, if anyone doesn’t want to be included, just don’t come to the meetings.  The benefits include the Gold Hill Relief Fund, participating in chipping grants, etc.

Proposed change 

Article II


Section 1, Eligibility: Those residing in the following area are members and may vote at town meetings, provided they fulfill the voting requirements set forth in Article II, Section 2, Qualification.   This area is identified as the Gold Hill Fire Protection District.


Virginia moved that we accept the GHFPD boundaries as ours, Val seconded and the motion passed.


2019 Budget Requests and Plan – Martha submitted the following report:

Additional income included $182 from Virginia – raffle money from the Gold Rush and another $12 from Gretchen.  After much discussion, it was decided to transfer $1000 from the General Fund to Community Planning to enable Dan to purchase t-shirts, glasses, etc., during the year, and to leave the rest of the money in the General Fund   Martha had requested that $1375 be left in the GF, and this would leave $1405.74 for miscellaneous expenses.

Sustainability Grant – Tony reported that the resiliency group (Jessica Brookhart, Dina, Virginia, and Rick Sheingold) has been meeting.  They want to ask the County for $15,000 to hire a Sustainability Coordinator to conduct an audit of our community as far as sustainability, resiliency, and preparedness for emergencies.  The GH School, Fire Department, Historic Gold Hill (the GH Museum) support our grant request. The audit would assess our resources and needs in order to use our resources efficiently and to develop our ability to withstand disruption.  Ward received a grant previously and focused on water, energy and a greenhouse.  One step is to connect with potential resources from the County: Aging Services, Wildfire Mitigation, possibly a cell tower. Then we would do a gap analysis to figure out what we need.  Dina reported that they are moving to incorporate as their own entity.  They made a presentation at the Boulder County Resiliency Summit that was well received.  They will take over bringing people in to GH to present ideas.  The first presentation will be November 12th– more on that later.  They would like to use the GHTM’s Tax ID # for the grant application.

            Maggie moved that we pursue the Boulder County Grant and approve the use the GHTM Tax ID # for the application, Dan seconded it, and the motion passed.

Free Library – Dan reports that one has appeared near Lazlo’s house.  He will reach out to Howard again to pursue another.

Historical Zoning – Bear reported that he and Michael Petrillo went to the County Commissioner’s hearing on the Joyce Robinson plans for 301 Boulder Street.  The main concern of immediate neighbors is the height of the roof, which seemed to have gotten bigger since HZ approved the original plans.  Joyce and her architect suggested lowering the pitch so that it would not be so tall and, with that proviso, the CCs approved her plans. Bear added that the CCs are very positive to Gold Hill and us generally, and commended them on the thoughtful discussion.

            Also, the Weaver house (Marcus Moench and Elisabeth Caspari’s) is now settled on its foundation – continuing progress!

Cemetery Committee – Maggie reports that they (she, Bob Walter, and Chellee Courtney) met on August 22.  They discussed the bylaw proposals and purchased a spud bar, a posthole digger, and a small Tuff shed with gutters.  They will be rebuilding the stairs with a handrail, a kiosk with a map of the Cemetery and information on funerals, etc.  Maggie is tasked with finding a handyman and has spoken with Andy Edwards so far.

Airlink – Dina reports they are focused on communication within the community, especially in an emergency – in addition to the few ham radio folks they now have.  They’ve looked at goTenna Mesh Network, which consists of nodes (like little walkie-talkies using radio waves) scattered around that somehow communicate with smartphones. It’s billed as “the first 100% off-grid, mobile, long-range consumer-ready mesh network”.  Dina wants to buy enough to test it as well as get the quantity discount – looks like an 8 pack at $72 each.

Mining – Dick Cole sent the following email on 10/7 concerning operations at the mill on 

Horsfal.  Since he sent that report, they have changed servers, Dick has sent new links and I have incorporated them here.

Last week Colorado Milling Company applied to Colorado Division of Mining, Reclamation and Safety for another extension to the decision date for amendment AM 01 to permit M1994117. DRMS granted this extension as requested until December 30, 2018. Please recall that the amendment is to increase the permitted area for a water pipeline to the Times mine adit from LeftHand Creek. When the amendment for the pipeline was proposed last January there were objections filed by several area residents and by government and non-government agencies, as well as a few letters of support for the proposal from individuals with a connection to the mill. Here is link to DRMS response granting the extension:

New link

Also, on August 9  DRMS (Amy Eschberger) and BLM jointly conducted a site inspection and found some non-compliance issues that they request the operator to address: 

BLM noted some 55-gallon drums that need to be removed and properly disposed in a hazard waste dump, and an oil spill on adjacent private land that requires cleanup.

Here is a link to BLM report with pictures:

New Link

DRMS reported that Boulder County Land Use has yet to sign off on the utility permit issued for repair of problems CMC created on Sunshine Canyon Drive above the Times adit. DRMS also noted many weeds growing around tailings piles and cattails and other weeds growing in the tailings impoundment (pond), which are to be removed before any re-start of operations.

Here is a link to DRMS report, also with pictures:

New link

Both agencies expressed concern over not being able to access the interior of the locked mill building.

It has now been two months since these inspections and I am not certain if CMC has brought any of these issues into compliance, but regardless I feel that we, as the Gold Hill Town Meeting owe a big Thank you to the government agencies who are overseeing the proper and safe operations of the mill.

Thanks, Dick Cole

Other Business – Virginia reported on Indigenous People’s Day (formerly Columbus Day) in Boulder.  They officially recognized 100 or so Arapahoe from the Windriver Reservation, Wyoming and Oklahoma.  They are hoping for acknowledgment of their ancestral ties to this area.

Weeds – Pam reports that now is the time to get rid of seeds/weed tops to help control weeds.

Meeting Organization – Tony reports that she wants to get people to submit reports ahead of time in order to use our time more efficiently.  It was suggested that when she puts out the agenda that she request people to write out their reports.

Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary

















Jamestown Holiday Fair

The Jamestown Holiday Fair will be held Saturday, December 8, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. in the Jamestown Town Hall on Main Street.  Shop and browse with your mountain neighbors in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, and support your local artists and craftspeople.  Warm beverages and soup will be available at the bake sale table.
Pam Leland  

Presentation of Design Idea for Community Center

The University of Colorado at Denver has worked on an architectural project this semester to design a community center for Gold Hill. They are ready to present their final design on December 4 from 4 to 6 pm in room 480 at the college of architecture. It is located at the southwest corner of Larimer and 14th street in Denver. Parking is at the northwest corner.
The students have refined their designs and produced an actual model on the site as well as a structural framing model (!) for the main meeting space.
Everyone is invited! Rideshare if you can.
The graphics for the community center will be used for fundraising. This will be discussed at the Town Meeting on December 10 at the fire barn, 7pm.


P e t e r  S w i f t, P.E. 
540 Main Street
Gold Hill, Co

Gold Hill Turkey Trot

Anyone interested in a turkey trot (walk/run) in Gold Hill? We would start on Thursday morning Nov 22nd at 9 am at the Gold Hill School. The event is 3 miles long. It’s always fun and we hope it won’t be freezing this year!!

Toby Vrba

Music at the Store Saturday

The Gold Hill Store & Pub presents a mellow lunchtime concert with MIKE & BONNIE COATS this Saturday, November 17th at NOON. It may be cold outside but we’ll be cozy and warm with sweet music by the old wood stove.  This will be fun for the whole family.

Fall Fiesta

Gold Hill School’s Annual Fundraiser! Wednesday, November 14th, 5-9 p.m at the Gold Hill Inn.   Mexican Food buffet (vegan options also available) with drink and dessert. Your servers are the students of the Gold Hill School! Silent Auction and Raffle with live music from great local musicians. $10 dinner Tickets. $20 Family Dinner Tickets (up to 4 people per family). $10 Raffle Tickets Silent Auction For TICKETS – Talk to any Gold Hill School student, drop by the school any time, or email Tickets will also be available at the door, but pre-purchase is encouraged. With only 19 kids and 13 families at the Gold Hill School this year, we are working hard to reach our fundraising goals!!! Funds support our experiential learning (this year, a life cycle program hatching chicks and ducks), field trips, visiting artists and art supplies, outdoor education, costumes and supplies for our annual school play, camping trip, physical education, a ski program, and support for low income students to participate in fee-based programs.

Music at the Store – Billy Shaddox

Billy Shaddox at the Gold Hill General Store
I’ll be playing a solo show up in the mountains on Saturday, November 3rd at the Gold Hill General Store. Plan a day in the high country and make this show a part of your outing. It’s an early one, starts at 5:30. See you there!

Music at the Store

THIS’LL BE FUN!!  The Colorado string band HILLBILLY ALIENS will present a rousing concert of Bluegrass, Folk, and Gospel this Saturday Evening, October 27th, 5:00-7:00.  Doors open 4:30, no cover.  All ages will enjoy this!