Events Calendar

Historical Zoning

Gold Hill Historic Zoning has received two sets of plans for new projects, a remodel at 541 College St. and a new structure at 775 Pine St. These plans are available for review by anyone interested at the Gold Hill Store. Anyone with comments/concerns may either:

–        Send an email to Bear at: , or

–        Attend a public meeting at the store on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019 at 3:00 PM

GHTM Newsletter


Minutes of the August 12, 2019 Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting will be Monday October 14, 2019, 7:00 P.M. at the Community Center

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba.  Thirteen people attended: Treasurer Martha Knapp, Christine Maedke (+Gabe & Mike), Tony, Cat Russell, Ota Lutz, Member at Large Dan Maedke, John Sand, Vice Chair Marielle (Mari) Sidell, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Dwight DeBroux (Whitey at the GH Store), Debra Yeager, Chris Dirolf, and Emma Salmon.

Minutes of the June 10 GHTM – were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha reported: At the previous regular Town Meeting in June 2019 our bank balance was $12,604.26. Our current total cash assets are $12,347.78.

Revenue Summary: Pint glass sales of $288, Town Cleanup donations of $841 and Cemetery fund donations of $200 for total revenue of $1329.

Expense Summary: Town Cleanup dumpsters $795, porta-potty maintenance $50, bi-annual webhosting $359.52 and printing of Welcome Bucket informational booklets $380.96 for total expenses of $1585.48.

Fund transfers: none

Current fund totals:  General Fund $614.19; Cemetery $5,939.85; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,466.79; Community Planning/Fundraising $1000; Forest Management $0 (zero;) Community Relief $2,326.95.

TOWN COUNCIL ELECTIONS – Tony gave a brief outline of the duties of the officers.  She has been the Chair for 4 years and they have their house for sale now, so we need to consider the Chair position. She asked for nominations.

            Chair – Dan nominated Mari, Gretchen seconded, there were no further nominations, and she was elected unanimously.  Tony agreed to help her, which was gratefully received.

            Vice-Chair – Martha nominated Emma, Mari seconded, after some persuasion Emma accepted the nomination and, as there were no further nominations, she was elected unanimously.

            Member at Large – Tony nominated Dan, John seconded, Dan agreed to do it again and was unanimously re-elected.

            Treasurer – Martha was nominated by Tony, seconded by John and was re-elected unanimously after agreeing to serve again.

             Secretary – Gretchen was nominated by Mari, seconded by Dan, and, after asking if no one else would like to do it, was elected unanimously.  Emma volunteered to help with the website.

Gretchen expressed everyone’s thanks to Tony for doing a wonderful job and all clapped.


 Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that school starts on the 14th and they expect 20 students – 9 older, and 11 little ones.  Sue and Eli are back and the grounds look great thanks to Dan.  The Fall Fiesta will be Wednesday, November 13th. 

 Climate/Sustainability Update/Renewable and Clean Energy Grant – Tony reports that the committee and Marcus Moench are working on a clean energy grant to fund a feasibility study for Gold Hill.  The County would have to sponsor the grant since we are unincorporated.

Dina is also part of the sustainability group.  They have been working with Seth (hired by the County to help us) and he’s almost done with his final report on sustainability related to climate change.

Wildfire Partner Days for GHFPD/GHTM community – Tony reports that there is one week left to apply for free Wildfire Partners (WFP) assessments.  Postcards were sent out to everyone and they are still hoping for more people to sign up.

            Chris added that, as a wildland firefighter and forestry worker, he sees that there is a lot of fuel buildup.  He encourages everyone to please clean out their gutters and remove burnable material away from your homes.  He volunteered to give a presentation to the community on wildfire mitigation.

Email report from Virginia Schultz – WFP have had 4 responses so far – 3 in town and 1 Lickskillet/Lefthand. Overall WFP is up to 2,000 assessments – great news for the mountain communities!  WFP slash hauling program had many responses and they now have a waiting list.  See https:/

August 28 at Houston Room/Boulder Clerk and Recorder: update on USFS Projects in BC, Mapping, and GIS tools.

Gold Rush – Dan reports that the Gold Rush (bake/rummage/craft sale including food and music) will be held on Sunday September 15th.  He will partner with all the previous people/helpers and will set a meeting with Joanne Cole to encourage more local arts and crafts.  He wants to order t-shirts, long and short sleeves, to sell. Whitey offered to help with the cost by purchasing some for the Store right away.  Tony made a motion that we move $600 to the Community Planning Fund.  Martha seconded and the motion passed.

            Chrissy made a pitch that the Gold Rush could and should do more.  She suggested that we grow the art show, stretch it beyond the beer garden.  She also thought that the rummage sale component could be moved to the Town Clean Up.  It was pointed out that many of the same people who are involved with the Clean Up also help with the Gold Rush and it might be too much to pull off both at once.  She thought we might add to the food offerings since what really makes money is the food and beer. 

Museum – Deb thanked everyone who came to the Community Outreach program on Tellurium.  The 2020 calendars are for sale, still $10.00.  This coming Monday (August 19), the Museum will host the ANFRM (Association of Northern Front Range Museums) meeting – they represent 140 museums

            Chellee Courtney has her new book for sale, Digging Up the Dirt, a history of our Cemetery with stories of the folks buried there. 

            Deb urged everyone to visit the Museum.  The final day is Labor Day, but if anyone wants a private tour, call one of us: Deb, John Sand, Joan Few, Boyd Brown, Norm Skarstad, Marie Brookhart, or Gretchen.

Mining – email report from Dick Cole who forwarded a link to a letter sent on 8/3 by MLRB to Colorado Milling Company:  Lots of information contained in letter—includes findings of fact-a sort of history of past few years and a finding that a violation has occurred. MLRB issued an order to CMC to cease and desist any mining activity, a fine of $7200 and a bond increase of $21000. Seems like final resolution of the proposed permit amendment may happen by end of September, we’ll see.  Thanks, Dick

Weeds – Pam Sherman reports by email: Knock ‘em back, both for fire mitigation and invasiveness mitigation.  Mow, Pull!  If your weed is flowering or has gone to seed, cut off the seed head and save it for fire starter or put it out with the trash.  Same with roots if it spreads by root runners.  Bindweed is starting to flower.  Gotta get the whole thing – whack or pull as you are able – because it flowers along the whole vine.  For invasive weed ID, see the Colorado Weed Management Association website whose link is permanently on the Gold Hill website for the exact url or Google it or here it is again: https:/

IMA – email report from Pam – Boulder County Mass Fatality Plan has just been finished after a lot of hard work by OEM, local hospitals, and other emergency partners.  In this plan, the Family Assistance Center, where families get information and are reunited with loved ones, is down at VIA, which is on the same road as Eco-Cycle in Boulder.  Some IOMA folks are trying to get another center designated in the mountains.

AirLink – email report from Dina: I’ve done a little testing with the goTenna devices – enough so that I know how to use them.  This is the device I bought (8 of them) with SafeLink funds in December last year.   I’m thinking I’ll ask via NextDoor for a couple of people willing to help complete the testing.  Then I’m thinking rather than look for more money right now I would see how many people might want to just purchase them so I can get a good quantity discount (~$80 each in a quantity of 8).  So far, looks like they’ll work well for us.  The testing will involve deciding where to put relay devices so we have the best coverage.  It will be nice to have texting service where there are no other services available.

Dina Elder

General Announcements – Deb reported that Fire Board Meetings are the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  The CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is running well.

Whitey thanked the community for all the support and we thanked him for buying the Store and keeping it going.

Gretchen announced that the Perseid Meteor Shower is tonight (August 12) and following nights.

Whitey asked about the upcoming race through Gold Hill – ADDENDUM: it was the Sunset Trail Running Festival on Sunday, the 22nd, very successful, and the money raised will go to a Forest Restoration Fund shared by Gold Hill, Sugarloaf, Fourmile, and Sunshine communities (all part of the Fourmile Watershed).  Maya MacHamer, Watershed Coalition Coordinator, has asked to come to the next town meeting to follow up.


Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary






Music at the Store

Live Music 
Bob Barrick (Kingdom Jasmine) this Saturday!

See you Saturday 5-7 for Bob Barrick, a singer-songwriter known for his boundary-bending style of folk-rock. This Boulder local is new to the General Store but can hang with the mountain folk! 
Drinks, homemade pizza and great company guaranteed.
Plus mark your calendars for:
Saturday, Sept 28th ~ Silent Bear 
Thursday, Oct 3rd ~ Ilka Ward with special dinner- email for reservations
Saturday, Oct 5th ~ Billy Shaddox
Saturday, Oct 12th ~ Colin Robison  

If you have any favorites you want to be sure to see, let us know! 


GH School students and Internat’l Day of Peace

Dear Gold Hill Residents,
The Gold Hill School students, led by their music teacher, Christine Mallery, will be performing some songs of peace in honor of the International Day of Peace.  The performance will be brief and will take place at the Gold Hill Store on Monday, September 23rd at 10:30 AM.  All are welcome to join us.  We hope to see you there.  Please see the attached flyer.
Christine Maedke
Posted in Community Digest, Events Calendar, Gold Hill School | Comments Off on GH School students and Internat’l Day of Peace


Music at the Store

Live Music 
Kate Farmer & Oliver Jacobson this Saturday!

See you Saturday 5-7 for a local favorite Kate Farmer who will be playing with Oliver Jacobson, the talented fiddle player for Foxfeather! With the talent of these two combined – it is going to be a special night.  
Weather permitting we will get to enjoy music on the back patio –  inside or out this venue is like a second home. At the Gold Hill Store & Pub you will find delicious homemade pizza, drinks, and great company. 

Plus mark your calendars for:
Saturday, Sept 21st ~ Bob Barrick
Saturday,  Sept 28th ~ Silent Bear 
Saturday, Oct 5th ~ Billy Shaddox 

If you have any favorites you want to be sure to see, let us know!

  Store Hours
Mon – Thursday 11-5
Friday 11-9 
Saturday 10-9
Sunday 9-5

Music at the Store

Live Music 
The TuneFarmers – Saturday!

See you Saturday, 5-7 pm, for an evening with Mike and Bonnie Coats. This duo is a master of strings and jam to the Americana/Acoustic/Country themes. From original lyrics to Gordon Lightfoot covers these guys are great. 
Bring a layer as we will host music on the fabulous back patio as long as it resembles summer. 
Homemade pizza, drinks, and great company await. 
Band plays for donations. 
Plus mark your calendars for:
Saturday, Sept 14th ~ Kate Farmer and Oliver Jacobsen of Fox Feather
Saturday, Sept 21st ~ Bob Barrick
Saturday, Sept 28th ~ Silent Bear 

If you have any favorites you want to be sure to see, let us know!


Weed Pull Sunday

Hey all, 

Saw some bad daisies up high behind Steffi’s house this morning.
Anyone interested in spending an hour, tomorrow Sunday at 9 am pulling bad daisies the length of the “de foliation” in the meadow? 
Thanks to the rain, they are coming up pretty easy. 
If you can make it, let’s meet behind Buckner’s at 9 am. Bring a bag to stuff them in and we will toss in garbage afterward.

Local Artists Wanted

Are you a local artist?

Next Farmer’s Market this Sunday

Next Farmer’s Market this Sunday (August 25) from 1-3pm

Hi neighbors, Just a reminder that the next Farmer’s Market will be this Sunday from 1-3pm at the fire station located at Poorman and Four Mile Canyon. If you have something to sell, you’re welcome to get there around 12:30 to set up. – We welcome your handmade and homegrown goods. If you have something to sell, you don’t need to sign up in advance or reserve a spot – just show up! – You can buy, sell, or trade items – If you don’t have anything to sell, come to shop! In the past, we’ve had homemade pies, fresh baked breads, fruits and vegetables, jams, herbs, tea, coffee, kombucha, local honey, a local wool spinner, plants, locally-made soaps, ceramics, crafts, and chainsaw sharpening – and many other things I’m sure I’m forgetting! – Please bring small bills and change to make transactions easier. You can find more info on our website  or feel free to contact me directly with any questions. Hope to see you all this weekend!

Molly Seeling



Bocce Tournament

This fall’s bocce tournament will be held on Saturday, August 31, 2019, starting at 8:00 AM. There are only a couple of slots left, but if you are interested in joining the fun, please email Bear Carlson with the names of your two-person team at:

Gold Hill Art Show

Sunday, September 15, 2019, from 9 am to 3 pm, Main Street, Gold Hill

The Gold Hill Art Show features our Arts and Crafts Fair filled with handmade items from Front Range artists. Our annual bake sale featuring homemade pies and cookies, while the Rummage Sale will offer antiques, clothing and much more. If you like to shop at thrift shops, you’ll love this festival. There will be sodas and beer, bratwursts and live music provided by Haiden Davis. Also, kids can look forward to a special appearance by Smokey the Bear! Come early for treasures. All proceeds will benefit the Gold Hill Town Meeting and will support individual relief funds and the community at large. This event is FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Gold Hill is an historic mining town celebrating its 159th anniversary. It is located an easy drive 9 miles west of Boulder via Mapleton Ave/Sunshine Canyon. Enjoy a stroll down Main Street and take in the beauty of times gone by. Businesses to visit include the Gold Hill Store and Pub ( the Red Store featuring pottery and stained glass and the Gold Hill Inn ( open for dinner at 5 pm. Gold Hill also boasts Colorado’s oldest continually running Elementary school, a history Museum, and a unique spirit that has endured for years. Please join us for this celebration of survival, culture. and a very special sense of Community!!

For more information visit or contact
Dan Maedke (305) 699-7299.

Susan Fernalld weed day

In honor of Susan Fernalld who hosted so many weed picking days in the past- a revived weed day!
Please join Kate at the Fen trail Sunday 25th, 1:30 pm (parking on the south side of Switzerland Trail from Gold Hill Rd)
We’ll be clipping the heads of Canadian Thistle and pulling the plants. You’ll need sturdy leather garden gloves, clippers or scissors, and a bag or a bucket to collect the heads in. We’ll work 1:30-4:30 or less if there is a good group of us. Chip in as little or much time as you wish. The thistle are along the trail right near the fen and on the west end of the fen. You can’t miss us if you come later! 

Music at the Store!

Live Music 
Colin Robison this Saturday!

Join us this Saturday, 5-7 pm, for returning musician Colin Robison! Colin brings a combination of mountain-man meets flatlander with unique songs and a great voice. This Americana-blues-folk musician will be playing out back on the summer patio. Join us for homemade pizza, drinks and great company.  
Plus mark your calendars for:
August 31 ~ Foxfeather Duo
September 7~ The Tune Farmers
September 14 ~ Kate Farmer and Oliver Jacobsen
If you have any favorites you want to be sure to see, let us know!  



Switzerland trail running race, Sept. 22

From: “Chris Finn” <>
Date: August 12, 2019 at 10:58:14 PM MDT
To: “Tony Vrba” <>
Subject: FW: switzerland trail running race

From: Maya MacHamer <>

Subject: Switzerland trail running race


The Fourmile Watershed Coalition and Fire District are working with InMotion Running Store and Joe Grant from Gold Hill to plan a running race on Sept 22, 2019.  The race will be a 5K, 1/2 Marathon and 50K (and possibly a kids race).  The 5K is around Dixon Rd in Gold Hill.  1/2 Marathon is Gold Hill to Sunset and 50K is Gold Hill to North Switz, down to Sunset, up Penn Gulch and back to Gold Hill through Sugarloaf and Sunset Switzerland Trail.  Start and finish are at the Gold Hill Inn.  Most participants will be bussed up the mountain. Map attached.


We are working with a professional race planner who is an Australian Olympic runner.  He is donating his time (this year) for race planning.  All funds raised will go to a collective “Forest Restoration Fund” to be used for forest health and fire mitigation projects to be determined by the 4 fire districts.


We are requesting assistance from the fire districts to provide medical volunteers at strategic locations and aid stations.  We would also like HAMM radio operators where communication is difficult.  More planning and coordination to come.  Just wanted to let you know about the date so that you can start discussing with your volunteers.

Thanks, Maya

Maya MacHamer

Watershed Coalition Coordinator

Fourmile Watershed Coalition

1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr.

Boulder, Co. 80302

(c) 303-817-2261

(o) 303-449-3333

Annual Customer Appreciation party at Max and Deb’s

Subject: Annual Customer Appreciation party at Max and Deb’s on the Ridge

Hi everyone:

We are once again inviting you to join us for our annual Customer Appreciation potluck party on Sunday, September 1st, in Gold Hill, Colorado at 8400’ in the Colorado rockies at the cabin on the ridge.  It’s always a fun time.  The party starts at 2 pm and goes until there is no one left!  You and your instruments are most welcome.  We will provide a tent and small stage for anyone who would like to perform.

We provide barbecued country-style ribs, hamburgers/cheeseburgers, beer, some spirits and mixers and corn on the cob.  We ask our guests to provide a side dish and bring your smiles.  Hopefully, the weather will cooperate but in years past, some of the best parties have been on the cool and wet side when we move inside the cabin by the fireplace.

Be prepared for lots of sun, possible showers, cool temperatures when the sun goes down and wear comfortable shoes.

Max and I appreciate your business supporting both Yeager Excavating and Gifts of Nature and we look forward to seeing you. 

Please park out on the driveway and allow room by the cabin or those that need some assistance walking.

Enjoy…..Debra Yeager, Gifts of Nature,

                Max Yeager, Yeager Excavating

Music at the Store

Don’t forget Live Music at the General Store Saturday!

Local favorite Shanna in a Dress returns to give us an intimate acoustic set from 5-7 pm. We will be hosting on the back patio, weather permitting!
This witty wordsmith can make audiences cry and laugh in the same song and says what we’re all thinking but are too scared to say. If Ingrid Michaelson, Taylor Swift, and Phoebe from Friends could somehow create a lovechild… it still wouldn’t fully describe Shanna in Dress. Check her out here:


GHTM Agenda for 8-12-19 Town Meeting


Gold Hill Town Meeting  – agenda

Monday, 7:00 p.m. August 12th, 2019 Community Center  

Review of Previous Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

  1. Town Council Elections
  2. GH School
  3. Climate/Sustainability Update
  4. Renewable and Clean Energy Grant
  5. Wildfire Partner Days for GHFPD/GHTM community
  6. Gold Rush
  7. Museum update – Calendars
  8. Mining – From Dick Cole – Hi everyone–forwarded here is the letter sent on 8/3 by MLRB  to Colorado Milling Company. Lots of information contained in letter—includes findings of fact-a sort of history of past few years and a finding that a violation has occurred. MLRB issued an order to CMC to cease and desist any mining activity, a fine of $7200 and a bond increase of $21000. Seems like final resolution of the proposed permit amendment may happen by end of September, we’ll see.

    Thanks, Dick


Upcoming Meetings/Events

Next Gold Hill Town Meeting – October 14th




Forestry report

Cemetery committee


Weed Management

Historical Zoning


Fire Department




Mountain Peak Life Newsletter




Join Us for Sunday BRUNCH
August 11, 2019
11 am Social, 11:30 am Meal Served

RSVP by 5 pm
Friday, August 9, 2019 

All ages of adults are welcome at all events, attended mostly by folks over age 50. 
RSVP 303-258-0799 or on Meetup or by email at mounatinpeaklife.nas@nullgmail.comNederland Community Center
$9 any age adult/ > 60 = $5 suggested contribution
Vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free
accommodated on advance request.
 Bacon, Egg, & Vegetable FrittataPancakes Holiday Gritts

Mixed Berries Fruit Salad

Coffee and Tea 

Please visit us at:
And “Like” our new Facebook page:
Mountain Peak Life

© Mountain Peak Life & Nederland Area Seniors 2019 
Nederland Area Seniors is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.Our mailing address is:
Nederland Area Seniors | PO Box 188 | Nederland, CO 80466 | 303-258-0799Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.



Closures of CO 119 on Monday

From: “Boulder County Information” <>
Date: August 2, 2019 at 3:11:08 PM CDT
Subject: Boulder Canyon/CO 119 CLOSED 10 a.m. to Midnight on Monday

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CDOT Blasting to Require Extended Closures of CO 119 on Monday

I wanted to ensure that everyone is aware of the following from CDOT regarding Monday’s upcoming extended closure:

Colorado Department of Transportation, in partnership with Zak Dirt, is extending the closure of Colorado Highway 119 Boulder Canyon on Monday, Aug. 5, in order to deal with several large boulders expected to fall in the regular blast. 
The closure, from Arapahoe Avenue to Fourmile Canyon Road, is now scheduled from 10 a.m. to midnight, but if the work is completed earlier, the road will be opened earlier. 
After analyzing the nature of the canyon rock and the blast removal plan for Monday, CDOT determined that a large quantity of large boulders will come down when the removal takes place. These rocks are anticipated to be so large that they will likely require a second blast on the ground so that they can be removed from the highway. 
During this closure, motorists will be required to use the alternate routes of CO 72 or Lefthand Canyon Drive. Local resident access will be maintained between Fourmile Canyon Road and Nederland. Crews will work as quickly as they can, and if the work is completed before midnight, the highway will reopen early. 
Due to the unpredictable nature of blasting operations, it is difficult to predict how the rock will react to the blasts. CDOT engineers and geotechnical experts are continuously monitoring and adjusting the plans in order to minimize public impact, but will always utilize a full closure to maintain public safety. 
On Tuesday, Aug. 6, full closures for blasting will return to the regularly scheduled 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
To date, approximately 20,000 cubic yards of material has been removed from the canyon walls to make room for a more flood resilient canyon corridor. It’s all part of CDOT’s Whole System – Whole Safety initiative.
CDOT and the entire project team want to thank the surrounding communities for their patience throughout this project. As a reminder, motorists should always check the website, sign up text alerts and call the hotline before they travel the canyon to stay informed on current conditions. 

This email was sent to using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Boulder County Colorado · 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302  

Music at the Store

Live Music 
Escaping Pavement this Saturday!

See you this Saturday from 5-7pm for returning band Escaping Pavement.
Have a listen:
This trio is out of Detroit and will be stopping in to serenade us with their americana/bluegrass tunes! Dress in layers, if it’s lovely we’ll get to enjoy music on the back patio. Full bar/food service!

Plus mark your calendars for:
Saturday Aug 10th ~ Shanna in a Dress
Saturday Aug 17th~ Collin Robison
Saturday Aug 31st~ Foxfeather Duo

If you have any favorites you want to be sure to see, let us know! 


GHTM Newsletter


Minutes of the June 10th, 2019, Town Meeting

 Next Town Meeting will be Monday, August 12, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center

 ELECTIONS!  Who would like to step up and help?

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Tony Vrba.  Twenty-two people attended: Bear Carlson, Poppy Copeland, Elisabeth Caspari, Marcus Moench, Rick Sheingold, Chair Tony Vrba, John and Cherry Sand, Karen Simmons, Val Crist, Mary Ryan, Virginia Schultz, Pam Sherman, Rick Sinner, Chris Dikolf,  Emma Salmon,
Treasurer Martha Knapp, Jim Sidell, Vice Chair Marielle Sidell, and Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer.  Also Ted Plank, the Maintenance Division Manager of the County Road Department and Jeff  Maxwell, the new Director of the County Transportation Department attended.

 The regular agenda was deferred so that Ted Plank and Jeff Maxwell could answer questions about our roads and road maintenance strategies.  Tony introduced them, thanked them for coming, and said that we are particularly happy with the Climb. She added that those over 60 can call VIA (303-447-2848) and get rides to doctors’ appointments, etc. after they get to Boulder. Val added that it’s advisable to call well ahead to set up a ride with VIA as they’re very busy.

Tony then called attention to our concern about the grey road base and it’s deteriorating condition with all the moisture this spring.  Ted explained that they are not happy either, of course, and they are removing it and resurfacing the roads with the regular product as quickly as they can.  They are working on a lot of roads in the county.  There is too much clay in the grey road base.  They plan to blend it with the other base material, around 1:5.  They will also be doing dust control, which is behind because of weather delays and now everyone needs it.  It turns out there are only 2 dust control companies in Boulder County and it is much more expensive for the County crews to do it themselves.

Jim Sidell asked if they will address drainage issues, especially along the shelf road and Ted acknowledged that the guardrail area is a problem.  They try to grade every week to 10 days and inspect a couple of times a week.  Gretchen said that there is also a spring near the east end of the upper shelf road that contributes to the drainage problems.  She emphasized that we appreciate all the work the road crews put in and that we know our roads present difficult challenges, so thank you!

Ted replied that they have remarkable people that make him look good.  Martha added that they are always polite and move over to allow us to pass.  Rick Sheingold asked which side should we drive on, when there is a berm in the middle because they are grading.  Ted said to follow the grader on your side and the will move over as soon as they can.

Tony said that there were a lot of concerns with the mud and access for emergency vehicles plus we’ve had increased traffic because of closures on other roads.  Ted acknowledged that this was “special mud this year” and they are working to get new surface down and will do extra dust control.  Rick Sinner asked about dust control on Main Street and Ted said they are trying to get back on their normal schedule and will have it done by the 4thof July.  Tony added that they have had to schedule around the rain.  Ted replied that, unfortunately, gravel roads are dusty and it has been a difficult year.  John Sand told him that we appreciate it.

Mary Ryan asked if there is anything bad in the grey stuff, but Ted said that it is just high clay road base – no added chemicals.

With that, our regular meeting commenced.

Minutes of the April 8thTown Meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report – Martha reports: At the previous regular Town Meeting in APRIL 2019 our bank balance was $12,310.56. Currently, our total cash assets are $12,604.26.

Revenue: Pint glass sales of $96 and Cemetery fund donation of $250 totaling $346.

Expenses: Annual fee for bank safety deposit box $52.30.

Current fund totals:           General Fund $689.71; Cemetery $5,739.85; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,847.75; Community Planning/Fundraising $1000; Forest Management $0 (zero;) Community Relief $2,326.95.



Gold Hill Resilient –Virginia reports that at their last meeting they discussed solar – possibilities and new laws.  Some reimbursement programs are ending, so get in touch with Boulder County Energy Smart if you have solar plans.  Exel Energy is now allowing battery backup, which is a big step. 

            The Resiliency group now has 3 shares of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture – a Colorado local produce organization) for 8 people.

SafeLink/NeighborLink/AirLink – Marielle reports that the Community Picnic has been put off until next year –everyone is too busy!

Climate/Sustainability Update – Virginia reports that they are stressing that everyone should get their wildfire mitigation assessments done with Wildfire Partners.  Ten were done two years ago and 20 last year, but they want to do the entire community since we all affect each other.  Val added that follow up involves doing the mitigation work and there is some funding available for people who cannot do the work themselves or afford it.   There is a list of mitigation providers, but the assessment has to be done first.   John volunteered that they had it done, it’s very educational, and he highly recommends it.  Everyone would learn a lot.  There is a meeting with the BOCC for tomorrow and they are trying to get everybody their assessments for free.

             Tony reports that energy savings is an important area for sustainability and the IMA has asked the Energy Smart folks to be more mountain friendly as many of the regulations are more oriented to people on the plains.  They are looking into water supply and testing our water safety – it seems to be costly.  Rick thinks there is a lab in Gunbarrel and will find out information on them.

Museum Update – John reports that there is a new exhibit on Tellurium, which was discovered in the Red Cloud in 1872.  Ed Raines will be giving a talk at the Museum Community Outreach event on July 12 at 7 preceded by a cocktail party at 5.  We are upgrading with a composting toilet and a Tuff Shed. Gretchen added that 2020 Calendars will be out by the 4thof July.

IMA Update – Pam reports that there is a land-use subcommittee and they are pooling their voices to have a stronger voice together. From OEM (Office of Emergency Management Flood Presentation at MACS meeting 6/3/19 – Lower than usual chance of wildfire next 90 days.  Probably won’t see fuels becoming dry and brittle.  A high snowpack does not automatically mean flooding on the plains.  Floods can happen in a time of drought (d/t rainfall) as well as I wet years.  Floods are common in Colorado.  They happen every year. We don’t know what will happen during monsoon season in terms of flooding, which could be roughly mid-July through mid-September. Rock or mudslides could be of concern in the mountains.  Think of the three S’s: slope (steep), soil (composition-granite), saturation.  When granite soils get saturated on steep slopes, slides can happen.

The IMA is participating in mountain-wide asset mapping at Ned Fire on 6/26 at 1 pm, led by staff from the CU Natural Hazards Center.  Firefighters and town planners, etc., are encouraged to attend if you can. Need to register.

AirLink has an every Tuesday night gabfest, which is spreading throughout the County, mainly thanks to Mark and Dina Elder.

Weed Management – Pam reports that there are some great videos that can identify some invasive weeds that are coming up now or soon.  There are so many!  Just go to YouTube and Google Cheatgrass, Leafy Spurge, Canada Thistle, Oxeye Daisy, Spotted Knapweed, Common Mullein, Field Bindweed, or others you have picked out from their profile photos on the Noxious Weed Species list at the Colorado Weed Association:

            People like to mow or dig, depending on the plant. Replant with non-invasive, native species found at Low Water Native Plants for Colorado Gardens Mountains 7500’ and Above.

Also,there is a good Boulder County website on noxious weeds –  helps identify they and how to treat them.

Forestry Report-Virginia reports that there is a county group getting together and sharing information.  The CU Natural Hazard Center is doing asset mapping.  Caroline Ashley is looking into funding for her mitigation work.  Maya from the Fourmile Watershed is working with her and the State Forest Service – a good resource.  Contact Virginia for contact information.  Virginia encourages everyone to encourage their neighbors to participate in the Wildfire Partners Assessments and mitigation.

Tony added that Colorado State Forest Service is trying to take care of the slash piles and doesn’t intend to leave them.

Karen Simmons came across dying trees on the south side of her property and is concerned that the grey clay road stuff is bad for them.  Pam noted that there are catchment basins used in some places to deal with run off and Gretchen added that the road people have been ditching seriously as they are working on the roads, which should help.  Tony said that there is an input form on the County Transportation website – let them know your concerns.

Tony added that the Meadow is ours and do we need to mow it for wildfire mitigation?  Virginia suggested goats.  Gretchen will get copies of the deed to the Meadow to the board members.

Wildfire Partner Days – Virginia asked if it would be ok to use the town logo on the postcards being sent out to notify the community about the assessment programs, etc.  Rick moved to use the logo, Bear seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Town Clean Up – The best available date for the clean up for the Inn and the County is June 29th  and Bear graciously agreed to move the Bocce Tournament (usually the Saturday before the 4thof July) to Sunday, the 30th.  And, yes!  We do need volunteers

Historic Zoning – Bear reported that Joyce Robinson’s project is progressing.  Also Greg Buis would like to add on to his house on Pine Street and will have plans soon.

Cemetery – Chellee Courtney has a really interesting new book out about the history of the Gold Hill Cemetery, Digging Up the Dirt, and it’s for sale at the Museum.

Mining – Gretchen reports that there hasn’t been much obvious activity, they did get an extension on their permit process, which should up soon. 

GHFPD – Rick Sheingold stressed that if there is an emergency, don’t hesitate to call 9-1-1.

Upcoming Events

 Town Clean-Up- June 29th

Bocce Tournament – June 30th

GHFPD 4thof July Pancake Breakfast and Parade


Respectfully Submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary



Music at the Store

Live Music 
FoxFeather Duo Tonight, Saturday, the 20th, at The Pub!
We are looking forward to seeing you this evening for a special performance by members of FoxFeather. These women are a rare force of bold personalities and strong voices — a perfect duo for an evening on the back patio at the Pub. Join us for great food, drinks, and live music, 5-7 pm. No cover. 
Plus mark your calendars for:
Saturday Aug 3rd ~ Emily Burns of Escaping Pavement
Saturday Aug 10th ~ Shanna in a Dress
Saturday Aug 17th ~ Colin Robison

Historical Zoning plans

Plans have been submitted to Gold Hill Historic Zoning for renovations to 1101 Pine St., the Buis residence. They are proposing adding dormers on both sides of the roof, as well as enlarging and reconfiguring the front entry.

If you would like to review the plans and provide public input to Historic Zoning, the plans will be available for two weeks at the Gold Hill Store. There will be a meeting at 1:00 PM on Friday, July 26, 2019, at the Gold Hill Store for a final approval vote. Anyone is welcome to attend and provide input. If you have comments, but cannot attend this meeting, you may also email Bear Carlson at

Fourmile Canyon Flood Recovery Project

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Fourmile Canyon Flood Recovery Project Update with Three-Week Look Ahead

Here’s the schedule for the next three weeks in Fourmile Canyon. Remember “N” refers to work in the north section above Logan Mill and “S” refers to work in the lower section below Poorman.

All work is weather dependent and the schedule is subject to changes based on crew and equipment availability. 

Construction continues on four retaining walls in the two zones controlled by signals/flaggers in the north section. Tomorrow, they plan to start drilling for caissons that will form the wall closest to Salina Junction, which means we’ll soon be one wall closer to being done.  

Work on the stone application in the south section should be done by the end of the month. Logistics for removal of the old asphalt and application of new material are being worked on now. I’ll provide more information on that significant undertaking as soon as details are ironed out. 

The contractor has asked that we remind people to not use their construction dumpsters for personal/residential refuse. They have been finding food in trash bins not protected for bears, which could lead to bigger problems for everyone.  

As always, please obey all flaggers and traffic signals.

Thank you for your help and your time. 

Have a good day.


Andrew Barth
Boulder County Transportation

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Memorial service for Laura Kavalek

Jeff Fishbaugh, a former friend, companion, and true of love of over 11+ years to Laura Kavalek cordially invites the greater Gold Hill Community to:

A memorial service for Laura Kavalek. I will be having a memorial for Laura July 21st, 2 pm @ the Gold Hill Cemetery. Thereafter, around 3 pm, you are of course invited for pie and refreshments.

The pie and refreshments piece with be potluck style. If possible, and as a tribute to Laura’s dedication to good diet — try to make sure it is vegan / gluten free. I hope we can all share our great memories of her.

Since I am flying solo and doing the whole shebang, and Gold Hill is not ideal for lots of parking — please carpool if you can. The obvious spots for parking around the cemetery — in front of Gold Hill town meadow on the side opposite the actual meadow. Parking closer to my house for the pie and refreshments can be had by parking across the street facing west towards the mountains. Please do not park at the fire dept or any space designated for firefighters

I appreciate your attendance. It’s been a very long road and I sincerely thank you and your family for being part of Laura’s life and very supportive of her these many many years. I really hope you all are able to make it.

*Unfortunately Hans, Laura’s son residing in San Francisco with his father, has become very insincere. He has canceled coming or providing me any ashes to place at the cemetery at the last minute. I encourage you all if he by chance shows up, to embrace Laura’s son in nothing but love and support. He too has not always had the basics in terms of parental support.
