Events Calendar

GHTM Agenda for Monday, 6-8-20

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Monday, 7:00 p.m. June 8th, 2020 Zoom Virtual Meeting

Review of Previous Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Community Foundation’s ​COVID-19 Response Fund Grant

  • ●  Emergency Relief mission
  • ●  Emergency Relief Fund Committee
  • ●  Criteria for applications

    Committee Reports

  • ●  Mountain Stewards
  • ●  Forestry and Forest Management
  • ●  Gold Hill School
  • ●  Museum

○ Art contest

  • ●  Community Planning and Fundraising
  • ●  Cemetery
  • ●  Community Center
  • ●  SafeLink/NeighborLink/AirLink

○ Establish legal relationship with Boulder Food Rescue ​Other Town News:

Drones and Privacy concerns IMA
Weed Management Historical Zoning

Fire Department Mining

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Next Gold Hill Town Meeting – August 10th, 7:00 pm

Zoom Meeting Information:

Meeting 1 Meeting ID: 897 3158 8443
Password: 7xHzB2
Meeting 2 Meeting ID: 820 3080 4406

Password: 1eBNNP

Meeting 3 Meeting ID: 865 9651 8295
Password: 2idxeQ

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Bocce bad news / good news

The bad news is that holding our annual Fourth of July bocce tournament this year does not seem like a good idea. Convening 32 contestants plus spectators to share food and bocce still seems too risky. We will, however, hope to hold the fall tournament – depending of course on the situation then. If so, that tournament will be on Saturday, September 5, 2020. Should be fine by then, right?
The good news is the bocce court is in excellent shape, and is an excellent way to get (some) exercise and have fun in a safe environment. Canopies are up, and the court is rolling nicely.
A small number of people can easily play bocce safely. Masks are recommended and please keep chairs six feet apart. There is a spray bottle of disinfectant in the ball cabinet, should you feel more comfortable sanitizing your balls before you play with them. When clearing balls to the end for the next giro, only touch your team’s balls with your hands. It’s OK to kick your opponents’ balls – but don’t touch your face with your shoes.
Hope to see you in September
Roll on

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging offers virtual Medicare basics classes

Afternoon and evening classes available in June

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For Immediate Release

June 2, 2020

Media Contact
Alice Kim, 303-441-1559

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging offers virtual Medicare basics classes

Afternoon and evening classes available in June

Boulder County, Colo. – Boulder County Area Agency on Aging’s Medicare Counseling program is offering live virtual Medicare Basis Classes in June 2020. These lively and entertaining classes are designed to provide the necessary information to older adults when getting ready to apply for Medicare. Participants will learn about how and when to enroll, the different parts of Medicare, what is covered and what is not, Medicare fraud, and other information related to the Medicare program.

Interested participants will need internet, a computer, and the appropriate application for the class. There are three classes being offered in the month of June. Please click on any one of the classes to register. Once registered, participants will receive instruction on how to join the class from their computer, tablet, or phone.

For more information, or to set up an appointment with a Medicare Counselor, please call 303-441-1546.


This email was sent to using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Boulder County Colorado · 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302

Mountain Stewards Webinar tomorrow

Please join the Mountain Stewards and the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team in learning about residential heat pumps and energy efficiency, with a presentation by Hans Joachim Preiss of BrightSense, LLC. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 26th from 5pm-6pm. You can join the webinar online by going to, or by dialing  (573-723-1032), then entering‬ PIN: ‪799 101 685‬#. We hope to see you there! 

Thanks so much!

Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e:


Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.

Food Bank today? Yes

Yes, there will be the regular Monday FoodBank today from 3 – 4.  Same Bat-time, same Bat-station – on the patio in the back of the Gold Hill Store.

GHFPD Zoom Board Meeting Thursday, May 21, 7 pm

The GHFPD Board meeting is Thursday, May 21 at 7 pm.  It is always open to the public, but this time it’s a Zoom meeting so you could check it out from home! 


Begin forwarded message:
From: Bobby Vrba <>
Subject: GHFPD May Meeting
Date: May 19, 2020 at 5:00:23 PM MDT


Bobby Vrba is inviting you to a scheduled Gold Hill FPD Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 766 4315 1215
Password: 6kvqUP

Webinar on residential solar and battery storage

The Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team has scheduled a webinar on residential solar and battery storage for Thursday, from 12 pm to 1 pm on May21st   

 Please join the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team and Namaste Solar for an educational webinar on residential solar and battery storage! The webinar will provide an introduction to the benefits of residential solar, how to start the solar installation process, as well as available rebates and incentives to help cover the cost of installation. It will also cover the basics of battery storage and how they can help maximize your solar investment.

 The webinar will be held on Thursday, May 21st from 12:00pm – 1:00 pm. You can join the webinar by clicking on this link:


You can also join the webinar by phone by dialing:

+1 314-325-2814

Then entering PIN:

369 230 296#


We will also be hosting a webinar on residential heat pumps and energy efficiency on Tuesday, May 26th from 5-6 PM. Stay tuned for more information next week!

Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e:


Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.



Minutes of the Monday, April 13, 2020 Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting will be Monday June 8, 7:00 P.M. by Zoom

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Marielle Sidell.  23 people attended via Zoom: Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Rick Sheingold, Emily Rose, Luzie and Bob Mason, Rich Lopez, Candidate for County Commissioner Claire Levy, Marcus Moench, Elizabeth Caspari, Steve Barnard, Debra Yeager, Virginia Shultz, Val Crist, Member at Large Dan Maedke, Chrissy Maedke, Bear Carlson, Poppy Copeland, Chris Finn, Dina Elder, Jojo Morrison, Vice Chair Emma Salmon, Chris Dirolf, and, Marielle Sidell.

Minutes of the February 10 meeting were approved – Thank you, Emma for filling in!

Treasurer’s Report- Martha reports that at the previous regular Town Meeting in February 2020 our bank balance was $12,925.60. Our current total cash assets are $12,689.60.

Revenue Summary:  None

 Expense Summary: State filing fees $236.00

 Fund transfers: none

 Current fund totals:                                                                                                  

General Fund $1556.01; Cemetery $6,339.85; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,466.79; Community Planning/Fundraising $0 (zero;) Forest Management $0 (zero;) Community Relief $2,326.95.

 Anticipated operational expenses for 2020: General Fund $105.00 for bank fees and porta-potty maintenance plus an estimated $800 for town cleanup dumpsters.

Special Guest Clair Levy- Clair Levy introduced herself.  She was formerly House District 13 State Legislator and is now running for District 1 (our district) Board of County Commissioners. She has been interested in Gold Hill for some time (has come to our 4th of July Pancake Breakfast) and is now particularly interested in our Sustainability Grant and how that’s going.  She was our past HD 13 Representative during the Pine Beetle epidemic and she worked to help Communities with Wildfire Protection Plans (WPP) obtain aid, which spurred Gold Hill to put together out original WPP. Then after the 2010 Fourmile Fire, she worked for resources for the affected communities and for no increases in property taxes and to aid in insurance claims.  She understands that rigid enforcement of land use regulations may not work as well in the mountains as in the flatlands.  Both Gretchen and Rich Lopez spoke in her support as a very smart, responsive representative.

 Corona Virus Town Response- Monday and Wednesday Food Bank – Deb reported that the Wednesday Food Bank (from noon to 2:00 pm on the patio in back of the GH Store) began with a call from Chris Current of the Nederland Food Pantry (If anyone would like to make a donation, the website is Any leftovers go down to the Fourmile Fire Department and they have a Food Bank on Fridays from 3-5.

Deb then worked with Amie Weinberg in Ward to set up another on Mondays (3:00 to 4:00 – same location) to help anyone needing supplies in our mountain community. Addendum: The food comes from Boulder Food Rescue which includes prepared and perishable foods from Whole Foods, Ideal Market, Lucky’s Market and sometimes Sprouts.  Amie Weinberg is our contact and coordinator.  Johanna Gangemi, Anya Brown, Mirelle Brown, and Rick Sheingold have been doing the picking up and driving up of items for the pantry.

All are welcome and we do work on social distancing, asking everyone to wear masks, and be safe.  Jojo expressed thanks to all the volunteers on this beautiful community effort.

            Personal shopping – Johanna Gangemi along with her daughters Anya and Mirea are going to Boulder on Mondays and will do some personal shopping – contact them at 303-444-3774.  Also, Val, Elon Bar-Evan, and Liz Vanek have set up an excel spreadsheet to connect people who are going shopping with those who need something – send a simple email to Liz V. at or here is the link to see the needs list:

            Assistance Fund – Marcus asked if everyone is aware of the Gold Hill Emergency Assistance Fund.  Gretchen attached the form to the last GHTM minutes and has put out the form again.  See the town website under Gold Hill Town Meeting ( or contact me for a copy.



Mountain Stewards – Renewable Energy Report – Marcus reports that we got the Energy Efficiency grant we applied for from the state.  It went to Boulder County, as we are not an incorporated town, and they have been working with us on the major planning issues.   The current contractors are trying to figure out how to move forward, given the Coronavirus.  Sarah Davis with the county has been the main person they have been dealing with.  The grant goes through the end of the year when they are hoping to put us in a position for the implementation phase. The core issues our group is really focusing on are the technical issues of communication and security.  They’ve been looking at issues around a lighting microgrid to cover Gold Hill, heating, battery back-up, and solar across the area. Excel has been very supportive. Please fill out the survey at     Input is still very useful – particularly on what folks think really needs to run.  Questions?  Contact Marcus at 303-667-8327.

Forestry and Forestry Management – The Memo of Understanding (MOU) to improve forest health in forested communities is finished.  See the town website ( under Forest Management – for the entire text and explanation.   Virginia moved that we show support for the finished MOU. Mari seconded the the motion, which carried with none opposed. There is no financial obligation – the vote is to support the issue and to move forward on mitigation efforts.

Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that the kids will probably not be back in school this schoolyear – there is talk of summer school – they’ll wait and see.  They have been having school online running virtually. It’s been an interesting time. Capital improvement projects have been approved and are planned for this summer.  This means moving everything out to facilitate this work.  Dan is doing a little gardening with the greenhouse and keeping the flowers, etc. going.

Museum – Deb reports that we’ve been doing and will do a lot more prep work for our planned opening date of Memorial Day – addendum: Opening has been postponed until Governor Polis declares Museums open. We’re now playing it by ear.  Outside painting and general maintenance are ongoing.  Whitey at the GH Store gave us the old display cabinet originally from the old Salina Café (Ms. Gussie’s pies are fondly remembered), which required some work. Boyd has almost finished the shed on the west side, which will house our donated composting toilet, making us ADA compliant, as well as providing some storage.

Marcus and Elisabeth have donated the chassis of an old 1923 White vehicle, which includes the engine, etc., (like the old Bluebird bus of Tim Walter’s).  Reportedly this vehicle drove into their garage (the old Weaver place) sometime in the 1980s.  The plan is to restore it for permanent display. 

            The Community Outreach event on the Snowbound Mine is tentatively scheduled for August 14th.  Playing that by ear, too.

Community Planning and Fundraising – Dan does not think any real planning is happening on the bike race right now.  The Gold Rush (bake/rummage/crafts sale) is also on hold for now, waiting to see what happens.  The Inn is not opening until further notice.

Cemetery – no report    Community Center Committee – no report.

SafeLink/AirLink/NeighborLink – Dina reports that AirLink is still active on an ongoing basis, and now OEM is also activated.  They have an AirLink practice once a week and have 5 more people interested in Ham Radio training – they’re looking into how to do this.  They’re doing maintenance on the repeater.

            Deb reports that the school is still available on an emergency basis for SafeSite very temporary housing.  NeighborLink is looking to help support the Food Bank at the Store. They would like a small freezer to store food that needs it.  Virginia has a small freezer to donate!  Whitey and Jay are happy to house it.  Addendum: The freezer was picked up last week from Virginia and Steve’s house and is living in the Safe site tuff shed on the west side of the fire barn where we house our emergency supplies.   We have permission to use the electricity in the fire barn, as needed. 

            Deb would also like to have the Food Bank under the auspices of the GHTM as a 501(c)3 for insurance issues.  Addendum – we now have an insurance certificate covering this. 

 Upcoming Meetings/Events –

            Next GHTM is June 8.  Virginia wondered if we need to buy a Zoom level.  We’ll see. Zoom has been pretty flexible with the timing in our Coronavirus situation

Other Town News

            IMA (Intermountain Alliance) – Dina reports that they have not been meeting since Amy Hardy resigned as Chair and no one else has stepped inn.

            CSA- Deb reports the CSA is still on beginning June 6.  Jessie Brookhart, Virginia and Deb are working on it. There are 5 whole portions, so it’s grown.  New people could probably still be added.  Much of the food comes from Black Cat, which also has a

farm stand on Jay Road.

            Historical Zoning – Bear reports no activity at this time.     Fire Department – no report

Mining – no report

            Town Clean Up – Gretchen reports that the County is looking at possibly an August/September time frame and Brian Finn said that sounds reasonable to him – to be decided.  Val reports that the Nederland Sort Yard is free for 2 personal garbage bags, and slash – not for large amounts.

            Bocce Tournament – scheduled for June 27.  We’re hoping to figure out how to manage this given social distancing.

Respectfully Submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary


If you know of anyone who is not receiving the town emails and should, please let me know.






































Gold Hill Store Take-out

Friday Night Take-out Dinner

Friday nights dinner will feature Jay’s homemade Chicken Parmesan with Roasted Spring Vegetables and Side Salad.

Vegetarian and Meat options available.

$14.99 per serving

Regular bar menu also available

Order online and your meal will be ready at your choice of pick up between 4:00 and 6:00 on Friday

Optional White Wine Pairing


Order online or call 303-443-7724

Check out our new online store for groceries, take-n-bake food, drinks and more.  

Store Hours
Monday – Closed
Tuesday – Thursday 11-5
Friday 11-6 
Saturday 10-6
Sunday 10-5
Order Here
Copyright © 2020 Gold Hill Store & Pub, All rights reserved.
Thanks for joining our email register for coming eventsOur mailing address is:

Gold Hill Store & Pub

531 Main Street

Gold Hill, CO 80302

Add us to your address book

Fourmile Canyon Drive Reconstruction update


Fourmile Canyon Drive milling, grading, and paving operations start next week

Cylicts should avoid the area until paving is complete

Lawrence Construction plans to begin removing and prepping the road on Fourmile Canyon Drive between SH 119/Boulder Canyon Drive and Salina Junction starting next week. Preparatory work will begin on Monday and removals will start on Wednesday. Roadway reconstructon will begin in the north section, between Logan Mill Road and the junction. After the north section is milled, graded, and the first layer of asphalt is applied, crews will move the the south section to apply the final layer of asphalt in that area. Work will take place between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. No full roadway closures are needed, but motorists can expect to see 15-minute travel delays during working hours. We are asking cyclists to avoid the canyon during working hours because the asphalt will be completely removed, exposing the gravel subsurface, and the area will see a significant increase in large truck traffic and heavy equipment using the narrow, winding road. 

Operations throughout the canyon will also include work on guardrails, ditches, and landscaping. This work will happen at the same time as the repaving effort. Removals, grading, and paving are anticipated to last until mid-May, and the remaining work is expected to be complete by early July. 

Non-residents are asked to avoid the area, if possible, so that construction can be completed as safely as possible. 

Thank you for your time and patience as we work to wrap up this project, which is one of the final 2013 flood-related recovery projects in the county. 

Please let me know if you have questions, comments, or concerns. 

Have a good day.

Andrew Barth
Boulder County Public Works



This email was sent to using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Boulder County Colorado · 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302  

Community Weed Pull – 10am,5-18-20

I would like to organize a weed pull at the parking spot in the lower meadow. The trucks that did the work for the cisterns indeed brought in noxious weeds on their tires. We had a great pull last year but they are back with a fury.  The good news is,  for now, it is isolated to the bottom of the meadow and has not spread up. I want to keep it that why by getting a jump on pulling the Roman Chamomile before it buds this year.

SO, I would like to schedule our first Community Weed Pull ASAP.
Can you send out an email to the town meeting (and Fire Board)  list with this info: 
GOLD HILL NOXIOUS  weed pull needs your help!!
Please join us at 10 am on Monday, May 18th for a good old fashioned weed pull.
Let’s meet at the NEW fire hydrant in the meadow and walk a few yards down to a problem spot full of Roman Chamomile. 
Please bring your mask, gloves & digging tools if you like but most importantly BLACK Garbage bags to fill with weeds. Once filled we will haul them to town for disposal.
Questions? Please contact Joanne Cole 303-443-7459 or All are welcome, including focused children. We will keep good social distancing while working. 
THANK YOU for your help with this!!
Joanne Cole

Psychological First Aid Training

Mental Health Partners is offering a PFA (psychological FirstAid)program free of charge for our mountain communities

May 12, 2020 from noon to 1:00 pm  – see poster for details

July 4th breakfast, parade canceled

After consulting with a majority of the board, we believe that we must cancel this event. Given the fact that social distancing will continue for some time and the planning that goes into this event,  we cannot conduct it safely.   If COVID 19 guidelines and orders change we could revisit this decision at a later date. 
Be well.  Rich Lopez, Chair, GHFPD Board of Directors
Lopez Law Office
4450 Arapahoe Ave #100
Boulder, CO 80303
303 415 2585 phone
303 415 0932 fax

Zoom GHTM tonight

Zoom Virtual Town Meeting Instructions

We will be hosting the Gold Hill Town Meeting in a virtual space to practice responsible physical distancing and protecting health.

To begin, please download the program here:

Tips for an easy meeting

  • Set up your account credentials and test your audio and video before you enter the town meeting space.
  • When you enter the meeting, please mute your audio
  • If you have headphones with a microphone, please use them to limit extra noise
  • To share in the meeting, please use the raised hand button
  • Zoom functions in 40-minute meeting blocks; 4 sequential meetings have been scheduled to ensure that we have enough time and the chair will signal when it is time to shift over to the next meeting space.  Start with #1
  • Note: Zoom traditionally has a call-in function, due to high demand, this function has been disabled

Zoom Meeting Information

Meeting 1

Meeting ID: 427 549 073

Password: 677611


Meeting 2

Meeting ID: 107 406 580

Password: 700490


Meeting 3

Meeting ID: 226 549 104

Password: 236713


Meeting 4

Meeting ID: 205 939 121

Password: 098444

Agenda for GHTM this Monday, April 13

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Agenda for Monday, 7:00 p.m. April 13th, 2020

Zoom Virtual Meeting,  Instructions attached

Review of Previous Minutes

Special guest: Claire Levy, candidate for Boulder County Commissioner

Coronavirus Town Response

  • Monday and Wednesday Food Bank, Boulder Supply Runners, Gold Hill Store and Pub offerings

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

  • Mountain Stewards
    • Declaration of Climate Emergency
    • Renewable Energy Grant
  • Forestry and Forest Management
    • Wildfire Mitigation projects
    • Fire Department Memorandum of Understanding
  • Gold Hill School
  • Museum
  • Community Planning and Fundraising 
  • Cemetery
  • Community Center
  • SafeLink/NeighborLink/AirLink

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Next Gold Hill Town Meeting – June 8th, 7:00 pm

Other Town News:



Weed Management

Historical Zoning

Fire Department


Town Spring Clean Up


Zoom Meeting Information: If you haven’t participated in a zoom meeting before, it’s advisable to check into it a little before the meeting is scheduled.

Meeting 1

Meeting ID: 427 549 073

Password: 677611


Meeting 2

Meeting ID: 107 406 580

Password: 700490


Meeting 3

Meeting ID: 226 549 104

Password: 236713


Meeting 4

Meeting ID: 205 939 121

Password: 098444


Food Bank News

The Food Bank will go on, despite the weather: Mondays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm and Wednesdays from noon to 2:00 pm.


We are continually upgrading our protocol for the food pantry in order to protect you and your neighbors.  To this end, here are some changes effective on Monday, April 13th.

1                     Park on Main Street. 

2                     Walk to the alley just west of the Inn and come around to Gold Run St.  Form a line staying 6 feet behind the person in front of you.  YOUR CHILDREN ARE A PART OF YOUR POD AND THEY NEED TO STAY WITH YOU.  THEY MAY NOT RUN AROUND AND INVADE THE SPACE OF OTHERS.   

3                     Your opportunity to get food begins at the southeast corner of the railing around the GH Pub back deck.  You will be met by 1 of 4 food pantry workers who will be masked and gloved and will put your chosen items into a clean paper sack.  You do not need to bring your reusable bag since we are not allowed to use them.  Your food pantry worker will stay inside the railing and you will stay outside the railing leaving a 6’ gap between both of you as well as the person who is ahead of you.  You will continue around the railing and exit at the staircase at the back of the store.  At that point, the food pantry worker will sit your bag on the cooler and begin the process with another attendee.  YOU AND YOUR BAG SHOULD EXIT NORTH TOWARD MAIN STREET AND YOUR CAR.

4                     QUANTITY:  Each family will be limited to one sack only.  If there is food left over at 4 pm, the line may begin again.  The pantry is over at 4 pm on Monday or 2 pm on Wednesday.  If there is still food left over you may get back in line again.

5                     Safety Officer Maloney will be on hand if you have any questions on concerns and will be making sure that all of the above procedures are enforced.




Boulder County Fire Restrictions



From: McKinney, Seth <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 3:54 PM
Subject: Boulder County Fire Restrictions

Good afternoon everyone,

This afternoon Sheriff Pelle and the Boulder County Commissioners signed and enacted Level 1 Fire Restrictions for western Boulder County.

Our County Restrictions match what the Forest Service enacted yesterday.

There are some key notes to mention:

  • These restrictions do not include anything on shooting
  • To align with what the Forest Service has enacted, there are no open fires allowed in undeveloped or developed (hosted) campsites
  • These are Level 1 Restrictions only: restrictions do not apply to private property. This is also in alignment with USFS restrictions and applies to lesees to USFS property.

It is also worthy to mention that these restrictions are not due to current fire danger. Both the County and USFS are enacting these restrictions based on public health and the impacts of COVID-19, and the limited amount of firefighting resources available to us. All the more important with the increase in recreational traffic to our open spaces, trailheads, and national forest lands. We feel that the greatest impact we can have with this is the public outreach to our mountain residents and visitors about the impacts from COVID-19 on firefighting and law enforcement resources, and how this helps mitigate risk by limiting exposure.

Please see the three attached documents regarding all of the details.

Thanks, and please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Seth McKinney

Fire Management Officer – 6561

Boulder County Sheriff’s Office

Fire Management Program  

Desk (303) 441-1485

Cell (303) 548-9624

Posted in Community Digest, Events Calendar, Forest Management | Comments Off on Boulder County Fire Restrictions


Ricky’s Memorial

Let’s move Ricky’s memorial to the summer months when the sun is warm, the weather is lovely and people can safely gather. Stay home, stay safe, eat your veggies and hops. 
We will update you on plans as the universe unfolds. On the plus side, Ricky’s family will likely be able to join us whenever the time may be.
Big love-  
Brian and Lauren  

Gold Hill Food Pantries

NEXT GOLD HILL FOOD PANTRY – Wednesday at noon.   This is the foods delivered to us by the Nederland Food Pantry and usually includes some perishables, canned and dried goods, milk and eggs.  TIME:  noon until 2 pm.  We’re never sure when the van will show up so you’ll have to be patient in case it isn’t there by noon.

PROTOCOL:   We are constantly working to make this service safer for all of us.  Please stay behind the fencing around the patio.  Watch for the blue tape and stay 6 feet or more apart.  Keep your children near to you and please don’t let them run amidst the people in line.  They also need to be 6 feet away from others.  We will provide you with clean bags so if you are bringing your own bag, do not give it to the servers.  They will fill and give you a bag to put into your bag.  WEAR A MASK.  There will be more suggested protocols found on a sheet inside your bag.  These are for handling the food once you get it home.

Both MONDAY and WEDNESDAY food pantries are on-going at this point but we expect that the foodstuffs will start to be less than the abundance of foods that we’ve been getting.  Thanks to Johanna Gangemi, Anya and Mireille Brown, Brieda Geesaman, and Rick Sheingold for helping us set up the food pantry for Monday and for being our delivery and distribution service 

See you there…..

Deb Yeager

If you would like to contribute to the Ned Food Pantry, who have contributed so much to their community and now to ours,



Gold Hill Town Meeting Agenda for Monday, April 13, 2020, 7:00 pm

Gold Hill Town Meeting

Agenda for Monday, 7:00 p.m. April 13th, 2020

Zoom Virtual Meeting,  Instructions attached

Review of Previous Minutes

Special guest: Claire Levy, candidate for Boulder County Commissioner

Coronavirus Town Response

  • Wednesday Food Bank, Boulder Supply Runners, Gold Hill Store and Pub offerings

Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

  • Mountain Stewards
    • Declaration of Climate Emergency
    • Renewable Energy Grant
  • Forestry and Forest Management
    • Wildfire Mitigation projects
    • Fire Department Memorandum of Understanding
  • Gold Hill School
  • Museum
  • Community Planning and Fundraising
  • Cemetery
  • Community Center
  • SafeLink/NeighborLink/AirLink

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Next Gold Hill Town Meeting – June 8th, 7:00 pm

Other Town News:



Weed Management

Historical Zoning

Fire Department



Zoom Virtual Town Meeting Instructions

We will be hosting the Gold Hill Town Meeting in a virtual space to practice responsible physical distancing and protecting health.

To begin, please download the program here:

Tips for an easy meeting

  • Set up your account credentials and test your audio and video before you enter the town meeting space.
  • When you enter the meeting, please mute your audio
  • To share in the meeting, please use the raised hand button
  • Zoom functions in 40-minute meeting blocks; 4 meetings have been scheduled to ensure that we have enough time and the chair will signal when it is time to shift over to the next meeting space
  • Note: Zoom traditionally has a call-in function, due to high demand, this function has been disabled

Meeting 1

Meeting ID: 427 549 073

Password: 677611


Meeting 2

Meeting ID: 107 406 580

Password: 700490


Meeting 3

Meeting ID: 226 549 104

Password: 236713


Meeting 4

Meeting ID: 205 939 121

Password: 098444

Monday’s Food Pantry

Monday, April 6, we will have an additional food pantry from 3-4 pm


We love seeing you and are really happy to see you taking advantage of this food pantry opportunity.  Beginning Monday, April 6, we will have an additional food pantry from 3-4 pm at the same place- the back patio at the Store.  This food pantry will be made up of foodstuffs from Ideal Market, Whole Foods on Pearl Street, and Lucky’s Food Market, North Boulder.  These foods are perishable and prepared foods that have JUST gone out of date at the grocery stores.  If we don’t pick them up and bring them here for you, they will go into the dumpster.   

Following this food pantry, any overage will go to Left Hand for their newly-formed food pantry for themselves and Jamestown.

We will continue to have the food pantry on Wednesday as well between noon and 2 pm for the food coming from the Nederland Food Pantry so please make sure that you come back for their offerings as well.  Most of this food is rice, beans, pastas, soups,milk, canned goods, and perhaps some fresh goods.

If you have a large freezer and can take many, many loaves of bread, we are looking for people to fill up their freezers with bread.  There is a huge overage at this point.

If you want more information about these pantries, continue reading.  We anticipate that the food quantities will begin to minimize as the stores reconsider their purchasing and the national transportation system becomes more challenged moving products around the country.

More information:

Several food pantries in Boulder have closed because they have been managed and organized by older folks who are now very vulnerable to the virus so there are thousands of pounds of food that we are trying to get to you at no charge so it’s not thrown away.  The markets are extremely grateful for us taking the products.

At the stores, the department managers are constantly managing the expiration dates on their products.  These are the products that are being pulled from the shelves.  NOTE:  these date expirations are related to when the product’s peak freshness has been reached.  These foods are still fine to eat but they are no longer at their peak freshness.  These are the foods that we’re getting.

Friday and Mondays are large pick up days for the markets.  The Friday pickup is being split between Ward and Fourmile with any overage going into the refrigeration at the 4Mile Station and to firefighters.  Fourmile’s pantry is from 3-5 pm on Fridays at the Poorman fire station.  The Monday pickup is being split between Ward and Gold Hill with the overage going to LeftHand/Jamestown at the upper LeftHand fire station for their food pantry being held between 4:45 and 5:30 pm.

We will continue offering the food pantrys for as long as we have food available and volunteers to support our efforts.  If you have any questions, call Debra, 303 449 0454.

From Deb Yeager

And, by the way, everyone is now recommending that we all wear mask or bandanas our in public now, so please follow this recommendation. 

Gold Hill Foodbank info


Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy


“A message from the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team-


Given the current recommendations surrounding public gatherings, we have decided to postpone the Community Coffee + Conversation meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 26th until further notice. Instead, the project team will be hosting the first of a series of community conference calls on Thursday, April 2nd from 12-1 pm. The call-in information is included on the attached flyer, and we will be sending out a reminder a day or two before the event. In the meantime, we have sent out a survey in the mail – please provide your feedback by completing the survey and sending back to us via the addressed and stamped envelope! If you prefer, the survey is also available online at Stay healthy and safe!”



Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e:   

Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.

Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy

“A message from the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team-

 Given the current recommendations surrounding public gatherings, we have decided to postpone the Community Coffee + Conversation meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 26th until further notice. Instead, the project team will be hosting the first of a series of community conference calls on Thursday, April 2nd from 12-1pm. The call-in information is included on the attached flyer, and we will be sending out a reminder a day or two before the event. In the meantime, we have sent out a survey in the mail – please provide your feedback by completing the survey and sending back to us via the addressed and stamped envelope! If you prefer, the survey is also available online at Stay healthy and safe!”


Kate Lucas, AICP,  Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e:

Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.

Gold Hill Food Bank report

Another successful, sunny day today to distribute food to anyone who needs it.  We held it today because snow was forecast for tomorrow, but we plan to be going back to each Wednesday (weather permitting) from noon until 2 pm on the patio in back of the Gold Hill Store.  

The food comes from the Nederland Food Bank and they get a lot from Community Food Share in Boulder and buy some and get donations from assorted places. We had a bunch of bread from Amie with the Ward Food Bank today – day old from Whole Foods. Quite the organizational deal.  We aren’t sure in advance what they will have to bring to us, but so far there has been a great assortment of fresh, canned, and dried foods.

This is free to all, but several people asked, and if you would like to donate to the cause, please go to or to

Thank you so much to Jay and Whitey at the store for helping with this. And don’t forget to buy stuff from them to keep them going, too.   We do need to ask that everyone practice social distancing in this time of Coronavirus.  We need to stay 6′ from each other.  We will wear gloves and bag up whatever you need for you.  Thank you for remembering  <3  Bring your bags.