Events Calendar

Monday Food Pantry

The food pantry on Monday, Labor Day will be at the same time – from 3 to 4 – but is being held in Kirby Field in anticipation of large crowds in Gold Hill and the Pub. See you there.

Remembering the Fourmile Fire

Wildfire Partners is a wonderful organization – – they’ll evaluate your wildfire risk and give you great mitigation advice.

Let’s Talk Mitigation!

Wednesday, September 9 at 7 p.m.

You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers!

As we head into fall, many homeowners are chopping wood and stacking it to get ready to burn in wood stoves. But did you know that Boulder County has had wildfires break out in almost every month of the year?

Join Wildfire Partners staff members, Abby Silver and Leslie Brodhead to talk about proper firewood storage and answer all your mitigation questions.

Join via Computer Through Zoom Link – go to their website to click on the Zoom ling

Meeting ID = 817 1360 5541
Password = 210719

Here they are looking back at the Fourmile Fire.

A Look Back: Fourmile Canyon Fire
Boulder County’s Most Destructive Wildfire

What I remember the most was the wind.

The howling, gusting, torrential winds coming off the mountains that day.

Having just moved in to our Nederland home six weeks prior, we spent the Labor Day holiday putting up a small shed.

As my husband stood on the ladder, the winds spun the tin roofing material out of his hands. Other than the winds, the day was gorgeous. An azure blue sky with nary a cloud to be seen.

As I tried to hand him another piece of tin, a huge mushroom cloud appeared above the trees.

Alternate text
Mile High Youth Corps
Youth + Fire Mitigation Equals Happy Homeowners

“I would like to say how AWESOME the Youth Corps was when they worked on our property! Thanks to Wildfire Partners and the Youth Corps, we have almost everything finished for wildfire mitigation now.” – Chris B.

Mile High Youth Corps partnered with Wildfire Partners for the third year, with an 8-person crew providing much needed fire mitigation to homeowners in the southern part of the county.

The crew accomplished more over five weeks than a homeowner could have accomplished in a year, cutting trees down, removing junipers, and performing other mitigation tasks.

Wildfire Partners
2045 13th Street
Boulder, CO 80302

Wildfire Partners · PO Box 471 · Boulder · Colorado · 80306

Historic Zoning News

Marcus Moench and Elisabeth Caspari are planning a modification to the street level garage at 601 Gold Run St. They propose to demo approximately the western half of the structure, which will create two street-level parking spaces. Gold Hill Historic Zoning has reviewed the plans, which are now available for public review at the Gold Hill store.

We will hold a final public meeting of Historic Zoning to review these plans at the Gold Hill Store at 10:00 AM on Sunday, September 6, 2020. If you have any input for the committee, you may either:
– Attend the meeting
– Send an email to Bear Carlson at:

Moving Sale

Moving Sale, Sat. Aug 29, 9A -2P; 620 Main St, GH
House and Kitchen Wares- Small sofa, Twin bed, Vac. Cleaner, Stereo Cab., Computer Desk, Bar Chairs, Filing Cabs., Chests of Drawers, Drafting Table, Weber Grills, Misc. Table/Kitchenware. All proceeds go to Gold Hill Town Meeting. Call Cherry or John for details 303-443-2543 to see larger furniture anytime. EVERYTHING MUST GO!

Red Flag Warning

Be alert, be prepared. For great information on preparedness, see the Office of Emergency Management at Their Emergency Preparedness guide is full of useful information
Red Flag Warning
National Weather Service Denver/Boulder CO
346 AM MDT Wed Aug 19 2020

.Moisture levels over northern Colorado are expected to increase
today which will cause the chance of thunderstorms over the high
country to also increase. Fuel moisture levels are very low in the
mountain areas due to a lack of precipitation over the past
several weeks. Recent forest fire activity in Larimer and Grand
Counties demonstrates how dry the forests are. As the chances of
thunderstorms increases today, the chance of lightning starting
additional fires will also increase. The main impact from showers
today will be gusty outflow winds from 30 to 50 mph possible.

Jackson County Below 9000 Feet-
South and Southeast Grand/West Central and Southwest Boulder/
Gilpin/Clear Creek/Summit/North and West Park Counties Above
9000 Feet-Grand and Summit Counties Below 9000 Feet-
Larimer and Boulder Counties Between 6000 and 9000 Feet-
Jefferson and West Douglas Counties Above 6000 Feet/Gilpin/Clear
Creek/Northeast Park Counties Below 9000 Feet-
West Jackson and West Grand Counties Above 9000 Feet-
South and East Jackson/Larimer/North and Northeast Grand/
Northwest Boulder Counties Above 9000 Feet-
346 AM MDT Wed Aug 19 2020


* Affected Area…Fire Weather Zones 211…212…213…215…
216…217 and 218.

* Winds…North to Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph with gusts up to 25
mph during the afternoon.

* Timing…This afternoon into early evening.

* Impacts…Lightning and localized gusty winds from
thunderstorms may cause new fire starts and rapid spread of

* Thunderstorms…Scattered thunderstorms are expected to move
over the mountains, high parks and foothills this afternoon.
They are not expected to produce much rainfall, so fuel moisture
levels will remain very low. However, Front Range foothills may
see some wetting rains due to higher moisture levels.


A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions
are either occurring now….or will shortly. A combination of
strong winds…low relative humidity…and warm temperatures can
contribute to extreme fire behavior.

Virtual “Take a Hike” to learn how fire has shaped forest ecosystems – this Thursday

From: Maya MacHamer <>
Date: August 18, 2020 at 7:07:09 AM MDT
Subject: Virtually Guided Hike Forest Treatment Hike this Thursday


Short notice, but please forward on to your contacts:

On behalf of The Center for Sustainable Landscapes and Communities (CSLC) and our partners, we would like to extend an invitation to join our first Take-a-Hike event starting on August 20th from 5:30- 6:30PM (MST) and intermittently going until September 3rd from 5:30-6:30PM (MST).

This ‘Take-a-Hike: Fire and Forest Health in the Shanahan Forest’ event features a virtually guided hiking experience and two, one-hour long remote but interactive workshops led by a Forest Ecologist, Chris Wanner, from the City of Boulder. This event is to learn about Boulder’s Shanahan Forest and how fire – past and present – has shaped forest ecosystems throughout Boulder

This event is free to the public, but donations are much appreciated to continue our outreach initiatives (donate here). Please register to let us know if you will be joining us! For questions or comments on this event, please email:

Hope to see you there!


Maya MacHamer
Watershed Coalition Coordinator
Fourmile Watershed Coalition
1740 Fourmile Canyon Dr.
Boulder, Co. 80302
(c) 303-817-2261
(o) 303-449-3333

GHTM Treasurer’s report 8-10-20

Treasurer’s Report Summary: 8/10/2020
At the previous regular Town Meeting in June 2020 our bank balance was $20,787.30
Our current cash assets are $15,732.47

Revenue Summary: COVID-19 Response Fund matching grant $500.00; General Fund donation from Sands’ Barn Sale fundraiser $1147.

Expense Summary: COVID Response Fund $6,000 for Pandemic Fund awards and $701.83 for Food Bank expenses.

Fund transfers: none

Current fund totals:
General Fund $2650.71; Cemetery $6,489.85; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,466.79; Community Planning/Fundraising $0 (zero;) Forest Management $0 (zero;) Community Relief $2,326.95; COVID-19 Response Fund Grant $1798.17.

Anticipated expenses for the remainder of 2020: General Fund $50.00 for porta-potty maintenance, estimated $300 for liability insurance and estimated $800 for town cleanup dumpsters.

Prepared by:
Martha Knapp, Treasurer
Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc.

How to Zoom for the GHTM

The GH Town Meeting is tomorrow, Monday night, August 10, at 7:00 pm
Zoom Virtual Town Meeting Instructions
We will be hosting the Gold Hill Town Meeting in a virtual space to practice responsible physical distancing and protecting health.
To begin, please download the program here:
Tips for an easy meeting
• Set up your account credentials and test your audio and video before you enter the town meeting space.
• When you enter the meeting, please mute your audio
• To share in the meeting, please use the raised hand button
• Zoom functions in 40 minute meeting blocks; 4 meetings have been scheduled to ensure that we have enough time and the chair will signal when it is time to shift over to the next meeting space
• Note: Zoom traditionally has a call-in function, due to high demand, this function has been disabled
Zoom Meeting Information
Meeting 1
Meeting ID: 427 549 073
Password: 677611

Meeting 2
Meeting ID: 107 406 580
Password: 700490

Meeting 3
Meeting ID: 226 549 104
Password: 236713

Meeting 4
Meeting ID: 205 939 121
Password: 098444

Gold Hill Town Meeting agenda

Gold Hill Town Meeting
Monday, 7:00 p.m. August 10th, 2020
Zoom Virtual Meeting
Review of Previous Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Committee Reports
● Mountain Stewards
● Forestry and Forest Management
● Gold Hill School
● Museum
● Community Planning and Fundraising
○ Covid Relief Fund status
● Cemetery
● Community Center
● SafeLink/NeighborLink/AirLink
Other Town News:
Weed Management
Historical Zoning
Fire Department

Upcoming Meetings/Events
Next Gold Hill Town Meeting – October 12th, 7:00 pm

Zoom Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 874 7273 2766
Passcode: rJx8uM

Barn Sale

We are moving so come help us clear out our barn. Lots of old tools, garden pottery, bicycles, kayak, some furniture, and other forgotten treasures.
Prices??? We ask that you make a generous tax-deductible donation to the Gold Hill Town Meeting for any items you take.
Please wear masks.
Call John and Cherry Sand for more info: 303-443-2543

webinar on Climate Reality Leadership

Please join the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team and Cat Russell on Tuesday, August 4th from 5-6pm for a webinar on Climate Reality Leadership! You can learn more about the Climate Reality Project at If you’re not able to attend the webinar, we will be posting a video recording, as well as the PowerPoint presentation, to within a few days of the webinar. You can also find recordings of the previous webinars on this page. We hope to see you there! If you’d like to be sent a calendar invitation for this webinar, please email

To join on the computer, click on this link:

To join by phone, dial:
(929) 324-9442
Then enter PIN: ‪929 942 945#


Kate Lucas, AICP
Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC
p: 817.565.2885 | e:

Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.

Max’s Party on the Ridge cancelled

Loyal Friends and Customers of Yeager Excavating; After concerned observation and deliberation, I have decided it is best to cancel this year’s traditional appreciation gathering on The Ridge Sunday, Sep 6. Honoring appropriate protocol would be difficult at best and guessing the number of guests to plan for impossible. With you all in mind, I will look forward to a much healthier and happier 2021.

Love you all, Max

Webinar on community solar solutions Wednesday

Please join the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team and Mat Elmore of Pivot Energy for a webinar on community solar solutions! The webinar will be held on Tuesday, July 14th from 12pm to 1pm. Pivot Energy is a national leader in solar development, including community solar. You can learn more about their services at If you’re not able to attend the webinar, we will be posting a video recording, as well as the PowerPoint presentation, to within a few days of the webinar. You can also find recordings of the previous webinars on this page. We hope to see you there!


To join on the computer, click on this link:


To join by phone, dial:

(470) 705-3997

Then enter PIN: ‪500 985 194#


If you’d like to be sent a calendar invitation for this webinar, please email


Thanks so much!


Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e:


Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.

Gold Hill Town Meeting Newsletter


Minutes of the June 8th, 2020 Zoom Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting will be Monday August 10, 2020, 7:00 p.m. by Zoom, and will be our annual ELECTIONS meeting!

The meeting was called to order by Chair Marielle Sidell.  Thirteen people attended by Zoom: Mari, Vice-Chair Emma Salmon, Deb Yeager, Marcus Moench, Elisabeth Caspari, Rick Sheingold, Member-at-Large Dan Maedke, Chrissy Maedke, Luzie Mason, Virginia Shultz, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Heidi Kessler, Bear Carlson.

Treasurer’s Report – In Treasurer Martha Knapp’s absence, Emma read Martha’s report:

At the previous regular Town Meeting in April 2020 our bank balance was $12,689.60       

Our current total cash assets are $20,787.30.       

Revenue Summary:  Cemetery Fund Donations $650; Community Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund Grant $8,000.       

Expense Summary: Cemetery Maintenance $500; Bank Fee $52.30      

Fund transfers: none                                                                       

Current fund totals:                                                                                                

  • General Fund $1503.71;
  • Cemetery $6,489.85;
  • Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,466.79;
  • Community Planning/Fundraising $0 (zero;)
  • Forest Management $0 (zero;) Community Relief $2,326.95;
  • COVID-19 Response Fund Grant $8000.     

Anticipated expenses for 2020: General Fund $50.00 for porta-potty maintenance, estimated $300 for liability insurance and estimated  $800 for town cleanup dumpsters.


Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund Grant – Marcus reports that we have received an $8,000 emergency fund grant and need a sub-committee empowered to disburse/spend the funds.  The goals are to support the resilience of the community as a whole and a range of needs of individuals and groups, to help people stay in their comes, facilitate emergency communication, help with emergency repairs, uncovered medical expenses, urgent medical supplies (PPE), food rescue and resources (including storage), transportation needs, children’s education supplies, childcare – essentially to help fill in the gaps for the most vulnerable.  Virginia added essential home repairs and safe access.  This would be a separate fund from the Community Relief Fund set up after the Fourmile fire.  ADDENDUM: The committee has met, put together a guiding document for disbursing funds and an application form.  The fund will be referred to as the Pandemic Relief Fund (PRF)

    The motion to set up a committee empowered to disburse the funds was passed with no objections.  The Committee consists of Marcus Moench, Marielle Sidell, Emma Salmon, Dan Maedke, and Deb Yeager.

     Gretchen added that it’s important to stress privacy and that all applications will be confidential.


Mountain Stewards Grant – Marcus reports that they had a meeting of the technical committee last week.  Attendance at the educational webinars is low, so they will suspend them for now.  They are taking a detailed look at options for solar grids with battery backup.  Individual households (behind the meter) are allowed to have batteries, etc., but for now Xcel is not doing this for large connected areas/solar arrays. There are still many questions around financing, available programs, and how to structure them.  They’re also trying to figure out how to provide WiFi in a larger area to meet community resilience and communications needs. They’ve had significant discussions regarding water needs, storage and access.  Also, how to get the Community Center idea moving again.

CSA (Community Supported Agriculture – Virginia reports the CSA has started up with 5 ¼ shares.

Minutes of the April 13th GHTM- Emma was able to show them on Zoom, with the Addendums.  Rick Sheingold moved that we accept them with the additions and the motion carried with no objections.  You can always find GHTM minutes on the website (

Forestry and Forest Management – Virginia reports that the CAFA grant is getting closer – they should hear soon.  Xcel Energy has a strong Wildfire program – see their website at https://www/ and are doing extensive mapping.  Approximately 50% of Boulder County is in the Wildland/Urban Interface.  Some of the drones people are noticing may be theirs working on the mapping.

            Boulder County has a Forest Collaboration group looking especially at how our forests should look to be healthy.

            She encourages everyone to participate in the Wildfire Partners Mitigation assessment program and to rake up all those numerous pinecones!

Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that they are doing lots of work on the school and grounds. The work on the west side is to fix drainage issues to protect the foundation and prevent ice slicks in the winter.  On the east side they’re working on a deck/shade area for meetings, etc.  Inside, they’re refinishing windows and cabinets and raising the ceiling in the original room as well as getting the wiring all up to code. It’s all projected to be finished in early August.  Online learning went pretty well in the Spring.  A lot of the plans for fall are tentative.  They have a 5 phase plan based first on online learning, then bringing back the kids that the online learning was hardest on, and next bringing everyone back 1/2 days with masks and social distancing and online learning the other 1/2 days.  They will have more information in July.

            As far as fundraising, the Fall Fiesta is unlikely in November.  CU will shut down after Thanksgiving vacation until the following semester.  They may be ok since they won’t be having as many events.  They also still have the funds raised by Janos’ dinner event last year.  Everything is so up in the air she can’t plan a budget right now.

            Dan has been working on the garden along with Sue Kidder and Mari.

            Rick thanked Dan for bringing lettuce and onions to the Food Pantry

Historic Gold Hill/Museum – Deb reports that the museum is closed until the Governor  oks them being open.  They’ve been working on maintenance and finishing the tuff shed for storage and a compostable toilet.  Because of our need to socially distance the annual community outreach will be in the beer garden on Monday, August 3 and will feature ghost stories – there will be microphones, so it will be interactive – bring your stories and your own beverage and snacks.

            Deb also thought it might be time for a town art contest.  We had one after the Fourmile fire and now it might be time for another given the times we’re living in.  Her idea is to have child, youth (12-18) and adult winners, feature their art in next year’s calendar, and award them 2 free calendars.  She wants the GHTM to join in and sponsor it along with the Museum.  Both groups could own the copyrights and us the images on t-shirts, glasses, etc. She moved that the GHTM join with Historic Gold Hill to create a joint art contest. Bear seconded and the motion passed with no objections.  In the discussion of what the town meeting would award the winners, Virginia suggested that the art work may be used on promotional materials in the future and the winners can have 2 glasses and  a t-shirt that we have now.  Bear seconded and the motion passed.

Community planning and Fundraising – Dan has had conversations with Dan Cravitz (sp?) regarding the bike race, but everything is still up in the air.  If the race happens, we might be a vendor and sell food and stuff, but we’re not sure what kind of event, like the annual bake/rummage/craft/brats, etc., can happen.  We will have to see how things play out with Covid-19. He also wanted to thank Marcus for the plant starts for the school greenhouse.

Cemetery – no report.            Community Center – no report

SafeLink – tabled until the next meeting except to report that we now have a 7 cu.ft. freezer in the tuff shed behind the firebarn – thank you, Virginia.

IMA – not meeting at this time.  Virginia volunteered to reach out to our contacts in the County.  EFAA and AAA provide lots of resources.

Weed Management – Bear reported that Joanne Cole organized community weed pulls in the meadow where the soil was disturbed by the cistern installations.  They were after Roman Chamomile and took out most of it.

Roads – Rick would like more updates on what’s going on in Fourmile – we don’t always know until we hit stoppages.  Gretchen will check to make sure she’s getting the listserve and put out more information. Mari volunteered to get on the listserve, too.

Historical Zoning – Bear reports that the only activity right now is 1101 Pine.  Greg Buis is planning additions to the north and south sides.  It was OKd and in the works. Rick felt that the next door neighbors should be notified. Bear said that notices go out in town emails and plans are at the Store for the public.  He will take Rick’s request to the HZ board.

Fire Department – Rick emphasized that no one should hesitate to call 9-1-1 in any emergency.  Gretchen reported that the protocols have changed in this time of Covid-19 – more PPE required and only one person, totally PPEd up, goes in when Boulder Communications lets us know that total precautions are required.    Rick noted that the FD could get money from the town COVID grant if needed for PPE for all medical responders.  Gretchen reported that Chris Finn reported at the Fire Board Meeting that they have enough PPE for estimated calls, the trucks are supplied and spares are stashed, but not handed out to individuals.  Elections were cancelled as there were no more nominees than positions to be filled and the directors remain the same –  Rich Lopez is the President, Rick Geesaman is the Secretary, plus Boyd Brown, Bobby Vrba, and Jessica Brookhart.   There is a fire ban, so campfires are prohibited, but they still get the occasional call for illegal campfires.  They are working to complete the dry hydrants in Lefthand. The contractors reseeded the meadow in the areas needed.  They know it will take time to completely recover, but it’s progressing.

Mining – Gretchen reports some activity seen, but nothing regular.

Bear heard from a friend in Tabernash and it was snowing – on June 10!

Mari reported that she’s working on a side gig/graduate school project on stream trackers -trying to hone in on when streams are actually running presently.


Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary










Friday Night Take-out Dinner at the GH Store

Have questions? Reply to this email and we’ll respond as soon as possible.
Gold Hill General Store &Pub
Friday Night Take-out Dinner
This week’s Friday night dinner selection will feature a light lasagna, braised greens, and a summer salad.

Optional wine pairing for only $5

Order online or call and your meal will be ready for pick up Friday between 4:00-6:00. 
Check out our expanded grocery and camping supply selection in store!
Friday Night Take-out Dinner $14.99

Fourmile Canyon Flood Recovery Project Update

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Fourmile Canyon Flood Recovery Project Update 

If weather holds, next week will be the final week of the project in Fourmile Canyon. Crews will pave the section by the fire house tomorrow and then complete all remaining striping tomorrow afternoon and Monday. Gravel shoulders will be installed at this spot on Monday  Lawrence plans on clearing and restoring the trailer location at Logan Mill early next week. Seeding, revegetation, and cleanup will continue all of next week. We’ll monitor the canyon this year and next to ensure that seeds and trees take root. If there is a problem with any of the plantings, we will return to remedy the issue. Boulder County Parks and Open Space will also help us monitor and maintain all vegetation that has been planted as part of this project. 

Thank you for your time, patience, and understanding. 

Have a good day.


Andrew Barth
Boulder County Public Works

This email was sent to using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Boulder County Colorado · 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302  

Wednesday Gold Hill Food Bank

The Wednesday Food Bank tomorrow (July 1) will be from 12 noon to 1:30 pm.  And THEN, on July 8, it will change, for the foreseeable future, to 11:00 am to 12:00 noon in order to accommodate the folks from the Nederland Food Pantry who bring us the food.  I hope this works out well for everyone.

Monday’s Food Bank is from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Everyone is welcome! 



Fourmile Canyon Paving Thursday

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Fourmile Canyon Drive paving to start on Thursday

A storm last Friday caused a delay at another job site for the paving subcontractor, so they will not be able to start work in Fourmile until Thursday morning. Paving will now take place Thursday, Friday, and Monday, instead of Wednesday through Friday. Lawrence construction will continue working in the canyon on other remaining project tasks, like ditches, shoulders, guardrails, retaining walls, landscaping, and signage, so continue to expect a lot of activity and travel delays of up-to 15-minutes. 

Have a good day.


Andrew Barth
Boulder County Public Works 

This email was sent to using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Boulder County Colorado · 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302  

Gold Hill Food Banks

We still have our Monday and Wednesday Gold Hill food banks at the patio in the back of the GH Store and Pub, and our plan is to continue for the foreseeable future.  Mondays are from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.  Wednesday we are changing the time and will now be there from noon to 1:30 pm.

This is free for all in our community and everyone is welcome – we need a few more people to come and get it!   We don’t know until it gets here exactly what we’ll have, but we usually have assorted canned goods, milk and eggs, some produce, rice, beans, and various other food supplies.   Thanks so much to Jay and Whitney for all they’re doing!


Register to vote! Could this General Election be more vital?

Go to the Colorado Secretary of State website.  If you have a Colorado Driver’s license, you can register online.  If not, you can print off an application to mail in.  

If you live in Boulder County, go to

It’s easy and this election is vital!  We all need to make our voices heard.



Don’t forget to Vote!!

  • June 22nd – Last day to have a replacement ballot mailed to you.
  • June 22nd to June 30th – Voter Service and Polling Center locations and drop boxes open around the state. Where do I drop off my ballot or vote?
  • June 30th at 7:00 PM – Your county clerk must receive your ballot by 7:00 PM on Election Day – postmarks do not count. We recommend using a 24-hour drop box within your county to ensure your ballot is received on time.


Bobby Vrba is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Gold Hill FPD
Time: Jun 18, 2020, 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 741 2602 7358
Password: 0Wbqnh

AND then the  GHFPD Retirement Meeting at 7:45

Topic: Gold Hill Fire Protection District Retirement Meeting
Time: Jun 18, 2020 07:45 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 715 7246 2711
Password: 4bDxDD

Webinar on Renewable Energy Design

Don’t forget! The Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design webinar on residential energy efficiency improvements and incentives is tomorrow, Wednesday, June 17th from 12 pm to 1 pm. We hope to see you there!


To join on the computer, click on this link:


To join by phone, dial:


Then enter PIN: ‪955 904 796#


Thanks so much!


Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e:


Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.


From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 9:01 AM
To: ‘Gretchen Diefenderfer’ <>
Subject: RE: Webinar Announcement for Newsletter


Hi Gretchen,


Apologies for the double email – I just realized that the text of the email below has the date wrong. Can you share the updated, correct message below?


Please join the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team and Energy Smart Colorado for a webinar on residential energy efficiency improvements and incentives! The webinar will be held on Wednesday, June 17th from 12pm to 1pm. You can learn more about Energy Smart Colorado’s services at If you’re not able to attend the webinar, we will be posting a video recording, as well as the PowerPoint presentation, to within a few days of the webinar. You can also find recordings of the previous webinars on this page. We hope to see you there!


To join on the computer, click on this link:


To join by phone, dial:


Then enter PIN: ‪955 904 796#



Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e:


Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.


From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 8:52 AM
To: ‘Gretchen Diefenderfer’ <>
Subject: Webinar Announcement for Newsletter


Hi Gretchen,


Hope you’re doing well. We are hosting another webinar on 6/17 and would love your help in getting the message out!


Please join the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team and Energy Smart Colorado for a webinar on residential energy efficiency improvements and incentives! The webinar will be held on Wednesday, July 17th from 12pm to 1pm. You can learn more about Energy Smart Colorado’s services at If you’re not able to attend the webinar, we will be posting a video recording, as well as the PowerPoint presentation, to within a few days of the webinar. You can also find recordings of the previous webinars on this page. We hope to see you there!


To join on the computer, click on this link:


To join by phone, dial:


Then enter PIN: ‪955 904 796#




Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

P: 817.565.2885 | e:


Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.

Zoom GHTM tonight

Zoom Meeting Information:

Meeting 1 Meeting ID: 897 3158 8443
Password: 7xHzB2
Meeting 2 Meeting ID: 820 3080 4406

Password: 1eBNNP

Meeting 3 Meeting ID: 865 9651 8295
Password: 2idxeQ

corrected GHTM minutes from 4-13-20


Minutes of the Monday, April 13, 2020 Town Meeting

Next Town Meeting will be Monday June 8, 7:00 P.M. by Zoom

 The meeting was called to order by Chair Marielle Sidell.  23 people attended via Zoom: Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Rick Sheingold, Emily Rose, Luzie and Bob Mason, Rich Lopez, Candidate for County Commissioner Claire Levy, Marcus Moench, Elizabeth Caspari, Steve Barnard, Debra Yeager, Virginia Shultz, Val Crist, Member at Large Dan Maedke, Chrissy Maedke, Bear Carlson, Poppy Copeland, Chris Finn, Dina Elder, Jojo Morrison, Vice Chair Emma Salmon, Chris Dirolf, and, Marielle Sidell.

Minutes of the February 10 meeting were approved – Thank you, Emma for filling in!

Treasurer’s Report- Martha reports that at the previous regular Town Meeting in February 2020 our bank balance was $12,925.60. Our current total cash assets are $12,689.60.

Revenue Summary:  None

 Expense Summary: State filing fees $236.00

 Fund transfers: none

 Current fund totals:                                                                                                  

General Fund $1556.01; Cemetery $6,339.85; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,466.79; Community Planning/Fundraising $0 (zero;) Forest Management $0 (zero;) Community Relief $2,326.95.

 Anticipated operational expenses for 2020: General Fund $105.00 for bank fees and porta-potty maintenance plus an estimated $800 for town cleanup dumpsters.

Special Guest Clair Levy- Clair Levy introduced herself.  She was formerly House District 13 State Legislator and is now running for District 1 (our district) Board of County Commissioners. She has been interested in Gold Hill for some time (has come to our 4th of July Pancake Breakfast) and is now particularly interested in our Sustainability Grant and how that’s going.  She was our past HD 13 Representative during the Pine Beetle epidemic and she worked to help Communities with Wildfire Protection Plans (WPP) obtain aid, which spurred Gold Hill to put together out original WPP. Then after the 2010 Fourmile Fire, she worked for resources for the affected communities and for no increases in property taxes and to aid in insurance claims.  She understands that rigid enforcement of land use regulations may not work as well in the mountains as in the flatlands.  Both Gretchen and Rich Lopez spoke in her support as a very smart, responsive representative.

 Corona Virus Town Response- Monday and Wednesday Food Bank – Deb reported that the Wednesday Food Bank (from noon to 2:00 pm on the patio in back of the GH Store) began with a call from Chris Current of the Nederland Food Pantry (If anyone would like to make a donation, the website is Any leftovers go down to the Fourmile Fire Department and they have a Food Bank on Fridays from 3-5.

Deb then worked with Amie Weinberg in Ward to set up another on Mondays (3:00 to 4:00 – same location) to help anyone needing supplies in our mountain community.  Addendum: The food comes from Boulder Food Rescue which includes prepared and perishable foods from Whole Foods, Ideal Market, Lucky’s Market and sometimes Sprouts.  Amie Weinberg is our contact and coordinator.  Johanna Gangemi, Anya Brown, Mirelle Brown, and Rick Sheingold have been doing the picking up and driving up of items for the pantry.


All are welcome and we do work on social distancing, asking everyone to wear masks, and be safe.  Jojo expressed thanks to all the volunteers on this beautiful community effort.

            Personal shopping – Johanna Gangemi along with her daughters Anya and Mirea are going to Boulder on Mondays and will do some personal shopping – contact them at 303-444-3774.  Also, Val, Elon Bar-Evan, and Liz Vanek have set up an excel spreadsheet to connect people who are going shopping with those who need something – send a simple email to Liz V. at or here is the link to see the needs list:

            Assistance Fund – Marcus asked if everyone is aware of the Gold Hill Emergency Assistance Fund.  Gretchen attached the form to the last GHTM minutes and has put out the form again.  See the town website under Gold Hill Town Meeting ( or contact me for a copy.


Mountain Stewards – Renewable Energy Report – Marcus reports that we got the Energy Efficiency grant we applied for from the state.  It went to Boulder County, as we are not an incorporated town, and they have been working with us on the major planning issues.   The current contractors are trying to figure out how to move forward, given the Coronavirus.  Sarah Davis with the county has been the main person they have been dealing with.  The grant goes through the end of the year when they are hoping to put us in a position for the implementation phase. The core issues our group is really focusing on are the technical issues of communication and security.  They’ve been looking at issues around a lighting microgrid to cover Gold Hill, heating, battery back-up, and solar across the area. Excel has been very supportive. Please fill out the survey at 

Input is still very useful -particularly on what folks think really needs to run.  Questions?  Contact Marcus at 303-667-8327.

Forestry and Forestry Management – The Memo of Understanding (MOU) to improve forest health in forested communities is finished.  See the town website ( under Forest Management – for the entire text and explanation.   Virginia moved that we show support for the finished MOU. Mari seconded the the motion, which carried with none opposed. There is no financial obligation – the vote is to support the issue and to move forward on mitigation efforts.

Gold Hill School – Chrissy reports that the kids will probably not be back in school this schoolyear – there is talk of summer school – they’ll wait and see.  They have been having school online running virtually. It’s been an interesting time. Capital improvement projects have been approved and are planned for this summer.  This means moving everything out to facilitate this work.  Dan is doing a little gardening with the greenhouse and keeping the flowers, etc. going.

Museum – Deb reports that we’ve been doing and will do a lot more prep work for our planned opening date of Memorial Day – addendum: Opening has been postponed until Governor Polis declares Museums open. We’re now playing it by ear.  Outside painting and general maintenance are ongoing.  Whitey at the GH Store gave us the old display cabinet originally from the old Salina Café (Ms. Gussie’s pies are fondly remembered), which required some work. Boyd has almost finished the shed on the west side, which will house our donated composting toilet, making us ADA compliant, as well as providing some storage.

Marcus and Elisabeth have donated the chassis of an old 1923 White vehicle, which includes the engine, etc., (like the old Bluebird bus of Tim Walter’s).  Reportedly this vehicle drove into their garage (the old Weaver place) sometime in the 1980s.  The plan is to restore it for permanent display. 

            The Community Outreach event on the Snowbound Mine is tentatively scheduled for August 14th.  Playing that by ear, too.

Community Planning and Fundraising – Dan does not think any real planning is happening on the bike race right now.  The Gold Rush (bake/rummage/crafts sale) is also on hold for now, waiting to see what happens.  The Inn is not opening until further notice.

Cemetery – no report    Community Center Committee – no report.

SafeLink/AirLink/NeighborLink – Dina reports that AirLink is still active on an ongoing basis, and now OEM is also activated.  They have an AirLink practice once a week and have 5 more people interested in Ham Radio training – they’re looking into how to do this.  They’re doing maintenance on the repeater.

            Deb reports that the school is still available on an emergency basis for SafeSite very temporary housing.  NeighborLink is looking to help support the Food Bank at the Store. They would like a small freezer to store food that needs it.  Virginia has a small freezer to donate!  Whitey and Jay are happy to house it. Addendum: The freezer was picked up last week from Virginia and Steve’s house and is living in the Safe site tuff shed on the west side of the fire barn where we house our emergency supplies.   We have permission to use the electricity in the fire barn, as needed. 

 Deb would also like to have the Food Bank under the auspices of the GHTM as a 501(c)3 for insurance issues.  Addendum – we now have an insurance certificate covering this. 

 Upcoming Meetings/Events –

 Next GHTM is June 8.  Virginia wondered if we need to buy a Zoom level.  We’ll see. Zoom has been pretty flexible with the timing in our Coronavirus situation

Other Town News

            IMA (Intermountain Alliance) – Dina reports that they have not been meeting since Amy Hardy resigned as Chair and no one else has stepped inn.

            CSA- Deb reports the CSA is still on beginning June 6.  Jessie Brookhart, Virginia and Deb are working on it. There are 5 whole portions, so it’s grown.  New people could probably still be added.  Much of the food comes from Black Cat, which also has a

farm stand on Jay Road.

            Historical Zoning – Bear reports no activity at this time.     Fire Department – no report

Mining – no report

            Town Clean Up – Gretchen reports that the County is looking at possibly an August/September time frame and Brian Finn said that sounds reasonable to him – to be decided.  Val reports that the Nederland Sort Yard is free for 2 personal garbage bags, and slash – not for large amounts.

            Bocce Tournament – scheduled for June 27.  We’re hoping to figure out how to manage this given social distancing.

Respectfully Submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer

If you know of anyone who is not receiving the town emails and should, please let me know.