Boulder County Forest Health Outreach eNewsletter – May 13, 2014

Posted on: May 13th, 2014

Today’s Forest Health Outreach update covers the following:
*Forestry Tip of the Day: Wildfire Partners – Second Chance to Apply
*Sort Yard Snow Closure on Wednesday and Thursday – May 14, 15

*Forestry Tip of the Day: Wildfire Partners – Second Chance to Apply
Forestry Tip of the Day: 
We are excited to announce a limited number of remaining openings in our Wildfire Partners pilot program. During our first application period we saw strong interest from mountain landowners and have already accepted 414 folks into the program. In 2014 we plan to accept 500 homes. If you are already in the program and have completed your comprehensive one-on-one wildfire mitigation home assessment; consider encouraging your neighbors to apply. As we all know wildfire mitigation is more effective when neighbors work together to accomplish their shared goals.

To be considered for the program apply by June 17, 2014. Complete details including program benefits and an online application are available by visiting To apply by phone call 303-446-7877.

*Sort Yard Snow Closure on Wednesday and Thursday – May 14, 15
Both the Nederland and Allenspark sort yards will be temporarily closed on Wednesday and Thursday (May 14, 15) due to snowy and muddy conditions. We plan to reopen on Friday, but please call our operational hotline at 303-678-6368 before hauling to ensure we reopen as scheduled.

As a reminder sort yards are free locations where you can drop off any sized logs and slash at no charge. Complete program details including hours of operation and location are available by visiting:


Ryan Ludlow | Forestry Education & Outreach Coordinator 
Boulder County | Land Use Department
P.O. Box 471, Boulder CO 80306
O: 720.564.2641 | F: 303.441.4856 |
*Please visit our website to join our Forest Health Outreach eNewsletter. Learn about upcoming forestry workshops, wildfire mitigation, bark beetle management tips and more!