BOCC Approves CPI
The Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved our Community Planning Initiative Plan for inclusion into the Land Use Code at their hearing on Tuesday, February 2, 2010. And so we have now reached our goal of establishing the wishes of our community and having them included in the County Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Code to make sure we have more say over our own future when County action affects us. Garry Sanfacon gave the staff report – presenting our Vision Statement and background about the planning process, including our education sessions, the survey we put out, comments from community members, and the Planning Commission’s approval in December. I thanked the Commissioners for giving us this opportunity as well as Garry and the entire Land Use Department who all helped us so much. We worked hard to be as open and inclusive as possible and the Commissioners all appreciated the process and what we came up with. We told them that some work continues – we have a Trails and Open Space sub-committee meeting and the Historical Zoning Committee is working on new guidelines. Remember that the Comp Plan is a working document and we can add to our CPI Plan in the future if we decide to develop further goals and/or objectives. Many thanks to everyone who contributed and participated!