Gold Hill Cookbook fundraising project

Posted on: August 21st, 2011

From Eve Atkinson <>

Dear friends and fellow Gold Hillians,  My name is Eve Atkinson, I grew up in Gold Hill and I am coordinating the authorship of a cookbook for fundraising for Gold Hill, using the website to create it and publish it. Gretchen ( agreed to be a contact person for me in Gold Hill, so you can also contaccther for information or with questions.
I sent an e-mail to Susan at Heritage Cook books and she agreed to give us free use of the website for one year.  I hope it doesn’t take that long, but who knows exactly.  We’ll just have to see what the slow parts of the project are, but hopefully we can finish it by Thanksgiving to be available for Christmas shopping.
I found out that I need to invite each person to contribute.  Therefore I need to broadcast my email address ( and ask persons to email me if they want to contribute, then I will get their address to Susan.
Susan says to ask people to add to their contacts list first, or else you may have to check your junk mail folder.
What will happen next is you will get an email from explaining how to log onto the website and enter your recipe.  Please share 2 or three of your recipes or food preparation tips. For example, a successful bread making method for Gold Hill would be great, since my bread is close to being mistaken for a shingle. Every Christmas, my husband makes bread, otherwise I just use frozen bread dough, which has its place, but bread like the Gold Hill Inn was always my goal, well actually a whole wheat version. but I never had time.
Again, my address is Please feel free to send me any comments. The cover and such is not “etched in stone”, so lets collaborate. I won’t worry about the cover until I have a hundred recipes. I’m the kind of person that cares about what is between the covers, not on it, at least to start the creative process.
Peace and Love, Eve