Gold Hill Cemetery
With over 290 burials, our cemetery is a tranquil place of peace, quiet, reflection and memories. This is still an active burial ground so when visiting please treat this historic cemetery with the utmost respect. We kindly and sincerely thank you.
What To Know
- Since there are a multitude of unmarked graves, it is imperative that the rocks/stones are not removed, rearranged or disturb in any fashion. Please do not handle any ornaments placed on or near the gravesites.
- Gravestone rubbings can damage grave markers and is prohibited but photography is welcomed
- For visitor safety and resource protection, it is prohibited to learn against, push, pull, shove, kick, climb on or strike any grave marker
- Due to wildfire danger smoking is strictly prohibited
- No fireworks of any kind
- Please do not liter
We thank you for your consideration and kindness toward our beloved cemetery
For cemetery records/genealogy or information to purchase the book, “Digging Up Dirt, The Gold Hill Cemetery, Gold Hill, Colorado” by Chel Courtney please contact 720-220-5199 or
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Maggie Simms: 303 473-0811 or