Gold Hill Soup Party Oct. 26

Posted on: October 14th, 2024
Dear Gold Hill,
You’re invited to the Gold Hill Soup Party!  This third annual Gold Hill harvest celebration is taking place at the Gold Hill School on Saturday, October 26th from 5:00-8:00.  This is an opportunity for the town to share some delicious recipes and some great company, as well as to raise some money for Gold Hill Town Meeting’s many important initiatives.  Please let us know if you plan to bring a soup so we can plan the space.  We need people to both make and eat the soups (and chillies!) so please make your calendars!  Please reach out with any questions!
GHTM Council

Christine Maedke

Gold Hill Town Meeting Treasurer
1011 Main St.
Boulder (Gold Hill), CO 80302
Personal Cell: 303-668-6809