Regarding John Latham

Posted on: May 2nd, 2021

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Alan Gadian <>
Date: Sat, May 1, 2021, 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: John Latham
To: Alan Gadian <>

Re: John Latham

Dear All,

John died on 27th April after a full and amazing life, returning  to the village where he grew up after many fruitful years in the US and the UK.  His funeral is planned for 13th May 2021 at 3:15pm British Summer Time.   Due to COVID restrictions attendance is severely limited, but Becky and Katy plan to webcast the funeral, if you wish to watch. They have asked me to say a few words about him and some of his work.

 Several work colleagues (e.g., Greg, Wojtek, Alan, Clive, Brian, Tom, Rob and others) have written a few brief words about John.   I am planning to collate comments together and any reminiscences and pass onto the family at the funeral.   If you would like to add any or expand, please write to me.   Likewise, Phil Rasch, Alan Blyth and I, will be contributing to an obituary, so if you wish, please do send in comments.   There is a possible further collation of his poetry by Alice Stubbersfield, for the Guardian.

Please do pass this email on to any other people whom you think might be interested.

Best wishes


Alan Gadian, ICAS, SEE, Leeds’ University, LS2 9JT , UK

Tel: (+44)/(0) 1395 512915  Mobile: (+44)/(0) 775 451 9009