Boulder County Area Agency on Aging – February Edition – Aging Well Newsletter

Posted on: February 9th, 2021

Check out these upcoming programs!
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Issue 64 | “Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”
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Hero’s Journey of the Caregiver
The Boulder County Area Agency on Aging invites interested caregivers to participate in the upcoming class, “Hero’s Journey of the Caregiver.” This program is a ten-hour weekly course spanning five weeks and will begin this March. The course is intended for informal and family caregivers of older adults and will focus on providing participants with tools to help ensure that they thrive, not just survive, during caregiving.

The “Hero’s Journey of the Caregiver” course is inspired by the work of Joseph Campbell, a scholar who popularized various theories on hero myth narratives. Using a multi-media approach (video clips, art, poetry, self-reflection, and discussion), the course will offer opportunities for the inner hero to show up in caregiving and ultimately move through obstacles on this journey. These classes span five weeks for two hours each, except for the opening day starting thirty minutes earlier (and ending at the same time as other classes) in order to assure ease with the online format. Registrants should be available to attend all five classes.

What: Hero’s Journey of the Caregiver

When: Tuesdays, March 16 to April 13 from 10 a.m.- noon (March 16, 9:30-noon)

Where: Virtually on Zoom

This program is open to Boulder County residents providing care for a relative, partner, or friend who is age 60 or over, or of any age if the person has dementia. There is no charge for the course, but donations are appreciated.

For more information or to register for the course, please contact Program Manager Rebekah Van Sweden at or by calling 303-441-3945. Participants will be required to provide additional eligibility details and to complete a registration form to participate.

An optional materials pick-up (masked, drive by) will be available before class. Date TBD.

Vaccine Information
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Do you have questions about the vaccine?

Check out the Vaccine FAQ from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Curious about vaccine locations or how to sign up?

Check out Boulder County Public Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility and Locations page.

Note that individuals 65-69 years of age are eligible to sign up starting on Monday, Feb. 8 along with other priority groups.

Questions on when you can get your vaccine?

Check out the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s webpage on vaccine distribution phases.

We will continue to provide online and phone services for clients. Our staff is available to answer calls and emails from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

The Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA) responds to the needs of older adults (60+) and their family and informal caregivers in our community through advocacy, funding, direct service, planning, and education. The BCAAA works with public and private partners to respond to the unique needs in our community. The BCAAA is currently offering remote services including:

Information, Referral, or Resources
Financial Assistance
Healthy Aging Programs
Medicare Counseling
Caregiver Programs
Veterans Services
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Nutrition Resources
Boulder County residents can connect with BCAAA resources by email at, by phone at 303-441-1617, or online at

Updates and information will continue to be shared through our Facebook page.

Find us on Facebook
Service Connection in the Mountains
Mountain Communities


Phone – English or Spanish: 303-441-1617


Join us for a Virtual Medicare Basics Class
Boulder County Area Agency on Aging’s Medicare Counseling program offers live virtual Medicare Basis Classes. These lively and entertaining classes are designed to provide the necessary information to older adults, and those caring for older adults, when getting ready to apply for Medicare. Participants will learn about how and when to enroll, the different parts of Medicare, what is covered and what is not, Medicare fraud, and much more!

Interested participants will need internet; a computer, tablet, or phone; and the appropriate application for the class. Please click on any one of the class times below to register. Once registered, participants will receive instruction on how to join the class. This online course uses Zoom.

Wednesday, Feb. 10, 6-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 18, 1:30-3 p.m.
Tuesday, March 2, 10-11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, March 10, 6-7:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 18, 1:30-3 p.m.
Check out our website for more information.

For more information, or to set up an appointment, please call 303-441-1546.

La Agencia de Servicios para Adultos Mayores presenta “Medicare Cafecitos” ofrecidos por medio del programa de Medicare del Condado de Boulder.

El “Medicare Cafecito” en línea usará la plataforma de equipos de Microsoft (MS Teams) y por la línea de conferencia. El Cafecito ofrece información imparcial y actualizada.

Acompáñenos para conversar sobre sus preguntas del Medicare. Todos son bienvenidos – beneficiarios, familiares, empleados/proveedores de servicios, y miembros de la comunidad.

El próximo Medicare Cafecito se reunirá el martes 16 de febrero a la 1:00pm.

Estas sesiones se realizan mensualmente. Revise las sesiones para el 2021 en nuestro sitio web a continuación.

Para registrarse:

Para información en español llame a Karen Herrera 303 678 6113 o mande un correo electrónico a

Upcoming Healthy Aging Programs!
Check our Healthy Aging webpage to keep up to date on upcoming classes from our Healthy Aging team.

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Diabetes Support and Education Group

The ongoing Diabetes Support and Education Group will meet Monday, Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to noon for this month’s topic, “Balanced Eating for Diabetes.” This program is conducted by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who is also a Certified Diabetes Educator. Please email for more information about this virtual group.

Fresh Conversations

Fresh Conversations is an evidence-based nutrition education program, occurring the second Monday of each month, focused on timely nutrition topics. Fresh Conversations is led by our own, Patti Murphy, RDN. This program kicks off on Monday, Feb. 8 from 1-2 p.m. Register here. To learn more, email

AAA Wellness Social Hour

The AAA Wellness Social Hour is a platform that encourages social engagement and ongoing learning that is open to past, current and future wellness program participants. Participants can share experiences, support, and continue expanding on the skills learned in the programs. New or incoming participants connect with the community and meet the Wellness Programs team. The next AAA Wellness Social Hour will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 10 from 11 a.m. to noon. Register here. To learn more, email

Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)

This year-long program, developed by the Centers for Disease Control, supports people diagnosed with pre-diabetes avoid or delay developing Type 2 diabetes. During this year long program participants work to:

lose 5 to 7% of their body weight,
accumulate at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week, and
adopt a healthier more active lifestyle
Participants must have a prediabetes diagnosis or be at-risk for developing Type-2 Diabetes. If you don’t know, you can take the risk test at A DPP leader will call you to confirm your registration and talk to you about the program. If you have questions, feel free to call us at 303-441-4710 or email us at

This program begins on Feb. 22, and meets weekly on Mondays from 4-5 p.m.

The deadline to register is Feb. 14 or when the maximum of 12 participants is reached.

Register here.

Nutrition Counseling

Individualized counseling and coaching from a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist are available for Boulder County residents. Call 303-678-6115 (English) or 720-930-9002 (en español) with contact information.

Heart Health
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Click the image above for an enhanced view!

As your heart ages it works harder to do the same work as it did when you were younger. The natural changes of aging alone generally don’t cause heart disease. But when these changes are combined with lifestyle risk factors—including smoking, stress, inactivity and obesity—your risk of serious disease increases. However, by maintaining healthy habits you can keep your heart healthy.

Eating a diet that is low in saturated fat, trans fat and salt, and that is high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains protects your heart by lowering risk of:

High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Weight gain
The source of your fat is important to maintaining a healthy heart. Eating too much saturated fat can cause your cholesterol to increase, which in turn increases risk for heart attack and stroke. Saturated fat is found mainly in animal products, and coconut and palm oil. It should be limited to 5-7% of overall calories a day. For someone eating 2,000 calories a day this would be approximately 11-13 grams of saturated fat a day.

Trans fats are a type of fat to avoid as much as possible as just a small amount of trans fats can raise your risk of heart disease. This type of fat, which has now been banned in the United States is being phased out although some foods you see on the shelf may still contain trans fats. Look for partially hydrogenated oil or hydrogenated oil on the ingredient list to see if a food contains trans fats.

Unsaturated fats don’t have a negative impact on your health the way that saturated and trans fats do. This type of fat is found in seeds, nuts, avocados, and coldwater fish. Omega-3’s are a specific type of fat found in fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and trout, that offer protective benefits to your heart. Aim for at least two 3.5 oz. servings of fatty fish a week to keep the full benefit.

Keeping sodium levels low can help lower blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends consuming less than 1500 mg of sodium a day. Even if you don’t use the saltshaker, many packaged and processed foods have a lot of sodium. In fact, around 75% of the average person’s sodium intake comes from packaged and processed foods. Dried or fresh herbs, spices, onions, ginger, citrus, and vinegar can be used to flavor food without adding fat or many calories.

For more information on nutrition for heart health or other nutrition questions, please feel free to reach out to Patricia Murphy, BCAAA Registered Dietitian at or 303-441-4710.

BCAAA Ombudsmen Are Here to Serve
If you or a loved one lives in an assisted living or nursing home, you know that COVID-19 has dramatically impacted these homes, the people who live there, and their loved ones. Those of us who live in long term care are much more isolated. The BCAAA Long Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) program is still active and serve as a resource to residents and loved ones of residents in long-term care. While LTCO are not physically in nursing homes and assisted livings, we are maintaining regular contact with those we serve, following all orders and regulations in place.

Know your rights – LTCO help residents resolve problems and ensure quality care and services. You can reach email us or give us a call at 303-441-1173 with any questions or concerns.

Grow Food at Home!
As part of the Grow & Give Project, Boulder County Extension is offering a limited number of vegetable garden seed packets free to families or individuals who will use them. They’ve chosen 10 of their favorite and most reliable vegetable varieties and put them together with planting instructions in both English and Spanish. Volunteers will be making contactless delivery in late February.

These packets are intended to support the members of our community who have been economically impacted the most during the COVID-19 pandemic or have historically struggled with affording fresh-grown food.

If you would like to be able to grow vegetables in your own garden – even in flowerpots on the porch – but need help getting started, sign up to get your seed-kit at

For more information about growing your own food, go to

Classes and Updates from Our Partners

City of Longmont Senior Services
Longmont Senior Services staff are responding to emails and phone calls Monday through Friday,
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Phone: 303-651-8411

Sign up for biweekly email updates by visiting Longmont Senior Services or emailing

Upcoming Classes from LSC

All programs from the Longmont Senior Center are hosted via Zoom, and you can register in advance by calling 303-651-8411. Please reference LSC’s GO Catalog here to see costs, if any, for programs as well as a full listing of programs.

Navigating Change in Community Living

Thursday, Feb. 18, 10-11:30 a.m.

Making changes in how and where you live in community can be a daunting process, and having some information about your options can help this process be less difficult. Join three professionals in the field, Kym Hansler, Marnie Biln from All About Seniors, and our Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Erica Corson, to discuss how to navigate these changes with confidence. We will help you explore your values and questions you want to ask in order to find the right fit in an assisted living, skilled nursing facility, or memory care. You do not have to be considering a move right now in order to participate.

Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips from the Latest Research

Monday, Feb. 22, 3-4:30 p.m.

For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science is able to provide insights into how to optimize our physical and cognitive health as we age. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity, and social engagement. We will use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association.

City of Boulder Older Adult Services
Client Services Coordinators with City of Boulder Older Adult Services assist residents of the City of Boulder 60+ and their caregivers with referrals to community resources, counseling on available options, and financial support for eligible clients. Coordinators are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 303-441-4388 (English/español).

Sign up for weekly email updates at City of Boulder Older Adult Services.

Click here for up-to-date City of Boulder information and resources around COVID-19.

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City of Boulder Online Programs

Register by clicking the title of the programs listed below or call 303-441-3148 for more information or to register by phone. Before the day of the program you will receive a link to join online or a phone number if you prefer to call in to participate.

Featured programs in Feb. 2021

Brain emPower™ course

Tuesday, Feb. 16 – Mar. 23, 10:30 a.m. – noon

Valentines Card Making

Thursday, Feb. 11, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Travel Discussion Group

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Undoing Loneliness: Cultivating Social Connection

Thursday, Feb. 18, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

How to Handle Household Hazardous Materials

Thursday, Feb. 18, 11:00 a.m. – noon

Shifting from Surviving to Thriving

Thursday, Feb. 25, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Photography Club Introduction

Thursday, Feb. 25, 11:00 a.m. – noon

2021 Scams and Fraud

Thursday, Feb. 25, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

What is Leaky Gut?

Friday, Feb. 26, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Visit the City of Boulder’s website and sign up for weekly email updates at City of Boulder Older Adult Services.

Click here for up-to-date City of Boulder information and resources around COVID-19.

Town of Erie, Parks & Recreation – Active Adults
Erie Active Adults staff are responding to emails and phone calls, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Phone: 303-926-2795

The Town of Erie’s Active Adults program is providing a curbside meal service at the Erie Community Center.

Reservations are required by calling 303-926-2795 or emailing prior to the meal date.

Zoom Happy Hour – Rocky’s West Side Story

Join the Zoom meeting at this link. Meeting ID: 880 0594 9133 Passcode: HappyHour

Tuesday, Feb. 16, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Join for a virtual history program of Rocky’s West Side Story. Do you ever wish you had lived in the pioneer days? Imagine crossing Ute trails over the mountains to camp on the shores of Colorado’s largest lake, or living in a cave on the side of a mountain while digging a ditch by hand to divert water out of the Grand River. In this program, you will explore all of these experiences and more! Presented by Lively Tours and Talks.

Movies Together – The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Friday, Feb. 19, 1 p.m. (Register by Monday, Feb. 15)

Come to the Erie Community Center and watch a movie in a small group setting. Packaged drinks and snacks will be included in your registration fee.

Sunset Strolls

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 5-6 p.m., Clayton Park

Stroll the trails of Erie as the sun is setting! Enjoy the peace and serenity of this beautiful community and maybe see an animal or two. Join staff members for an evening stroll and explore the wonder and beauty. Please dress for the weather and bring water.


Read more here.

Check out the city’s website for information on the COVID-19 closure.

City of Lafayette Senior Services
The City of Lafayette Senior Services Resource Coordinator can help you access resources, support and services, often free or low cost:

Short term financial assistance for when in a money pinch
Home health services and grants
Dental, vision & hearing aid grants
Food, meals & shopping resources
Mental health, addiction & counseling referrals
Completing various forms & applications
Advocacy & problem solving help
…and much more!

Phone: 303-472-4806

Valentine’s Celebration with Mr. Tim, the Crooner – Virtual

Friday, Feb. 12, 1-2 p.m. (Register by Feb. 8.)

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the romance and nostalgia of the 40s, 50s, and 60s with Mr. Time, the Crooner, singing favorite love songs to warm your heart. Registration includes special delivery of a treat.

Spellbinders® Storytelling – Virtual “Winter Tales and New Beginnings”

Friday, Feb. 19, 10-11 a.m.

Stories help us make sense of our world, impart a lesson, pass down history, and more. They teach us to love, to forgive, to be just and to strive for better than we have. Join Spellbinders’® trained veteran storytellers and new volunteers as they bring a variety of story genres to life. This program will be conducted online using Zoom. A link to join will be email 1-2 days prior to class. Call 303-665-9052 x 0 or email to register.

Loan Closet

If you are in need of basic mobility equipment, please reserve items and schedule a pick up time by calling 303-472-4806 or email Equipment includes: wheelchairs, walkers, knee scooters, canes, crutches, transfer benches, shower seats and temporary ramps.

Equipment returns are by appointment only on Nov. 24. Please schedule a return time by calling 303-665-9052 x 0 or email

Sign up for the Senior Spotlight to learn more about upcoming programming.

City of Louisville Senior Services
The Louisville Recreation & Senior Center is currently closed. Check out their Facebook page for reopening dates and procedures for use. Staff are available by phone or email Monday through Friday. Allow one business day to receive a return call or message.


Phone: 303-335-4919

Upcoming Events from Louisville Senior Services

Denver Art Museum Virtual Exhibition Tour

Tuesday, Feb. 23, 10-11 a.m.

Fall Prevention During the Time of COVID

Thursday, Feb. 25, 9:30-11 a.m.

Learn about more upcoming programming here!

Upcoming Classes, Some Entertainment, and Resources
The mission of Active Minds is to expand lives and minds by providing outstanding educational programs. They believe in lifelong learning and fostering active minds for life. To learn more about any of the programs listed below, please visit the Active Minds website.

Thursday, Feb. 11, 3-4 p.m. – The Roots of Rock ‘n’ Roll
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1:30-2:30 p.m. – Venice: Biography of a City
Monday, Feb. 22, 3-4 p.m. – The U.S. Electric Grid

The dementia journey can be very lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. We are fortunate to live in an area that has many resources available to offer support to all those living with this disease and their family or informal caregivers. Check out the types of resources provided by the Alzheimer’s Association at no cost to the community below. You may also be interested in information about changing caregiver needs as dementia progresses here.

Education classes are presented throughout the region and provide an excellent opportunity to receive accurate information from a reliable source.
Care consultations provide assistance in creating a written action plan that helps a family or informal caregiver know what steps they need to take next.
Support groups are available across the region at various dates and times to make it as easy as possible for family and informal caregivers of someone living with dementia to attend.
24/7 helpline is available any time you need to talk. Call 1-800-272-3900.

Every Wednesday morning at 10 a.m., Boomers Leading Change gather together around their favorite mug for great conversation and company. Check out upcoming discussions here.

Boomers Leading Change introduces new resources that support older adults who want to make friendly connections. Sign up to participate in their pen pal, email pal, and phone tree opportunities on their webpage. You can also join their new Garden Club or the Recipe Club.


Senior Planet created a series of ‘Stuck-at-Home Guides’ to walk folks through online grocery shopping, filling prescriptions, online games, and even ballet.

Senior Planet has a Virtual & Phone Tech Helpline. The Colorado Hotline is 303-218-7320.

Here’s a quick primer from Senior Planet on finding easy online puzzles and games.

You can sign up for their newsletters here.


Well Connected is a telephone-based national program that offers free weekly activities, education, friendly conversation, classes, support groups, and presentations to individuals 60 years or older anywhere in the United States for English and Spanish speakers. Activities occur throughout the day, every day, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., depending on the day. Sessions run between 30 minutes to one hour. Well Connected offers a program called Social Call, in which volunteers call participants for a weekly phone visit. For more information, email or call 877-797-7299. For more information or to register for Well Connected programs go to or call 1-877-797-7299.


CBS Sunday Morning features clips at the end of each show through their Sunday Morning Nature series. There are hours of these one to two minute clips available on their Facebook page. In addition, they offer their Rise and Shine series featuring their gorgeous theme song played by folks from around the world, the Sunday Matinee, and latest clips from the show on their Facebook Watch page. Enjoy!


Activity Recommendations from our Healthy Aging Team

Before beginning any exercise program, remember to exercise at a level that is appropriate for your current physical ability, stay close to a chair or other form of support and use as needed, modify the exercise itself for your level (i.e. sit rather than stand, if needed), modify the number of repetitions or amount of time as needed, stop if breathing becomes difficult or you have pain, and always follow your doctor of physical therapist’s guidelines.

Check out weekly Health and Wellness Tips from our team in English and Spanish.

National Institutes of Aging – Exercise and Physical Activity

National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability – In addition to physical activity videos, check out their meditation videos. Check out this strength and cardio video tailored for exercising at home.

Arthritis Foundation – Walk with Ease Exercises

Check out these free yoga and mindfulness videos from Yoga with Adriene.


@ 2021 All rights Reserved
Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, Colorado 80304
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