Webinar on Renewable Energy Design

Posted on: June 16th, 2020

Don’t forget! The Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design webinar on residential energy efficiency improvements and incentives is tomorrow, Wednesday, June 17th from 12 pm to 1 pm. We hope to see you there!


To join on the computer, click on this link:



To join by phone, dial:


Then enter PIN: ‪955 904 796#


Thanks so much!


Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e: klucas@nullsrdconsult.com


Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.



From: klucas@nullsrdconsult.com <klucas@nullsrdconsult.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 9:01 AM
To: ‘Gretchen Diefenderfer’ <gretchend@nullme.com>
Subject: RE: Webinar Announcement for Newsletter


Hi Gretchen,


Apologies for the double email – I just realized that the text of the email below has the date wrong. Can you share the updated, correct message below?


Please join the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team and Energy Smart Colorado for a webinar on residential energy efficiency improvements and incentives! The webinar will be held on Wednesday, June 17th from 12pm to 1pm. You can learn more about Energy Smart Colorado’s services at https://energysmartyes.com/. If you’re not able to attend the webinar, we will be posting a video recording, as well as the PowerPoint presentation, to https://www.resilientgoldhill.com/educational-resources within a few days of the webinar. You can also find recordings of the previous webinars on this page. We hope to see you there!


To join on the computer, click on this link:



To join by phone, dial:


Then enter PIN: ‪955 904 796#



Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

p: 817.565.2885 | e: klucas@nullsrdconsult.com


Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.



From: klucas@nullsrdconsult.com <klucas@nullsrdconsult.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 8:52 AM
To: ‘Gretchen Diefenderfer’ <gretchend@nullme.com>
Subject: Webinar Announcement for Newsletter


Hi Gretchen,


Hope you’re doing well. We are hosting another webinar on 6/17 and would love your help in getting the message out!


Please join the Gold Hill Resilient Renewable Energy Design project team and Energy Smart Colorado for a webinar on residential energy efficiency improvements and incentives! The webinar will be held on Wednesday, July 17th from 12pm to 1pm. You can learn more about Energy Smart Colorado’s services at https://energysmartyes.com/. If you’re not able to attend the webinar, we will be posting a video recording, as well as the PowerPoint presentation, to https://www.resilientgoldhill.com/educational-resources within a few days of the webinar. You can also find recordings of the previous webinars on this page. We hope to see you there!


To join on the computer, click on this link:



To join by phone, dial:


Then enter PIN: ‪955 904 796#




Kate Lucas, AICP

Project Planner | S.R.D. Consulting, LLC

P: 817.565.2885 | e: 



Sustainable. Renewable. Driven.
